Esempio n. 1

update client flashlight
void HUD_UpdateFlashlight( cl_entity_t *pEnt )
	Vector	v_angles, forward, right, up;
	Vector	v_origin;

	if( UTIL_IsLocal( pEnt->index ))
		ref_params_t tmpRefDef = RI.refdef;

		// player seen through camera. Restore firstperson view here
		if( RI.refdef.viewentity > RI.refdef.maxclients )
			V_CalcFirstPersonRefdef( &tmpRefDef );

		v_angles = tmpRefDef.viewangles;
		v_origin = tmpRefDef.vieworg;
		// restore viewangles from angles
		v_angles[PITCH] = -pEnt->angles[PITCH] * 3;
		v_angles[YAW] = pEnt->angles[YAW];
		v_angles[ROLL] = 0;	// no roll
		v_origin = pEnt->origin;

	AngleVectors( v_angles, forward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector vecEnd = v_origin + forward * FLASHLIGHT_DISTANCE;

	pmtrace_t	trace;
	int traceFlags = PM_STUDIO_BOX;

	if( r_lighting_extended->value < 2 )
		traceFlags |= PM_GLASS_IGNORE;

	gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
	gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( v_origin, vecEnd, traceFlags, -1, &trace );
	float falloff = trace.fraction * FLASHLIGHT_DISTANCE;

	if( falloff < 250.0f ) falloff = 1.0f;
	else falloff = 250.0f / falloff;

	falloff *= falloff;

	// update flashlight endpos
	dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( pEnt->curstate.number );
	dl->origin = trace.endpos;
	dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.01f; // die on next frame
	dl->color.r = bound( 0, 255 * falloff, 255 );
	dl->color.g = bound( 0, 255 * falloff, 255 );
	dl->color.b = bound( 0, 255 * falloff, 255 );
	dl->radius = 72;

Esempio n. 2
// V_StartPitchDrift
void V_StartPitchDrift( void )
	if( pd.laststop == GET_CLIENT_TIME( ))
		// something else is keeping it from drifting

	if( pd.nodrift || !pd.pitchvel )
		pd.pitchvel = v_centerspeed->value;
		pd.driftmove = 0;
		pd.nodrift = 0;
Esempio n. 3
void R_RenderShadowmaps( void )
	ref_instance_t	oldRI;

	if( r_fullbright->value || !r_shadows->value || RI.refdef.paused || RI.drawOrtho )

	// check for dynamic lights
	if( !R_CountPlights( true )) return;

	oldRI = RI; // make refinst backup
	int oldframecount = tr.framecount;

	for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLIGHTS; i++ )
		plight_t *pl = &cl_plights[i];

		if( pl->die < GET_CLIENT_TIME() || !pl->radius )

		// TODO: allow shadows for pointlights
		if( pl->pointlight || FBitSet( pl->flags, CF_NOSHADOWS ))
			pl->shadowTexture = 0;

		// don't cull by PVS, because we may cull visible shadow here
		if( R_CullSphereExt( RI.frustum, pl->origin, pl->radius, RI.clipFlags ))


		// allow screen size
		RI.viewport[2] = RI.viewport[3] = 512;

		R_RenderShadowScene( &RI.refdef, pl );

		pl->shadowTexture = R_AllocateShadowTexture();
		RI = oldRI; // restore ref instance

	tr.framecount = oldframecount;	// restore real framecount
Esempio n. 4
// V_CalcCameraRefdef
void V_CalcCameraRefdef( struct ref_params_s *pparams )
	static float lasttime, oldz = 0;

	// get viewentity and monster eyeposition
	cl_entity_t *view = GET_ENTITY( pparams->viewentity );

 	if( view )
		pparams->vieworg = view->origin;
		pparams->viewangles = view->angles;

		// interpolate position for monsters
		if( view->curstate.movetype == MOVETYPE_STEP ) 
			float f;
			// don't do it if the goalstarttime hasn't updated in a while.
			// NOTE:  Because we need to interpolate multiplayer characters, the interpolation time limit
			//  was increased to 1.0 s., which is 2x the max lag we are accounting for.
			if(( GET_CLIENT_TIME() < view->curstate.animtime + 1.0f ) && ( view->curstate.animtime != view->latched.prevanimtime ))
				f = (GET_CLIENT_TIME() - view->curstate.animtime) / (view->curstate.animtime - view->latched.prevanimtime);

			if( !( view->curstate.effects & EF_NOINTERP ))
				// ugly hack to interpolate angle, position.
				// current is reached 0.1 seconds after being set
				f = f - 1.0f;
				f = 0.0f;

			InterpolateOrigin( view->latched.prevorigin, view->origin, pparams->vieworg, f, true );
			InterpolateAngles( view->latched.prevangles, view->angles, pparams->viewangles, f, true );

		studiohdr_t *viewmonster = (studiohdr_t *)IEngineStudio.Mod_Extradata( view->model );

		if( viewmonster && view->curstate.eflags & EFLAG_SLERP )
			Vector forward;
			AngleVectors( pparams->viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL );

			Vector viewpos = viewmonster->eyeposition;

			if( viewpos == g_vecZero )
				viewpos = Vector( 0, 0, 8 );	// monster_cockroach

			pparams->vieworg += viewpos + forward * 8;	// best value for humans
			pparams->fov_x = 100; // adjust fov for monster view
			pparams->fov_y = V_CalcFov( pparams->fov_x, pparams->viewport[2], pparams->viewport[3] );

		// this is smooth stair climbing in thirdperson mode but not affected for client model :(
		if( !pparams->smoothing && pparams->onground && view->origin[2] - oldz > 0.0f )
			float steptime;
			steptime = pparams->time - lasttime;
			if( steptime < 0 ) steptime = 0;

			oldz += steptime * 150.0f;

			if( oldz > view->origin[2] )
				oldz = view->origin[2];
			if( view->origin[2] - oldz > pparams->movevars->stepsize )
				oldz = view->origin[2] - pparams->movevars->stepsize;

			pparams->vieworg[2] += oldz - view->origin[2];
			oldz = view->origin[2];

		lasttime = pparams->time;

		if( view->curstate.effects & EF_NUKE_ROCKET )
			pparams->viewangles.x = -pparams->viewangles.x; // stupid quake bug!

		// g-cont. apply shake to camera
		gEngfuncs.V_ApplyShake( pparams->vieworg, pparams->viewangles, 1.0f );
Esempio n. 5
// V_StopPitchDrift
void V_StopPitchDrift( void )
	pd.laststop = GET_CLIENT_TIME();
	pd.nodrift = 1;
	pd.pitchvel = 0;
Esempio n. 6
void CParticleSystem :: DrawParticle( CParticle *part, Vector &right, Vector &up )
	float fSize = part->m_fSize;

	// nothing to draw?
	if( fSize <= 0 ) return;

	// frustrum visible check
	if( !ParticleIsVisible( part ))

	Vector point1, point2, point3, point4;
	Vector origin = part->origin;

	float fCosSize = CosLookup( part->m_fAngle ) * fSize;
	float fSinSize = SinLookup( part->m_fAngle ) * fSize;

	// calculate the four corners of the sprite
	point1 = origin + up * fSinSize + right * -fCosSize;
	point2 = origin + up * fCosSize + right * fSinSize;
	point3 = origin + up * -fSinSize + right * fCosSize;	
	point4 = origin + up * -fCosSize + right * -fSinSize;

	int iContents = CONTENTS_NONE;
	model_t *pModel;

	for( CParticle *pDraw = part; pDraw; pDraw = pDraw->m_pOverlay )
		if( !pDraw->pType->m_hSprite )

		if( pDraw->pType->m_iDrawCond )
			if( pDraw->pType->m_iDrawCond == CONTENT_SPOTLIGHT )
				if( !R_CountPlights( ))
					continue;	// fast reject

				for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLIGHTS; i++ )
					plight_t *pl = &cl_plights[i];

					if( pl->die < GET_CLIENT_TIME() || !pl->radius )

					if( !R_CullSphereExt( pl->frustum, part->origin, part->m_fSize + 1, pl->clipflags ))
						break; // cone intersected with particle


				if( i == MAX_PLIGHTS )
					continue;	// no intersection
				if( iContents == CONTENTS_NONE )
					iContents = POINT_CONTENTS( origin );

				if( iContents != pDraw->pType->m_iDrawCond )

		pModel = (model_t *)gEngfuncs.GetSpritePointer( pDraw->pType->m_hSprite );

		// if we've reached the end of the sprite's frames, loop back
		while (pDraw->frame > pModel->numframes)
			pDraw->frame -= pModel->numframes;

		while (pDraw->frame < 0)
			pDraw->frame += pModel->numframes;

		if( !TriSpriteTexture( pModel, (int)pDraw->frame ))

		gEngfuncs.pTriAPI->RenderMode( pDraw->pType->m_iRenderMode );

		if( m_iLightingModel >= 1 )
			color24 lightColor;
			Vector lightingColor;

			if( m_iLightingModel == 1 )
				R_LightForPoint( part->origin, &lightColor, false, true, fSize + 1 );
			else R_LightForPoint( part->origin, &lightColor, false, true, 0.0f );
			// FIXME: this code is totally wrong.
			// We need a fake lightmap here like in sprite implementation
			lightingColor.x = pDraw->m_fRed * lightColor.r * (1.0f / 255.0f);
			lightingColor.y = pDraw->m_fGreen * lightColor.g * (1.0f / 255.0f);
			lightingColor.z = pDraw->m_fBlue * lightColor.b * (1.0f / 255.0f);
			pglColor4f( lightingColor.x, lightingColor.y, lightingColor.z, pDraw->m_fAlpha );
		else pglColor4f( pDraw->m_fRed, pDraw->m_fGreen, pDraw->m_fBlue, pDraw->m_fAlpha );

		pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
			pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 0.0f );
			pglVertex3fv( point1 );

			pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 0.0f );
			pglVertex3fv( point2 );

			pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 1.0f );
			pglVertex3fv( point3 );

			pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 1.0f );
			pglVertex3fv( point4 );

		if( m_iLightingModel >=2 && R_CountPlights( ))
			for( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLIGHTS; i++ )
				plight_t *pl = &cl_plights[i];

				if( pl->die < GET_CLIENT_TIME() || !pl->radius )

				if( R_CullSphereExt( pl->frustum, part->origin, part->m_fSize + 1, pl->clipflags ))

				R_BeginDrawProjection( pl );

				pglBegin( GL_QUADS );
					pglVertex3fv( point1 );
					pglVertex3fv( point2 );
					pglVertex3fv( point3 );
					pglVertex3fv( point4 );

Esempio n. 7

Return 0 to filter entity from visible list for rendering
int HUD_AddEntity( int type, struct cl_entity_s *ent, const char *modelname )
	if( g_fRenderInitialized )
		// use engine renderer
		if( gl_renderer->value == 0 )
			return 1;

		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_SKYCAMERA )
			// found env_sky
			tr.sky_camera = ent;
			return 0;

		if( type == ET_BEAM )
			R_AddServerBeam( ent );
			return 0;

		if( !R_AddEntity( ent, type ))
			return 0;

		// apply effects
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD )
			gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_EntityParticles( ent );

		// add in muzzleflash effect
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH )
			if( ent == gEngfuncs.GetViewModel( ))
				ent->curstate.effects &= ~EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

			// make sure what attachment is valid
			if( ent->origin != ent->attachment[0] )
				dlight_t *dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocElight( 0 );

				dl->origin = ent->attachment[0];
				dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime() + 0.05f;
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 180;
				dl->color.b = 64;
				dl->radius = 100;

		// add light effect
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_LIGHT )
			dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			dl->origin = ent->origin;
			dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime();	// die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 100;
			dl->color.g = 100;
			dl->color.b = 100;
			dl->radius = 200;
			gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketFlare( ent->origin );

		// add dimlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT )
			if( type == ET_PLAYER )
				HUD_UpdateFlashlight( ent );
				dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
				dl->origin = ent->origin;
				dl->die = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime();	// die at next frame
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 255;
				dl->color.b = 255;
				dl->radius = gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 200, 230 );

		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT )
			dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( 0 );
			dl->origin = ent->origin;
			dl->origin.z += 16;
			dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.001f; // die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;

			if( type == ET_PLAYER )
				dl->radius = 430;
			else dl->radius = gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 400, 430 );

		// projected light can be attached like as normal dlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_PROJECTED_LIGHT )
			plight_t	*pl = CL_AllocPlight( ent->curstate.number );
			float factor = 1.0f;

			if( ent->curstate.renderfx )
				factor = RI.lightstylevalue[ent->curstate.renderfx] * (1.0f/255.0f);

			if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
				pl->color.r = pl->color.g = pl->color.b = 255;
				pl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
				pl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
				pl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

			pl->color.r *= factor;
			pl->color.g *= factor;
			pl->color.b *= factor;

			float radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 500; // default light radius
			float fov = ent->curstate.iuser2 ? ent->curstate.iuser2 : 50;
			pl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.05f; // die at next frame
			pl->flags = ent->curstate.iuser1;
			Vector origin, angles;

			R_GetLightVectors( ent, origin, angles );
			R_SetupLightProjectionTexture( pl, ent );
			R_SetupLightProjection( pl, origin, angles, radius, fov );
			R_SetupLightAttenuationTexture( pl, ent->curstate.renderamt );

		// dynamic light can be attached like as normal dlight
		if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DYNAMIC_LIGHT )
			if( tr.attenuationTexture3D && tr.dlightCubeTexture )
				plight_t	*pl = CL_AllocPlight( ent->curstate.number );
				float factor = 1.0f;

				if( ent->curstate.renderfx )
					factor = RI.lightstylevalue[ent->curstate.renderfx] * (1.0f/255.0f);
					factor = bound( 0.0f, factor, 1.0f );

				if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
					pl->color.r = pl->color.g = pl->color.b = 255;
					pl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
					pl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
					pl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

				pl->color.r *= factor;
				pl->color.g *= factor;
				pl->color.b *= factor;

				float radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 300; // default light radius
				pl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.05f; // die at next frame
				pl->flags = ent->curstate.iuser1;
				pl->projectionTexture = tr.dlightCubeTexture;
				pl->pointlight = true;
				Vector origin, angles;

				R_GetLightVectors( ent, origin, angles );

				if( pl->flags & CF_NOLIGHT_IN_SOLID )
					pmtrace_t	tr;

					// test the lights who stuck in the solid geometry
					gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_SetTraceHull( 2 );
					gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlayerTrace( origin, origin, PM_STUDIO_IGNORE, -1, &tr );

					// an experimental feature for point lights
					if( tr.allsolid ) radius = 0.0f;

				if( radius != 0.0f )
					R_SetupLightProjection( pl, origin, angles, radius, 90.0f );
					R_SetupLightAttenuationTexture( pl );
					// light in solid
					pl->radius = 0.0f;
				// cubemaps or 3d textures isn't supported: use old-style dlights
				dlight_t	*dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( 0 );

				if( ent->curstate.rendercolor.r == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.g == 0 && ent->curstate.rendercolor.b == 0 )
					dl->color.r = dl->color.g = dl->color.b = 255;
					dl->color.r = ent->curstate.rendercolor.r;
					dl->color.g = ent->curstate.rendercolor.g;
					dl->color.b = ent->curstate.rendercolor.b;

				dl->radius = ent->curstate.scale ? (ent->curstate.scale * 8.0f) : 300; // default light radius
				dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.001f; // die at next frame
				dl->origin = ent->origin;

		if( ent->model->type == mod_studio )
			if (ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROTATE)
				ent->angles[1] = anglemod(100 * GET_CLIENT_TIME());

			if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GIB )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 2 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ZOMGIB )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 4 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 3 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER2 )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 5 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROCKET )
				dlight_t *dl = gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
				dl->origin = ent->origin;
				dl->color.r = 255;
				dl->color.g = 255;
				dl->color.b = 255;

				// HACKHACK: get radius from head entity
				if( ent->curstate.rendermode != kRenderNormal )
					dl->radius = max( 0, ent->curstate.renderamt - 55 );
				else dl->radius = 200;
				dl->die = GET_CLIENT_TIME() + 0.01;

				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 0 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GRENADE )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 1 );
			else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER3 )
				gEngfuncs.pEfxAPI->R_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 6 );
		return 0;

	return 1;