Esempio n. 1
gchar *
ges_project_try_updating_id (GESProject * project, GESAsset * asset,
    GError * error)
  gchar *new_id = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_PROJECT (project), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_ASSET (asset), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (error, NULL);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (project, "Try to proxy %s", ges_asset_get_id (asset));
  if (ges_asset_request_id_update (asset, &new_id, error) == FALSE) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (project, "Type: %s can not be proxied for id: %s",
        g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (asset)), ges_asset_get_id (asset));

    return NULL;

  if (new_id == NULL)
    g_signal_emit (project, _signals[MISSING_URI_SIGNAL], 0, error, asset,

  if (new_id) {
    if (!ges_asset_set_proxy (asset, new_id)) {
      g_free (new_id);
      new_id = NULL;

  g_hash_table_remove (project->priv->loading_assets, ges_asset_get_id (asset));

  return new_id;
static void
notify (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec)
	PropertiesChangedInfo *info;
	GValue *value;

	/* Ignore properties that shouldn't be exported */
	if (pspec->flags & NM_PROPERTY_PARAM_NO_EXPORT)

	info = (PropertiesChangedInfo *) g_object_get_data (object, NM_DBUS_PROPERTY_CHANGED);
	if (!info) {
		info = properties_changed_info_new ();
		g_object_set_data_full (object, NM_DBUS_PROPERTY_CHANGED, info, properties_changed_info_destroy);
		info->signal_id = g_signal_lookup ("properties-changed", G_OBJECT_TYPE (object));
		g_assert (info->signal_id);

	value = g_slice_new0 (GValue);
	g_value_init (value, pspec->value_type);
	g_object_get_property (object, pspec->name, value);
	g_hash_table_insert (info->hash, uscore_to_wincaps (pspec->name), value);

	if (!info->idle_id)
		info->idle_id = g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, properties_changed, object, idle_id_reset);
 * e_extensible_list_extensions:
 * @extensible: an #EExtensible
 * @extension_type: the type of extensions to list
 * Returns a list of #EExtension objects bound to @extensible whose
 * types are ancestors of @extension_type.  For a complete list of
 * extension objects bound to @extensible, pass %E_TYPE_EXTENSION.
 * The list itself should be freed with g_list_free().  The extension
 * objects are owned by @extensible and should not be unreferenced.
 * Returns: a list of extension objects derived from @extension_type
 * Since: 3.4
GList *
e_extensible_list_extensions (EExtensible *extensible,
                              GType extension_type)
	GPtrArray *extensions;
	GList *list = NULL;
	guint ii;

	g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_EXTENSIBLE (extensible), NULL);
	g_return_val_if_fail (IS_AN_EXTENSION_TYPE (extension_type), NULL);

	e_extensible_load_extensions (extensible);

	extensions = extensible_get_extensions (extensible);
	g_return_val_if_fail (extensions != NULL, NULL);

	for (ii = 0; ii < extensions->len; ii++) {
		GObject *object;

		object = g_ptr_array_index (extensions, ii);
		if (g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (object), extension_type))
			list = g_list_prepend (list, object);

	return g_list_reverse (list);
Esempio n. 4
static void
st_scroll_view_add (ClutterContainer *container,
                    ClutterActor     *actor)
  StScrollView *self = ST_SCROLL_VIEW (container);
  StScrollViewPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  if (ST_IS_SCROLLABLE (actor))
      priv->child = actor;

      /* chain up to StBin::add() */
      st_scroll_view_parent_iface->add (container, actor);

      st_scrollable_set_adjustments (ST_SCROLLABLE (actor),
                                     priv->hadjustment, priv->vadjustment);
      g_warning ("Attempting to add an actor of type %s to "
                 "a StScrollView, but the actor does "
                 "not implement StScrollable.",
                 g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (actor)));
Esempio n. 5
/* Outputs source to add a child widget to a hbuttonbox. We need to check if
   the hbuttonbox is a GtkDialog action area, and if it is we use the special
   gtk_dialog_add_action_widget() function to add it. */
gb_hbutton_box_write_add_child_source (GtkWidget * parent,
                                       const gchar *parent_name,
                                       GtkWidget *child,
                                       GbWidgetWriteSourceData * data)
    if (gb_hbutton_box_is_dialog_action_area (parent)
            && G_OBJECT_TYPE (child) == GTK_TYPE_BUTTON)
        gint response_id;
        char *response_name, *dialog_name;

        response_id = GPOINTER_TO_INT (gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (child), GladeDialogResponseIDKey));
        response_name = gb_dialog_response_id_to_string (response_id);

        dialog_name = (char*) gtk_widget_get_name (parent->parent->parent);
        dialog_name = source_create_valid_identifier (dialog_name);

        source_add (data,
                    "  gtk_dialog_add_action_widget (GTK_DIALOG (%s), %s, %s);\n",
                    dialog_name, data->wname, response_name);

        g_free (dialog_name);
        /* Use the standard gtk_container_add(). */
        source_add (data, "  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (%s), %s);\n",
                    parent_name, data->wname);
Esempio n. 6
static void
gb_slider_add_child (GtkBuildable *buildable,
                     GtkBuilder   *builder,
                     GObject      *child,
                     const gchar  *type)
  GbSliderPosition position = GB_SLIDER_NONE;

  g_assert (GTK_IS_BUILDABLE (buildable));
  g_assert (GTK_IS_BUILDER (builder));
  g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (child));

  if (!GTK_IS_WIDGET (child))
      g_warning ("Child \"%s\" must be of type GtkWidget.",
                 g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (child)));

  if (ide_str_equal0 (type, "bottom"))
    position = GB_SLIDER_BOTTOM;
  else if (ide_str_equal0 (type, "top"))
    position = GB_SLIDER_TOP;
  else if (ide_str_equal0 (type, "left"))
    position = GB_SLIDER_LEFT;
  else if (ide_str_equal0 (type, "right"))
    position = GB_SLIDER_RIGHT;

  gtk_container_add_with_properties (GTK_CONTAINER (buildable), GTK_WIDGET (child),
                                     "position", position,
Esempio n. 7
 * gfbgraph_connectable_default_parse_connected_data:
 * @self: a #GFBGraphConnectable.
 * @payload: a const #gchar with the response string from the Facebook Graph API.
 * @error: (allow-none): a #GError or %NULL.
 * In most cases, #GFBGraphConnectable implementers can use this function in order to parse
 * the response when a gfbgraph_node_get_connection_nodes() is executed and the
 * gfbgraph_connectable_parse_connected_data() was called.
 * Normally, Facebook Graph API returns the connections in the same way, using JSON objects,
 * with a root object called "data".
 * Returns: (element-type GFBGraphNode) (transfer full): a newly-allocated #GList of #GFBGraphNode with the same #GType as @self.
gfbgraph_connectable_default_parse_connected_data (GFBGraphConnectable *self, const gchar *payload, GError **error)
        GList *nodes_list = NULL;
        JsonParser *jparser;
        GType node_type;

        node_type = G_OBJECT_TYPE (self);

        jparser = json_parser_new ();
        if (json_parser_load_from_data (jparser, payload, -1, error)) {
                JsonNode *root_jnode;
                JsonObject *main_jobject;
                JsonArray *nodes_jarray;
                int i = 0;

                root_jnode = json_parser_get_root (jparser);
                main_jobject = json_node_get_object (root_jnode);
                nodes_jarray = json_object_get_array_member (main_jobject, "data");
                for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_length (nodes_jarray); i++) {
                        JsonNode *jnode;
                        GFBGraphNode *node;

                        jnode = json_array_get_element (nodes_jarray, i);
                        node = GFBGRAPH_NODE (json_gobject_deserialize (node_type, jnode));
                        nodes_list = g_list_append (nodes_list, node);

        g_clear_object (&jparser);

        return nodes_list;
Esempio n. 8
ATTR_PRINTF_FORMAT (2,3) gchar *
_lp_event_to_string (lp_Event *event, const gchar *fmt, ...)
  va_list args;
  gchar *suffix = NULL;
  gchar *str;
  gint n;

  va_start (args, fmt);
  n = g_vasprintf (&suffix, fmt, args);
  g_assert_nonnull (suffix);
  g_assert (n >= 0);
  va_end (args);

  str = g_strdup_printf ("\
%s at %p\n\
  source: %s at %p\n\
  mask: 0x%x\n\
",                       G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (event),
                         G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST (event,
                                                     G_OBJECT_TYPE (event),
                         LP_IS_SCENE (event->priv->source) ? "lp_Scene"
                         : LP_IS_MEDIA (event->priv->source) ? "lp_Media"
                         : "unknown",
                         (guint) event->priv->mask,
  g_assert_nonnull (str);
  g_free (suffix);

  return str;
Esempio n. 9
static gboolean
get_ancestors (GtkWidget  *widget,
               GType       widget_type,
               GtkWidget **ancestor,
               GtkWidget **below)
  GtkWidget *a, *b;

  a = NULL;
  b = widget;
  while (b != NULL)
      a = gtk_widget_get_parent (b);
      if (!a)
        return FALSE;
      if (g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (a), widget_type))
      b = a;

  *below = b;
  *ancestor = a;

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
netstatus_connect_signal_while_alive (gpointer    object,
                                      const char *detailed_signal,
                                      GCallback   func,
                                      gpointer    func_data,
                                      gpointer    alive_object)
  GClosure *closure;
  GType     type;
  guint     signal_id = 0;
  GQuark    detail = 0;
  type = G_OBJECT_TYPE (object);

  if (!g_signal_parse_name (detailed_signal, type, &signal_id, &detail, FALSE))
      g_warning (G_STRLOC ": unable to parse signal \"%s\" for type \"%s\"",
                 detailed_signal, g_type_name (type));

  closure = g_cclosure_new (func, func_data, NULL);
  g_object_watch_closure (G_OBJECT (alive_object), closure);
  g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (object, signal_id, detail, closure, FALSE);
Esempio n. 11
static gboolean
_bus_stop_stream_cb (GstBus *bus, GstMessage *message, gpointer user_data)
  FsStreamTransmitter *st = user_data;
  GstState oldstate, newstate, pending;

    return bus_error_callback (bus, message, user_data);

  gst_message_parse_state_changed (message, &oldstate, &newstate, &pending);

  if (newstate != GST_STATE_PLAYING)
    return TRUE;

  if (pending != GST_STATE_VOID_PENDING)
    ts_fail ("New state playing, but pending is %d", pending);

  GST_DEBUG ("Stopping stream transmitter");

  fs_stream_transmitter_stop (st);
  g_object_unref (st);

  GST_DEBUG ("Stopped stream transmitter");

  g_atomic_int_set(&running, FALSE);
  g_main_loop_quit (loop);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 12
 * gst_is_gl_memory_pbo:
 * @mem:a #GstMemory
 * Returns: whether the memory at @mem is a #GstGLMemoryPBO
 * Since: 1.8
gst_is_gl_memory_pbo (GstMemory * mem)
  return mem != NULL && mem->allocator != NULL
      && g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (mem->allocator),
Esempio n. 13
static gboolean
gtk_tool_button_create_menu_proxy (GtkToolItem *item)
  GtkToolButton *button = GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (item);
  GtkWidget *menu_item;
  GtkWidget *menu_image = NULL;
  GtkStockItem stock_item;
  gboolean use_mnemonic = TRUE;
  const char *label;

  if (_gtk_tool_item_create_menu_proxy (item))
    return TRUE;
  if (GTK_IS_LABEL (button->priv->label_widget))
      label = gtk_label_get_label (GTK_LABEL (button->priv->label_widget));
      use_mnemonic = gtk_label_get_use_underline (GTK_LABEL (button->priv->label_widget));
  else if (button->priv->label_text)
      label = button->priv->label_text;
      use_mnemonic = button->priv->use_underline;
  else if (button->priv->stock_id && gtk_stock_lookup (button->priv->stock_id, &stock_item))
      label = stock_item.label;
      label = "";
  if (use_mnemonic)
    menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic (label);
    menu_item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label (label);

  if (GTK_IS_IMAGE (button->priv->icon_widget))
      menu_image = clone_image_menu_size (GTK_IMAGE (button->priv->icon_widget),
					  gtk_widget_get_settings (GTK_WIDGET (button)));
  else if (button->priv->stock_id)
      menu_image = gtk_image_new_from_stock (button->priv->stock_id, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);

  if (menu_image)
    gtk_image_menu_item_set_image (GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM (menu_item), menu_image);

  g_signal_connect_closure_by_id (menu_item,
				  g_signal_lookup ("activate", G_OBJECT_TYPE (menu_item)), 0,
				  g_cclosure_new_object_swap (G_CALLBACK (gtk_button_clicked),
							      G_OBJECT (GTK_TOOL_BUTTON (button)->priv->button)),

  gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item (GTK_TOOL_ITEM (button), MENU_ID, menu_item);
  return TRUE;
mcd_dbus_get_interfaces (TpSvcDBusProperties *self, const gchar *name,
			 GValue *value)
    McdInterfaceData *iface_data, *id;
    GPtrArray *a_ifaces;
    GType type;

    DEBUG ("called");

    a_ifaces = g_ptr_array_new ();

    for (type = G_OBJECT_TYPE (self); type != 0; type = g_type_parent (type))
	iface_data = g_type_get_qdata (type, MCD_INTERFACES_QUARK);
	if (!iface_data) continue;

	for (id = iface_data; id->get_type; id++)
            if (id->optional &&
                !mcd_dbus_is_active_optional_interface (self,
                                                        id->get_type ()))
                DEBUG ("skipping inactive optional iface %s", id->interface);

	    g_ptr_array_add (a_ifaces, g_strdup (id->interface));
    g_ptr_array_add (a_ifaces, NULL);

    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_STRV);
    g_value_take_boxed (value, g_ptr_array_free (a_ifaces, FALSE));
Esempio n. 15
static VALUE
rg_m_get_style_by_paths(int argc, VALUE *argv, G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self)
    VALUE settings, widget_path, class_path, klass;
    GtkStyle* style;
    GType gtype;
    const gchar* name;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &settings, &widget_path, &class_path, &klass);

    style = gtk_rc_get_style_by_paths(GTK_SETTINGS(RVAL2GOBJ(settings)),
                                      NIL_P(widget_path) ? NULL : RVAL2CSTR(widget_path),
                                      NIL_P(class_path) ? NULL : RVAL2CSTR(class_path),
                                      NIL_P(klass) ? G_TYPE_NONE : CLASS2GTYPE(klass));

    if (style){
        gtype = G_OBJECT_TYPE(style);
        name = G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME(style);
        if (! rb_const_defined_at(mGtk, rb_intern(name))){
            G_DEF_CLASS(gtype, (gchar*)name, mGtk);
        return GOBJ2RVAL(style);
    return Qnil;
Esempio n. 16
void tp_properties_mixin_init (GObject *obj, glong offset)
  TpPropertiesMixinClass *mixin_cls;
  TpPropertiesMixin *mixin;
  TpPropertiesContext *ctx;

  g_assert (G_IS_OBJECT (obj));


  g_type_set_qdata (G_OBJECT_TYPE (obj),
                    GINT_TO_POINTER (offset));

  mixin = TP_PROPERTIES_MIXIN (obj);

  mixin->properties = g_new0 (TpProperty, mixin_cls->num_props);

  mixin->priv = g_slice_new0 (TpPropertiesMixinPrivate);
  mixin->priv->object = obj;

  ctx = &mixin->priv->context;
  ctx->mixin_cls = mixin_cls;
  ctx->mixin = mixin;
  ctx->values = g_new0 (GValue *, mixin_cls->num_props);
 * gst_is_vulkan_memory:
 * @mem:a #GstMemory
 * Returns: whether the memory at @mem is a #GstVulkanMemory
gst_is_vulkan_memory (GstMemory * mem)
  return mem != NULL && mem->allocator != NULL &&
      g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (mem->allocator),
Esempio n. 18
tidy_stylable_notify (TidyStylable *stylable,
                      const gchar  *property_name)
  GParamSpec *pspec;
  g_return_if_fail (TIDY_IS_STYLABLE (stylable));
  g_return_if_fail (property_name != NULL);

  g_object_ref (stylable);

  pspec = g_param_spec_pool_lookup (style_property_spec_pool,
                                    G_OBJECT_TYPE (stylable),

  if (!pspec)
    g_warning ("%s: object class `%s' has no style property named `%s'",
               G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (stylable),
      GObjectNotifyQueue *nqueue;
      nqueue = g_object_notify_queue_freeze (G_OBJECT (stylable),
      g_object_notify_queue_add (G_OBJECT (stylable), nqueue, pspec);
      g_object_notify_queue_thaw (G_OBJECT (stylable), nqueue);

  g_object_unref (stylable);
Esempio n. 19
 * fs_session_new_stream:
 * @session: a #FsSession
 * @participant: #FsParticipant of a participant for the new stream
 * @direction: #FsStreamDirection describing the direction of the new stream that will
 * be created for this participant
 * @transmitter: Name of the type of transmitter to use for this session
 * @stream_transmitter_n_parameters: Number of parametrs passed to the stream
 *  transmitter
 * @stream_transmitter_parameters: an array of n_parameters #GParameter struct
 *  that will be passed
 *   to the newly-create #FsStreamTransmitter
 * @error: location of a #GError, or %NULL if no error occured
 * This function creates a stream for the given participant into the active session.
 * Returns: the new #FsStream that has been created. User must unref the
 * #FsStream when the stream is ended. If an error occured, returns NULL.
FsStream *
fs_session_new_stream (FsSession *session, FsParticipant *participant,
                       FsStreamDirection direction, const gchar *transmitter,
                       guint stream_transmitter_n_parameters,
                       GParameter *stream_transmitter_parameters,
                       GError **error)
  FsSessionClass *klass = FS_SESSION_GET_CLASS (session);
  FsStream *new_stream = NULL;
  g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (session),
              FS_TYPE_SESSION), NULL);

  if (klass->new_stream) {
    new_stream = klass->new_stream (session, participant, direction,
      transmitter, stream_transmitter_n_parameters,
      stream_transmitter_parameters, error);

    if (!new_stream)
      return NULL;

    /* Let's catch all stream errors and forward them */
    g_signal_connect (new_stream, "error",
        G_CALLBACK (fs_session_error_forward), session);

  } else {
    g_set_error (error, FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
      "new_stream not defined for %s", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (session));
  return new_stream;
Esempio n. 20
 * gst_is_gl_base_buffer:
 * @mem:a #GstMemory
 * Returns: whether the memory at @mem is a #GstGLBaseBuffer
gst_is_gl_base_buffer (GstMemory * mem)
  return mem != NULL && mem->allocator != NULL &&
      g_type_is_a (G_OBJECT_TYPE (mem->allocator),
Esempio n. 21
static JSValueRef
seed_gobject_signal_emit (JSContextRef ctx,
			  JSObjectRef function,
			  JSObjectRef thisObject,
			  size_t argumentCount,
			  const JSValueRef arguments[],
			  JSValueRef * exception)
  JSValueRef ret;
  GValue *params;
  GValue ret_value = { 0 };
  GSignalQuery query;

  signal_privates *privates;
  guint i, signal_id;

  privates = JSObjectGetPrivate (thisObject);

  signal_id = g_signal_lookup (privates->signal_name,
			       G_OBJECT_TYPE (privates->object));

  g_signal_query (signal_id, &query);

  if (argumentCount != query.n_params)
      seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError",
			   "Signal: %s for type %s expected %u "
			   "arguments, got %zd",
			   g_type_name (query.itype),
			   query.n_params, argumentCount);

      return JSValueMakeNull (ctx);

  params = g_new0 (GValue, argumentCount + 1);

  g_value_init (&params[0], G_TYPE_OBJECT);
  g_value_set_object (&params[0], privates->object);
  for (i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++)
    seed_value_to_gvalue (ctx, arguments[i],
			  &params[i + 1], exception);

  if (query.return_type != G_TYPE_NONE)
    g_value_init (&ret_value, query.return_type);
  g_signal_emitv (params, signal_id, 0, &ret_value);

  for (i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++)
    g_value_unset (&params[i]);
  g_free (params);

  ret = seed_value_from_gvalue (ctx, &ret_value, exception);

  if (query.return_type != G_TYPE_NONE)
    g_value_unset (&ret_value);

  return ret;
Esempio n. 22
static void
paste_object (GnmPasteTarget const *pt, SheetObject const *src, int left, int top)
	SheetObject *dst;
	SheetObjectAnchor tmp;

	tmp = *sheet_object_get_anchor (src);
		if ((pt->paste_flags & PASTE_COMMENTS) &&
		    (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_IGNORE_COMMENTS_AT_ORIGIN &&
		     tmp.cell_bound.start.col == 0  &&
		     tmp.cell_bound.start.row == 0))
	} else if (!(pt->paste_flags & PASTE_OBJECTS))

	if (NULL == (dst = sheet_object_dup (src)))

	if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_TRANSPOSE) {
		GnmCellPos origin;
		origin.col = 0;
		origin.row = 0;
		range_transpose (&tmp.cell_bound, pt->sheet, &origin);
	range_translate (&tmp.cell_bound, pt->sheet, left, top);
	sheet_object_set_anchor (dst, &tmp);
	sheet_object_set_sheet (dst, pt->sheet);
	g_object_unref (dst);
Esempio n. 23
 * _clutter_actor_set_default_paint_volume:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @check_gtype: if not %G_TYPE_INVALID, match the type of @self against
 *   this type
 * @volume: the #ClutterPaintVolume to set
 * Sets the default paint volume for @self.
 * This function should be called by #ClutterActor sub-classes that follow
 * the default assumption that their paint volume is defined by their
 * allocation.
 * If @check_gtype is not %G_TYPE_INVALID, this function will check the
 * type of @self and only compute the paint volume if the type matches;
 * this can be used to avoid computing the paint volume for sub-classes
 * of an actor class
 * Return value: %TRUE if the paint volume was set, and %FALSE otherwise
_clutter_actor_set_default_paint_volume (ClutterActor       *self,
                                         GType               check_gtype,
                                         ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
  ClutterGeometry geometry = { 0, };

  if (check_gtype != G_TYPE_INVALID)
      if (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self) != check_gtype)
        return FALSE;

  /* calling clutter_actor_get_allocation_* can potentially be very
   * expensive, as it can result in a synchronous full stage relayout
   * and redraw
  if (!clutter_actor_has_allocation (self))
    return FALSE;

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_geometry (self, &geometry);

  clutter_paint_volume_set_width (volume, geometry.width);
  clutter_paint_volume_set_height (volume, geometry.height);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 24
 * gdict_context_match_word:
 * @context: a #GdictContext
 * @database: a database name to search into, or %NULL for the
 *    default database
 * @strategy: a strategy name to use for matching, or %NULL for
 *    the default strategy
 * @word: the word to match
 * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL
 * Query @context for a list of word matching @word inside @database,
 * using @strategy as a matching strategy.  Each time a matching word
 * is found, the "match-found" signal is fired.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the query was successfully started.
 * Since: 1.0
gdict_context_match_word (GdictContext  *context,
			  const gchar   *database,
			  const gchar   *strategy,
			  const gchar   *word,
			  GError       **error)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDICT_IS_CONTEXT (context), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (word != NULL, FALSE);

  if (!GDICT_CONTEXT_GET_IFACE (context)->match_word)
      g_warning ("Object `%s' does not implement the match_word "
                 "virtual function.",
                 g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (context)));

      return FALSE;

  return GDICT_CONTEXT_GET_IFACE (context)->match_word (context,
Esempio n. 25
 * egg_state_machine_connect_object: (skip)
 * @self: A #EggStateMachine.
 * @state: The state the signal connection should exist within
 * @source: the source object to connect to
 * @detailed_signal: The detailed signal of @source to connect.
 * @callback: (scope notified) (closure user_data): The callback to execute upon signal emission.
 * @user_data: The user data for @callback.
 * @flags: signal connection flags.
 * Connects to the @detailed_signal of @source only when the current
 * state of the state machine is @state.
egg_state_machine_connect_object (EggStateMachine *self,
                                  const gchar     *state,
                                  gpointer         source,
                                  const gchar     *detailed_signal,
                                  GCallback        callback,
                                  gpointer         user_data,
                                  GConnectFlags    flags)
  EggState *state_obj;
  EggSignalGroup *signals;

  g_return_if_fail (EGG_IS_STATE_MACHINE (self));
  g_return_if_fail (state != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (source));
  g_return_if_fail (detailed_signal != NULL);
  g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL);

  state_obj = egg_state_machine_get_state_obj (self, state);

  if (!(signals = g_hash_table_lookup (state_obj->signals, source)))
      signals = egg_signal_group_new (G_OBJECT_TYPE (source));
      g_hash_table_insert (state_obj->signals, source, signals);

      g_object_weak_ref (source,

  egg_signal_group_connect_object (signals, detailed_signal, callback, user_data, flags);
Esempio n. 26
/* Find view by type */
XfdashboardView* xfdashboard_viewpad_find_view_by_type(XfdashboardViewpad *self, GType inType)
	ClutterActorIter			iter;
	ClutterActor				*child;
	XfdashboardView				*view;

	g_return_val_if_fail(XFDASHBOARD_IS_VIEWPAD(self), NULL);


	/* Iterate through children and create list of views */
	clutter_actor_iter_init(&iter, CLUTTER_ACTOR(self));
	while(!view && clutter_actor_iter_next(&iter, &child))
		/* Check if child is a view and of type looking for */

	/* Return view found which may be NULL if no view of requested type was found */
Esempio n. 27
static void
gtk_recent_action_unselect_all (GtkRecentChooser *chooser)
  g_warning ("This function is not implemented for "
	     "widgets of class '%s'",
             g_type_name (G_OBJECT_TYPE (chooser)));
Esempio n. 28
 * _clutter_actor_set_default_paint_volume:
 * @self: a #ClutterActor
 * @check_gtype: if not %G_TYPE_INVALID, match the type of @self against
 *   this type
 * @volume: the #ClutterPaintVolume to set
 * Sets the default paint volume for @self.
 * This function should be called by #ClutterActor sub-classes that follow
 * the default assumption that their paint volume is defined by their
 * allocation.
 * If @check_gtype is not %G_TYPE_INVALID, this function will check the
 * type of @self and only compute the paint volume if the type matches;
 * this can be used to avoid computing the paint volume for sub-classes
 * of an actor class
 * Return value: %TRUE if the paint volume was set, and %FALSE otherwise
_clutter_actor_set_default_paint_volume (ClutterActor       *self,
                                         GType               check_gtype,
                                         ClutterPaintVolume *volume)
  ClutterActorBox box;

  if (check_gtype != G_TYPE_INVALID)
      if (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self) != check_gtype)
        return FALSE;

  /* calling clutter_actor_get_allocation_* can potentially be very
   * expensive, as it can result in a synchronous full stage relayout
   * and redraw
  if (!clutter_actor_has_allocation (self))
    return FALSE;

  clutter_actor_get_allocation_box (self, &box);

  /* we only set the width and height, as the paint volume is defined
   * to be relative to the actor's modelview, which means that the
   * allocation's origin has already been applied
  clutter_paint_volume_set_width (volume, box.x2 - box.x1);
  clutter_paint_volume_set_height (volume, box.y2 - box.y1);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 29
static void
extensible_load_extension (GType extension_type,
                           EExtensible *extensible)
	EExtensionClass *extension_class;
	GType extensible_type;
	GPtrArray *extensions;
	EExtension *extension;

	extensible_type = G_OBJECT_TYPE (extensible);
	extension_class = g_type_class_ref (extension_type);

	/* Only load extensions that extend the given extensible object. */
	if (!g_type_is_a (extensible_type, extension_class->extensible_type))
		goto exit;

	extension = g_object_new (
		extension_type, "extensible", extensible, NULL);

	extensions = extensible_get_extensions (extensible);
	g_ptr_array_add (extensions, extension);

	g_type_class_unref (extension_class);
Esempio n. 30
static gboolean
ToolsCoreRegisterSignal(ToolsAppCtx *ctx,
                        ToolsAppProvider *prov,
                        ToolsPluginData *plugin,
                        gpointer reg)
   gboolean valid;
   guint sigId;
   GQuark sigDetail;
   ToolsPluginSignalCb *sig = reg;

   valid = g_signal_parse_name(sig->signame,
   if (valid) {
      return TRUE;

   g_debug("Plugin '%s' unable to connect to signal '%s'.\n", plugin->name,
   return FALSE;