gsl_complex gsl_complex_sqrt(gsl_complex a) { /* z=sqrt(a) */ gsl_complex z; if (GSL_REAL(a) == 0.0 && GSL_IMAG(a) == 0.0) { GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, 0, 0); } else { double x = fabs(GSL_REAL(a)); double y = fabs(GSL_IMAG(a)); double w; if (x >= y) { double t = y / x; w = sqrt(x) * sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + t * t))); } else { double t = x / y; w = sqrt(y) * sqrt(0.5 * (t + sqrt(1.0 + t * t))); } if (GSL_REAL(a) >= 0.0) { double ai = GSL_IMAG(a); GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, w, ai / (2.0 * w)); } else { double ai = GSL_IMAG(a); double vi = (ai >= 0) ? w : -w; GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, ai / (2.0 * vi), vi); } } return z; }
int gsl_sf_complex_psi_e( const double x, const double y, gsl_sf_result * result_re, gsl_sf_result * result_im ) { if(x >= 0.0) { gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_rect(x, y); return psi_complex_rhp(z, result_re, result_im); } else { /* reflection formula [Abramowitz+Stegun, 6.3.7] */ gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_rect(x, y); gsl_complex omz = gsl_complex_rect(1.0 - x, -y); gsl_complex zpi = gsl_complex_mul_real(z, M_PI); gsl_complex cotzpi = gsl_complex_cot(zpi); int ret_val = psi_complex_rhp(omz, result_re, result_im); if(GSL_IS_REAL(GSL_REAL(cotzpi)) && GSL_IS_REAL(GSL_IMAG(cotzpi))) { result_re->val -= M_PI * GSL_REAL(cotzpi); result_im->val -= M_PI * GSL_IMAG(cotzpi); return ret_val; } else { GSL_ERROR("singularity", GSL_EDOM); } } }
// // we update shadowing and pathloss coefficients for all the links tx -> rx // void MCPMPCoeffs::SpatialChannelUpdate() { for (int i=0; i<_M; i++) { // user i (tx) for (int ii=0;ii<=i;ii++) { // user ii (rx) // we are considering the spatial channel tx-rx, so we get the sostheta(j) vector // and we compute the shadowing coefficient for the position of rx (rx_lon,rx_lat) gsl_complex txPos = gsl_vector_complex_get(geoPositions,i); // lat,lon gsl_complex rxPos = gsl_vector_complex_get(geoPositions,ii+_M); // lat,lon double txPosLat = GSL_REAL(txPos); double txPosLon = GSL_IMAG(txPos); double rxPosLat = GSL_REAL(rxPos); double rxPosLon = GSL_IMAG(rxPos); double deltaLat = rxPosLat-txPosLat; // ok double deltaLon = rxPosLon-txPosLon; // be careful around 180E/W double meanLat = (rxPosLat+txPosLat)/2.0; // be careful around poles if (deltaLon > 180) // es Lon1 =-179 Lon2=179 D=2 deltaLon -= 360; if (deltaLon < -180) deltaLon += 360; double x= deltaLon * 111111 * gsl_sf_cos(meanLat*M_PI_OVER_180); // cartesian x position around tx (in m) double y= deltaLat * 111111; // cartesian y position arond tx (in m) // shadowing i->ii double shadowdb=0; for (int j=0; j<SOSN; j++){ double th = gsl_matrix_get(sostheta,i*_M+ii,j); double fxn = gsl_vector_get(sosfxn,j); double fyn = gsl_vector_get(sosfyn,j); shadowdb += sosc * gsl_sf_cos(2.0 * M_PI * ( fxn * x + fyn * y + th)); } // for j // // PATHLOSS MODEL // double dist = sqrt(x*x+y*y); // metres double plossdb = mudisp::OkumuraHataCitydB(dist,1500); //double plossdb = mudisp::OkumuraHataMetrodB(dist,1500); //cout << "rx[" << i << "] x=" << x << " y=" << y << " ploss=" // << -plossdb << " shadow=" << shadowdb << " dist=" << dist << endl; // double cx = mudisp::dbtolin(-0.5 * plossdb + SOSsigma() * shadowdb ); gsl_matrix_set(pathLoss,i,ii,cx); gsl_matrix_set(pathLoss,ii,i,cx); // it's symmetric ! } // for ii } // for i }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_add(gsl_complex a, gsl_complex b) { /* z=a+b */ double ar = GSL_REAL(a), ai = GSL_IMAG(a); double br = GSL_REAL(b), bi = GSL_IMAG(b); gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, ar + br, ai + bi); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_sub(gsl_complex a, gsl_complex b) { /* z=a-b */ double ar = GSL_REAL(a), ai = GSL_IMAG(a); double br = GSL_REAL(b), bi = GSL_IMAG(b); gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, ar - br, ai - bi); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_mul(gsl_complex a, gsl_complex b) { /* z=a*b */ double ar = GSL_REAL(a), ai = GSL_IMAG(a); double br = GSL_REAL(b), bi = GSL_IMAG(b); gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX(&z, ar * br - ai * bi, ar * bi + ai * br); return z; }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const complex_spinor & c_spinor){ int i; int nSitios = c_spinor._numSites; for(i=0;i<nSitios;i++){ os << "[(" << GSL_REAL(c_spinor.complex_spinor_get(i,UP))<<" + i. "<<GSL_IMAG(c_spinor.complex_spinor_get(i,UP))<<")]"<<std::endl; os << "[(" << GSL_REAL(c_spinor.complex_spinor_get(i,DOWN))<<" + i. "<<GSL_IMAG(c_spinor.complex_spinor_get(i,DOWN))<<")]"<<std::endl; } return os; }
void test_eigen_genherm_results (const gsl_matrix_complex * A, const gsl_matrix_complex * B, const gsl_vector * eval, const gsl_matrix_complex * evec, size_t count, const char * desc, const char * desc2) { const size_t N = A->size1; size_t i, j; gsl_vector_complex * x = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(N); gsl_vector_complex * y = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(N); /* check A v = lambda B v */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { double ei = gsl_vector_get (eval, i); gsl_vector_complex_const_view vi = gsl_matrix_complex_const_column(evec, i); double norm = gsl_blas_dznrm2(&vi.vector); /* check that eigenvector is normalized */ gsl_test_rel(norm, 1.0, N * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "genherm(N=%u,cnt=%u), %s, normalized(%d), %s", N, count, desc, i, desc2); /* compute y = A z */ gsl_blas_zgemv (CblasNoTrans, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, A, &vi.vector, GSL_COMPLEX_ZERO, y); /* compute x = B z */ gsl_blas_zgemv (CblasNoTrans, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, B, &vi.vector, GSL_COMPLEX_ZERO, x); /* compute x = lambda B z */ gsl_blas_zdscal(ei, x); /* now test if y = x */ for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { gsl_complex xj = gsl_vector_complex_get (x, j); gsl_complex yj = gsl_vector_complex_get (y, j); gsl_test_rel(GSL_REAL(yj), GSL_REAL(xj), 1e9 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "genherm(N=%u,cnt=%u), %s, eigenvalue(%d,%d), real, %s", N, count, desc, i, j, desc2); gsl_test_abs(GSL_IMAG(yj), GSL_IMAG(xj), 1e9 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "genherm(N=%u,cnt=%u), %s, eigenvalue(%d,%d), imag, %s", N, count, desc, i, j, desc2); } } gsl_vector_complex_free(x); gsl_vector_complex_free(y); }
void FUNCTION (test, trap) (size_t stride, size_t N) { TYPE (gsl_vector) * vc = FUNCTION (create, vector) (stride, N); BASE z = {{(ATOMIC)1.2, (ATOMIC)3.4}}; BASE z1 = {{(ATOMIC)4.5, (ATOMIC)6.7}}; size_t j = 0; status = 0; FUNCTION (gsl_vector, set) (vc, j - 1, z); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_set traps index below lower bound"); status = 0; FUNCTION (gsl_vector, set) (vc, N + 1, z); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_set traps index above upper bound"); status = 0; FUNCTION (gsl_vector, set) (vc, N, z); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_set traps index at upper bound"); status = 0; z1 = FUNCTION (gsl_vector, get) (vc, j - 1); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get traps index below lower bound"); gsl_test (GSL_REAL (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero real below lower bound"); gsl_test (GSL_IMAG (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero imag below lower bound"); status = 0; z1 = FUNCTION (gsl_vector, get) (vc, N + 1); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get traps index above upper bound"); gsl_test (GSL_REAL (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero real above upper bound"); gsl_test (GSL_IMAG (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero imag above upper bound"); status = 0; z1 = FUNCTION (gsl_vector, get) (vc, N); gsl_test (!status, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get traps index at upper bound"); gsl_test (GSL_REAL (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero real at upper bound"); gsl_test (GSL_IMAG (z1) != 0, NAME (gsl_vector) "_get returns zero imag at upper bound"); FUNCTION (gsl_vector, free) (vc); }
void MCPMPCoeffs::GeoRender() { ostringstream kmltmp; // kmlobject.seekp(ios_base::beg); for (int i=0;i<M();i++) { // tx loop gsl_complex pos = gsl_vector_complex_get(geoPositions,i); kmltmp.precision(10); kmltmp << "\t<Placemark>" << endl << "\t\t<name>Tx_" << i << "</name>" << endl << "\t\t<description>^</description>" << endl << "\t\t<styleUrl>#greenIcon</styleUrl>" << endl << "\t\t<Point>" << endl << "\t\t\t<coordinates>" << GSL_IMAG(pos) << "," << GSL_REAL(pos) << "," << 0 << "</coordinates>" << endl << "\t\t</Point>" << endl << "\t</Placemark>" << endl; } for (int i=0;i<M();i++) { // rx loop gsl_complex pos = gsl_vector_complex_get(geoPositions,i+_M); kmltmp.precision(10); kmltmp << "\t<Placemark>" << endl << "\t\t<name>Rx_" << i << "</name>" << endl << "\t\t<description>^</description>" << endl << "\t\t<styleUrl>#blueIcon</styleUrl>" << endl << "\t\t<Point>" << endl << "\t\t\t<coordinates>" << GSL_IMAG(pos) << "," << GSL_REAL(pos) << "," << 0 << "</coordinates>" << endl << "\t\t</Point>" << endl << "\t</Placemark>" << endl; }; if (! ofs ) { cerr << BlockName << ": error opening " << GeoFn() << endl; exit(_ERROR_OPEN_FILE_); } ofs << kmlhead.str() << kmltmp.str() << kmlheadend.str(); ofs.close(); }
int main (void) { double data[] = { -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -8.0, 4.0, -2.0, 1.0, 27.0, 9.0, 3.0, 1.0, 64.0, 16.0, 4.0, 1.0 }; gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_view_array (data, 4, 4); gsl_vector_complex *eval = gsl_vector_complex_alloc (4); gsl_matrix_complex *evec = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc (4, 4); gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_workspace * w = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_alloc (4); gsl_eigen_nonsymmv (&m.matrix, eval, evec, w); gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_free (w); gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_sort (eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC); { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gsl_complex eval_i = gsl_vector_complex_get (eval, i); gsl_vector_complex_view evec_i = gsl_matrix_complex_column (evec, i); printf ("eigenvalue = %g + %gi\n", GSL_REAL(eval_i), GSL_IMAG(eval_i)); printf ("eigenvector = \n"); for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { gsl_complex z = gsl_vector_complex_get(&evec_i.vector, j); printf("%g + %gi\n", GSL_REAL(z), GSL_IMAG(z)); } } } gsl_vector_complex_free(eval); gsl_matrix_complex_free(evec); return 0; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_pow_real (gsl_complex a, double b) { /* z=a^b */ gsl_complex z; if (GSL_REAL (a) == 0 && GSL_IMAG (a) == 0) { if (b == 0) { GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, 1, 0); } else { GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, 0, 0); } } else { double logr = gsl_complex_logabs (a); double theta = gsl_complex_arg (a); double rho = exp (logr * b); double beta = theta * b; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, rho * cos (beta), rho * sin (beta)); } return z; }
bool VECTOR_ensure_not_complex(CVECTOR *_object) { gsl_vector *v; int size = SIZE(THIS); int i; gsl_complex c; if (!COMPLEX(THIS)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { c = gsl_vector_complex_get(CVEC(THIS), i); if (GSL_IMAG(c) != 0.0) return TRUE; } v = gsl_vector_alloc(size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) gsl_vector_set(v, i, GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(CVEC(THIS), i))); gsl_vector_complex_free(CVEC(THIS)); THIS->vector = v; THIS->complex = FALSE; return FALSE; }
static int matlab_dlmwrite_complex(FILE * fp, const gsl_matrix_complex * A) { const size_t M = A->size1; const size_t N = A->size2; size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) { gsl_complex z = gsl_matrix_complex_get(A, i, j); double zr = GSL_REAL(z); double zi = GSL_IMAG(z); fprintf(fp, "%.12e%s%.12ei%s", zr, (zi < 0.0) ? "" : "+", zi, (j < N - 1) ? "," : "\n"); } } return 0; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_arccosh (gsl_complex a) { /* z = arccosh(a) */ gsl_complex z = gsl_complex_arccos (a); z = gsl_complex_mul_imag (z, GSL_IMAG(z) > 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_tan (gsl_complex a) { /* z = tan(a) */ double R = GSL_REAL (a), I = GSL_IMAG (a); gsl_complex z; if (fabs (I) < 1) { double D = pow (cos (R), 2.0) + pow (sinh (I), 2.0); GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, 0.5 * sin (2 * R) / D, 0.5 * sinh (2 * I) / D); } else { double u = exp (-I); double C = 2 * u / (1 - pow (u, 2.0)); double D = 1 + pow (cos (R), 2.0) * pow (C, 2.0); double S = pow (C, 2.0); double T = 1.0 / tanh (I); GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, 0.5 * sin (2 * R) * S / D, T / D); } return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_add_real (gsl_complex a, double x) { /* z=a+x */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a) + x, GSL_IMAG (a)); return z; }
double gsl_complex_abs2(gsl_complex z) { /* return |z|^2 */ double x = GSL_REAL(z); double y = GSL_IMAG(z); return (x * x + y * y); }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_div_imag (gsl_complex a, double y) { /* z=a/(iy) */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_IMAG (a) / y, - GSL_REAL (a) / y); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_div_real (gsl_complex a, double x) { /* z=a/x */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a) / x, GSL_IMAG (a) / x); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_mul_imag (gsl_complex a, double y) { /* z=a*iy */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, -y * GSL_IMAG (a), y * GSL_REAL (a)); return z; }
void gsl_complex_cosh (complex_t const *a, complex_t *res) { /* z = cosh(a) */ gnm_float R = GSL_REAL (a), I = GSL_IMAG (a); complex_init (res, cosh (R) * gnm_cos (I), gnm_sinh (R) * gnm_sin (I)); }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_sub_imag (gsl_complex a, double y) { /* z=a-iy */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a), GSL_IMAG (a) - y); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_sub_real (gsl_complex a, double x) { /* z=a-x */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a) - x, GSL_IMAG (a)); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_add_imag (gsl_complex a, double y) { /* z=a+iy */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a), GSL_IMAG (a) + y); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_conjugate (gsl_complex a) { /* z=conj(a) */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, GSL_REAL (a), -GSL_IMAG (a)); return z; }
static VALUE rb_gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { gsl_sf_result *lnr, *arg; gsl_complex *z; double re, im; VALUE vlnr, varg; int status; switch (argc) { case 1: CHECK_COMPLEX(argv[0]); Data_Get_Struct(argv[0], gsl_complex, z); re = GSL_REAL(*z); im = GSL_IMAG(*z); break; case 2: Need_Float(argv[0]); Need_Float(argv[1]); re = NUM2DBL(argv[0]); im = NUM2DBL(argv[1]); default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1 or 2)", argc); } vlnr = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_sf_result, gsl_sf_result, 0, free, lnr); varg = Data_Make_Struct(cgsl_sf_result, gsl_sf_result, 0, free, arg); status = gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e(re, im, lnr, arg); return rb_ary_new3(3, vlnr, varg, INT2FIX(status)); }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_negative (gsl_complex a) { /* z=-a */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, -GSL_REAL (a), -GSL_IMAG (a)); return z; }
gsl_complex gsl_complex_mul_real (gsl_complex a, double x) { /* z=a*x */ gsl_complex z; GSL_SET_COMPLEX (&z, x * GSL_REAL (a), x * GSL_IMAG (a)); return z; }
void gsl_complex_inverse (complex_t const *a, complex_t *res) { /* z=1/a */ gnm_float s = 1.0 / complex_mod (a); complex_init (res, (GSL_REAL (a) * s) * s, -(GSL_IMAG (a) * s) * s); }