int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { size_t i=0; int err=0; if (!options->skip) { double* v=NULL; size_t size=0; if ( options->repack ) { GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),0); v = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); if(!v) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to allocate %d bytes\n",(int)(size*sizeof(double))); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",v,&size),0); } if (options->set_values_count != 0) { err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values,options->set_values_count); if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if ( options->repack ) { if (grib_options_on("d:")) { for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = options->constant; } #if 0 if (grib_options_on("n:")) { for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = options->constant; } #endif if (err == GRIB_SUCCESS) { GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",v,size),0); } free(v); } if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if (!options->skip || !options->strict) grib_tools_write_message(options,h); return 0; }
static grib_values* get_key_values(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h) { int i=0; int ret=0; char value[MAX_STRING_LEN]={0,}; char* notfound="not found"; for (i=0;i<options->print_keys_count;i++) { size_t len=MAX_STRING_LEN; ret=GRIB_SUCCESS; if (grib_is_missing(h,options->print_keys[i].name,&ret) && ret==GRIB_SUCCESS) { options->print_keys[i].type=GRIB_TYPE_MISSING; sprintf(value,"MISSING"); } else if ( ret != GRIB_NOT_FOUND ){ if (options->print_keys[i].type == GRIB_TYPE_UNDEFINED) { grib_get_native_type(h,options->print_keys[i].name,&(options->print_keys[i].type)); } switch (options->print_keys[i].type) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: ret=grib_get_string( h,options->print_keys[i].name,value,&len); break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: ret=grib_get_double( h,options->print_keys[i].name, &(options->print_keys[i].double_value)); sprintf(value,"%g",options->print_keys[i].double_value); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: ret=grib_get_long( h,options->print_keys[i].name, &(options->print_keys[i].long_value)); sprintf(value,"%ld",(long)options->print_keys[i].long_value); break; default: fprintf(dump_file,"invalid type for %s\n",options->print_keys[i].name); exit(1); } } if (ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) { if (options->fail) GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(ret,options->print_keys[i].name); if (ret == GRIB_NOT_FOUND) strcpy(value,notfound); else { fprintf(dump_file,"%s %s\n",grib_get_error_message(ret),options->print_keys[i].name); exit(ret); } } options->print_keys[i].string_value=strdup(value); } return options->print_keys; }
int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options,grib_handle* h) { size_t size=4; int err = 0; if (!options->skip) { if (options->set_values_count != 0) { err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values,options->set_values_count); } if (err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if (options->latlon) { int err=0; double min; int i; if (!n) n=grib_nearest_new(h,&err); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(err,0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_nearest_find(n,h,lat,lon,mode, options->lats,options->lons,options->values, options->distances,options->indexes,&size),0); min=options->distances[0]; options->latlon_idx=0; i=0; for (i=1;i<4;i++) { if (min>options->distances[i]) { min=options->distances[i]; options->latlon_idx=i; } } } return 0; }
int grib_tool_init(grib_runtime_options* options) { int set=0; grib_rule* r=NULL; options->rules = grib_parse_rules_file(NULL,options->infile_extra->name); if(!options->rules) { printf("Unable to build rules from %s\n",options->infile_extra->name); exit(1); } r = options->rules; set = 0; while(r) { if(!r->condition) { grib_rule_entry* e = r->entries; while(e) { Assert(set < (sizeof(options->set_values)/sizeof(options->set_values[0]))); options->set_values[set].name = e->name; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_expression_set_value(NULL,e->value,&(options->set_values[set])),NULL); set++; e = e->next; } } r = r->next; } options->set_values_count=set; if(options->verbose) { printf("Fixed rules:\n"); printf("------------\n"); grib_print_values(options->set_values, options->set_values_count); printf("\n"); } /* if (options->outfile && options->outfile->name) { options->outfile->file = fopen(options->outfile->name,"w"); if(!options->outfile->file) { perror(options->outfile->name); exit(1); } } */ return 0; }
int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { grib_rule* r = options->rules; int i; int err=0; double scale = 1; double offset = 0; int set = options->set_values_count; while(r) { if(r->condition) { long ok = 0; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_expression_evaluate_long(h,r->condition,&ok),NULL); if(ok) { grib_rule_entry* e = r->entries; while(e) { if (!strcmp(e->name,"skip")) return 0; Assert(set < (sizeof(options->set_values)/sizeof(options->set_values[0]))); options->set_values[set].name = e->name; options->set_values[set].error=grib_expression_set_value(h, e->value,&(options->set_values[set])); set++; e = e->next; } } } r = r->next; } if(options->verbose) { printf("Applying %d:\n",options->infile->handle_count); grib_print_values(options->set_values, set); printf("\n"); } err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values, set); if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS) { for(i = 0; i < options->set_values_count ; i++) { if(options->set_values[i].error != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->set_values[i].error != GRIB_CONCEPT_NO_MATCH && options->fail) grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR,"unable to set key \"%s\" (%s)", options->set_values[i].name,grib_get_error_message( options->set_values[i].error)); } } grib_get_double(h,"scaleValuesBy",&scale); grib_get_double(h,"offsetValuesBy",&offset); if(scale != 1 || offset != 0) { double *v; size_t size; int i; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),0); v = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); if(!v) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(size*sizeof(double))); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",v,&size),0); if(options->verbose) { printf("Applying scale=%g/offset=%g\n",scale,offset); } for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = v[i] * scale + offset; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",v,size),0); free(v); } grib_tools_write_message(options,h); return 0; }
/* The options have been parsed and the structure grib_runtime_options* options has been loaded. Initialisation and startup can be done here */ int grib_tool_init(grib_runtime_options* options) { char *theEnd = NULL, *end1=NULL; size_t size=4; int ret=0; double min=0,max=0; int i=0; char* p=NULL; if (options->latlon && grib_options_on("j")) { options->verbose=0; json_latlon=1; } if (options->latlon) { lat = strtod(options->latlon,&theEnd); if (*theEnd != ',') { printf("ERROR: wrong latitude value\n"); exit(1); } lon= strtod(++theEnd,&end1); mode=GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_POINT | GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_GRID; if (end1 && *end1 == ',') { end1++; if (*end1 != '0') { p=end1; while (*p != ',' && *p !='\0') p++; if (*end1 == '4') { options->latlon_mode=4; } else if (*end1 == '1') { options->latlon_mode=1; } else { printf("ERROR %s: wrong mode given in option -l\n",grib_tool_name); exit(1); } } if (*p == ',') { p++; options->latlon_mask=strdup(p); } } } if (options->latlon && options->latlon_mask) { FILE* f=NULL; grib_handle* hh; int idx=0, land_found=0; double min_overall = 0.0; int idx_overall = -1; f=fopen(options->latlon_mask,"r"); if(!f) { perror(options->latlon_mask); exit(1); } hh=grib_handle_new_from_file(0,f,&ret); fclose(f); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(ret,0); n=grib_nearest_new(hh,&ret); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(ret,0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_nearest_find(n,hh,lat,lon,mode, options->lats,options->lons,options->mask_values,options->distances,options->indexes,&size),0); grib_nearest_delete(n); n=NULL; grib_handle_delete(hh); options->latlon_idx=-1; max=options->distances[0]; for (i=0;i<4;i++) if (max<options->distances[i]) {max=options->distances[i];} min=max; min_overall=max; /* See GRIB-213 */ for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (min_overall >= options->distances[i]) { /* find overall min and index ignoring mask */ min_overall = options->distances[i]; idx_overall = i; } if ((min >= options->distances[i]) && (options->mask_values[i] >= 0.5)) { land_found=1; /* found at least one point which is land */ min = options->distances[i]; idx = i; } } if (land_found) { options->latlon_idx=idx; } else { options->latlon_idx=idx_overall; /* all points were sea, so pick the min overall */ } if (options->latlon_idx<0){ min=0; options->latlon_idx=0; for (i=1;i<4;i++) if (min>options->distances[i]) { min = options->distances[i]; options->latlon_idx=i; } } } if (json_latlon) printf("[\n"); return 0; }
/* A new handle is available from the current input file and can be processed here. The handle available in this function is in the set of messages satisfying the constraint of the -w option. They are not to be skipped. */ int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { size_t size=4; double v=0; int err=0; int i; if (!options->skip) { if (options->set_values_count != 0) err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values,options->set_values_count); if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if (options->latlon) { int err=0; double min; if (!n) n=grib_nearest_new(h,&err); if (err == GRIB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { char grid_type[100]; size_t grid_type_len=100; int err1=grib_get_string(h, "gridType", grid_type, &grid_type_len); if (err1 == GRIB_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr,"Nearest neighbour functionality is not supported for grid type: %s\n", grid_type); } } GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(err,0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_nearest_find(n,h,lat,lon,0, options->lats,options->lons,options->values, options->distances,options->indexes,&size),0); if (!options->latlon_mask) { min=options->distances[0]; options->latlon_idx=0; i=0; for (i=1;i<4;i++) { if (min>options->distances[i]) { min=options->distances[i]; options->latlon_idx=i; } } } if (json_latlon) { char* s="\n[\n"; double missingValue=9999; char value[MAX_STRING_LEN]; size_t len=MAX_STRING_LEN; printf("%s",new_handle); printf("{\n"); print_key_values(options,h); printf("\n, \"selected\" : %d",options->latlon_idx); printf(", \"method\" : "); if (options->latlon_mask) printf("\"nearest_land\""); else printf("\"nearest\""); printf("\n, \"neighbours\" : "); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { printf("%s",s); len=MAX_STRING_LEN; printf("{\"index\" : %d, \"latitude\" : %g, \"longitude\" : %g, \"distance\" : %g, " "\"distance_unit\" : \"km\", ", (int)options->indexes[i],options->lats[i],options->lons[i], options->distances[i]); if (grib_get_double_element(h,"values",options->indexes[i],&v) == GRIB_SUCCESS) { if (v==missingValue) printf("\"value\" : null "); else printf("\"value\" : %g ",v); } if (grib_get_string( h,"units",value,&len)==GRIB_SUCCESS) printf(", \"unit\" : \"%s\"",value); if (options->latlon_mask) printf(", \"mask_value\" : %.2f",options->mask_values[i]); printf("}"); s="\n,"; } printf("\n]"); printf("\n}"); } } new_handle="\n,"; return 0; }
int grib_tool_init(grib_runtime_options* options) { char *end = NULL, *end1=NULL; size_t size=4; int ret=0; double min=0,max=0; int i=0; char* p=NULL; options->print_header=0; options->print_statistics=0; options->default_print_width=-1; if (options->latlon) { lat = strtod(options->latlon,&end); if (*end != ',') { printf("ERROR: wrong latitude value\n"); exit(1); } lon= strtod(++end,&end1); mode=GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_POINT | GRIB_NEAREST_SAME_GRID; if (end1 && *end1 == ',') { end1++; if (*end1 != '0') { p=end1; while (*p != ',' && *p !='\0') p++; if (*end1 == '4') { options->latlon_mode=4; } else if (*end1 == '1') { options->latlon_mode=1; } else { printf("ERROR %s: wrong mode given in option -l\n",grib_tool_name); exit(1); } } if (*p == ',') { p++; options->latlon_mask=strdup(p); } } } if (options->latlon && options->latlon_mask) { FILE* f=NULL; grib_handle* hh; f=fopen(options->latlon_mask,"r"); if(!f) { perror(options->latlon_mask); exit(1); } hh=grib_handle_new_from_file(0,f,&ret); fclose(f); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(ret,0); n=grib_nearest_new(hh,&ret); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(ret,0); GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_nearest_find(n,hh,lat,lon,mode, options->lats,options->lons,options->mask_values,options->distances,options->indexes,&size),0); grib_nearest_delete(n); n=NULL; grib_handle_delete( hh); options->latlon_idx=-1; max=options->distances[0]; for (i=0;i<4;i++) if (max<options->distances[i]) {max=options->distances[i];} min=max; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if ((min >= options->distances[i]) && (options->mask_values[i] >= 0.5)) { options->latlon_idx=i; min = options->distances[i]; } } if (options->latlon_idx<0){ min=0; options->latlon_idx=0; for (i=1;i<4;i++) if (min>options->distances[i]) { min = options->distances[i]; options->latlon_idx=i; } } } return 0; }