Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Checks whether the morale handling is activated for this game. This is always
 * the case in singleplayer matches, and might be disabled for multiplayer matches.
 * @return @c true if the morale is activated for this game.
static bool G_IsMoraleEnabled (int team)
	if (G_IsSinglePlayer())
		return true;

	/* multiplayer */
	if (team == TEAM_CIVILIAN || sv_enablemorale->integer == 1)
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Check whether a forced turn end should be executed
void G_CheckForceEndRound (void)
	/* check for roundlimits in multiplayer only */
	if (!sv_roundtimelimit->integer || G_IsSinglePlayer())

	if (!G_MatchIsRunning())

	if (level.time != ceil(level.time))

	const int diff = level.roundstartTime + sv_roundtimelimit->integer - level.time;
	switch (diff) {
	case 240:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("4 minutes left until forced turn end."));
	case 180:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("3 minutes left until forced turn end."));
	case 120:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("2 minutes left until forced turn end."));
	case 60:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("1 minute left until forced turn end."));
	case 30:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("30 seconds left until forced turn end."));
	case 15:
		gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("15 seconds left until forced turn end."));

	/* active team still has time left */
	if (level.time < level.roundstartTime + sv_roundtimelimit->integer)

	gi.BroadcastPrintf(PRINT_HUD, _("Current active team hit the max round time."));

	/* store this in a local variable, as the global variable is changed in G_ClientEndRound */
	const int activeTeam = level.activeTeam;
	/* set all team members to ready (only human players) */
	Player* p = nullptr;
	while ((p = G_PlayerGetNextActiveHuman(p))) {
		if (p->getTeam() == activeTeam) {
			level.nextEndRound = level.framenum;

	level.roundstartTime = level.time;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32)
 * Starting point for a player.
 * "team"	the number of the team for this player starting point
 * "0" is reserved for civilians and critters (use info_civilian_start instead)
static void SP_player_start (Edict* ent)
	/* only used in multi player */
	if (G_IsSinglePlayer()) {

	/** @todo Wrong place here */
	/* maybe there are already the max soldiers allowed per team connected */
	if (sv_maxsoldiersperteam->integer > level.num_spawnpoints[ent->team]) {
		ent->STUN = 0;
		ent->HP = INITIAL_HP;
	} else
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Creates a server's entity / program execution context
 * by parsing textual entity definitions out of an ent file.
 * @sa CM_EntityString
 * @sa SV_SpawnServer
void G_SpawnEntities (const char* mapname, bool day, const char* entities)
	int entnum;


	level.pathingMap = (pathing_t*)G_TagMalloc(sizeof(*level.pathingMap), TAG_LEVEL);


	/* initialize reactionFire data */

	Q_strncpyz(level.mapname, mapname, sizeof(level.mapname)); = day;


	level.activeTeam = TEAM_NO_ACTIVE;
	level.actualRound = 1;
	level.hurtAliens = sv_hurtaliens->integer;

	/* parse ents */
	entnum = 0;
	while (1) {
		Edict* ent;
		/* parse the opening brace */
		const char* token = Com_Parse(&entities);
		if (!entities)
		if (token[0] != '{')
			gi.Error("ED_LoadFromFile: found %s when expecting {", token);

		ent = G_Spawn();

		entities = ED_ParseEdict(entities, ent);

		ent->mapNum = entnum++;

		/* Set the position of the entity */
		VecToPos(ent->origin, ent->pos);

		/* Call this entity's specific initializer (sets ent->type) */

		/* if this entity is an bbox (e.g. actor), then center its origin based on its position */
		if (ent->solid == SOLID_BBOX)

	/* spawn ai players, if needed */
	if (level.num_spawnpoints[TEAM_CIVILIAN]) {
		if (AI_CreatePlayer(TEAM_CIVILIAN) == nullptr)
			gi.DPrintf("Could not create civilian\n");

	if ((G_IsSinglePlayer() || ai_multiplayeraliens->integer) && level.num_spawnpoints[TEAM_ALIEN]) {
		if (AI_CreatePlayer(TEAM_ALIEN) == nullptr)
			gi.DPrintf("Could not create alien\n");

	Com_Printf("Used inventory slots after ai spawn: %i\n", game.i.GetUsedSlots());

Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Applies morale changes to actors around a wounded or killed actor.
 * @note only called when mor_panic is not zero
 * @param[in] type Type of morale modifier (@sa morale_modifiers)
 * @param[in] victim An actor being a victim of the attack.
 * @param[in] attacker An actor being attacker in this attack.
 * @param[in] param Used to modify morale changes, for G_Damage() it is value of damage.
 * @sa G_Damage
static void G_Morale (morale_modifiers type, const Edict* victim, const Edict* attacker, int param)
	Edict* ent = nullptr;
	while ((ent = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(ent))) {
		/* this only applies to ET_ACTOR but not ET_ACTOR2x2 */
		if (ent->type != ET_ACTOR)
		if (G_IsDead(ent))
		if (ent->team == TEAM_CIVILIAN)

		/* morale damage depends on the damage */
		float mod = mob_wound->value * param;
		/* death hurts morale even more than just damage */
		if (type == ML_DEATH)
			mod += mob_death->value;
		/* seeing how someone gets shot increases the morale change */
		if (ent == victim || (G_FrustumVis(ent, victim->origin) && G_ActorVis(ent->origin, ent, victim, false)))
			mod *= mof_watching->value;
		if (attacker != nullptr && ent->team == attacker->team) {
			/* teamkills are considered to be bad form, but won't cause an increased morale boost for the enemy */
			/* morale boost isn't equal to morale loss (it's lower, but morale gets regenerated) */
			if (victim->team == attacker->team)
				mod *= mof_teamkill->value;
				mod *= mof_enemy->value;
		/* seeing a civilian die is more "acceptable" */
		if (G_IsCivilian(victim))
			mod *= mof_civilian->value;
		/* if an ally (or in singleplayermode, as human, a civilian) got shot, lower the morale, don't heighten it. */
		if (victim->team == ent->team || (G_IsCivilian(victim) && ent->team != TEAM_ALIEN && G_IsSinglePlayer()))
			mod *= -1;
		if (attacker != nullptr) {
			/* if you stand near to the attacker or the victim, the morale change is higher. */
			mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_victim->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, attacker->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_attacker->value;
		} else {
			mod *= mor_default->value + pow(0.5, VectorDist(ent->origin, victim->origin) / mor_distance->value)
				* mor_victim->value;
		/* morale damage depends on the number of living allies */
		mod *= (1 - mon_teamfactor->value)
			+ mon_teamfactor->value * (level.num_spawned[victim->team] + 1)
			/ (level.num_alive[victim->team] + 1);
		/* being hit isn't fun */
		if (ent == victim)
			mod *= mor_pain->value;
		/* clamp new morale */
		/*+0.9 to allow weapons like flamethrowers to inflict panic (typecast rounding) */
		const int newMorale = ent->morale + (int) (MORALE_RANDOM(mod) + 0.9);
		if (newMorale > GET_MORALE(ent->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]))
			ent->morale = GET_MORALE(ent->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_MIND]);
		else if (newMorale < 0)
			ent->morale = 0;
			ent->morale = newMorale;

		/* send phys data */
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Deals damage of a give type and amount to a target.
 * @param[in,out] target What we want to damage.
 * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt.
 * @param[in] damage The value of the damage.
 * @param[in] attacker The attacker.
 * @param[in] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - nullptr for real shots
 * @param[in] impact impact location - @c nullptr for splash damage
 * @sa G_SplashDamage
 * @sa G_TakeDamage
 * @sa G_PrintActorStats
static void G_Damage (Edict* target, const fireDef_t* fd, int damage, Edict* attacker, shot_mock_t* mock, const vec3_t impact)
	const bool stunEl = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunElectro);
	const bool stunGas = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunGas);
	const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock);
	const bool smoke = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damSmoke);
	bool isRobot;


	/* Breakables */
	if (G_IsBrushModel(target) && G_IsBreakable(target)) {
		/* Breakables are immune to stun & shock damage. */
		if (stunEl || stunGas || shock || mock || smoke)

		if (damage >= target->HP) {
			/* don't reset the HP value here, this value is used to distinguish
			 * between triggered destroy and a shoot */

			/* maybe the attacker is seeing something new? */
			G_CheckVisTeamAll(attacker->team, 0, attacker);

			/* check if attacker appears/perishes for any other team */
		} else {
			G_TakeDamage(target, damage);

	/* Actors don't die again. */
	if (!G_IsLivingActor(target))

	/* only actors after this point - and they must have a teamdef */
	isRobot = CHRSH_IsTeamDefRobot(target->chr.teamDef);

	/* Apply armour effects. */
	if (damage > 0) {
		damage = G_ApplyProtection(target, fd->dmgweight, damage);
	} else if (damage < 0) {
		/* Robots can't be healed. */
		if (isRobot)
	Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_GAME, " Total damage: %d\n", damage);

	/* Apply difficulty settings. */
	if (G_IsSinglePlayer()) {
		if (G_IsAlien(attacker) && !G_IsAlien(target))
			damage *= pow(1.18, g_difficulty->value);
		else if (!G_IsAlien(attacker) && G_IsAlien(target))
			damage *= pow(1.18, -g_difficulty->value);

	assert(attacker->team >= 0 && attacker->team < MAX_TEAMS);
	assert(target->team >= 0 && target->team < MAX_TEAMS);

	if (g_nodamage != nullptr && !g_nodamage->integer) {
		/* hit */
		if (mock) {
			G_UpdateShotMock(mock, attacker, target, damage);
		} else if (stunEl) {
			target->STUN += damage;
		} else if (stunGas) {
			if (!isRobot) /* Can't stun robots with gas */
				target->STUN += damage;
		} else if (shock) {
			/* Only do this if it's not one from our own team ... they should have known that there was a flashbang coming. */
			if (!isRobot && target->team != attacker->team) {
				/** @todo there should be a possible protection, too */
				/* dazed entity wont reaction fire */
				G_ActorReserveTUs(target, 0, target->chr.reservedTus.shot, target->chr.reservedTus.crouch);
				/* flashbangs kill TUs */
				G_ActorSetTU(target, 0);
				/* entity is dazed */
				G_ClientPrintf(target->getPlayer(), PRINT_HUD, _("Soldier is dazed!\nEnemy used flashbang!"));
		} else {
			if (damage < 0) {
				/* The 'attacker' is healing the target. */
				G_TreatActor(target, fd, damage, attacker->team);
			} else {
				/* Real damage was dealt. */
				G_DamageActor(target, damage, impact);
				/* Update overall splash damage for stats/score. */
				if (!mock && damage > 0 && fd->splrad) /**< Check for >0 and splrad to not count this as direct hit. */
					G_UpdateHitScore(attacker, target, fd, damage);

	if (mock)

	G_CheckDeathOrKnockout(target, attacker, fd, damage);