Esempio n. 1
int main()
  double xp[1000],yp[1000] ;
  int n,q ;
  double P[2] ;

  swidth = 700 ; sheight = 700 ;
  G_init_graphics(swidth, sheight) ;
  G_rgb(0,0,0) ;
  G_clear() ;

  G_rgb(1,0,0) ;
  n = click_and_save(xp,yp) ;
  G_rgb(0,1,0) ;
  G_fill_polygon(xp,yp,n) ;
  G_wait_click(P) ;
  if(P[1] < 40){
  int r = in_out(xp,yp,n,P);
  G_rgb(0,0,1) ;
  G_fill_circle(P[0],P[1],2) ;

  q = G_wait_key() ;
Esempio n. 2
int main() 
 double j ;
 char q ;

 G_init_graphics(601, 601) ;

 // the original design was for a 400x400
 // window and the object is centered on 200,200
 // so we recenter it and make it larger
 translate(-200, -200) ;
 scale(2.0) ;
 translate(300, 300) ;

 j = 0 ;
 while (j < 100) {

   G_rgb(0,0,0) ;
   G_clear() ;

   G_rgb(0, 0.5, 1) ;
   G_fill_polygon(x,y,n) ;

   G_rgb(1, 1, 0) ;
   G_polygon(x,y,n) ;

   //   q = G_wait_key() ;
   G_display_image() ;
   usleep(25000) ;  // microseconds 
   translate(-300, -300) ;
   scale(0.95) ;
   rotate(4) ;
   translate(300, 300) ;

   j=j+1 ;

 G_rgb(1,0,0) ;
 G_fill_circle(300,300, 50) ;

 q = G_wait_key() ;

Esempio n. 3
int main()
// this tests clipping of polygon to convex window
//prefix -p == polygon; prefix -w == window
  int pn, wn ;
  double pt[2], u, v, q ;

  double px[100] = {  70, 460, 400} ;
  double py[100] = { 350, 25, 550} ;
  pn = 3 ;

  double wx[100] = { 100, 600, 550, 150} ;
  double wy[100] = { 150, 200, 450, 500} ;
  wn = 4 ;

  srand48(100) ;

  G_init_graphics (700, 700) ;
  G_rgb (0, 0, 0) ;
  G_clear() ;

  G_rgb (1, 0, 0) ;
  G_polygon(wx, wy, wn) ;

  G_rgb (0, 0, 1) ;
  G_polygon(px, py, pn) ;

  q = G_wait_key() ;

  pn = Clip_Polygon_Against_Convex_Window (px, py, pn, wx, wy, wn) ;

  G_rgb (1, 1, 0) ;
  for (int i = 0; i < pn; i++) {
    G_fill_circle(px[i], py[i], 2);
    printf("x:%.2lf, y:%.2lf\n", px[i], py[i]);

  G_fill_polygon(px, py, pn) ;
  q = G_wait_key() ;
Esempio n. 4
int main ()
  char prefix[100], sequence_name[100] ;
  int s,e,i ;
  double f ;

  printf("enter prefix name ") ;
  scanf("%s",prefix) ;

  printf("enter starting integer ") ;
  scanf("%d",&s) ;

  printf("enter ending integer ") ;
  scanf("%d",&e) ;

  printf("\n") ;
  for (i = s ; i <= e ; i++) {
    sprintf(sequence_name, "%s%04d.xwd", prefix, i) ;
    printf("%s\n",sequence_name) ;

  G_init_graphics(400,400) ;

  for (i = s ; i <= e ; i++) {
    G_rgb(0,0,0) ;
    G_clear() ;
    f = 1.0*i/(e - s + 1) ;
    G_rgb(1,f,0) ;
    G_fill_circle(200,200,i) ;
    sprintf(sequence_name, "%s%04d.xwd", prefix, i) ;
    G_save_image_to_file(sequence_name) ;

  G_close() ;

Esempio n. 5
int main()
   double swidth, sheight ;
   double lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height ;
   double x[10],y[10] ;
   double numpoints,q, x0,y0,x1,y1 ;
   double p[2] ;

   // must do this before you do 'almost' any other
   // graphical tasks 
   swidth = 400 ;  sheight = 400 ;
   G_init_graphics (swidth, sheight) ;

   // draw a point, a line, some rectangles, some triangles 

   G_rgb(1, 0, 0) ;  // red 
   G_point(200, 380) ;

   G_rgb(0, 1, 0) ;  // green
   //   G_line (0, 0, 400, 400) ; // won't show if part is off screen
   G_line (0, 0, 399, 399) ;
   G_rgb(0, 0, 1) ;  // blue 
   lowleftx = 200 ; lowlefty = 50 ; width = 10 ; height = 30 ;
   G_rectangle (lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height) ;
   lowleftx = 250 ; 
   G_fill_rectangle (lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height) ;

   G_rgb(1, 1, 0) ;  // yellow
   G_triangle (10, 300,  40,300,  60,250) ;
   G_fill_triangle (10,100,  40,100,  60,150) ;

   G_rgb(1, 0.5, 0) ;  // orange
   G_circle (100, 300, 75) ;
   G_fill_circle (370, 200, 50) ;

   // prints text in your graphics window 
   G_rgb(0, 0, 0) ;  // black
   G_draw_string ("hello",300,100) ;

   // draw a polygon 
   x[0] = 100 ;   y[0] = 100 ;
   x[1] = 100 ;   y[1] = 300 ;
   x[2] = 300 ;   y[2] = 300 ;
   x[3] = 300 ;   y[3] = 100 ;
   x[4] = 200 ;   y[4] = 175 ;
   numpoints = 5 ;
   G_polygon (x,y,numpoints) ;

   q = G_wait_key() ; // pause to look ...any key to continue

   G_rgb (0.4, 0.2, 0.1) ; // brown
   G_fill_polygon (x,y,numpoints) ;

   G_rgb (0.5, 0.8, 0.4) ;// what color is this?

   G_wait_click(p) ;   // wait for a mouse click
   x0 = p[0] ; y0 = p[1] ; // extract coordinates 
   G_fill_rectangle (x0-2, y0-2, 4,4) ;// mark the clicked point

   G_wait_click(p) ;  
   x1 = p[0] ; y1 = p[1] ;
   G_fill_rectangle (x1-2, y1-2, 4,4) ;

   G_rgb (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) ; // a grey
   G_line (x0,y0, x1,y1) ;

   q = G_wait_key() ;    // pause again before exit 

   G_save_image_to_file ("t01c.xwd") ;

   G_close() ; // terminate graphics...probably not fatal if forgotten

Esempio n. 6
int main()
   int    swidth, sheight ;
   double lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height ;
   double x[10],y[10] ;
   double numpoints,q, x0,y0,x1,y1 ;
   double p[2] ;
   int    i ;

   // must do this before you do 'almost' any other
   // graphical tasks 
   swidth = 400 ;  sheight = 500 ;
   G_init_graphics (swidth, sheight) ;

   // draw a point, a line, some rectangles, some triangles 

   G_rgb(1, 0, 0) ;  // red 
   G_point(200, 380) ;
   G_fill_rectangle (300,400, 50, 20) ;

   G_rgb(0, 1, 0) ;  // green
   //   G_line (0, 0, 400, 400) ; // won't show if part is off screen
   G_line (0, 0, 399, 399) ;
   G_fill_triangle(50, 400,  100,400,  150,475) ;
   G_rgb(0, 0, 1) ;  // blue 
   lowleftx = 200 ; lowlefty = 50 ; width = 10 ; height = 30 ;
   G_rectangle (lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height) ;
   lowleftx = 250 ; 
   G_fill_rectangle (lowleftx, lowlefty, width, height) ;

   G_rgb(1, 1, 0) ;  // yellow
   G_triangle (10, 300,  40,300,  60,250) ;
   G_fill_triangle (10,100,  40,100,  60,150) ;

   G_rgb(1, 0.5, 0) ;  // orange
   G_circle (100, 300, 75) ;
   G_fill_circle (370, 200, 50) ;

   // prints text in your graphics window 
   G_rgb(0, 0, 0) ;  // black
   G_draw_string ("hello",300,100) ;

   // draw a polygon 
   x[0] = 100 ;   y[0] = 100 ;
   x[1] = 100 ;   y[1] = 300 ;
   x[2] = 300 ;   y[2] = 300 ;
   x[3] = 300 ;   y[3] = 100 ;
   x[4] = 200 ;   y[4] = 175 ;
   numpoints = 5 ;
   G_polygon (x,y,numpoints) ;

   G_rgb (0.4, 0.2, 0.1) ; // brown
   G_fill_polygon (x,y,numpoints) ;

   G_rgb (0.5, 0.8, 0.4) ;// what color is this?

   int xc,yc ;
   int pixel ;
   int rgbI[3] ;
   double rgb[3] ;

   G_wait_click(p) ;  
   xc = p[0] ; yc = p[1] ;
   while (yc > 20) {

     printf("%d %d\n",xc,yc) ;
     pixel = G_get_pixel(xc,yc) ;
     G_convert_pixel_to_rgbI(pixel, rgbI) ;
     G_convert_rgbI_to_rgb(rgbI, rgb) ;

     printf("pixel = %x\n",pixel) ;
     printf("%3d %3d %3d\n",rgbI[0],rgbI[1],rgbI[2]) ;
     printf("%lf %lf %lf\n",rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]) ;
     printf("\n") ;

     G_wait_click(p) ;  
     xc = p[0] ; yc = p[1] ;

Esempio n. 7
File: clock.c Progetto: qrohlf/CS467
int main()
  //  analog clock using double buffering...simpler
  double hours,minutes,seconds,x,y,nx,ny,theta,digit ;
  double hx,hy,mx,my,sx,sy,angle ;
  double oldhourtheta,oldminutetheta,oldsecondtheta ;
  char text[3] ;
  double hms[3] ;
  double xx[100],yy[100] ;
  int num ;

  G_init_graphics(600,600) ;

  while (0 < 1) {

    // blank the window
    G_rgb(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) ;
    G_clear() ;

    // outer circle of the clock face 

    G_rgb(0,0,1) ;
    G_fill_circle(300,300,230) ;
    G_rgb (1,0.5,0) ; 
    G_fill_circle(300,300,220) ;

    // digits on the clock face 
    G_rgb (0,0,0) ;
    theta = 90 ; // degrees 
    digit = 0 ;
    while (theta > -270) {
        theta = theta - 30 ;
        digit = digit + 1 ;
        nx = 200*cos(theta*M_PI/180) + 300 ;
        ny = 200*sin(theta*M_PI/180) + 300 ;
        if (digit >= 10) { 
                   text[0] = '1' ;
                   text[1] = '0' + digit - 10 ;
                   text[2] = '\0' ;
        else {
                   text[0] = '0' + digit ;
                   text[1] = '\0' ;
        G_draw_string(text,nx-5,ny-5) ;

    //    get_timeD(hms) ;
    //    hours   = hms[0] ;
    //    minutes = hms[1] ;
    //    seconds = hms[2] ;
    printf("enter hours minutes seconds") ;
    scanf("%lf %lf %lf",&hours,&minutes,&seconds) ;

    G_rgb (0,0,0) ; 

    // set the second hand 
    theta = 90 - 6*seconds  ;
    angle = theta*M_PI/180 ;
    sx = 175*cos(angle) + 300 ;
    sy = 175*sin(angle) + 300 ;

    //    G_line(300,300,sx,sy) ;
    num = make_arrow (300,300,
                      xx,yy) ;
    G_fill_polygon(xx,yy,num) ;

    // set the minute hand 
    theta = 90 - 6*(minutes + seconds/60.0)  ;
    angle = theta*M_PI/180 ;
    mx = 140*cos(angle) + 300 ;
    my = 140*sin(angle) + 300 ;

    //    G_line(300,300,mx,my) ;
    num = make_arrow (300,300,
                      xx,yy) ;
    G_fill_polygon(xx,yy,num) ;

    // set the hour hand 
    theta = 90 - 30*(hours + minutes/60.0 + seconds/3600.0)  ;
    angle = theta*M_PI/180 ;
    hx = 75*cos(angle) + 300 ;
    hy = 75*sin(angle) + 300 ;

    //    G_line(300,300,hx,hy) ;
    num = make_arrow (300,300,
                      xx,yy) ;
    G_fill_polygon(xx,yy,num) ;

    G_rgb(0,0,0) ;
    G_fill_circle(300,300,12) ;

    G_display_image() ;

    break ;
 } // end while (0 < 1) 

  G_save_image_to_file("clock.xwd") ;
