void AlienBuildableComponent::HandleDie(gentity_t* killer, meansOfDeath_t meansOfDeath) {
	entity.oldEnt->powered = false;

	// Warn if in main base and there's an overmind.
	gentity_t *om;
	if ((om = G_ActiveOvermind()) && om != entity.oldEnt && level.time > om->warnTimer
			&& G_InsideBase(entity.oldEnt, true) && G_IsWarnableMOD(meansOfDeath)) {
		om->warnTimer = level.time + ATTACKWARN_NEARBY_PERIOD;
		G_BroadcastEvent(EV_WARN_ATTACK, 0, TEAM_ALIENS);
		Beacon::NewArea(BCT_DEFEND, entity.oldEnt->s.origin, entity.oldEnt->buildableTeam);

	// Set blast timer.
	int blastDelay = 0;
	if (entity.oldEnt->spawned && GetBuildableComponent().GetHealthComponent().Health() /
			GetBuildableComponent().GetHealthComponent().MaxHealth() > -1.0f) {
		blastDelay += GetBlastDelay();

	alienBuildableLogger.Debug("Alien buildable dies, will blast in %i ms.", blastDelay);


	GetBuildableComponent().REGISTER_THINKER(Blast, ThinkingComponent::SCHEDULER_BEFORE, blastDelay);
void AlienBuildableComponent::HandleDamage(float amount, gentity_t* source, Util::optional<Vec3> location,
                                           Util::optional<Vec3> direction, int flags, meansOfDeath_t meansOfDeath) {
	if (GetBuildableComponent().GetState() != BuildableComponent::CONSTRUCTED) return;

	// TODO: Move animation code to BuildableComponent.
	G_SetBuildableAnim(entity.oldEnt, BANIM_PAIN1, false);
// TODO: Move this to the client side.
void AlienBuildableComponent::CreepRecede(int timeDelta) {
	alienBuildableLogger.Debug("Starting creep recede.");

	G_AddEvent(entity.oldEnt, EV_BUILD_DESTROY, 0);

	if (entity.oldEnt->spawned) {
		entity.oldEnt->s.time = -level.time;
	} else {
		entity.oldEnt->s.time = -(level.time - (int)(
			(1.0f - ((float)(level.time - entity.oldEnt->creationTime) /

	// Remove buildable when done.
	GetBuildableComponent().REGISTER_THINKER(Remove, ThinkingComponent::SCHEDULER_AFTER, CREEP_SCALEDOWN_TIME);
void AlienBuildableComponent::Blast(int timeDelta) {
	float          splashDamage = (float)entity.oldEnt->splashDamage;
	float          splashRadius = (float)entity.oldEnt->splashRadius;
	meansOfDeath_t splashMOD    = (meansOfDeath_t)entity.oldEnt->splashMethodOfDeath;

	// Damage close humans.
	Utility::AntiHumanRadiusDamage(entity, splashDamage, splashRadius, splashMOD);

	// Reward attackers.

	// Stop collisions, add blast event and update buildable state.
	entity.oldEnt->r.contents = 0; trap_LinkEntity(entity.oldEnt);
	G_AddEvent(entity.oldEnt, EV_ALIEN_BUILDABLE_EXPLOSION, DirToByte(entity.oldEnt->s.origin2));
	GetBuildableComponent().SetState(BuildableComponent::POST_BLAST); // Makes entity invisible.

	// Start creep recede with a brief delay.
	GetBuildableComponent().REGISTER_THINKER(CreepRecede, ThinkingComponent::SCHEDULER_AVERAGE, 500);
AlienBuildableComponent::AlienBuildableComponent(Entity& entity, BuildableComponent& r_BuildableComponent,
                                                 IgnitableComponent& r_IgnitableComponent)
	: AlienBuildableComponentBase(entity, r_BuildableComponent, r_IgnitableComponent) {
	GetBuildableComponent().REGISTER_THINKER(Think, ThinkingComponent::SCHEDULER_AVERAGE, 500);
Esempio n. 6
bool SpikerComponent::Fire() {
	gentity_t *self = entity.oldEnt;
	// Check if still resting.
	if (restUntil > level.time) {
		logger.Verbose("Spiker #%i wanted to fire but wasn't ready.", entity.oldEnt->s.number);

		return false;
	} else {
		logger.Verbose("Spiker #%i is firing!", entity.oldEnt->s.number);

	// Play shooting animation.
	G_SetBuildableAnim(self, BANIM_ATTACK1, false);

	// TODO: Add a particle effect.
	//G_AddEvent(self, EV_ALIEN_SPIKER, DirToByte(self->s.origin2));

	// Calculate total perimeter of all spike rows to allow for a more even spike distribution.
	// A "row" is a group of missile launch directions with a common base altitude (angle measured
	// from the Spiker's horizon to its zenith) which is slightly adjusted for each new missile in
	// the row (at most halfway to the base altitude of a neighbouring row).
	float totalPerimeter = 0.0f;
	for (int row = 0; row < MISSILEROWS; row++) {
		float rowAltitude = (((float)row + 0.5f) * M_PI_2) / (float)MISSILEROWS;
		float rowPerimeter = 2.0f * M_PI * cos(rowAltitude);
		totalPerimeter += rowPerimeter;

	// TODO: Use new vector library.
	vec3_t dir, zenith, rotAxis;

	// As rotation axis for setting the altitude, any vector perpendicular to the zenith works.
	VectorCopy(self->s.origin2, zenith);
	PerpendicularVector(rotAxis, zenith);

	// Distribute and launch missiles.
	for (int row = 0; row < MISSILEROWS; row++) {
		// Set the base altitude and get the perimeter for the current row.
		float rowAltitude = (((float)row + 0.5f) * M_PI_2) / (float)MISSILEROWS;
		float rowPerimeter = 2.0f * M_PI * cos(rowAltitude);

		// Attempt to distribute spikes with equal expected angular distance on all rows.
		int spikes = (int)round(((float)MISSILES * rowPerimeter) / totalPerimeter);

		// Launch missiles in the current row.
		for (int spike = 0; spike < spikes; spike++) {
			float spikeAltitude = rowAltitude + (0.5f * crandom() * M_PI_2 / (float)MISSILEROWS);
			float spikeAzimuth = 2.0f * M_PI * (((float)spike + 0.5f * crandom()) / (float)spikes);

			// Set launch direction altitude.
			RotatePointAroundVector(dir, rotAxis, zenith, RAD2DEG(M_PI_2 - spikeAltitude));

			// Set launch direction azimuth.
			RotatePointAroundVector(dir, zenith, dir, RAD2DEG(spikeAzimuth));

			// Trace in the shooting direction and do not shoot spikes that are likely to harm
			// friendly entities.
			bool fire = SafeToShoot(Vec3::Load(dir));

			logger.Debug("Spiker #%d %s: Row %d/%d: Spike %2d/%2d: "
				"( Alt %2.0f°, Az %3.0f° → %.2f, %.2f, %.2f )", self->s.number,
				fire ? "fires" : "skips", row + 1, MISSILEROWS, spike + 1, spikes,
				RAD2DEG(spikeAltitude), RAD2DEG(spikeAzimuth), dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]);

			if (!fire) {

				MIS_SPIKER, self, self->s.origin, dir, nullptr, G_FreeEntity,
				level.time + (int)(1000.0f * SPIKE_RANGE / (float)BG_Missile(MIS_SPIKER)->speed));

	restUntil = level.time + COOLDOWN;

	return true;