Esempio n. 1
 * Function Distance
 * Calculates the distance between a segment and a polygon (with holes):
 * param aStart is the starting point of the segment.
 * param aEnd is the ending point of the segment.
 * param aWidth is the width of the segment.
 * return distance between the segment and outline.
 *               0 if segment intersects or is inside
int CPolyLine::Distance( wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd, int aWidth )
    // We calculate the min dist between the segment and each outline segment
    // However, if the segment to test is inside the outline, and does not cross
    // any edge, it can be seen outside the polygon.
    // Therefore test if a segment end is inside ( testing only one end is enough )
    if( TestPointInside( aStart.x, aStart.y ) )
        return 0;

    int distance    = INT_MAX;
    int polycount   = GetContoursCount();

    for( int icont = 0; icont < polycount; icont++ )
        int ic_start    = GetContourStart( icont );
        int ic_end      = GetContourEnd( icont );

        // now test spacing between area outline and segment
        for( int ic2 = ic_start; ic2 <= ic_end; ic2++ )
            int bx1 = GetX( ic2 );
            int by1 = GetY( ic2 );
            int bx2, by2;

            if( ic2 == ic_end )
                bx2 = GetX( ic_start );
                by2 = GetY( ic_start );
                bx2 = GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                by2 = GetY( ic2 + 1 );

            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2, 0,
                                                 aStart.x, aStart.y, aEnd.x, aEnd.y,
                                                 1,    // min clearance, should be > 0
                                                 NULL, NULL );

            if( distance > d )
                distance = d;

            if( distance <= 0 )
                return 0;

    return distance;
bool DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea, int aCornerIndex )
    if( !aArea->IsOnCopperLayer() )    // Cannot have a Drc error if not on copper layer
        return true;

    wxPoint  start = aArea->GetCornerPosition( aCornerIndex );
    wxPoint  end;

    // Search the end point of the edge starting at aCornerIndex
    if( aArea->Outline()->m_CornersList[aCornerIndex].end_contour == false
            && aCornerIndex < (aArea->GetNumCorners() - 1) )
        end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( aCornerIndex + 1 );
    else    // aCornerIndex is the last corner of an outline.
        // the corresponding end point of the segment is the first corner of the outline
        int ii = aCornerIndex - 1;
        end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( ii );

        while( ii >= 0 )
            if( aArea->Outline()->m_CornersList[ii].end_contour )

            end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( ii );

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < m_pcb->GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test   = m_pcb->GetArea( ia2 );
        int             zone_clearance = std::max( area_to_test->GetZoneClearance(),
                                         aArea->GetZoneClearance() );

        // test for same layer
        if( area_to_test->GetLayer() != aArea->GetLayer() )

        // Test for same net
        if( ( aArea->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() ) && (aArea->GetNetCode() >= 0) )

        // test for same priority
        if( area_to_test->GetPriority() != aArea->GetPriority() )

        // test for same type
        if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() != aArea->GetIsKeepout() )

        // For keepout, there is no clearance, so use a minimal value for it
        // use 1, not 0 as value to avoid some issues in tests
        if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )
            zone_clearance = 1;

        // test for ending line inside area_to_test
        if( area_to_test->Outline()->TestPointInside( end.x, end.y ) )
            // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: corner inside copper area
            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, end,
                                          m_currentMarker );
            return false;

        // now test spacing between areas
        int ax1    = start.x;
        int ay1    = start.y;
        int ax2    = end.x;
        int ay2    = end.y;

        for( int icont2 = 0; icont2 < area_to_test->Outline()->GetContoursCount(); icont2++ )
            int ic_start2 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetContourStart( icont2 );
            int ic_end2   = area_to_test->Outline()->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

            for( int ic2 = ic_start2; ic2<=ic_end2; ic2++ )
                int bx1 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetX( ic2 );
                int by1 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetY( ic2 );
                int bx2, by2;

                if( ic2 == ic_end2 )
                    bx2 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetX( ic_start2 );
                    by2 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetY( ic_start2 );
                    bx2 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                    by2 = area_to_test->Outline()->GetY( ic2 + 1 );

                int x, y;   // variables containing the intersecting point coordinates
                int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                     ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                     &x, &y );

                if( d < zone_clearance )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : edge intersect or too close
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                  m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

    return true;
int BOARD::Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea_To_Examine,
        bool            aCreate_Markers )
    int         nerrors = 0;

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia = 0; ia < GetAreaCount(); ia++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* Area_Ref = GetArea( ia );
        CPolyLine*      refSmoothedPoly = Area_Ref->GetSmoothedPoly();

        if( !Area_Ref->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        // When testing only a single area, skip all others
        if( aArea_To_Examine && (aArea_To_Examine != Area_Ref) )

        for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = GetArea( ia2 );
            CPolyLine*      testSmoothedPoly = area_to_test->GetSmoothedPoly();

            if( Area_Ref == area_to_test )

            // test for same layer
            if( Area_Ref->GetLayer() != area_to_test->GetLayer() )

            // Test for same net
            if( Area_Ref->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() && Area_Ref->GetNetCode() >= 0 )

            // test for different priorities
            if( Area_Ref->GetPriority() != area_to_test->GetPriority() )

            // test for different types
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() != area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )

            // Examine a candidate zone: compare area_to_test to Area_Ref

            // Get clearance used in zone to zone test.  The policy used to
            // obtain that value is now part of the zone object itself by way of
            // ZONE_CONTAINER::GetClearance().
            int zone2zoneClearance = Area_Ref->GetClearance( area_to_test );

            // Keepout areas have no clearance, so set zone2zoneClearance to 1
            // ( zone2zoneClearance = 0  can create problems in test functions)
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() )
                zone2zoneClearance = 1;

            // test for some corners of Area_Ref inside area_to_test
            for( int ic = 0; ic < refSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic++ )
                int x = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                int y = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );

                if( testSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area ref corner inside copper area
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // test for some corners of area_to_test inside Area_Ref
            for( int ic2 = 0; ic2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetCornersCount(); ic2++ )
                int x = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                int y = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );

                if( refSmoothedPoly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area corner inside copper area ref
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        wxString msg1   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // now test spacing between areas
            for( int icont = 0; icont < refSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont++ )
                int ic_start = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont );
                int ic_end   = refSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont );

                for( int ic = ic_start; ic<=ic_end; ic++ )
                    int ax1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic );
                    int ay1 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic );
                    int ax2, ay2;

                    if( ic == ic_end )
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start );
                        ax2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic + 1 );
                        ay2 = refSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic + 1 );

                    for( int icont2 = 0; icont2 < testSmoothedPoly->GetContoursCount(); icont2++ )
                        int ic_start2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourStart( icont2 );
                        int ic_end2   = testSmoothedPoly->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

                        for( int ic2 = ic_start2; ic2<=ic_end2; ic2++ )
                            int bx1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 );
                            int by1 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 );
                            int bx2, by2;

                            if( ic2 == ic_end2 )
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic_start2 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic_start2 );
                                bx2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                                by2 = testSmoothedPoly->GetY( ic2 + 1 );

                            int x, y;

                            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                                 ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                                 &x, &y );

                            if( d < zone2zoneClearance )
                                // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : intersect or too close
                                if( aCreate_Markers )
                                    wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                                    MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_CLOSE_TO_COPPERAREA,
                                                                          wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                          msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                                    Add( marker );


    return nerrors;
Esempio n. 4
bool DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea, int aCornerIndex )
    if( !aArea->IsOnCopperLayer() )    // Cannot have a Drc error if not on copper layer
        return true;

    wxString str;

    wxPoint  start = aArea->GetCornerPosition( aCornerIndex );
    wxPoint  end;

    // Search the end point of the edge starting at aCornerIndex
    if( aArea->m_Poly->corner[aCornerIndex].end_contour == false
       && aCornerIndex < (aArea->GetNumCorners() - 1) )
        end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( aCornerIndex + 1 );
    else    // aCornerIndex is the last corner of an outline.
            // the corresponding end point of the segment is the first corner of the outline
        int ii = aCornerIndex - 1;
        end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( ii );

        while( ii >= 0 )
            if( aArea->m_Poly->corner[ii].end_contour )

            end = aArea->GetCornerPosition( ii );

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < m_pcb->GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* Area_To_Test   = m_pcb->GetArea( ia2 );
        int             zone_clearance = max( Area_To_Test->m_ZoneClearance,
                                              aArea->m_ZoneClearance );

        // test for same layer
        if( Area_To_Test->GetLayer() != aArea->GetLayer() )

        // Test for same net
        if( ( aArea->GetNet() == Area_To_Test->GetNet() ) && (aArea->GetNet() >= 0) )

        // test for same priority
        if( Area_To_Test->GetPriority() != aArea->GetPriority() )

        // test for ending line inside Area_To_Test
        int x = end.x;
        int y = end.y;

        if( Area_To_Test->m_Poly->TestPointInside( x, y ) )
            // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: corner inside copper area
            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                          m_currentMarker );
            return false;

        // now test spacing between areas
        int astyle = CPolyLine::STRAIGHT;
        int ax1    = start.x;
        int ay1    = start.y;
        int ax2    = end.x;
        int ay2    = end.y;

        for( int icont2 = 0; icont2 < Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetNumContours(); icont2++ )
            int ic_start2 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetContourStart( icont2 );
            int ic_end2   = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetContourEnd( icont2 );

            for( int ic2 = ic_start2; ic2<=ic_end2; ic2++ )
                int bx1 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetX( ic2 );
                int by1 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetY( ic2 );
                int bx2, by2;

                if( ic2 == ic_end2 )
                    bx2 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetX( ic_start2 );
                    by2 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetY( ic_start2 );
                    bx2 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetX( ic2 + 1 );
                    by2 = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetY( ic2 + 1 );

                int bstyle = Area_To_Test->m_Poly->GetSideStyle( ic2 );
                int x, y;
                int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2, bstyle,
                                                     ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, astyle,
                                                     &x, &y );

                if( d < zone_clearance )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : edge intersect or too close
                    m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                  m_currentMarker );
                    return false;

    return true;
bool DRC::doEdgeZoneDrc( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea, int aCornerIndex )
    if( !aArea->IsOnCopperLayer() )    // Cannot have a Drc error if not on copper layer
        return true;
    // Get polygon, contour and vertex index.

    // If the vertex does not exist, there is no conflict
    if( !aArea->Outline()->GetRelativeIndices( aCornerIndex, &index ) )
        return true;

    // Retrieve the selected contour
    SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN contour;
    contour = aArea->Outline()->Polygon( index.m_polygon )[index.m_contour];

    // Retrieve the segment that starts at aCornerIndex-th corner.
    SEG selectedSegment = contour.Segment( index.m_vertex );

    VECTOR2I start = selectedSegment.A;
    VECTOR2I end = selectedSegment.B;

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < m_pcb->GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test   = m_pcb->GetArea( ia2 );
        int             zone_clearance = std::max( area_to_test->GetZoneClearance(),
                                                   aArea->GetZoneClearance() );

        // test for same layer
        if( area_to_test->GetLayer() != aArea->GetLayer() )

        // Test for same net
        if( ( aArea->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() ) && (aArea->GetNetCode() >= 0) )

        // test for same priority
        if( area_to_test->GetPriority() != aArea->GetPriority() )

        // test for same type
        if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() != aArea->GetIsKeepout() )

        // For keepout, there is no clearance, so use a minimal value for it
        // use 1, not 0 as value to avoid some issues in tests
        if( area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )
            zone_clearance = 1;

        // test for ending line inside area_to_test
        if( area_to_test->Outline()->Contains( end ) )
            // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: corner inside copper area
            m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, static_cast<wxPoint>( end ),
                                          m_currentMarker );
            return false;

        // now test spacing between areas
        int ax1    = start.x;
        int ay1    = start.y;
        int ax2    = end.x;
        int ay2    = end.y;

        // Iterate through all edges in the polygon.
        for( iterator = area_to_test->Outline()->IterateSegmentsWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
            SEG segment = *iterator;

            int bx1 = segment.A.x;
            int by1 = segment.A.y;
            int bx2 = segment.B.x;
            int by2 = segment.B.y;

            int x, y;   // variables containing the intersecting point coordinates
            int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                 ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                 &x, &y );

            if( d < zone_clearance )
                // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : edge intersect or too close
                m_currentMarker = fillMarker( aArea, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                              m_currentMarker );
                return false;


    return true;
int BOARD::Test_Drc_Areas_Outlines_To_Areas_Outlines( ZONE_CONTAINER* aArea_To_Examine,
                                                      bool            aCreate_Markers )
    int         nerrors = 0;

    // iterate through all areas
    for( int ia = 0; ia < GetAreaCount(); ia++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* Area_Ref = GetArea( ia );
        SHAPE_POLY_SET* refSmoothedPoly = Area_Ref->GetSmoothedPoly();

        if( !Area_Ref->IsOnCopperLayer() )

        // When testing only a single area, skip all others
        if( aArea_To_Examine && (aArea_To_Examine != Area_Ref) )

        for( int ia2 = 0; ia2 < GetAreaCount(); ia2++ )
            ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_test = GetArea( ia2 );
            SHAPE_POLY_SET* testSmoothedPoly = area_to_test->GetSmoothedPoly();

            if( Area_Ref == area_to_test )

            // test for same layer
            if( Area_Ref->GetLayer() != area_to_test->GetLayer() )

            // Test for same net
            if( Area_Ref->GetNetCode() == area_to_test->GetNetCode() && Area_Ref->GetNetCode() >= 0 )

            // test for different priorities
            if( Area_Ref->GetPriority() != area_to_test->GetPriority() )

            // test for different types
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() != area_to_test->GetIsKeepout() )

            // Examine a candidate zone: compare area_to_test to Area_Ref

            // Get clearance used in zone to zone test.  The policy used to
            // obtain that value is now part of the zone object itself by way of
            // ZONE_CONTAINER::GetClearance().
            int zone2zoneClearance = Area_Ref->GetClearance( area_to_test );

            // Keepout areas have no clearance, so set zone2zoneClearance to 1
            // ( zone2zoneClearance = 0  can create problems in test functions)
            if( Area_Ref->GetIsKeepout() )
                zone2zoneClearance = 1;

            // test for some corners of Area_Ref inside area_to_test
            for( auto iterator = refSmoothedPoly->IterateWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
                VECTOR2I currentVertex = *iterator;

                if( testSmoothedPoly->Contains( currentVertex ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area ref corner inside copper area
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        int x = currentVertex.x;
                        int y = currentVertex.y;

                        wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // test for some corners of area_to_test inside Area_Ref
            for( auto iterator = testSmoothedPoly->IterateWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
                VECTOR2I currentVertex = *iterator;

                if( refSmoothedPoly->Contains( currentVertex ) )
                    // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error: copper area corner inside copper area ref
                    if( aCreate_Markers )
                        int x = currentVertex.x;
                        int y = currentVertex.y;

                        wxString msg1   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                        wxString msg2   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                        MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_INSIDE_COPPERAREA,
                                                              wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                              msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                        Add( marker );


            // Iterate through all the segments of refSmoothedPoly
            for( auto refIt = refSmoothedPoly->IterateSegmentsWithHoles(); refIt; refIt++ )
                // Build ref segment
                SEG refSegment = *refIt;

                // Iterate through all the segments in testSmoothedPoly
                for( auto testIt = testSmoothedPoly->IterateSegmentsWithHoles(); testIt; testIt++ )
                    // Build test segment
                    SEG testSegment = *testIt;

                    int x, y;

                    int ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2;
                    ax1 = refSegment.A.x;
                    ay1 = refSegment.A.y;
                    ax2 = refSegment.B.x;
                    ay2 = refSegment.B.y;

                    int bx1, by1, bx2, by2;
                    bx1 = testSegment.A.x;
                    by1 = testSegment.A.y;
                    bx2 = testSegment.B.x;
                    by2 = testSegment.B.y;

                    int d = GetClearanceBetweenSegments( bx1, by1, bx2, by2,
                                                         ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2,
                                                         &x, &y );

                    if( d < zone2zoneClearance )
                        // COPPERAREA_COPPERAREA error : intersect or too close
                        if( aCreate_Markers )
                            wxString msg1   = Area_Ref->GetSelectMenuText();
                            wxString msg2   = area_to_test->GetSelectMenuText();
                            MARKER_PCB*  marker = new MARKER_PCB( COPPERAREA_CLOSE_TO_COPPERAREA,
                                                                  wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                  msg1, wxPoint( x, y ),
                                                                  msg2, wxPoint( x, y ) );
                            Add( marker );


    return nerrors;