Esempio n. 1
void G_PlayerAward( edict_t *ent, const char *awardMsg )
	edict_t *other;
	char cmd[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	gameaward_t *ga;
	int i, size;
	score_stats_t *stats;

	if( !awardMsg || !awardMsg[0] || !ent->r.client )

	Q_snprintfz( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "aw \"%s\"", awardMsg );
	trap_GameCmd( ent, cmd );

	if( dedicated->integer )
		G_Printf( "%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( va( "%s receives a '%s' award.\n", ent->r.client->netname, awardMsg ) ) );

	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( ent->r.client, "award", awardMsg );

	stats = &ent->r.client->level.stats;
	if( !stats->awardAllocator )
		stats->awardAllocator = LinearAllocator( sizeof( gameaward_t ), 0, _G_LevelMalloc, _G_LevelFree );

	// ch : this doesnt work for race right?
	if( GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_PLAYTIME || GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_POSTMATCH )
		// ch : we store this locally to send to MM
		// first check if we already have this one on the clients list
		size = LA_Size( stats->awardAllocator );
		ga = NULL;
		for( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
			ga = ( gameaward_t * )LA_Pointer( stats->awardAllocator, i );
			if( !strncmp( ga->name, awardMsg, sizeof(ga->name)-1 ) )

		if( i >= size )
			ga = ( gameaward_t * )LA_Alloc( stats->awardAllocator );
			memset( ga, 0, sizeof(*ga) );
			ga->name = G_RegisterLevelString( awardMsg );

		if( ga )

	// add it to every player who's chasing this player
	for( other = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( other ) < gs.maxclients; other++ )
		if( !other->r.client || !other->r.inuse || !other->r.client-> )

		if( other->r.client-> == ENTNUM( ent ) )
			trap_GameCmd( other, cmd );
Esempio n. 2
* G_Killed
void G_Killed( edict_t *targ, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, const vec3_t point, int mod )
	if( targ->health < -999 )
		targ->health = -999;

	if( targ->deadflag == DEAD_DEAD )

	targ->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
	targ->enemy = attacker;

	if( targ->r.client )
		if( attacker && targ != attacker )
			if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) )
				attacker->snap.teamkill = qtrue;
				attacker->snap.kill = qtrue;

		// count stats
		if( GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_PLAYTIME )

			if( !attacker || !attacker->r.client || attacker == targ || attacker == world )
				if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) )
					G_AwardPlayerKilled( targ, inflictor, attacker, mod );

	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( attacker ? attacker->r.client : NULL, "kill", va( "%i %i %i", targ->s.number, ( inflictor == world ) ? -1 : ENTNUM( inflictor ), ENTNUM( attacker ) ) );

	G_CallDie( targ, inflictor, attacker, damage, point );
Esempio n. 3
* ClientDisconnect
* Called when a player drops from the server.
* Will not be called between levels.
void ClientDisconnect( edict_t *ent, const char *reason )
	int team;

	if( !ent->r.client || !ent->r.inuse )

	// always report in RACE mode
	if( GS_RaceGametype() 
		|| ( ent->r.client->team != TEAM_SPECTATOR && ( GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_PLAYTIME || GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_POSTMATCH ) ) )
		G_AddPlayerReport( ent, GS_MatchState() == MATCH_STATE_POSTMATCH );

	for( team = TEAM_PLAYERS; team < GS_MAX_TEAMS; team++ )
		G_Teams_UnInvitePlayer( team, ent );

	if( !level.gametype.disableObituaries || !(ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
		if( !reason )
			G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " disconnected\n", ent->r.client->netname );
			G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " disconnected (%s" S_COLOR_WHITE ")\n", ent->r.client->netname, reason );

	// send effect
	if( ent-> > TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		G_TeleportEffect( ent, false );

	ent->r.client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
	G_ClientRespawn( ent, true ); // respawn as ghost
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; // allow freefly

	// let the gametype scripts know this client just disconnected
	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( ent->r.client, "disconnect", NULL );

	G_FreeAI( ent );
	AI_EnemyRemoved( ent );

	ent->r.inuse = false;
	ent->r.svflags = SVF_NOCLIENT;

	memset( ent->r.client, 0, sizeof( *ent->r.client ) );
	ent->r.client->ps.playerNum = PLAYERNUM( ent );

	trap_ConfigString( CS_PLAYERINFOS+PLAYERNUM( ent ), "" );
	GClip_UnlinkEntity( ent );

Esempio n. 4
* G_PickupItem
qboolean G_PickupItem( edict_t *ent, edict_t *other )
	gsitem_t	*it;
	qboolean taken = qfalse;

	if( !ent || !other )
		return qfalse;

	if( other->r.client && G_ISGHOSTING( other ) )
		return qfalse;

	if( !ent->item || !( ent->item->flags & ITFLAG_PICKABLE ) )
		return qfalse;

	it = ent->item;

	if( it->type & IT_WEAPON )
		taken = Pickup_Weapon( ent, other );
	else if( it->type & IT_AMMO )
		taken = Pickup_Ammo( ent, other );
	else if( it->type & IT_ARMOR )
		taken = Pickup_Armor( ent, other );
	else if( it->type & IT_HEALTH )
		taken = Pickup_Health( ent, other );
	else if( it->type & IT_POWERUP )
		taken = Pickup_Powerup( ent, other );

	if( taken && other->r.client )
		G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( other->r.client, "pickup", it->classname );

	return taken;
Esempio n. 5
* W_Touch_Projectile - Generic projectile touch func. Only for replacement in tests
static void W_Touch_Projectile( edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, cplane_t *plane, int surfFlags )
	vec3_t dir, normal;
	int hitType;

	if( surfFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )
		G_FreeEdict( ent );

	hitType = G_Projectile_HitStyle( ent, other );
	if( hitType == PROJECTILE_TOUCH_NOT )

	if( other->takedamage )
		VectorNormalize2( ent->velocity, dir );

		if( hitType == PROJECTILE_TOUCH_DIRECTSPLASH ) // use hybrid direction from splash and projectile
			G_SplashFrac4D( ENTNUM( other ), ent->s.origin, ent->projectileInfo.radius, dir, NULL, NULL, ent->timeDelta );
			VectorNormalize2( ent->velocity, dir );

		G_Damage( other, ent, ent->r.owner, dir, ent->velocity, ent->s.origin, ent->projectileInfo.maxDamage, ent->projectileInfo.maxKnockback, ent->projectileInfo.stun, 0, ent->style );

	G_RadiusDamage( ent, ent->r.owner, plane, other, MOD_EXPLOSIVE );

	if( !plane->normal )
		VectorSet( normal, 0, 0, 1 );
		VectorCopy( plane->normal, normal );
	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( NULL, "projectilehit", va( "%i %i %f %f %f", ent->s.number, surfFlags, normal[0], normal[1], normal[2] ) );
Esempio n. 6
* ClientBegin
* called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
* to be placed into the game.  This will happen every level load.
void ClientBegin( edict_t *ent )
	gclient_t *client = ent->r.client;
	const char *mm_login;

	memset( &client->ucmd, 0, sizeof( client->ucmd ) );
	memset( &client->level, 0, sizeof( client->level ) );
	client->level.timeStamp = level.time;
	G_Client_UpdateActivity( client ); // activity detected

	client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
	G_ClientRespawn( ent, true ); // respawn as ghost
	ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; // allow freefly

	G_UpdatePlayerMatchMsg( ent );

	mm_login = Info_ValueForKey( client->userinfo, "cl_mm_login" );
	if( mm_login && *mm_login && client->mm_session > 0 ) {
		G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " (" S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE ") entered the game\n", client->netname, mm_login );
	else {
		if( !level.gametype.disableObituaries || !(ent->r.svflags & SVF_FAKECLIENT ) )
			G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n", client->netname );

	client->level.respawnCount = 0; // clear respawncount
	client->connecting = false;

	// schedule the next scoreboard update
	client->level.scoreboard_time = game.realtime + scoreboardInterval - ( game.realtime%scoreboardInterval );

	AI_EnemyAdded( ent );

	G_ClientEndSnapFrame( ent ); // make sure all view stuff is valid

	// let the gametype scripts now this client just entered the level
	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( client, "enterGame", NULL );
Esempio n. 7
void G_PlayerAward( edict_t *ent, const char *awardMsg )
	edict_t *other, *third;

	if( !awardMsg || !awardMsg[0] || !ent->r.client )

	trap_GameCmd( ent, va( "aw \"%s\"", awardMsg ) );

	if( dedicated->integer )
		G_Printf( "%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( va( "%s receives a '%s' award.\n", ent->r.client->netname, awardMsg ) ) );

	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( ent->r.client, "award", awardMsg );

	// add it to every player who's chasing this player
	for( other = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( other ) < gs.maxclients; other++ )
		if( !other->r.client || !other->r.inuse || !other->r.client-> )

		if( other->r.client-> == ent->s.number )
			trap_GameCmd( other, va( "aw \"%s\"", awardMsg ) );
			// someone could also be chase-caming the guy in the chasecam
			for( third = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( third ) < gs.maxclients; third++ )
				if( !third->r.client || !third->r.inuse || !third->r.client-> )

				if( third->r.client-> == other->s.number )
					trap_GameCmd( third, va( "aw \"%s\"", awardMsg ) );
Esempio n. 8
* G_PickupItem
bool G_PickupItem( edict_t *other, const gsitem_t *it, int flags, int count, const int *invpack )
	bool taken = false;

	if( other->r.client && G_ISGHOSTING( other ) )
		return false;

	if( !it || !( it->flags & ITFLAG_PICKABLE ) )
		return false;

	if( it->type & IT_WEAPON )
		taken = Pickup_Weapon( other, it, flags, count );
	else if( it->type & IT_AMMO )
		taken = Pickup_Ammo( other, it, count, invpack );
	else if( it->type & IT_ARMOR )
		taken = Pickup_Armor( other, it );
	else if( it->type & IT_HEALTH )
		taken = Pickup_Health( other, it, flags );
	else if( it->type & IT_POWERUP )
		taken = Pickup_Powerup( other, it, flags, count );

	if( taken && other->r.client )
		G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( other->r.client, "pickup", it->classname );

	return taken;
Esempio n. 9
* ClientConnect
* Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
* The game can refuse entrance to a client by returning false.
* If the client is allowed, the connection process will continue
* and eventually get to ClientBegin()
* Changing levels will NOT cause this to be called again, but
* loadgames will.
bool ClientConnect( edict_t *ent, char *userinfo, bool fakeClient, bool tvClient )
	char *value;

	assert( ent );
	assert( userinfo && Info_Validate( userinfo ) );
	assert( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ) && Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "socket" ) );

	// verify that server gave us valid data
	if( !Info_Validate( userinfo ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype", va( "%i", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag", va( "%i", 0 ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "Invalid userinfo" );
		return false;

	if( !Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype", va( "%i", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag", va( "%i", 0 ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "Error: Server didn't provide client IP" );
		return false;

	if( !Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype", va( "%i", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag", va( "%i", 0 ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "Error: Server didn't provide client socket" );
		return false;

	// check to see if they are on the banned IP list
	value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
	if( SV_FilterPacket( value ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype", va( "%i", DROP_TYPE_GENERAL ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag", va( "%i", 0 ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "You're banned from this server" );
		return false;

	// check for a password
	value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );
	if( !fakeClient && ( *password->string && ( !value || strcmp( password->string, value ) ) ) )
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejtype", va( "%i", DROP_TYPE_PASSWORD ) );
		Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejflag", va( "%i", 0 ) );
		if( value && value[0] )
			Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "Incorrect password" );
			Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "rejmsg", "Password required" );
		return false;

	// they can connect

	G_InitEdict( ent );
	ent->s.modelindex = 0;
	ent->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;
	ent->r.client = game.clients + PLAYERNUM( ent );
	ent->r.svflags = ( SVF_NOCLIENT | ( fakeClient ? SVF_FAKECLIENT : 0 ) );
	memset( ent->r.client, 0, sizeof( gclient_t ) );
	ent->r.client->ps.playerNum = PLAYERNUM( ent );
	ent->r.client->connecting = true;
	ent->r.client->isTV = tvClient == true;
	ent->r.client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
	G_Client_UpdateActivity( ent->r.client ); // activity detected

	ClientUserinfoChanged( ent, userinfo );

	if( !fakeClient ) {
		char message[MAX_STRING_CHARS];

		Q_snprintfz( message, sizeof( message ), "%s%s connected", ent->r.client->netname, S_COLOR_WHITE );

		G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s\n", message );

		G_Printf( "%s%s connected from %s\n", ent->r.client->netname, S_COLOR_WHITE, ent->r.client->ip );

	// let the gametype scripts know this client just connected
	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( ent->r.client, "connect", NULL );

	G_CallVotes_ResetClient( PLAYERNUM( ent ) );

	return true;
Esempio n. 10
* ClientUserinfoChanged
* called whenever the player updates a userinfo variable.
* The game can override any of the settings in place
* (forcing skins or names, etc) before copying it off.
void ClientUserinfoChanged( edict_t *ent, char *userinfo )
	char *s;
	char oldname[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
	gclient_t *cl;

	int rgbcolor, i;

	assert( ent && ent->r.client );
	assert( userinfo && Info_Validate( userinfo ) );

	// check for malformed or illegal info strings
	if( !Info_Validate( userinfo ) )
		trap_DropClient( ent, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Invalid userinfo" );

	cl = ent->r.client;

	// ip
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
	if( !s )
		trap_DropClient( ent, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Server didn't provide client IP" );

	Q_strncpyz( cl->ip, s, sizeof( cl->ip ) );

	// socket
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "socket" );
	if( !s )
		trap_DropClient( ent, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Server didn't provide client socket" );

	Q_strncpyz( cl->socket, s, sizeof( cl->socket ) );

	// color
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color" );
	if( s )
		rgbcolor = COM_ReadColorRGBString( s );
		rgbcolor = -1;

	if( rgbcolor != -1 )
		rgbcolor = COM_ValidatePlayerColor( rgbcolor );
		Vector4Set( cl->color, COLOR_R( rgbcolor ), COLOR_G( rgbcolor ), COLOR_B( rgbcolor ), 255 );
		Vector4Set( cl->color, 255, 255, 255, 255 );

	// set name, it's validated and possibly changed first
	Q_strncpyz( oldname, cl->netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
	G_SetName( ent, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" ) );
	if( oldname[0] && Q_stricmp( oldname, cl->netname ) && !cl->isTV && !CheckFlood( ent, false ) )
		G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s%s is now known as %s%s\n", oldname, S_COLOR_WHITE, cl->netname, S_COLOR_WHITE );
	if( !Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", cl->netname ) )
		trap_DropClient( ent, DROP_TYPE_GENERAL, "Error: Couldn't set userinfo (name)" );

	// clan tag
	G_SetClan( ent, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "clan" ) );

	// handedness
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "hand" );
	if( !s )
		cl->hand = 2;
		cl->hand = bound( atoi( s ), 0, 2 );

	// handicap
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" );
	if( s )
		i = atoi( s );

		if( i > 90 || i < 0 )
			G_PrintMsg( ent, "Handicap must be defined in the [0-90] range.\n" );
			cl->handicap = 0;
			cl->handicap = i;

	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_movementStyle" );
	if( s )
		i = bound( atoi( s ), 0, GS_MAXBUNNIES - 1 );
		if( trap_GetClientState( PLAYERNUM(ent) ) < CS_SPAWNED )
			if( i != cl->movestyle )
				cl->movestyle = cl->movestyle_latched = i;
		else if( cl->movestyle_latched != cl->movestyle )
			G_PrintMsg( ent, "A movement style change is already in progress. Please wait.\n" );
		else if( i != cl->movestyle_latched )
			cl->movestyle_latched = i;
			if( cl->movestyle_latched != cl->movestyle )
				edict_t *switcher;

				switcher = G_Spawn();
				switcher->think = think_MoveTypeSwitcher;
				switcher->nextThink = level.time + 10000;
				switcher->s.ownerNum = ENTNUM( ent );
				G_PrintMsg( ent, "Movement style will change in 10 seconds.\n" );

	// update the movement features depending on the movestyle
	if( !G_ISGHOSTING( ent ) && g_allow_bunny->integer )
		if( cl->movestyle == GS_CLASSICBUNNY )
			cl->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_FEATURES] &= ~PMFEAT_FWDBUNNY;
			cl->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_FEATURES] |= PMFEAT_FWDBUNNY;

	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_noAutohop" );
	if( s && s[0] )
		if( atoi( s ) != 0 )

	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_ucmdTimeNudge" );
	if( !s )
		cl->ucmdTimeNudge = 0;
		cl->ucmdTimeNudge = atoi( s );
		clamp( cl->ucmdTimeNudge, -MAX_UCMD_TIMENUDGE, MAX_UCMD_TIMENUDGE );

	// mm session
	// TODO: remove the key after storing it to gclient_t !
	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_mm_session" );
	cl->mm_session = ( s == NULL ) ? 0 : atoi( s );

	s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "mmflags" );
	cl->mmflags = ( s == NULL ) ? 0 : strtoul( s, NULL, 10 );

	// tv
	if( cl->isTV )
		s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "tv_port" );
		cl->tv.port = s ? atoi( s ) : 0;

		s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "tv_port6" );
		cl->tv.port6 = s ? atoi( s ) : 0;

		s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "max_cl" );
		cl->tv.maxclients = s ? atoi( s ) : 0;

		s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "num_cl" );
		cl->tv.numclients = s ? atoi( s ) : 0;

		s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "chan" );
		cl-> = s ? atoi( s ) : 0;

	if( !G_ISGHOSTING( ent ) && trap_GetClientState( PLAYERNUM( ent ) ) >= CS_SPAWNED )
		G_Client_AssignTeamSkin( ent, userinfo );

	// save off the userinfo in case we want to check something later
	Q_strncpyz( cl->userinfo, userinfo, sizeof( cl->userinfo ) );

	G_UpdatePlayerInfoString( PLAYERNUM( ent ) );
	G_UpdateMMPlayerInfoString( PLAYERNUM( ent ) );

	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( cl, "userinfochanged", oldname );
Esempio n. 11
* G_Damage
* targ		entity that is being damaged
* inflictor	entity that is causing the damage
* attacker	entity that caused the inflictor to damage targ
* example: targ=enemy, inflictor=rocket, attacker=player
* dir			direction of the attack
* point		point at which the damage is being inflicted
* normal		normal vector from that point
* damage		amount of damage being inflicted
* knockback	force to be applied against targ as a result of the damage
* dflags		these flags are used to control how T_Damage works
void G_Damage( edict_t *targ, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, const vec3_t pushdir, const vec3_t dmgdir, const vec3_t point, float damage, float knockback, float stun, int dflags, int mod )
	gclient_t *client;
	float take;
	float save;
	float asave;
	qboolean statDmg;

	if( !targ || !targ->takedamage )

	if( !attacker )
		attacker = world;

	meansOfDeath = mod;

	client = targ->r.client;

	// Cgg - race mode: players don't interact with one another
	if( GS_RaceGametype() )
		if( attacker->r.client && targ->r.client && attacker != targ )

	// push
	if( !( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK ) )
		G_KnockBackPush( targ, attacker, pushdir, knockback, dflags );

	// stun
	if( g_allow_stun->integer && !( dflags & (DAMAGE_NO_STUN|FL_GODMODE) )
		&& (int)stun > 0 && targ->r.client && targ->r.client->resp.takeStun &&
		!GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) && ( targ != attacker ) )
		if( dflags & DAMAGE_STUN_CLAMP )
			if( targ->r.client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_STUN] < (int)stun )
				targ->r.client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_STUN] = (int)stun;
			targ->r.client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_STUN] += (int)stun;

		clamp( targ->r.client->ps.pmove.stats[PM_STAT_STUN], 0, MAX_STUN_TIME );

	// dont count self-damage cause it just adds the same to both stats
	statDmg = ( attacker != targ ) && ( mod != MOD_TELEFRAG );

	// apply handicap on the damage given
	if( statDmg && attacker->r.client && !GS_Instagib() )
		// handicap is a percentage value
		if( attacker->r.client->handicap != 0 )
			damage *= 1.0 - (attacker->r.client->handicap * 0.01f);

	take = damage;
	save = 0;

	// check for cases where damage is protected
	if( !( dflags & DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION ) )
		// check for godmode
		if( targ->flags & FL_GODMODE )
			take = 0;
			save = damage;
		// never damage in timeout
		else if( GS_MatchPaused() )
			take = save = 0;
		// ca has self splash damage disabled
		else if( ( dflags & DAMAGE_RADIUS ) && attacker == targ && !GS_SelfDamage() )
			take = save = 0;
		// don't get damage from players in race
		else if( ( GS_RaceGametype() ) && attacker->r.client && targ->r.client &&
			( attacker->r.client != targ->r.client ) )
			take = save = 0;
		// team damage avoidance
		else if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) && !G_Gametype_CanTeamDamage( dflags ) )
			take = save = 0;
		// apply warShell powerup protection
		else if( targ->r.client && targ->r.client->ps.inventory[POWERUP_SHELL] > 0 )
			// warshell offers full protection in instagib
			if( GS_Instagib() )
				take = 0;
				save = damage;
				take = ( damage * 0.25f );
				save = damage - take;
			// todo : add protection sound

	asave = G_CheckArmor( targ, take, dflags );
	take -= asave;

	//treat cheat/powerup savings the same as armor
	asave += save;


	if( !take && !asave )

	// do the damage
	if( take <= 0 )

	// adding damage given/received to stats
	if( statDmg && attacker->r.client && !targ->deadflag && targ->movetype != MOVETYPE_PUSH && targ->s.type != ET_CORPSE )
		attacker->r.client->level.stats.total_damage_given += take + asave;
		teamlist[attacker->].stats.total_damage_given += take + asave;
		if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) )
			attacker->r.client->level.stats.total_teamdamage_given += take + asave;
			teamlist[attacker->].stats.total_teamdamage_given += take + asave;

	G_Gametype_ScoreEvent( attacker->r.client, "dmg", va( "%i %f %i", targ->s.number, damage, attacker->s.number ) );

	if( statDmg && client )
		client->level.stats.total_damage_received += take + asave;
		teamlist[targ->].stats.total_damage_received += take + asave;
		if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) )
			client->level.stats.total_teamdamage_received += take + asave;
			teamlist[targ->].stats.total_teamdamage_received += take + asave;

	// accumulate received damage for snapshot effects
		vec3_t dorigin;

		if( inflictor == world && mod == MOD_FALLING ) // it's fall damage
			targ->snap.damage_fall += take + save;

		if( point[0] != 0.0f || point[1] != 0.0f || point[2] != 0.0f )
			VectorCopy( point, dorigin );
			VectorSet( dorigin,
			targ->s.origin[2] + targ->viewheight );

		G_BlendFrameDamage( targ, take, &targ->snap.damage_taken, dorigin, dmgdir, targ->snap.damage_at, targ->snap.damage_dir );
		G_BlendFrameDamage( targ, save, &targ->snap.damage_saved, dorigin, dmgdir, targ->snap.damage_at, targ->snap.damage_dir );

		if( targ->r.client )
			if( mod != MOD_FALLING && mod != MOD_TELEFRAG && mod != MOD_SUICIDE )
				if( inflictor == world || attacker == world )
					// for world inflicted damage use always 'frontal'
					G_ClientAddDamageIndicatorImpact( targ->r.client, take + save, NULL );
				else if( dflags & DAMAGE_RADIUS )
					// for splash hits the direction is from the inflictor origin
					G_ClientAddDamageIndicatorImpact( targ->r.client, take + save, pushdir );
				{	// for direct hits the direction is the projectile direction
					G_ClientAddDamageIndicatorImpact( targ->r.client, take + save, dmgdir );

	targ->health = targ->health - take;

	// add damage done to stats
	if( !GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) && statDmg && G_ModToAmmo( mod ) != AMMO_NONE && client && attacker->r.client )
		attacker->r.client->level.stats.accuracy_hits[G_ModToAmmo( mod )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;
		attacker->r.client->level.stats.accuracy_damage[G_ModToAmmo( mod )-AMMO_GUNBLADE] += damage;
		teamlist[attacker->].stats.accuracy_hits[G_ModToAmmo( mod )-AMMO_GUNBLADE]++;
		teamlist[attacker->].stats.accuracy_damage[G_ModToAmmo( mod )-AMMO_GUNBLADE] += damage;

		G_AwardPlayerHit( targ, attacker, mod );

	// accumulate given damage for hit sounds
	if( ( take || asave ) && targ != attacker && client && !targ->deadflag )
		if( attacker )
			if( GS_IsTeamDamage( &targ->s, &attacker->s ) )
				attacker->snap.damageteam_given += take + asave; // we want to know how good our hit was, so saved also matters
				attacker->snap.damage_given += take + asave;

	if( G_IsDead( targ ) )
		if( client )
			targ->flags |= FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
		G_Killed( targ, inflictor, attacker, HEALTH_TO_INT( take ), point, mod );
		G_CallPain( targ, attacker, knockback, take );