Esempio n. 1
BOOL FCopy (char *src, char *dst)
    HANDLE srcfh, dstfh;
    BOOL result;
    ATTRIBUTE_TYPE Attributes;
    unsigned filedate, filetime;
    GET_ATTRIBUTES(src, Attributes);

    if (Attributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to open source");
	return FALSE;

    if (_dos_creatnew( src, _A_RDONLY, &srcfh) != 0)
        if  (_dos_open( src, O_RDONLY, &srcfh) != 0) {
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to open source, error code %d", GetLastError() );
	if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
	return FALSE;

    if (_dos_getftime(srcfh, &filedate, &filetime) != 0) {
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to get time of source");
	if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
	return FALSE;

    if (_dos_creatnew( dst, _A_NORMAL, &dstfh) != 0)
        if (_dos_open( dst,  O_RDWR,   &dstfh) != 0) {
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to create destination, error code %d", GetLastError() );
	if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
	if (dstfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( dstfh );
	return FALSE;

    result = fastcopy( srcfh, dstfh );

    if(!result) {
        if (dstfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
            CloseHandle( dstfh );
            dstfh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

        DeleteFile( dst );
        if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to copy file");
        return FALSE;

    if (_dos_setftime(dstfh, filedate, filetime != 0)) {
        fprintf( stderr, "\nUnable to set time of destination");
	if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
	if (dstfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( dstfh );
	return FALSE;

    if (srcfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( srcfh );
    if (dstfh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( dstfh );
    return TRUE;

} // FCopy
Esempio n. 2
BDS_LOAD_OPTION* GetBootEntry(LPCWSTR BootEntry, int id)
    int len;
    UINT8 buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];					//Block of bytes
    BDS_LOAD_OPTION* pBootEntry;

    len = GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable(BootEntry, EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, buffer, sizeof(char) * BUFFER_SIZE); //EFI Variables names are case sensitive

    if (!len)
        return NULL;

    //Alocate New BootDevice
    pBootEntry = (BDS_LOAD_OPTION*)calloc(1, sizeof(BDS_LOAD_OPTION));
    if (!pBootEntry)
        return NULL;

    //Update BootOption ID
    pBootEntry->LoadOptionIndex = id;

    //Get Attributes
    pBootEntry->Attributes = GET_ATTRIBUTES(buffer);

    //Get FilePathListLength
    pBootEntry->FilePathListLength = GET_FILELISTLENGTH(buffer);
    if (pBootEntry->FilePathListLength > len)
        return NULL;

    //Get Description
    int descSize = wstrlen((WCHAR*)DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer));
    if (descSize == 0)
        return NULL;

    pBootEntry->Description = ALLOCATE_WCHAR_STRING(descSize);
    memcpy(pBootEntry->Description, DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer), descSize);

    DBG_INFO("%s,%d : %s\n",BootEntry, id, pBootEntry->Description);
    //Get FilePathList
    pBootEntry->FilePathList = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)calloc(1, pBootEntry->FilePathListLength);
    if (!pBootEntry->FilePathList)
        return NULL;
    memcpy(pBootEntry->FilePathList, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)(DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer) + descSize), pBootEntry->FilePathListLength);

    //UINT8 OptionalData = (UINT8)((UINT8*)pBootEntry - ((UINT8*)pBootEntry->FilePathList) + pBootEntry->FilePathListLength);
    //Read FilePathList
    //GetFilePathList(pBootEntry, buffer, descSize);

    return pBootEntry;
Esempio n. 3
BOOL ValidateBootEntry(UINT8* buffer)

    //char buffer[512];					//Block of bytes
    BDS_LOAD_OPTION* pBootEntry;

    if (!buffer)
        return FALSE;

    //Alocate New BootDevice
    pBootEntry = (BDS_LOAD_OPTION*)calloc(1, sizeof(BDS_LOAD_OPTION));
    if (!pBootEntry)
        return FALSE;

    //Get Attributes
    pBootEntry->Attributes = GET_ATTRIBUTES(buffer);

    //Get FilePathListLength
    pBootEntry->FilePathListLength = GET_FILELISTLENGTH(buffer);

    //Get Description
    int descSize = wstrlen((WCHAR*)DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer));// GET_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH(buffer);
    if (descSize == 0)
        return FALSE;

    pBootEntry->Description = ALLOCATE_WCHAR_STRING(descSize);
    if (pBootEntry->Description == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    memcpy(pBootEntry->Description, DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer), descSize);

    //Get FilePathList
    pBootEntry->FilePathList = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)calloc(1, pBootEntry->FilePathListLength);
    if (pBootEntry->FilePathList == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    memcpy(pBootEntry->FilePathList, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)(DESCRIPTION_OFFSET(buffer) + descSize), pBootEntry->FilePathListLength);

    //Read FilePathList
    //GetFilePathList(pBootEntry, buffer, descSize);

    if (pBootEntry->FilePathListLength <= 0)
        return FALSE;

    EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePathNode = pBootEntry->FilePathList;

    // File path fields
    DevicePathNode = pBootEntry->FilePathList;
    if (DevicePathType(DevicePathNode) != MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH_TYPE)
        return FALSE;

    while (!IsDevicePathEndType(DevicePathNode)) {

        DevicePathNode = NextDevicePathNode(DevicePathNode);

    GUID* pG;
    while (!IsDevicePathEndType(DevicePathNode))
        if (DevicePathNode->Type != 0x7F)
            if (DevicePathNode->Type < 0x01 || DevicePathNode->Type > 0x05)
                return FALSE;
        switch (DevicePathSubType(DevicePathNode))
            HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH* hd;
            hd = (HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *)DevicePathNode;
#if 0
            wprintf(L"\t PartitionFormat:%d\n", hd->PartitionFormat);
            wprintf(L"\t Partition No:%d\n", hd->PartitionNumber);
            wprintf(L"\t Partition Size:%d\n", hd->PartitionSize);
            wprintf(L"\t Partition Start:%d\n", hd->PartitionStart);
            wprintf(L"\t Signature type:%d\n", hd->SignatureType);
            pG = (GUID*)&hd->Signature;
            LPOLESTR xds;
            _GUID y;
            StringFromCLSID(*pG, &xds);
            wprintf(L"\t Partition Signature:%s\n", xds);

        case FILE_PATH_SUBTYPE:
            FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH* f;
            f = (FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH*)DevicePathNode;
#if 0
            wprintf(L"\t PathName:%s\n", f->PathName);

        DevicePathNode = NextDevicePathNode(DevicePathNode);

    return TRUE;