Esempio n. 1
QVariant Timeline::
data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
  GESTimelineObject * object;
  object = ges_simple_timeline_layer_nth(layer, index.row());

  if (!object)
    return QVariant::fromValue(QString("Invalid index"));

  switch (role)
    case thumb_uri_role:
      return thumbForObject(object);
    case media_uri_role:
      return mediaUri(object);
    case duration_role:
      return QVariant::fromValue((double) GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_DURATION(object));
    case inpoint_role:
      return QVariant::fromValue((double) GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_INPOINT(object));
    case outpoint_role:
      return QVariant::fromValue((double) GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_INPOINT(object) +
    case duration_only_role:
      gboolean is_image;
      g_object_get (G_OBJECT(object),
		    "is-image", (gboolean *) &is_image, NULL);
      return QVariant::fromValue((bool) is_image);
      return QVariant::fromValue(QString("Invalid role " + role));
Esempio n. 2
void Timeline::
privDurationChanged(GESTimelineObject *obj)

  gint index = ges_simple_timeline_layer_index(layer, obj);

  if (index == -1)
    qDebug() << "houston, we have a problem";

  emit dataChanged(createIndex(index, 0), createIndex(index + 1, 1));
static void
gstl_recalculate (GESSimpleTimelineLayer * self)
  GList *tmp;
  gint64 pos = 0;
  gint priority = 0;
  gint transition_priority = 0;
  gint height;
  GESTimelineObject *prev_object = NULL;
  GESTimelineObject *prev_transition = NULL;
  gboolean valid = TRUE;
  GESSimpleTimelineLayerPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  priority = GES_TIMELINE_LAYER (self)->min_gnl_priority + 2;

  GST_DEBUG ("recalculating values");

  if (priv->objects && GES_IS_TIMELINE_TRANSITION (priv->objects->data)) {
    valid = FALSE;

  for (tmp = priv->objects; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
    GESTimelineObject *obj;
    guint64 dur;
    GList *l_next;

    obj = (GESTimelineObject *) tmp->data;
    height = GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_HEIGHT (obj);

    if (GES_IS_TIMELINE_SOURCE (obj)) {

      GST_LOG ("%p obj: height: %d: priority %d", obj, height, priority);

      if (G_UNLIKELY (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_START (obj) != pos)) {
        ges_timeline_object_set_start (obj, pos);

      if (G_UNLIKELY (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_PRIORITY (obj) != priority)) {
        ges_timeline_object_set_priority (obj, priority);

      transition_priority = MAX (0, priority - 1);
      priority += height;
      pos += dur;

      g_assert (priority != -1);

    } else if (GES_IS_TIMELINE_TRANSITION (obj)) {

      pos -= dur;
      if (pos < 0)
        pos = 0;

      GST_LOG ("%p obj: height: %d: trans_priority %d Position: %"
          G_GINT64_FORMAT ", duration %" G_GINT64_FORMAT, obj, height,
          transition_priority, pos, dur);

      g_assert (transition_priority != -1);

      if (G_UNLIKELY (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_START (obj) != pos))
        ges_timeline_object_set_start (obj, pos);

              transition_priority)) {
        ges_timeline_object_set_priority (obj, transition_priority);

      /* sanity checks */
      l_next = g_list_next (tmp);

      if (GES_IS_TIMELINE_TRANSITION (prev_object)) {
        GST_ERROR ("two transitions in sequence!");
        valid = FALSE;

      if (prev_object && (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_DURATION (prev_object) < dur)) {
        GST_ERROR ("transition duration exceeds that of previous neighbor!");
        valid = FALSE;

      if (l_next && (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_DURATION (l_next->data) < dur)) {
        GST_ERROR ("transition duration exceeds that of next neighbor!");
        valid = FALSE;

      if (prev_transition) {
        guint64 start, end;
        end = (GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_DURATION (prev_transition) +
            GES_TIMELINE_OBJECT_START (prev_transition));

        start = pos;

        if (end > start) {
          GST_ERROR ("%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ", %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ": "
              "overlapping transitions!", start, end);
          valid = FALSE;
      prev_transition = obj;

    prev_object = obj;


  if (prev_object && GES_IS_TIMELINE_TRANSITION (prev_object)) {
    valid = FALSE;

  GST_DEBUG ("Finished recalculating: final start pos is: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      GST_TIME_ARGS (pos));

  GES_TIMELINE_LAYER (self)->max_gnl_priority = priority;

  if (valid != self->priv->valid) {
    self->priv->valid = valid;
    g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "valid");