Esempio n. 1
  Function Name  : OnContextMenu
  Input(s)       : pWnd, point
  Output         : -
  Functionality  : Show the context menu with a list of column names as menu items.
  Member of      : CRxMsgList
  Author(s)      : Arunkumar K
  Date Created   : 20-05-2010
  Modifications  :
void CRxMsgList::OnContextMenu(CWnd* /*pWnd*/, CPoint point)
    if (point.x==-1 && point.y==-1)
        // OBS! point is initialized to (-1,-1) if using SHIFT+F10 or VK_APPS
        CPoint pt = point;

        CRect headerRect;
        if (headerRect.PtInRect(pt))
            // Show context-menu with the option to show hide columns
            CMenu menu;
            if (menu.CreatePopupMenu())
                for( int i = GetColumnStateCount()-1 ; i >= 0; --i)
                    UINT uFlags = MF_BYPOSITION | MF_STRING;

                    // Put check-box on context-menu
                    if (IsColumnVisible(i))
                        uFlags |= MF_CHECKED;
                        uFlags |= MF_UNCHECKED;

                    if(i == 0)      //Disable 'Time' column

                    // Retrieve column-title
                    LVCOLUMN lvc = {0};
                    lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT;
                    char sColText[256];
                    lvc.pszText = sColText;

                    lvc.cchTextMax = 30;    //Set the Width of Menu Items here
                    //lvc.cchTextMax = sizeof(sColText)-1;
                    VERIFY( GetColumn(i, &lvc) );

                    menu.InsertMenu(0, uFlags, i, lvc.pszText);

                menu.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN, point.x, point.y, this, 0);
Esempio n. 2
  Function Name  : OnInsertColumn
  Input(s)       : wParam, lParam
  Output         : LRESULT 
  Functionality  : Handles the InsertColumn functionality to Default Window Procedure.
  Member of      : CRxMsgList
  Author(s)      : Arunkumar K
  Date Created   : 20-05-2010
  Modifications  : 
LRESULT CRxMsgList::OnInsertColumn(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	// Let the CListCtrl handle the event
	LRESULT lRet = DefWindowProc(LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, wParam, lParam);
	if (lRet == -1)
		return -1;

	int nCol = (int)lRet;

	// Book keeping of columns
	if (GetColumnStateCount() < GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount())
		InsertColumnState((int)nCol, true);	// Insert as visible

	return lRet;