 * This will generate the profiling file name that will work with limited filename sizes on consoles.
 * We want a uniform naming convention so we will all just call this function.
 * @param ProfilingType this is the type of profiling file this is
FString CreateProfileFilename( const FString& InFileExtension, UBOOL bIncludeDateForDirectoryName )
	FString Retval;

	// set up all of the parts we will use
	// Create unique filename based on time.
	INT Year, Month, DayOfWeek, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec;
	appSystemTime( Year, Month, DayOfWeek, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec );
	const FString SystemTime = FString::Printf(TEXT("%02i.%02i-%02i.%02i.%02i"), Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec );
	const FString FileTime = FString::Printf(TEXT("%02i-%02i.%02i.%02i"), Day, Hour, Min, Sec );

	extern const FString GetMapNameStatic();
	const FString MapNameStr = GetMapNameStatic();
	const FString PlatformStr = FString(
#if PS3
#elif XBOX
#endif // PS3

	/** This is meant to hold the name of the "sessions" that is occurring **/
	static UBOOL bSetProfilingSessionFolderName = FALSE;
	static FString ProfilingSessionFolderName = TEXT(""); 

	// here we want to have just the same profiling session name so all of the files will go into that folder over the course of the run so you don't just have a ton of folders
	FString FolderName;
	if( bSetProfilingSessionFolderName == FALSE )
		// now create the string
		FolderName = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s-%s-%s"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, *SystemTime );
		FolderName = FolderName.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

		ProfilingSessionFolderName = FolderName;
		bSetProfilingSessionFolderName = TRUE;
		FolderName = ProfilingSessionFolderName;

	// now create the string
	// NOTE: due to the changelist this is implicitly using the same directory
	FString FolderNameOfProfileNoDate = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s-%s-%i"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, GetChangeListNumberForPerfTesting() );
	FolderNameOfProfileNoDate = FolderNameOfProfileNoDate.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString NameOfProfile = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s-%s-%s"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, *FileTime );
	NameOfProfile = NameOfProfile.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString FileNameWithExtension = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s%s"), *NameOfProfile, *InFileExtension );
	FileNameWithExtension = FileNameWithExtension.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString Filename;
	if( bIncludeDateForDirectoryName == TRUE )
		Filename = FolderName + PATH_SEPARATOR + FileNameWithExtension;
		Filename = FolderNameOfProfileNoDate + PATH_SEPARATOR + FileNameWithExtension;

	Retval = Filename;

	return Retval;
Esempio n. 2
void UCheatManager::LogOutBugItGoToLogFile( const FString& InScreenShotDesc, const FString& InGoString, const FString& InLocString )
	// Create folder if not already there

	const FString OutputDir = FPaths::BugItDir() + InScreenShotDesc + TEXT("/");

	IFileManager::Get().MakeDirectory( *OutputDir );
	// Create archive for log data.
	// we have to +1 on the GScreenshotBitmapIndex as it will be incremented by the bugitscreenshot which is processed next tick

	const FString DescPlusExtension = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s%i.txt"), *InScreenShotDesc, GScreenshotBitmapIndex );
	const FString TxtFileName = CreateProfileFilename( DescPlusExtension, false );

	//FString::Printf( TEXT("BugIt%s-%s%05i"), *GEngineVersion.ToString(), *InScreenShotDesc, GScreenshotBitmapIndex+1 ) + TEXT( ".txt" );
	const FString FullFileName = OutputDir + TxtFileName;

	FOutputDeviceFile OutputFile(*FullFileName);
	//FArchive* OutputFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateDebugFileWriter( *(FullFileName), FILEWRITE_Append );

	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT("Dumping BugIt data chart at %s using build %s built from changelist %i"), *FDateTime::Now().ToString(), *GEngineVersion.ToString(), GetChangeListNumberForPerfTesting() );

	const FString MapNameStr = GetWorld()->GetMapName();

	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT("MapName: %s"), *MapNameStr );

	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT("Description: %s"), *InScreenShotDesc );
	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT("%s"), *InGoString );
	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT("%s"), *InLocString );

	OutputFile.Logf( TEXT(" ---=== GameSpecificData ===--- ") );

	// Flush, close and delete.
	//delete OutputFile;

	// so here we want to send this bad boy back to the PC
	SendDataToPCViaUnrealConsole( TEXT("UE_PROFILER!BUGIT:"), *(FullFileName) );
Esempio n. 3
* Dumps the FPS chart information to HTML.
void UEngine::DumpFPSChartToHTML( float TotalTime, float DeltaTime, int32 NumFrames, const FString& InMapName )
	// Load the HTML building blocks from the Engine\Stats folder.
	FString FPSChartPreamble;
	FString FPSChartPostamble;
	FString FPSChartRow;
	bool	bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded = true;

	bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded = bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded && FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FPSChartPreamble,	*(FPaths::EngineContentDir() + TEXT("Stats/FPSChart_Preamble.html")	) );
	bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded = bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded && FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FPSChartPostamble,	*(FPaths::EngineContentDir() + TEXT("Stats/FPSChart_Postamble.html")	) );
	bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded = bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded && FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FPSChartRow,		*(FPaths::EngineContentDir() + TEXT("Stats/FPSChart_Row.html")			) );

	// Successfully loaded all HTML templates.
	if( bAreAllHTMLPartsLoaded )
		// Keep track of percentage of time at 30+ FPS.
		float PctTimeAbove30 = 0;
		// Keep track of percentage of time at 60+ FPS.
		float PctTimeAbove60 = 0;

		// Iterate over all buckets, updating row 
		for( int32 BucketIndex=0; BucketIndex<ARRAY_COUNT(GFPSChart); BucketIndex++ )
			// Figure out bucket time and frame percentage.
			const float BucketTimePercentage  = 100.f * GFPSChart[BucketIndex].CummulativeTime / TotalTime;
			const float BucketFramePercentage = 100.f * GFPSChart[BucketIndex].Count / NumFrames;

			// Figure out bucket range. Buckets start at 5 frame intervals then change to 10.
			int32 StartFPS = 0;
			int32 EndFPS = 0;
			CalcQuantisedFPSRange(BucketIndex, StartFPS, EndFPS);

			// Keep track of time spent at 30+ FPS.
			if( StartFPS >= 30 )
				PctTimeAbove30 += BucketTimePercentage;

			// Keep track of time spent at 60+ FPS.
			if (StartFPS >= 60)
				PctTimeAbove60 += BucketTimePercentage;

			const FString SrcToken = FString::Printf(TEXT("TOKEN_%i_%i"), StartFPS, EndFPS);
			const FString DstToken = FString::Printf( TEXT("%5.2f"), BucketTimePercentage );

			// Replace token with actual values.
			FPSChartRow	= FPSChartRow.Replace( *SrcToken, *DstToken );

		// Update hitch data
			int32 TotalHitchCount = 0;
			int32 TotalGameThreadBoundHitches = 0;
			int32 TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches = 0;
			int32 TotalGPUBoundHitches = 0;
			for( int32 BucketIndex = 0; BucketIndex < ARRAY_COUNT( GHitchChart ); ++BucketIndex )
				FString SrcToken;
				if( BucketIndex == 0 )
					SrcToken = FString::Printf( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_%i_PLUS"), GHitchThresholds[ BucketIndex ] );
					SrcToken = FString::Printf( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_%i_%i"), GHitchThresholds[ BucketIndex ], GHitchThresholds[ BucketIndex - 1 ] );

				const FString DstToken = FString::Printf( TEXT("%i"), GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].HitchCount );

				// Replace token with actual values.
				FPSChartRow	= FPSChartRow.Replace( *SrcToken, *DstToken );

				// Count up the total number of hitches
				TotalHitchCount += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].HitchCount;
				TotalGameThreadBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].GameThreadBoundHitchCount;
				TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].RenderThreadBoundHitchCount;
				TotalGPUBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].GPUBoundHitchCount;

			// Total hitch count
			FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_TOTAL"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), TotalHitchCount), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
			FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_GAME_BOUND_COUNT"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), TotalGameThreadBoundHitches), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
			FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_RENDER_BOUND_COUNT"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
			FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_HITCH_GPU_BOUND_COUNT"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), TotalGPUBoundHitches), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		// Get OS info
		FString OSMajor;
		FString OSMinor;
		FPlatformMisc::GetOSVersions(OSMajor, OSMinor);

		// Get settings info
		const Scalability::FQualityLevels& Quality = GEngine->GetGameUserSettings()->ScalabilityQuality;

		// Update non- bucket stats.
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_MAPNAME"),		    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s"), *InMapName ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_CHANGELIST"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), GetChangeListNumberForPerfTesting() ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_DATESTAMP"),         *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s"), *FDateTime::Now().ToString() ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_OS"),			    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s"), *OSMajor, *OSMinor ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_CPU"),			    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s %s"), *FPlatformMisc::GetCPUVendor(), *FPlatformMisc::GetCPUBrand() ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_GPU"),			    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%s"), *FPlatformMisc::GetPrimaryGPUBrand() ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_RES"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.ResolutionQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_VD"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.ViewDistanceQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_AA"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.AntiAliasingQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_SHADOW"),   *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.ShadowQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_PP"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.PostProcessQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_TEX"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.TextureQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_SETTINGS_FX"),	    *FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), Quality.EffectsQuality ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_AVG_FPS"),			*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), NumFrames / TotalTime), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace(TEXT("TOKEN_PCT_ABOVE_30"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), PctTimeAbove30), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace(TEXT("TOKEN_PCT_ABOVE_60"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), PctTimeAbove60), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace(TEXT("TOKEN_TIME_DISREGARDED"), *FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), FMath::Max<float>(0, DeltaTime - TotalTime)), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_TIME"),				*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), DeltaTime), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_FRAMECOUNT"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%i"), NumFrames), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_AVG_GPUTIME"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f ms"), float((GTotalGPUTime / NumFrames)*1000.0) ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_GAME_THREAD_PERCENT"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), (float(GNumFramesBound_GameThread)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_RENDER_THREAD_PERCENT"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), (float(GNumFramesBound_RenderThread)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_GPU_PERCENT"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), (float(GNumFramesBound_GPU)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_GAME_THREAD_TIME"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), (GTotalFramesBoundTime_GameThread/DeltaTime)*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_RENDER_THREAD_TIME"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), ((GTotalFramesBoundTime_RenderThread)/DeltaTime)*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );
		FPSChartRow = FPSChartRow.Replace( TEXT("TOKEN_BOUND_GPU_TIME"),		*FString::Printf(TEXT("%4.2f"), ((GTotalFramesBoundTime_GPU)/DeltaTime)*100.0f ), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive );

		const FString OutputDir = CreateOutputDirectory();

		// Create FPS chart filename.
		const FString ChartType = GetFPSChartType();

		const FString& FPSChartFilename = OutputDir / CreateFileNameForChart( ChartType, *InMapName, TEXT( ".html" ) );
		FString FPSChart;

		// See whether file already exists and load it into string if it does.
		if( FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FPSChart, *FPSChartFilename ) )
			// Split string where we want to insert current row.
			const FString HeaderSeparator = TEXT("<UE4></UE4>");
			FString FPSChartBeforeCurrentRow, FPSChartAfterCurrentRow;
			FPSChart.Split( *HeaderSeparator, &FPSChartBeforeCurrentRow, &FPSChartAfterCurrentRow );

			// Assemble FPS chart by inserting current row at the top.
			FPSChart = FPSChartPreamble + FPSChartRow + FPSChartAfterCurrentRow;
		// Assemble from scratch.
			FPSChart = FPSChartPreamble + FPSChartRow + FPSChartPostamble;

		// Save the resulting file back to disk.
		FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile( FPSChart, *FPSChartFilename );

		UE_LOG( LogProfilingDebugging, Warning, TEXT( "FPS Chart (HTML) saved to %s" ), *IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead( *FPSChartFilename ) );
		UE_LOG(LogChartCreation, Log, TEXT("Missing FPS chart template files."));

 * This will generate the profiling file name that will work with limited filename sizes on consoles.
 * We want a uniform naming convention so we will all just call this function.
 * @param ProfilingType this is the type of profiling file this is
FString CreateProfileFilename( const FString& InFileExtension, bool bIncludeDateForDirectoryName )
	FString Retval;

	// set up all of the parts we will use
	FString MapNameStr;

		MapNameStr = GGetMapNameDelegate.Execute();
		MapNameStr = TEXT( "LoadTimeFile" );
#endif		// WITH_ENGINE

	const FString PlatformStr(FPlatformProperties::PlatformName());

	/** This is meant to hold the name of the "sessions" that is occurring **/
	static bool bSetProfilingSessionFolderName = false;
	static FString ProfilingSessionFolderName = TEXT(""); 

	// here we want to have just the same profiling session name so all of the files will go into that folder over the course of the run so you don't just have a ton of folders
	FString FolderName;
	if( bSetProfilingSessionFolderName == false )
		// now create the string
		FolderName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s-%s-%s"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, *FDateTime::Now().ToString(TEXT("%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")));
		FolderName = FolderName.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

		ProfilingSessionFolderName = FolderName;
		bSetProfilingSessionFolderName = true;
		FolderName = ProfilingSessionFolderName;

	// now create the string
	// NOTE: due to the changelist this is implicitly using the same directory
	FString FolderNameOfProfileNoDate = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s-%s-%i"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, GetChangeListNumberForPerfTesting() );
	FolderNameOfProfileNoDate = FolderNameOfProfileNoDate.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString NameOfProfile = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s-%s-%s"), *MapNameStr, *PlatformStr, *FDateTime::Now().ToString(TEXT("%d-%H.%M.%S")));
	NameOfProfile = NameOfProfile.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString FileNameWithExtension = FString::Printf( TEXT("%s%s"), *NameOfProfile, *InFileExtension );
	FileNameWithExtension = FileNameWithExtension.Right(MaxFilenameLen);

	FString Filename;
	if( bIncludeDateForDirectoryName == true )
		Filename = FolderName / FileNameWithExtension;
		Filename = FolderNameOfProfileNoDate / FileNameWithExtension;

	Retval = Filename;

	return Retval;
Esempio n. 5
 * Dumps the FPS chart information to the special stats log file.
void UEngine::DumpFPSChartToStatsLog( float TotalTime, float DeltaTime, int32 NumFrames, const FString& InMapName )
	const FString OutputDir = CreateOutputDirectory();
	// Create archive for log data.
	const FString ChartType = GetFPSChartType();
	const FString ChartName = OutputDir / CreateFileNameForChart( ChartType, InMapName, TEXT( ".log" ) );
	FArchive* OutputFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateDebugFileWriter( *ChartName, FILEWRITE_Append );

	if( OutputFile )
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("Dumping FPS chart at %s using build %s built from changelist %i"), *FDateTime::Now().ToString(), *GEngineVersion.ToString(), GetChangeListNumberForPerfTesting() );

		// Get OS info
		FString OSMajor;
		FString OSMinor;
		FPlatformMisc::GetOSVersions(OSMajor, OSMinor);

		// Get settings info
		const Scalability::FQualityLevels& Quality = GEngine->GetGameUserSettings()->ScalabilityQuality;

		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("Machine info:"));
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tOS: %s %s"), *OSMajor, *OSMinor);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tCPU: %s %s"), *FPlatformMisc::GetCPUVendor(), *FPlatformMisc::GetCPUBrand());
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tGPU: %s"), *FPlatformMisc::GetPrimaryGPUBrand());
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tResolution Quality: %d"), Quality.ResolutionQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tView Distance Quality: %d"), Quality.ViewDistanceQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tAnti-Aliasing Quality: %d"), Quality.AntiAliasingQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tShadow Quality: %d"), Quality.ShadowQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tPost-Process Quality: %d"), Quality.PostProcessQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tTexture Quality: %d"), Quality.TextureQuality);
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("\tEffects Quality: %d"), Quality.EffectsQuality);

		int32 NumFramesBelow30 = 0; // keep track of the number of frames below 30 FPS
		float PctTimeAbove30 = 0;	// Keep track of percentage of time at 30+ FPS.
		int32 NumFramesBelow60 = 0; // keep track of the number of frames below 60 FPS
		float PctTimeAbove60 = 0;	// Keep track of percentage of time at 60+ FPS.

		// Iterate over all buckets, dumping percentages.
		for( int32 BucketIndex=0; BucketIndex<ARRAY_COUNT(GFPSChart); BucketIndex++ )
			// Figure out bucket time and frame percentage.
			const float BucketTimePercentage  = 100.f * GFPSChart[BucketIndex].CummulativeTime / TotalTime;
			const float BucketFramePercentage = 100.f * GFPSChart[BucketIndex].Count / NumFrames;

			int32 StartFPS = 0;
			int32 EndFPS = 0;
			CalcQuantisedFPSRange(BucketIndex, StartFPS, EndFPS);

			// Keep track of time spent at 30+ FPS.
			if (StartFPS >= 30)
				PctTimeAbove30 += BucketTimePercentage;
				NumFramesBelow30 += GFPSChart[BucketIndex].Count;
			// Keep track of time spent at 60+ FPS.
			if (StartFPS >= 60)
				PctTimeAbove60 += BucketTimePercentage;
				NumFramesBelow60 += GFPSChart[BucketIndex].Count;

			// Log bucket index, time and frame Percentage.
			OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("Bucket: %2i - %2i  Time: %5.2f  Frame: %5.2f"), StartFPS, EndFPS, BucketTimePercentage, BucketFramePercentage);

		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("%i frames collected over %4.2f seconds, disregarding %4.2f seconds for a %4.2f FPS average, %4.2f percent of time spent > 30 FPS, %4.2f percent of time spent > 60 FPS"), 
			FMath::Max<float>( 0, DeltaTime - TotalTime ), 
			NumFrames / TotalTime,
			PctTimeAbove30, PctTimeAbove60 );
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("Average GPU frame time: %4.2f ms"), float((GTotalGPUTime / NumFrames)*1000.0));
		OutputFile->Logf(TEXT("BoundGameThreadPct: %4.2f  BoundRenderThreadPct: %4.2f  BoundGPUPct: %4.2f PercentFrames30+: %f   PercentFrames60+: %f   BoundGameTime: %f  BoundRenderTime: %f  BoundGPUTime: %f  PctTimeAbove30: %f  PctTimeAbove60: %f ")
			, (float(GNumFramesBound_GameThread)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f
			, (float(GNumFramesBound_RenderThread)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f
			, (float(GNumFramesBound_GPU)/float(NumFrames))*100.0f
			, float(NumFrames - NumFramesBelow30) / float(NumFrames)*100.0f
			, float(NumFrames - NumFramesBelow60) / float(NumFrames)*100.0f
			, (GTotalFramesBoundTime_GameThread / DeltaTime)*100.0f
			, ((GTotalFramesBoundTime_RenderThread)/DeltaTime)*100.0f
			, ((GTotalFramesBoundTime_GPU)/DeltaTime)*100.0f
			, PctTimeAbove30
			, PctTimeAbove60

		// Dump hitch data
			OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Hitch chart:" ) );

			int32 TotalHitchCount = 0;
			int32 TotalGameThreadBoundHitches = 0;
			int32 TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches = 0;
			int32 TotalGPUBoundHitches = 0;
			for( int32 BucketIndex = 0; BucketIndex < ARRAY_COUNT( GHitchChart ); ++BucketIndex )
				const float HitchThresholdInSeconds = ( float )GHitchThresholds[ BucketIndex ] * 0.001f;

				FString RangeName;
				if( BucketIndex == 0 )
					// First bucket's end threshold is infinitely large
					RangeName = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%0.2fs - inf" ), HitchThresholdInSeconds );
					const float PrevHitchThresholdInSeconds = ( float )GHitchThresholds[ BucketIndex - 1 ] * 0.001f;

					// Set range from current bucket threshold to the last bucket's threshold
					RangeName = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%0.2fs - %0.2fs" ), HitchThresholdInSeconds, PrevHitchThresholdInSeconds );

				OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Bucket: %s  Count: %i " ), *RangeName, GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].HitchCount );

				// Count up the total number of hitches
				TotalHitchCount += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].HitchCount;
				TotalGameThreadBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].GameThreadBoundHitchCount;
				TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].RenderThreadBoundHitchCount;
				TotalGPUBoundHitches += GHitchChart[ BucketIndex ].GPUBoundHitchCount;

			const int32 HitchBucketCount = STAT_FPSChart_LastHitchBucketStat - STAT_FPSChart_FirstHitchStat;
			OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Total hitch count (at least %ims):  %i" ), GHitchThresholds[ HitchBucketCount - 1 ], TotalHitchCount );
			OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Hitch frames bound by game thread:  %i  (%0.1f%%)" ), TotalGameThreadBoundHitches, TotalHitchCount > 0 ? ( ( float )TotalGameThreadBoundHitches / ( float )TotalHitchCount * 100.0f ) : 0.0f );
			OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Hitch frames bound by render thread:  %i  (%0.1f%%)" ), TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches, TotalHitchCount > 0 ? ( ( float )TotalRenderThreadBoundHitches / ( float )TotalHitchCount * 0.0f ) : 0.0f  );
			OutputFile->Logf( TEXT( "Hitch frames bound by GPU:  %i  (%0.1f%%)" ), TotalGPUBoundHitches, TotalHitchCount > 0 ? ( ( float )TotalGPUBoundHitches / ( float )TotalHitchCount * 100.0f ) : 0.0f );


		// Flush, close and delete.
		delete OutputFile;

		const FString AbsolutePath = IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead( *ChartName );

		UE_LOG( LogProfilingDebugging, Warning, TEXT( "FPS Chart (logfile) saved to %s" ), *AbsolutePath );

		FPlatformProcess::ExploreFolder( *AbsolutePath );