Esempio n. 1
 * override for Manager base find an object ... ideally in the cache, but it will search thoroughly if not
 * initially found
RoomManager::Get(const RoomID roomID) const
	RoomRef theRoom = GetCached(roomID); if (theRoom) return theRoom;
	theRoom = occupiedRooms.Get(roomID); if (theRoom) return theRoom;
	theRoom = observedRooms.Get(roomID); if (theRoom) return theRoom;
	theRoom = watchedRooms.Get(roomID); if (theRoom) return theRoom;

	return theRoom;
Esempio n. 2
TagLib::ByteVector CloudStream::readBlock(ulong length) {
  const uint start = cursor_;
  const uint end = qMin(cursor_ + length - 1, length_ - 1);

  if (end < start) {
    return TagLib::ByteVector();

  if (CheckCache(start, end)) {
    TagLib::ByteVector cached = GetCached(start, end);
    cursor_ += cached.size();
    return cached;

  QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(url_);
  if (!auth_.isEmpty()) {
    request.setRawHeader("Authorization", auth_.toUtf8());
  // The Ubuntu One server applies the byte range to the gzipped data, rather
  // than the raw data so we must disable compression.
  if ( == "") {
    request.setRawHeader("Accept-Encoding", "identity");

  QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(request);
  connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),

  QEventLoop loop;
  QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));

  int code = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
  if (code >= 400) {
    qLog(Debug) << "Error retrieving url to tag:" << url_;
    return TagLib::ByteVector();

  QByteArray data = reply->readAll();
  TagLib::ByteVector bytes(, data.size());
  cursor_ += data.size();

  FillCache(start, bytes);
  return bytes;
Esempio n. 3
TagLib::ByteVector CloudStream::readBlock(ulong length) {
  const uint start = cursor_;
  const uint end = qMin(cursor_ + length - 1, length_ - 1);

  if (end < start) {
    return TagLib::ByteVector();

  if (CheckCache(start, end)) {
    TagLib::ByteVector cached = GetCached(start, end);
    cursor_ += cached.size();
    return cached;

  QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest(url_);
  foreach (const QString& key, headers_) {
      request.setRawHeader(key.toLatin1(), headers_[key].toUtf8());
Esempio n. 4
CloudStream::readBlock( ulong length )
    const uint start = m_cursor;
    const uint end = qMin( m_cursor + length - 1, m_length - 1 );

    //tDebug( LOGINFO ) << "#### CloudStream : parsing from " << m_url.toString();
    //tDebug( LOGINFO ) << "#### CloudStream : parsing from (encoded) " << m_url.toEncoded().constData();
    if ( end < start )
        return TagLib::ByteVector();

    if ( CheckCache( start, end ) )
        TagLib::ByteVector cached = GetCached( start, end );
        m_cursor += cached.size();
        return cached;

    if ( m_num_requests_in_error > MAX_ALLOW_ERROR_QUERY )
        return TagLib::ByteVector();

    if ( m_refreshUrlEachTime )
        if( !refreshStreamUrl() )
            tDebug( LOGINFO ) << "#### CloudStream : cannot refresh streamUrl for " << m_filename;

    QNetworkRequest request = QNetworkRequest( m_url );

    //setings of specials OAuth (1 or 2) headers
    foreach ( const QString& headerName, m_headers.keys() )
        request.setRawHeader( headerName.toLocal8Bit(), m_headers[headerName].toString().toLocal8Bit() );


    request.setRawHeader( "Range", QString( "bytes=%1-%2" ).arg( start ).arg( end ).toUtf8() );
    request.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork );
    // The Ubuntu One server applies the byte range to the gzipped data, rather
    // than the raw data so we must disable compression.
    if ( == "" )
        request.setRawHeader( "Accept-Encoding", "identity" );

    tDebug() << "######## CloudStream : HTTP request : ";
    tDebug() << "#### CloudStream : url : "  << request.url();

    m_currentBlocklength = length;
    m_currentStart = start;

    m_reply = m_network->get( request );

    connect( m_reply, SIGNAL( sslErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ), SLOT( SSLErrors( QList<QSslError> ) ) );
    connect( m_reply, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( onRequestFinished() ) );

    return TagLib::ByteVector();