Esempio n. 1
double Ship::AIFaceOrient(const vector3d &dir, const vector3d &updir)
	double timeStep = Pi::GetTimeStep();
	matrix4x4d rot; GetRotMatrix(rot);
	double maxAccel = GetShipType().angThrust / GetAngularInertia();		// should probably be in stats anyway
	double frameAccel = maxAccel * timeStep;
	if (dir.Dot(vector3d(rot[8], rot[9], rot[10])) > -0.999999)
		{ AIFaceDirection(dir); return false; }
	vector3d uphead = (updir * rot).Normalized();		// create desired object-space updir
	vector3d dav(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);			// desired angular velocity
	double ang = 0.0;
	if (uphead.y < 0.999999)
		ang = acos(Clamp(uphead.y, -1.0, 1.0));		// scalar angle from head to curhead
		double iangvel = sqrt(2.0 * maxAccel * ang);	// ideal angvel at current time

		double frameEndAV = iangvel - frameAccel;
		if (frameEndAV <= 0.0) iangvel = ang / timeStep;	// last frame discrete correction
		else iangvel = (iangvel + frameEndAV) * 0.5;		// discrete overshoot correction
		dav.z = -iangvel;
	vector3d cav = (GetAngVelocity() - GetFrame()->GetAngVelocity()) * rot;				// current obj-rel angvel
//	vector3d cav = GetAngVelocity() * rot;				// current obj-rel angvel
	vector3d diff = (dav - cav) / frameAccel;			// find diff between current & desired angvel

	return ang;
//	if (diff.x*diff.x > 1.0 || diff.y*diff.y > 1.0 || diff.z*diff.z > 1.0) return false;
//	else return true;
Esempio n. 2
// Input: direction in ship's frame, doesn't need to be normalized
// Approximate positive angular velocity at match point
// Applies thrust directly
// old: returns whether it can reach that direction in this frame
// returns angle to target
double Ship::AIFaceDirection(const vector3d &dir, double av)
	double maxAccel = m_type->angThrust / GetAngularInertia();		// should probably be in stats anyway

	vector3d head = (dir * GetOrient()).Normalized();		// create desired object-space heading
	vector3d dav(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	// desired angular velocity

	double ang = 0.0;
	if (head.z > -0.99999999)
		ang = acos (Clamp(-head.z, -1.0, 1.0));		// scalar angle from head to curhead
		double iangvel = av + calc_ivel_pos(ang, 0.0, maxAccel);	// ideal angvel at current time

		// Normalize (head.x, head.y) to give desired angvel direction
		if (head.z > 0.999999) head.x = 1.0;
		double head2dnorm = 1.0 / sqrt(head.x*head.x + head.y*head.y);		// NAN fix shouldn't be necessary if inputs are normalized
		dav.x = head.y * head2dnorm * iangvel;
		dav.y = -head.x * head2dnorm * iangvel;
	vector3d cav = GetAngVelocity() * GetOrient();				// current obj-rel angvel
	double frameAccel = maxAccel * Pi::game->GetTimeStep();
	vector3d diff = (dav - cav) / frameAccel;	// find diff between current & desired angvel

	// If the player is pressing a roll key, don't override roll.
	// XXX this really shouldn't be here. a better way would be to have a
	// field in Ship describing the wanted angvel adjustment from input. the
	// baseclass version in Ship would always be 0. the version in Player
	// would be constructed from user input. that adjustment could then be
	// considered by this method when computing the required change
	if (IsType(Object::PLAYER) && (KeyBindings::rollLeft.IsActive() || KeyBindings::rollRight.IsActive()))
		diff.z = m_angThrusters.z;
	return ang;
Esempio n. 3
// Input in object space
void Ship::AIMatchAngVelObjSpace(const vector3d &angvel)
	double maxAccel = m_type->angThrust / GetAngularInertia();
	double invFrameAccel = 1.0 / (maxAccel * Pi::game->GetTimeStep());

	vector3d diff = angvel - GetAngVelocity() * GetOrient();		// find diff between current & desired angvel
	SetAngThrusterState(diff * invFrameAccel);
Esempio n. 4
// Input in object space
void Ship::AIMatchAngVelObjSpace(const vector3d &angvel)
	double maxAccel = GetShipType().angThrust / GetAngularInertia();
	double invFrameAccel = 1.0 / (maxAccel * Pi::GetTimeStep());

	matrix4x4d rot; GetRotMatrix(rot);
	vector3d diff = angvel - GetAngVelocity() * rot;		// find diff between current & desired angvel
	SetAngThrusterState(diff * invFrameAccel);
Esempio n. 5
void Ship::AIModelCoordsMatchAngVel(vector3d desiredAngVel, double softness)
	double angAccel = m_type->angThrust / GetAngularInertia();
	const double softTimeStep = Pi::game->GetTimeStep() * softness;

	vector3d angVel = desiredAngVel - GetAngVelocity() * GetOrient();
	vector3d thrust;
	for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
		if (angAccel * softTimeStep >= fabs(angVel[axis])) {
			thrust[axis] = angVel[axis] / (softTimeStep * angAccel);
		} else {
			thrust[axis] = (angVel[axis] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
Esempio n. 6
void Ship::AIModelCoordsMatchAngVel(vector3d desiredAngVel, double softness)
	const ShipType &stype = GetShipType();
	double angAccel = stype.angThrust / GetAngularInertia();
	const double softTimeStep = Pi::GetTimeStep() * softness;

	matrix4x4d rot;
	vector3d angVel = desiredAngVel - rot.InverseOf() * GetAngVelocity();

	vector3d thrust; 
	for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
		if (angAccel * softTimeStep >= fabs(angVel[axis])) {
			thrust[axis] = angVel[axis] / (softTimeStep * angAccel);
		} else {
			thrust[axis] = (angVel[axis] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
Esempio n. 7
// Input: direction in ship's frame, doesn't need to be normalized
// Approximate positive angular velocity at match point
// Applies thrust directly
// old: returns whether it can reach that direction in this frame
// returns angle to target
double Ship::AIFaceDirection(const vector3d &dir, double av)
	double timeStep = Pi::GetTimeStep();

	double maxAccel = GetShipType().angThrust / GetAngularInertia();		// should probably be in stats anyway
	if (maxAccel <= 0.0)
		// happens if no angular thrust is set for the model eg MISSILE_UNGUIDED
		return 0.0;
	double frameAccel = maxAccel * timeStep;

	matrix4x4d rot; GetRotMatrix(rot);

	vector3d head = (dir * rot).Normalized();		// create desired object-space heading
	vector3d dav(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	// desired angular velocity

	double ang = 0.0;
	if (head.z > -0.99999999)			
		ang = acos (Clamp(-head.z, -1.0, 1.0));		// scalar angle from head to curhead
		double iangvel = av + sqrt (2.0 * maxAccel * ang);	// ideal angvel at current time

		double frameEndAV = iangvel - frameAccel;
		if (frameEndAV <= 0.0) iangvel = ang / timeStep;	// last frame discrete correction
		else iangvel = (iangvel + frameEndAV) * 0.5;		// discrete overshoot correction

		// Normalize (head.x, head.y) to give desired angvel direction
		if (head.z > 0.9999) head.x = 1.0;
		double head2dnorm = 1.0 / sqrt(head.x*head.x + head.y*head.y);		// NAN fix shouldn't be necessary if inputs are normalized
		dav.x = head.y * head2dnorm * iangvel;
		dav.y = -head.x * head2dnorm * iangvel;
	vector3d cav = (GetAngVelocity() - GetFrame()->GetAngVelocity()) * rot;		// current obj-rel angvel
//	vector3d cav = GetAngVelocity() * rot;				// current obj-rel angvel
	vector3d diff = (dav - cav) / frameAccel;					// find diff between current & desired angvel

	return ang;
//if (diff.x*diff.x > 1.0 || diff.y*diff.y > 1.0 || diff.z*diff.z > 1.0) return false;
//	else return true;
Esempio n. 8
Grenade::Grenade(const TVector2D& src, const TVector2D& velocity, unsigned int _owner) :

    m_xTexture = &WeaponManager::GetSingleton().text_grenade[0];
    m_fHalfHeight = m_xTexture->h/2.0f;
    m_fHalfWidth = m_xTexture->w/2.0f;

    Set(src, velocity, 8, m_fHalfHeight, m_fHalfWidth, 0.01f);
    GetInvInertia() = 0.0f;
    GetInertia() = 0.0f;
    GetAngVelocity() = 0.0f;
    type = TYPE_GRENADE;

Esempio n. 9
// get updir as close as possible just using roll thrusters
double Ship::AIFaceUpdir(const vector3d &updir, double av)
	double maxAccel = m_type->angThrust / GetAngularInertia();		// should probably be in stats anyway
	double frameAccel = maxAccel * Pi::game->GetTimeStep();

	vector3d uphead = updir * GetOrient();			// create desired object-space updir
	if (uphead.z > 0.99999) return 0;				// bail out if facing updir
	uphead.z = 0; uphead = uphead.Normalized();		// only care about roll axis

	double ang = 0.0, dav = 0.0;
	if (uphead.y < 0.99999999)
		ang = acos(Clamp(uphead.y, -1.0, 1.0));		// scalar angle from head to curhead
		double iangvel = av + calc_ivel_pos(ang, 0.0, maxAccel);	// ideal angvel at current time

		dav = uphead.x > 0 ? -iangvel : iangvel;
	double cav = (GetAngVelocity() * GetOrient()).z;	// current obj-rel angvel
	double diff = (dav - cav) / frameAccel;				// find diff between current & desired angvel

	SetAngThrusterState(2, diff);
	return ang;
Esempio n. 10
void SpaceStation::DockingUpdate(const double timeStep)
	vector3d p1, p2, zaxis;
	for (int i=0; i<MAX_DOCKING_PORTS; i++) {
		shipDocking_t &dt = m_shipDocking[i];
		if (!dt.ship) continue;
		// docked stage is m_type->numDockingPorts + 1 => ship docked
		if (dt.stage > m_type->numDockingStages) continue;

		double stageDuration = (dt.stage > 0 ?
				m_type->dockAnimStageDuration[dt.stage-1] :
		dt.stagePos += timeStep / stageDuration;

		if (dt.stage == 1) {
			// SPECIAL stage! Docking granted but waiting for ship to dock

			m_doorAnimationStep = 0.3; // open door

			if (dt.stagePos >= 1.0) {
				if (dt.ship == static_cast<Ship*>(Pi::player)) Pi::onDockingClearanceExpired.emit(this);
				dt.ship = 0;
				dt.stage = 0;
				m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door

		if (dt.stagePos > 1.0) {
			// use end position of last segment for start position of new segment
			SpaceStationType::positionOrient_t dport;
			PiVerify(m_type->GetDockAnimPositionOrient(i, dt.stage, 1.0f, dt.fromPos, dport, dt.ship));
			matrix3x3d fromRot = matrix3x3d::FromVectors(dport.xaxis, dport.yaxis);
			dt.fromRot = Quaterniond::FromMatrix3x3(fromRot);
			dt.fromPos = dport.pos;

			// transition between docking stages
			dt.stagePos = 0;
			if (dt.stage >= 0) dt.stage++;
			else dt.stage--;

		if (dt.stage < -m_type->shipLaunchStage && dt.ship->GetFlightState() != Ship::FLYING) {
			// launch ship
			if (m_type->dockMethod == SpaceStationType::SURFACE) {
				dt.ship->SetThrusterState(1, 1.0);	// up
			} else {
				dt.ship->SetThrusterState(2, -1.0);	// forward
			LuaEvent::Queue("onShipUndocked", dt.ship, this);
		if (dt.stage < -m_type->numUndockStages) {
			// undock animation finished, clear port
			dt.stage = 0;
			dt.ship = 0;
			if (m_type->dockOneAtATimePlease) m_dockingLock = false;
			m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door
		else if (dt.stage > m_type->numDockingStages) {
			// set docked
			dt.ship->SetDockedWith(this, i);
			LuaEvent::Queue("onShipDocked", dt.ship, this);
			if (m_type->dockOneAtATimePlease) m_dockingLock = false;
			m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door

	m_doorAnimationState = Clamp(m_doorAnimationState + m_doorAnimationStep*timeStep, 0.0, 1.0);
	if (m_doorAnimation)
Esempio n. 11
void SpaceStation::DockingUpdate(const double timeStep)
	vector3d p1, p2, zaxis;
	for (Uint32 i=0; i<m_shipDocking.size(); i++) {
		shipDocking_t &dt = m_shipDocking[i];
		if (!dt.ship) continue;
		// docked stage is m_type->NumDockingPorts() + 1 => ship docked
		if (dt.stage > m_type->NumDockingStages()) continue;

		double stageDuration = (dt.stage > 0 ?
				m_type->GetDockAnimStageDuration(dt.stage-1) :
		dt.stagePos += timeStep / stageDuration;

		if (dt.stage == 1) {
			// SPECIAL stage! Docking granted but waiting for ship to dock

			m_doorAnimationStep = 0.3; // open door

			if (dt.stagePos >= 1.0) {
				if (dt.ship == Pi::player)
					Pi::game->log->Add(GetLabel(), Lang::DOCKING_CLEARANCE_EXPIRED);
				dt.ship = 0;
				dt.stage = 0;
				m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door

		if (dt.stagePos > 1.0) {
			// use end position of last segment for start position of new segment
			SpaceStationType::positionOrient_t dport;
			PiVerify(m_type->GetDockAnimPositionOrient(i, dt.stage, 1.0f, dt.fromPos, dport, dt.ship));
			matrix3x3d fromRot = matrix3x3d::FromVectors(dport.xaxis, dport.yaxis, dport.zaxis);
			dt.fromRot = Quaterniond::FromMatrix3x3(fromRot);
			dt.fromPos = dport.pos;

			// transition between docking stages
			dt.stagePos = 0;
			if (dt.stage >= 0) dt.stage++;
			else dt.stage--;

		if (dt.stage < -m_type->ShipLaunchStage() && dt.ship->GetFlightState() != Ship::FLYING) {
			// launch ship
			if (m_type->IsSurfaceStation()) {
				dt.ship->SetThrusterState(1, 1.0);	// up
			} else {
				dt.ship->SetThrusterState(2, -1.0);	// forward
			LuaEvent::Queue("onShipUndocked", dt.ship, this);
		if (dt.stage < -m_type->NumUndockStages()) {
			// undock animation finished, clear port
			dt.stage = 0;
			dt.ship = 0;
			LockPort(i, false);
			m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door
		else if (dt.stage > m_type->NumDockingStages()) {
			// set docked
			dt.ship->SetDockedWith(this, i);
			LuaEvent::Queue("onShipDocked", dt.ship, this);
			LockPort(i, false);
			m_doorAnimationStep = -0.3; // close door

	m_doorAnimationState = Clamp(m_doorAnimationState + m_doorAnimationStep*timeStep, 0.0, 1.0);
	if (m_doorAnimation)