Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Computes the maximum radius (in degrees) around a given source
 *        direction that fits spatially into the event cube
 * @param[in] srcDir Source direction.
 * @return Maximum radius in degrees that fully fits into event cube.
 * By computing the sky directions of the event cube boundaries, the maximum
 * radius is computed that fits fully within the event cube. This method is
 * used for PSF normalization.
double GLATEventCube::maxrad(const GSkyDir& srcDir) const
    // Initialise radius
    double radius = 0.0;

    // Continue only if sky direction is within sky map
    if (m_map.contains(srcDir)) {

        // Set to largest possible radius
        radius = 180.0;

        // Move along upper edge in longitude
        int iy = 0;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < nx(); ++ix) {
            GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
            double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
            if (distance < radius) {
                radius = distance;

        // Move along lower edge in longitude
        iy = ny()-1;
        for (int ix = 0; ix < nx(); ++ix) {
            GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
            double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
            if (distance < radius) {
                radius = distance;

        // Move along left edge in latitude
        int ix = 0;
        for (int iy = 0; iy < ny(); ++iy) {
            GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
            double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
            if (distance < radius) {
                radius = distance;

        // Move along right edge in latitude
        ix = nx()-1;
        for (int iy = 0; iy < ny(); ++iy) {
            GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
            double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
            if (distance < radius) {
                radius = distance;
    } // endif: sky direction within sky map

    // Return radius
    return radius;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Computes the maximum radius (in degrees) around a given source
 *        direction that fits spatially into the event cube
 * @param[in] srcDir Source direction.
 * @return Maximum radius in degrees that fully fits into event cube.
 * By computing the sky directions of the event cube boundaries, the maximum
 * radius is computed that fits fully within the event cube. This method is
 * used for PSF normalization.
double GLATEventCube::maxrad(const GSkyDir& srcDir) const
    // Initialise radius
    double radius = 180.0;

    // Move along upper edge in longitude
    int iy = 0;
    for (int ix = 0; ix < nx(); ++ix) {
        GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
        double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
        if (distance < radius) {
            radius = distance;

    // Move along lower edge in longitude
    iy = ny()-1;
    for (int ix = 0; ix < nx(); ++ix) {
        GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
        double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
        if (distance < radius) {
            radius = distance;

    // Move along left edge in latitude
    int ix = 0;
    for (int iy = 0; iy < ny(); ++iy) {
        GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
        double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
        if (distance < radius) {
            radius = distance;

    // Move along right edge in latitude
    ix = nx()-1;
    for (int iy = 0; iy < ny(); ++iy) {
        GSkyPixel pixel    = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));
        double    distance = m_map.pix2dir(pixel).dist_deg(srcDir);
        if (distance < radius) {
            radius = distance;

    // Return radius
    return radius;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief Set sky directions and solid angles of events cube.
 * @exception GLATException::no_sky
 *            No sky pixels found in event cube.
 * This method computes the sky directions and solid angles for all event
 * cube pixels. Sky directions are stored in an array of GLATInstDir objects
 * while solid angles are stored in units of sr in a double precision array.
void GLATEventCube::set_directions(void)
    // Throw an error if we have no sky pixels
    if (npix() < 1) {
        throw GLATException::no_sky(G_SET_DIRECTIONS, "Every LAT event cube"
                                   " needs a definition of the sky pixels.");

    // Clear old pixel directions and solid angle

    // Reserve space for pixel directions and solid angles

    // Set pixel directions and solid angles
    for (int iy = 0; iy < ny(); ++iy) {
        for (int ix = 0; ix < nx(); ++ix) {
            GSkyPixel pixel = GSkyPixel(double(ix), double(iy));

    // Return