Esempio n. 1
void TempMotifCounter::GetAllStaticTriangles(TIntV& Us, TIntV& Vs, TIntV& Ws) {
  // Get degree ordering of the graph
  int max_nodes = static_graph_->GetMxNId();
  TVec<TIntPair> degrees(max_nodes);
  degrees.PutAll(TIntPair(0, 0));
  // Set the degree of a node to be the number of nodes adjacent to the node in
  // the undirected graph.
  TIntV nodes;
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)  
  for (int node_id = 0; node_id < nodes.Len(); node_id++) {
    int src = nodes[node_id];
    TIntV nbrs;
    GetAllNeighbors(src, nbrs);
    degrees[src] = TIntPair(nbrs.Len(), src);
  TIntV order = TIntV(max_nodes);
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)  
  for (int i = 0; i < order.Len(); i++) {
    order[degrees[i].Dat] = i;

  // Get triangles centered at a given node where that node is the smallest in
  // the degree ordering.
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)  
  for (int node_id = 0; node_id < nodes.Len(); node_id++) {
    int src = nodes[node_id];
    int src_pos = order[src];
    // Get all neighbors who come later in the ordering
    TIntV nbrs;
    GetAllNeighbors(src, nbrs);    
    TIntV neighbors_higher;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbrs.Len(); i++) {
      int nbr = nbrs[i];
      if (order[nbr] > src_pos) { neighbors_higher.Add(nbr); }

    for (int ind1 = 0; ind1 < neighbors_higher.Len(); ind1++) {
      for (int ind2 = ind1 + 1; ind2 < neighbors_higher.Len(); ind2++) {
        int dst1 = neighbors_higher[ind1];
        int dst2 = neighbors_higher[ind2];
        // Check for triangle formation
        if (static_graph_->IsEdge(dst1, dst2) || static_graph_->IsEdge(dst2, dst1)) {
          #pragma omp critical
Esempio n. 2
Given the predicted location of the Player and the List of
older player locations get the waypoint that probably gives the
next path
AWaypoint* AProtherer::PredictedDestinationFor(AWaypoint* predictedWaypoin)
	AWaypoint* ret = NULL;

	if (!FinalDestination)
		return predictedWaypoin;

	// Get all neighbors for the predicted waypoint.
	TArray<AWaypoint*> list = GetAllNeighbors(predictedWaypoin);

	float minDist = 999999999999999999.0f;

	for (int i = 0; i < list.Num(); ++i)
		float diff = FVector::Dist(list[i]->GetActorLocation(), FinalDestination->GetActorLocation());
		if (diff < minDist)
			minDist = diff;
			ret = list[i];

	if (ret)
		FString* text = new FString("Chosing Waypoint closer to Destination - ");

		return ret;

	return predictedWaypoin;
Esempio n. 3
void TempMotifCounter::Count3TEdge3NodeStarsNaive(
        double delta, Counter3D& pre_counts, Counter3D& pos_counts,
        Counter3D& mid_counts) {
  TIntV centers;
  pre_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  pos_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  mid_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  // Get counts for each node as the center
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
  for (int c = 0; c < centers.Len(); c++) {
    // Gather all adjacent events
    int center = centers[c];
    TIntV nbrs;
    GetAllNeighbors(center, nbrs);
    for (int i = 0; i < nbrs.Len(); i++) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < nbrs.Len(); j++) {
        int nbr1 = nbrs[i];
        int nbr2 = nbrs[j];
        TVec<TIntPair> combined;
        AddStarEdges(combined, center, nbr1, 0);
        AddStarEdges(combined, nbr1, center, 1);
        AddStarEdges(combined, center, nbr2, 2);
        AddStarEdges(combined, nbr2, center, 3);
        ThreeTEdgeMotifCounter counter(4);
        TIntV edge_id(combined.Len());
        TIntV timestamps(combined.Len());
        for (int k = 0; k < combined.Len(); k++) {
          edge_id[k] = combined[k].Dat;
          timestamps[k] = combined[k].Key;
        Counter3D local;
        counter.Count(edge_id, timestamps, delta, local);

        #pragma omp critical
        {  // Update with local counts
          for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < 2; ++dir1) {
            for (int dir2 = 0; dir2 < 2; ++dir2) {
              for (int dir3 = 0; dir3 < 2; ++dir3) {
                pre_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) +=
                  local(dir1, dir2, dir3 + 2) + local(dir1 + 2, dir2 + 2, dir3);
                pos_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) +=
                  local(dir1, dir2 + 2, dir3 + 2) + local(dir1 + 2, dir2, dir3);
                mid_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) +=
                  local(dir1, dir2 + 2, dir3) + local(dir1 + 2, dir2, dir3 + 2);
Esempio n. 4
void BlendCorners( CCoreDispInfo **ppListBase, int listSize )
	CUtlVector<int> nbCornerVerts;

	for ( int iDisp=0; iDisp < listSize; iDisp++ )
		CCoreDispInfo *pDisp = ppListBase[iDisp];

		int iNeighbors[512];
		int nNeighbors = GetAllNeighbors( pDisp, iNeighbors );

		// Make sure we have room for all the neighbors.
		nbCornerVerts.EnsureCapacity( nNeighbors );
		nbCornerVerts.AddMultipleToTail( nNeighbors );
		// For each corner.
		for ( int iCorner=0; iCorner < 4; iCorner++ )
			// Has it been touched?
			CVertIndex cornerVert = pDisp->GetCornerPointIndex( iCorner );
			int iCornerVert = pDisp->VertIndexToInt( cornerVert );
			const Vector &vCornerVert = pDisp->GetVert( iCornerVert );

			// For each displacement sharing this corner..
			Vector vAverage = pDisp->GetNormal( iCornerVert );

			for ( int iNeighbor=0; iNeighbor < nNeighbors; iNeighbor++ )
				int iNBListIndex = iNeighbors[iNeighbor];
				CCoreDispInfo *pNeighbor = ppListBase[iNBListIndex];
				// Find out which vert it is on the neighbor.
				int iNBCorner = FindNeighborCornerVert( pNeighbor, vCornerVert );
				if ( iNBCorner == -1 )
					nbCornerVerts[iNeighbor] = -1; // remove this neighbor from the list.
					CVertIndex viNBCornerVert = pNeighbor->GetCornerPointIndex( iNBCorner );
					int iNBVert = pNeighbor->VertIndexToInt( viNBCornerVert );
					nbCornerVerts[iNeighbor] = iNBVert;
					vAverage += pNeighbor->GetNormal( iNBVert );

			// Blend all the neighbor normals with this one.
			VectorNormalize( vAverage );
			pDisp->SetNormal( iCornerVert, vAverage );

#if defined( USE_SCRATCHPAD )
				pDisp->GetVert( iCornerVert ), 
				pDisp->GetNormal( iCornerVert ), 
				Vector( 0, 0, 1 ),
				25 );

			for ( int iNeighbor=0; iNeighbor < nNeighbors; iNeighbor++ )
				int iNBListIndex = iNeighbors[iNeighbor];
				if ( nbCornerVerts[iNeighbor] == -1 )

				CCoreDispInfo *pNeighbor = ppListBase[iNBListIndex];
				pNeighbor->SetNormal( nbCornerVerts[iNeighbor], vAverage );
Esempio n. 5
void TempMotifCounter::Count3TEdgeTriads(double delta, Counter3D& counts) {
  counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);

  // Get the counts on each undirected edge
  TVec< THash<TInt, TInt> > edge_counts(static_graph_->GetMxNId());
  TVec< THash<TInt, TIntV> > assignments(static_graph_->GetMxNId());
  for (TNGraph::TEdgeI it = static_graph_->BegEI();
       it < static_graph_->EndEI(); it++) {
    int src = it.GetSrcNId();
    int dst = it.GetDstNId();
    int min_node = MIN(src, dst);
    int max_node = MAX(src, dst);
    edge_counts[min_node](max_node) += temporal_data_[src](dst).Len();
    assignments[min_node](max_node) = TIntV();
  // Assign triangles to the edge with the most events
  TIntV Us, Vs, Ws;
  GetAllStaticTriangles(Us, Vs, Ws);
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
  for (int i = 0; i < Us.Len(); i++) {
    int u = Us[i];
    int v = Vs[i];
    int w = Ws[i];
    int counts_uv = edge_counts[MIN(u, v)].GetDat(MAX(u, v));
    int counts_uw = edge_counts[MIN(u, w)].GetDat(MAX(u, w));
    int counts_vw = edge_counts[MIN(v, w)].GetDat(MAX(v, w));
    if        (counts_uv >= MAX(counts_uw, counts_vw)) {
      #pragma omp critical
        TIntV& assignment = assignments[MIN(u, v)].GetDat(MAX(u, v));
    } else if (counts_uw >= MAX(counts_uv, counts_vw)) {
      #pragma omp critical
        TIntV& assignment = assignments[MIN(u, w)].GetDat(MAX(u, w));
    } else if (counts_vw >= MAX(counts_uv, counts_uw)) {
      #pragma omp critical
        TIntV& assignment = assignments[MIN(v, w)].GetDat(MAX(v, w));

  TVec<TIntPair> all_edges;
  TIntV all_nodes;
  for (int node_id = 0; node_id < all_nodes.Len(); node_id++) {
    int u = all_nodes[node_id];
    TIntV nbrs;
    GetAllNeighbors(u, nbrs);
    for (int nbr_id = 0; nbr_id < nbrs.Len(); nbr_id++) {
      int v = nbrs[nbr_id];
      if (assignments[u].IsKey(v) && assignments[u].GetDat(v).Len() > 0) {
        all_edges.Add(TIntPair(u, v));

  // Count triangles on edges with the assigned neighbors
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
  for (int edge_id = 0; edge_id < all_edges.Len(); edge_id++) {
    TIntPair edge = all_edges[edge_id];
    int u = edge.Key;
    int v = edge.Dat;
    // Continue if no assignment
    if (!assignments[u].IsKey(v)) { continue; }
    TIntV& uv_assignment = assignments[u].GetDat(v);
    // Continue if no data
    if (uv_assignment.Len() == 0) { continue; }
    // Get all events on (u, v)
    TVec<TriadEdgeData> events;
    TVec<TIntPair> ts_indices;
    int index = 0;
    int nbr_index = 0;
    // Assign indices from 0, 1, ..., num_nbrs + 2
    AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, u, v, nbr_index, 0, 1);
    AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, v, u, nbr_index, 0, 0);
    // Get all events on triangles assigned to (u, v)
    for (int w_id = 0; w_id < uv_assignment.Len(); w_id++) {
      int w = uv_assignment[w_id];
      AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, w, u, nbr_index, 0, 0);
      AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, w, v, nbr_index, 0, 1);
      AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, u, w, nbr_index, 1, 0);
      AddTriadEdgeData(events, ts_indices, index, v, w, nbr_index, 1, 1);
    // Put events in sorted order
    TIntV timestamps(ts_indices.Len());
    TVec<TriadEdgeData> sorted_events(ts_indices.Len());
    for (int i = 0; i < ts_indices.Len(); i++) {
      timestamps[i] = ts_indices[i].Key;
      sorted_events[i] = events[ts_indices[i].Dat];
    // Get the counts and update the counter
    ThreeTEdgeTriadCounter tetc(nbr_index, 0, 1);
    tetc.Count(sorted_events, timestamps, delta);
    #pragma omp critical
      for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < 2; dir1++) {
        for (int dir2 = 0; dir2 < 2; dir2++) {
          for (int dir3 = 0; dir3 < 2; dir3++) {        
            counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) += tetc.Counts(dir1, dir2, dir3);
Esempio n. 6
void TempMotifCounter::Count3TEdge3NodeStars(double delta, Counter3D& pre_counts,
                                             Counter3D& pos_counts,
                                             Counter3D& mid_counts) {
  TIntV centers;
  pre_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  pos_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  mid_counts = Counter3D(2, 2, 2);
  // Get counts for each node as the center
  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)  
  for (int c = 0; c < centers.Len(); c++) {
    // Gather all adjacent events
    int center = centers[c];
    TVec<TIntPair> ts_indices;
    TVec<StarEdgeData> events;
    TNGraph::TNodeI NI = static_graph_->GetNI(center);
    int index = 0;
    TIntV nbrs;
    GetAllNeighbors(center, nbrs);
    int nbr_index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbrs.Len(); i++) {
      int nbr = nbrs[i];
      AddStarEdgeData(ts_indices, events, index, center, nbr, nbr_index, 0);
      AddStarEdgeData(ts_indices, events, index, nbr, center, nbr_index, 1);
    TIntV timestamps;
    TVec<StarEdgeData> ordered_events;
    for (int j = 0; j < ts_indices.Len(); j++) {
    ThreeTEdgeStarCounter tesc(nbr_index);
    // dirs: outgoing --> 0, incoming --> 1
    tesc.Count(ordered_events, timestamps, delta);
    #pragma omp critical
    { // Update counts
      for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < 2; ++dir1) {
        for (int dir2 = 0; dir2 < 2; ++dir2) {
          for (int dir3 = 0; dir3 < 2; ++dir3) {
            pre_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) += tesc.PreCount(dir1, dir2, dir3);
            pos_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) += tesc.PosCount(dir1, dir2, dir3);
            mid_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) += tesc.MidCount(dir1, dir2, dir3);

    // Subtract off edge-wise counts
    for (int nbr_id = 0; nbr_id < nbrs.Len(); nbr_id++) {
      int nbr = nbrs[nbr_id];
      Counter3D edge_counts;
      Count3TEdge2Node(center, nbr, delta, edge_counts);
      #pragma omp critical
        for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < 2; ++dir1) {
          for (int dir2 = 0; dir2 < 2; ++dir2) {
            for (int dir3 = 0; dir3 < 2; ++dir3) {
              pre_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) -= edge_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3);
              pos_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) -= edge_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3);
              mid_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3) -= edge_counts(dir1, dir2, dir3);