Esempio n. 1
** Function         gatt_init
** Description      This function is enable the GATT profile on the device.
**                  It clears out the control blocks, and registers with L2CAP.
** Returns          void
void gatt_init (void)
    tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG  fixed_reg;


    memset (&gatt_cb, 0, sizeof(tGATT_CB));
    memset (&fixed_reg, 0, sizeof(tL2CAP_FIXED_CHNL_REG));

    gatt_cb.trace_level = GATT_INITIAL_TRACE_LEVEL;
    gatt_cb.trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE;    /* No traces */
    gatt_cb.def_mtu_size = GATT_DEF_BLE_MTU_SIZE;
    GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.sign_op_queue);
    GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.srv_chg_clt_q);
    GKI_init_q (&gatt_cb.pending_new_srv_start_q);
    /* First, register fixed L2CAP channel for ATT over BLE */
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mode         = L2CAP_FCR_BASIC_MODE;
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.max_transmit = 0xFF;
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.rtrans_tout  = 2000;
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mon_tout     = 12000;
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.mps          = 670;
    fixed_reg.fixed_chnl_opts.tx_win_sz    = 1;

    fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedConn_Cb = gatt_le_connect_cback;
    fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedData_Cb = gatt_le_data_ind;
    fixed_reg.pL2CA_FixedCong_Cb = gatt_le_cong_cback;      /* congestion callback */
    fixed_reg.default_idle_tout  = 0xffff;                  /* 0xffff default idle timeout */

    L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel (L2CAP_ATT_CID, &fixed_reg);

    /* Now, register with L2CAP for ATT PSM over BR/EDR */
    if (!L2CA_Register (BT_PSM_ATT, (tL2CAP_APPL_INFO *) &dyn_info))
        GATT_TRACE_ERROR ("ATT Dynamic Registration failed");

    BTM_SetSecurityLevel(TRUE, "", BTM_SEC_SERVICE_ATT, BTM_SEC_NONE, BT_PSM_ATT, 0, 0);

    gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.gatt_start_hdl = GATT_GATT_START_HANDLE;
    gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.gap_start_hdl  = GATT_GAP_START_HANDLE;
    gatt_cb.hdl_cfg.app_start_hdl  = GATT_APP_START_HANDLE;

** Function         bta_pan_conn_state_cback
** Description      Connection state callback from Pan profile
** Returns          void
static void bta_pan_conn_state_cback(UINT16 handle, BD_ADDR bd_addr, tPAN_RESULT state,
                                     BOOLEAN is_role_change, UINT8 src_role, UINT8 dst_role)

    tBTA_PAN_CONN * p_buf;
    tBTA_PAN_SCB     *p_scb;

    if ((p_buf = (tBTA_PAN_CONN *) GKI_getbuf(sizeof(tBTA_PAN_CONN))) != NULL)
        if((state == PAN_SUCCESS) && !is_role_change)
            p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_PAN_CONN_OPEN_EVT;
            if((p_scb = bta_pan_scb_by_handle(handle)) == NULL)
                /* allocate an scb */
                p_scb = bta_pan_scb_alloc();

            /* we have exceeded maximum number of connections */
                PAN_Disconnect (handle);

            p_scb->handle = handle;
            p_scb->local_role = src_role;
            p_scb->peer_role = dst_role;
            p_scb->pan_flow_enable = TRUE;
            bdcpy(p_scb->bd_addr, bd_addr);

            if(src_role == PAN_ROLE_CLIENT)
                p_scb->app_id = bta_pan_cb.app_id[0];
            else if (src_role == PAN_ROLE_GN_SERVER)
                p_scb->app_id = bta_pan_cb.app_id[1];
            else if (src_role == PAN_ROLE_NAP_SERVER)
                p_scb->app_id = bta_pan_cb.app_id[2];

        else if((state != PAN_SUCCESS) && !is_role_change)
            p_buf->hdr.event = BTA_PAN_CONN_CLOSE_EVT;


        p_buf->result = state;
        p_buf->hdr.layer_specific = handle;


** Function         AVDT_WriteReqOpt
** Description      Send a media packet to the peer device.  The stream must
**                  be started before this function is called.  Also, this
**                  function can only be called if the stream is a SRC.
**                  When AVDTP has sent the media packet and is ready for the
**                  next packet, an AVDT_WRITE_CFM_EVT is sent to the
**                  application via the control callback.  The application must
**                  wait for the AVDT_WRITE_CFM_EVT before it makes the next
**                  call to AVDT_WriteReq().  If the applications calls
**                  AVDT_WriteReq() before it receives the event the packet
**                  will not be sent.  The application may make its first call
**                  to AVDT_WriteReq() after it receives an AVDT_START_CFM_EVT
**                  or AVDT_START_IND_EVT.
**                  The application passes the packet using the BT_HDR structure.
**                  This structure is described in section 2.1.  The offset
**                  field must be equal to or greater than AVDT_MEDIA_OFFSET
**                  (if NO_RTP is specified, L2CAP_MIN_OFFSET can be used).
**                  This allows enough space in the buffer for the L2CAP and
**                  AVDTP headers.
**                  The memory pointed to by p_pkt must be a GKI buffer
**                  allocated by the application.  This buffer will be freed
**                  by the protocol stack; the application must not free
**                  this buffer.
**                  The opt parameter allows passing specific options like:
**                  - NO_RTP : do not add the RTP header to buffer
** Returns          AVDT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error.
UINT16 AVDT_WriteReqOpt(UINT8 handle, BT_HDR *p_pkt, UINT32 time_stamp, UINT8 m_pt, tAVDT_DATA_OPT_MASK opt)
    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb;
    tAVDT_SCB_EVT   evt;
    UINT16          result = AVDT_SUCCESS;


    /* map handle to scb */
    if ((p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(handle)) == NULL)
        result = AVDT_BAD_HANDLE;
        evt.apiwrite.p_buf = p_pkt;
        evt.apiwrite.time_stamp = time_stamp;
        evt.apiwrite.m_pt = m_pt;
        evt.apiwrite.opt = opt;
        GKI_init_q (&evt.apiwrite.frag_q);
        avdt_scb_event(p_scb, AVDT_SCB_API_WRITE_REQ_EVT, &evt);

    return result;
Esempio n. 4
** Function         AVDT_WriteDataReq
** Description      Send a media packet to the peer device.  The stream must
**                  be started before this function is called.  Also, this
**                  function can only be called if the stream is a SRC.
**                  When AVDTP has sent the media packet and is ready for the
**                  next packet, an AVDT_WRITE_CFM_EVT is sent to the
**                  application via the control callback.  The application must
**                  wait for the AVDT_WRITE_CFM_EVT before it makes the next
**                  call to AVDT_WriteDataReq().  If the applications calls
**                  AVDT_WriteDataReq() before it receives the event the packet
**                  will not be sent.  The application may make its first call
**                  to AVDT_WriteDataReq() after it receives an
**                  AVDT_START_CFM_EVT or AVDT_START_IND_EVT.
** Returns          AVDT_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise error.
extern UINT16 AVDT_WriteDataReq(UINT8 handle, UINT8 *p_data, UINT32 data_len,
                                UINT32 time_stamp, UINT8 m_pt, UINT8 marker)

    tAVDT_SCB       *p_scb;
    tAVDT_SCB_EVT   evt;
    UINT16          result = AVDT_SUCCESS;

    do {
        /* check length of media frame */
        if (data_len > AVDT_MAX_MEDIA_SIZE) {
            result = AVDT_BAD_PARAMS;
        /* map handle to scb */
        if ((p_scb = avdt_scb_by_hdl(handle)) == NULL) {
            result = AVDT_BAD_HANDLE;
        AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("mux_tsid_media:%d\n", p_scb->curr_cfg.mux_tsid_media);

        if (p_scb->p_pkt != NULL
                || p_scb->p_ccb == NULL
                || !GKI_queue_is_empty(&p_scb->frag_q)
                || p_scb->frag_off != 0
                || p_scb->curr_cfg.mux_tsid_media == 0) {
            result = AVDT_ERR_BAD_STATE;
            AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("p_scb->p_pkt=%p, p_scb->p_ccb=%p, IsQueueEmpty=%x, p_scb->frag_off=%x\n",
                               p_scb->p_pkt, p_scb->p_ccb, GKI_queue_is_empty(&p_scb->frag_q), p_scb->frag_off);
        evt.apiwrite.p_buf = 0; /* it will indicate using of fragments queue frag_q */
        /* create queue of media fragments */
        GKI_init_q (&evt.apiwrite.frag_q);

        /* compose fragments from media payload and put fragments into gueue */
        avdt_scb_queue_frags(p_scb, &p_data, &data_len, &evt.apiwrite.frag_q);

        if (GKI_queue_is_empty(&evt.apiwrite.frag_q)) {
            AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("AVDT_WriteDataReq out of GKI buffers");
            result = AVDT_ERR_RESOURCE;
        evt.apiwrite.data_len = data_len;
        evt.apiwrite.p_data = p_data;

        /* process the fragments queue */
        evt.apiwrite.time_stamp = time_stamp;
        evt.apiwrite.m_pt = m_pt | (marker << 7);
        avdt_scb_event(p_scb, AVDT_SCB_API_WRITE_REQ_EVT, &evt);
    } while (0);

    if (result != AVDT_SUCCESS) {
        AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("*** AVDT_WriteDataReq failed result=%d\n", result);
    return result;
Esempio n. 5
** Function         avdt_scb_alloc
** Description      Allocate a stream control block.
** Returns          pointer to the scb, or NULL if none could be allocated.
tAVDT_SCB *avdt_scb_alloc(tAVDT_CS *p_cs)
    tAVDT_SCB   *p_scb = &[0];
    int         i;

    /* find available scb */
    for (i = 0; i < AVDT_NUM_SEPS; i++, p_scb++)
        if (!p_scb->allocated)
            p_scb->allocated = TRUE;
            p_scb->p_ccb = NULL;

            /* initialize sink as activated */
            if (p_cs->tsep == AVDT_TSEP_SNK)
                p_scb->sink_activated = TRUE;

            memcpy(&p_scb->cs, p_cs, sizeof(tAVDT_CS));
            /* initialize fragments gueue */

            if(p_cs->cfg.psc_mask & AVDT_PSC_MUX)
                p_scb->cs.cfg.mux_tcid_media = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(AVDT_CHAN_MEDIA, p_scb);
                if(p_cs->cfg.psc_mask & AVDT_PSC_REPORT)
                    p_scb->cs.cfg.mux_tcid_report = avdt_ad_type_to_tcid(AVDT_CHAN_REPORT, p_scb);
            p_scb->timer_entry.param = (UINT32) p_scb;
            AVDT_TRACE_DEBUG("avdt_scb_alloc hdl=%d, psc_mask:0x%x", i+1, p_cs->cfg.psc_mask);

    if (i == AVDT_NUM_SEPS)
        /* out of ccbs */
        p_scb = NULL;
        AVDT_TRACE_WARNING("Out of scbs");

    return p_scb;
static void init_rfc_slots()
    int i;
    memset(rfc_slots, 0, sizeof(rfc_slot_t)*MAX_RFC_CHANNEL);
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_RFC_CHANNEL; i++)
        rfc_slots[i].scn = -1;
        rfc_slots[i].sdp_handle = 0;
        rfc_slots[i].fd = rfc_slots[i].app_fd = -1;
static void init_l2c_slots()
    int i;
    memset(l2c_slots, 0, sizeof(l2c_slot_t)*MAX_L2C_SOCK_CHANNEL);
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_L2C_SOCK_CHANNEL; i++)
        l2c_slots[i].psm = -1;
        l2c_slots[i].f.client = FALSE;
        l2c_slots[i].put_size_set = FALSE;
        l2c_slots[i].sdp_handle = 0;
        l2c_slots[i].l2c_handle = INVALID_L2C_HANDLE;
        l2c_slots[i].fd = l2c_slots[i].app_fd = -1;
        l2c_slots[i].id = BASE_L2C_SLOT_ID + i;
** Function         bta_pan_conn_close
** Description      process connection close event
** Returns          void
void bta_pan_conn_close(tBTA_PAN_SCB *p_scb, tBTA_PAN_DATA *p_data)

    tBTA_PAN_CLOSE data;
    BT_HDR *p_buf;

    data.handle = p_data->hdr.layer_specific;

    bta_sys_conn_close( BTA_ID_PAN ,p_scb->app_id, p_scb->bd_addr);

    /* free all queued up data buffers */
    while((p_buf = (BT_HDR *)GKI_dequeue(&p_scb->data_queue)) != NULL)


    bta_pan_co_close(p_scb->handle, p_scb->app_id);


    bta_pan_cb.p_cback(BTA_PAN_CLOSE_EVT, (tBTA_PAN *)&data);
