int CSkinComboBox::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; //变量定义 COMBOBOXINFO ComboBoxInfo; ComboBoxInfo.cbSize=sizeof(ComboBoxInfo); //绑定控件 if (GetComboBoxInfo(&ComboBoxInfo)==TRUE) { if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem); } if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndList!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxList.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxList.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndList); } } return 0; }
int CSkinComboBox::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; //变量定义 COMBOBOXINFO ComboBoxInfo; ComboBoxInfo.cbSize=sizeof(ComboBoxInfo); //绑定控件 if (GetComboBoxInfo(&ComboBoxInfo)==TRUE) { if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem); } if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndList!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxList.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxList.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndList); } } //设置默认字体 SetFont(CFont::FromHandle(RenderEngine->GetDeaultFont())); return 0; }
static HWND getTextItem(HWND comboBox) { COMBOBOXINFO cbi; ZeroMemory(&cbi, sizeof(cbi)); cbi.cbSize = sizeof(cbi); GetComboBoxInfo(comboBox, &cbi); return cbi.hwndItem; }
void CCherryComboBox::OnMouseLeave() { COMBOBOXINFO comboBoxInfo = { sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO) }; GetComboBoxInfo(&comboBoxInfo); // 버튼이 눌린 상태면 if (/* comboBoxInfo.stateButton == STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED || */ !m_bDropDown) { // Normal m_pCurrentImage = &m_images[STATUS_NORMAL]; } if (m_bTracking) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT trackMouseEvent; trackMouseEvent.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); trackMouseEvent.dwFlags = TME_CANCEL; trackMouseEvent.hwndTrack = GetSafeHwnd(); trackMouseEvent.dwHoverTime = 1; _TrackMouseEvent(&trackMouseEvent); m_bTracking = FALSE; } m_bHover = FALSE; SetCurrentFont(GetNormalFont()); if (m_bEnableHoverHandCursor) SetClassLong(GetSafeHwnd(), GCL_HCURSOR, (LONG)AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); Invalidate(FALSE); CComboBox::OnMouseLeave(); }
void NewGUI_ComboBox_GetInfo(HWND hComboBox, HWND* phComboBox, HWND* phEditBox, HWND* phListBox) { COMBOBOXINFO cbi; ZeroMemory(&cbi, sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO)); cbi.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); VERIFY(GetComboBoxInfo(hComboBox, &cbi)); if(phComboBox != NULL) *phComboBox = cbi.hwndCombo; if(phEditBox != NULL) *phEditBox = cbi.hwndItem; if(phListBox != NULL) *phListBox = cbi.hwndList; }
wyBool TabMessage::Create() { wyWChar* items[] = { _(L"All"), _(L"Queries with errors"), _(L"Queries with warnings"), _(L"Queries with errors/warnings"), _(L"Queries with result set"), _(L"Queries without result set") }; wyInt32 count, i, width = 0; HDC hdc; HFONT hfont = GetStockFont(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); RECT rect = {0}; COMBOBOXINFO cbinfo = {0}; CreateQueryMessageEdit(m_hwndparent, m_pmdi); m_hwndcombo = CreateWindowEx(0, L"combobox", L"", WS_CHILD | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_hwndparent, (HMENU)IDC_TOOLCOMBO, (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(0), NULL); SendMessage(m_hwndcombo, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfont, 0); cbinfo.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); GetComboBoxInfo(m_hwndcombo, &cbinfo); SetWindowLongPtr(cbinfo.hwndList, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); //m_origlistproc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(cbinfo.hwndList, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)ComboListProc); count = sizeof(items)/sizeof(items[0]); hdc = GetDC(m_hwndcombo); hfont = SelectFont(hdc, hfont); for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SendMessage(m_hwndcombo, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)items[i]); DrawText(hdc, items[i], -1, &rect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX); if(rect.right > width) { width = rect.right; } } SelectFont(hdc, hfont); ReleaseDC(m_hwndcombo, hdc); SendMessage(m_hwndcombo, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); GetWindowRect(m_hwndcombo, &rect); SetWindowPos(m_hwndcombo, NULL, 0, 0, width + (cbinfo.rcButton.right - cbinfo.rcButton.left) + 10, rect.bottom -, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE); //SendMessage(m_hwndcombo, CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, width + 10, 0); return wyTrue; }
void CInPlaceList::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CComboBox::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo; cbInfo.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); GetComboBoxInfo(&cbInfo); HWND hwnd = pNewWnd->GetSafeHwnd(); if (cbInfo.hwndCombo == hwnd || cbInfo.hwndItem == hwnd || cbInfo.hwndList == hwnd) return; // Only end editing on change of focus if we're using the CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style EndEdit(); }
// Function to create Combo Box as child of Custom Combo Box wyBool CCustomComboBox::CreateCtrls(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { CREATESTRUCT *ctst = (CREATESTRUCT *)lParam; wyInt32 ret = 0; DWORD style = CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_SORT | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; HFONT hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); m_id = (wyInt32)ctst->hMenu; m_hwndParent = ctst->hwndParent; m_hwnd = hwnd; if((ctst->style & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED)) style |= CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED; m_hwndCombo = CreateWindowExW(NULL, WC_COMBOBOX, NULL, style, 0, 0, ctst->cx,ctst->cy, hwnd, (HMENU)IDC_COMBOCUSTOM, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); if(m_hwndCombo == NULL) return wyFalse; SendMessage(m_hwndCombo, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfont, (LPARAM)TRUE); ShowWindow(m_hwndCombo, SW_SHOW); ret = GetComboBoxInfo(m_hwndCombo, &m_cbif); m_editRect.bottom = m_cbif.rcItem.bottom; m_editRect.right = m_cbif.rcItem.right; m_editRect.left = m_cbif.rcItem.left; =; if(ctst->style & WS_DISABLED) { SendMessage(hwnd, WM_ENABLE, FALSE, NULL); } SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndCombo, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) this); m_origComboCtrlProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndCombo, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) CCustomComboBox::ComboCtrlProc); SetWindowLongPtr(m_cbif.hwndItem, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); m_origEditCtrlProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(m_cbif.hwndItem, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) CCustomComboBox::EditCtrlProc); return wyTrue; }
/** Adjusting height of dropped list of cbHwnd combobox to fit itemsCount items, but not more than MAX_VISIBLE_CB_ITEMS ComboBox_SetMinVisible not used because it was introduced in XP. */ int adjustDropdownHeight(HWND cbHwnd, unsigned int itemsCount) { COMBOBOXINFO dbcbinfo; RECT ddRect; int newHeight = 0; dbcbinfo.cbSize= sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); ComboBox_GetDroppedControlRect(cbHwnd, &ddRect); newHeight= ddRect.bottom -; if ( GetComboBoxInfo(cbHwnd, &dbcbinfo) ) { itemsCount= itemsCount < 1 ? 1 : (itemsCount > MAX_VISIBLE_CB_ITEMS ? MAX_VISIBLE_CB_ITEMS : itemsCount ); /* + (itemsCount - 1) - 1 pixel spaces between list items */ newHeight= itemsCount*ComboBox_GetItemHeight(cbHwnd) + (itemsCount - 1); MoveWindow(dbcbinfo.hwndList, ddRect.left,, ddRect.right-ddRect.left, newHeight, FALSE); } return newHeight; }
void CSkinComboBox::PreSubclassWindow() { //变量定义 COMBOBOXINFO ComboBoxInfo; ComboBoxInfo.cbSize=sizeof(ComboBoxInfo); //绑定控件 if (GetComboBoxInfo(&ComboBoxInfo)==TRUE) { if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxEdit.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndItem); } if (ComboBoxInfo.hwndList!=NULL) { m_SkinComboBoxList.SetOwnerWnd(GetSafeHwnd()); m_SkinComboBoxList.SubclassWindow(ComboBoxInfo.hwndList); } } CComboBox::PreSubclassWindow(); }
static INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionsDlgProc(HWND hdlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { OptionsPageData *opd; OptionsDlgData *dat = (OptionsDlgData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, GWLP_USERDATA); HWND hwndTree = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_PAGETREE); switch (message) { case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: switch (GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)lParam)) { case IDC_WHITERECT: case IDC_KEYWORD_FILTER: SetBkColor((HDC)wParam, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); return (INT_PTR)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hdlg); if (!ServiceExists(MS_MODERNOPT_SHOW)) ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_MODERN), FALSE); { PROPSHEETHEADER *psh = (PROPSHEETHEADER*)lParam; OPENOPTIONSDIALOG *ood = (OPENOPTIONSDIALOG*)psh->pStartPage; COMBOBOXINFO cbi; cbi.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); GetComboBoxInfo(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_KEYWORD_FILTER), &cbi); mir_subclassWindow(cbi.hwndItem, OptionsFilterSubclassProc); if (IsAeroMode()) { mir_subclassWindow(cbi.hwndCombo, AeroPaintSubclassProc); mir_subclassWindow(cbi.hwndItem, AeroPaintSubclassProc); } Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(hdlg, NULL, "Options", ""); Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(hdlg, SKINICON_OTHER_OPTIONS); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_APPLY), FALSE); dat = new OptionsDlgData; SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)dat); SetWindowText(hdlg, psh->pszCaption); LOGFONT lf; dat->hBoldFont = (HFONT)SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_APPLY, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); GetObject(dat->hBoldFont, sizeof(lf), &lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; dat->hBoldFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); dat->hPluginLoad = HookEventMessage(ME_SYSTEM_MODULELOAD, hdlg, HM_MODULELOAD); dat->hPluginUnload = HookEventMessage(ME_SYSTEM_MODULEUNLOAD, hdlg, HM_MODULEUNLOAD); dat->currentPage = -1; ptrT lastPage, lastGroup, lastTab; if (ood->pszPage == NULL) { lastPage = db_get_tsa(NULL, "Options", "LastPage"); if (ood->pszGroup == NULL) lastGroup = db_get_tsa(NULL, "Options", "LastGroup"); else lastGroup = mir_a2t(ood->pszGroup); } else { lastPage = mir_a2t(ood->pszPage); lastGroup = mir_a2t(ood->pszGroup); } if (ood->pszTab == NULL) lastTab = db_get_tsa(NULL, "Options", "LastTab"); else lastTab = mir_a2t(ood->pszTab); OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *odp = (OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE*)psh->ppsp; for (UINT i = 0; i < psh->nPages; i++, odp++) { opd = (OptionsPageData*)mir_calloc(sizeof(OptionsPageData)); if (!LoadOptionsPage(odp, opd)) { mir_free(opd); continue; } dat->arOpd.insert(opd); if (!lstrcmp(lastPage, odp->ptszTitle) && !lstrcmpnull(lastGroup, odp->ptszGroup)) if ((ood->pszTab == NULL && dat->currentPage == -1) || !lstrcmpnull(lastTab, odp->ptszTab)) dat->currentPage = (int)i; } GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STNOPAGE), &dat->rcDisplay); MapWindowPoints(NULL, hdlg, (LPPOINT)&dat->rcDisplay, 2); // Add an item to count in height TCITEM tie; tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE; tie.iImage = -1; tie.pszText = _T("X"); TabCtrl_InsertItem(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), 0, &tie); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), &dat->rcTab); MapWindowPoints(NULL, hdlg, (LPPOINT)&dat->rcTab, 2); TabCtrl_AdjustRect(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), FALSE, &dat->rcTab); FillFilterCombo(hdlg, dat); PostMessage(hdlg, DM_REBUILDPAGETREE, 0, 0); } return TRUE; case DM_REBUILDPAGETREE: RebuildPageTree(hdlg, dat); break; case HM_MODULELOAD: LoadOptionsModule(hdlg, dat, (HINSTANCE)lParam); break; case HM_MODULEUNLOAD: UnloadOptionsModule(hdlg, dat, (HINSTANCE)lParam); break; case PSM_CHANGED: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_APPLY), TRUE); opd = dat->getCurrent(); if (opd) opd->changed = 1; return TRUE; case PSM_GETBOLDFONT: SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LONG_PTR)dat->hBoldFont); return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: switch (wParam) { case IDC_TAB: case IDC_PAGETREE: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE); return TRUE; case TCN_SELCHANGING: case TVN_SELCHANGING: opd = dat->getCurrent(); if (opd && opd->hwnd != NULL) { PSHNOTIFY pshn; pshn.hdr.code = PSN_KILLACTIVE; pshn.hdr.hwndFrom = dat->arOpd[dat->currentPage]->hwnd; pshn.hdr.idFrom = 0; pshn.lParam = 0; if (SendMessage(dat->arOpd[dat->currentPage]->hwnd, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&pshn)) { SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); return TRUE; } } break; case TCN_SELCHANGE: case TVN_SELCHANGED: ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STNOPAGE), SW_HIDE); opd = dat->getCurrent(); if (opd && opd->hwnd != NULL) ShowWindow(opd->hwnd, SW_HIDE); if (wParam != IDC_TAB) { TVITEM tvi; tvi.hItem = dat->hCurrentPage = TreeView_GetSelection(hwndTree); if (tvi.hItem == NULL) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), SW_HIDE); break; } tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvi); dat->currentPage = tvi.lParam; ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), SW_HIDE); } else { TCITEM tie; tie.mask = TCIF_PARAM; TabCtrl_GetItem(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB), TabCtrl_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB)), &tie); dat->currentPage = tie.lParam; TVITEM tvi; tvi.hItem = dat->hCurrentPage; tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.lParam = dat->currentPage; TreeView_SetItem(hwndTree, &tvi); } opd = dat->getCurrent(); if (opd == NULL) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STNOPAGE), SW_SHOW); break; } if (opd->hwnd == NULL) { opd->hwnd = CreateDialogIndirectParamA(opd->hInst, opd->pTemplate, hdlg, opd->dlgProc, opd->dwInitParam); if (opd->flags & ODPF_BOLDGROUPS) EnumChildWindows(opd->hwnd, BoldGroupTitlesEnumChildren, (LPARAM)dat->hBoldFont); RECT rcPage; GetClientRect(opd->hwnd, &rcPage); int w = opd->width = rcPage.right; int h = opd->height = rcPage.bottom; RECT rc; GetWindowRect(opd->hwnd, &rc); opd->offsetX = 0; opd->offsetY = 0; opd->insideTab = IsInsideTab(hdlg, dat, dat->currentPage); if (opd->insideTab) { SetWindowPos(opd->hwnd, HWND_TOP, (dat->rcTab.left + dat->rcTab.right - w) >> 1, dat->, w, h, 0); ThemeDialogBackground(opd->hwnd, TRUE); } else { SetWindowPos(opd->hwnd, HWND_TOP, (dat->rcDisplay.left + dat->rcDisplay.right - w) >> 1, (dat-> + dat->rcDisplay.bottom - h) >> 1, w, h, 0); ThemeDialogBackground(opd->hwnd, FALSE); } } if (wParam != IDC_TAB) { opd->insideTab = IsInsideTab(hdlg, dat, dat->currentPage); if (opd->insideTab) { // Make tabbed pane int pages = 0, sel = 0; HWND hwndTab = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_TAB); TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(hwndTab); TCITEM tie; tie.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_IMAGE | TCIF_PARAM; tie.iImage = -1; for (int i = 0; i < dat->arOpd.getCount(); i++) { if (!CheckPageShow(hdlg, dat, i)) continue; OptionsPageData *p = dat->arOpd[i]; if (lstrcmp(opd->ptszTitle, p->ptszTitle) || lstrcmpnull(opd->ptszGroup, p->ptszGroup)) continue; tie.pszText = TranslateTH(p->hLangpack, p->ptszTab); tie.lParam = i; TabCtrl_InsertItem(hwndTab, pages, &tie); if (!lstrcmp(opd->ptszTab, p->ptszTab)) sel = pages; pages++; } TabCtrl_SetCurSel(hwndTab, sel); ShowWindow(hwndTab, opd->insideTab ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); } if (opd->insideTab) ThemeDialogBackground(opd->hwnd, TRUE); else ThemeDialogBackground(opd->hwnd, FALSE); } ShowWindow(opd->hwnd, SW_SHOW); if (((LPNMTREEVIEW)lParam)->action == TVC_BYMOUSE) PostMessage(hdlg, DM_FOCUSPAGE, 0, 0); else SetFocus(hwndTree); }
CInPlaceList::CInPlaceList(CWnd* pParent, CRect& rect, DWORD dwStyle, UINT nID, int nRow, int nColumn, Strings& Items, CString sInitText, UINT nFirstChar) { m_nNumLines = 2; m_sInitText = sInitText; m_nRow = nRow; m_nCol = nColumn; m_nLastChar = 0; m_bEdit = FALSE; // Create the combobox DWORD dwComboStyle = WS_BORDER|WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_VSCROLL| CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | dwStyle; if (!Create(dwComboStyle, rect, pParent, nID)) return; COMBOBOXINFO cbInfo; cbInfo.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); GetComboBoxInfo(&cbInfo); m_edit.SubclassWindow(cbInfo.hwndItem); m_ListBox.SubclassWindow(cbInfo.hwndList); // Add the strings for (size_t i = 0; i < Items.size(); i++) AddString(Items[i]); // Get the maximum width of the text strings int nMaxLength = 0; CClientDC dc(GetParent()); CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(pParent->GetFont()); for (size_t i = 0; i < Items.size(); i++) nMaxLength = max(nMaxLength, dc.GetTextExtent(Items[i]).cx); nMaxLength += (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) + dc.GetTextExtent(_T(" ")).cx*2); dc.SelectObject(pOldFont); // Resize the edit window and the drop down window SetFont(pParent->GetFont()); SetDroppedWidth(nMaxLength); SetHorizontalExtent(0); // no horz scrolling // Set the initial text to m_sInitText SetWindowText(m_sInitText); // No text selected, so restore what was there before ShowDropDown(); SetFocus(); // Added by KiteFly. When entering DBCS chars into cells the first char was being lost // SenMessage changed to PostMessage (John Lagerquist) switch (nFirstChar) { case VK_RETURN: break; default: PostMessage(WM_CHAR, nFirstChar); } }
INT_PTR CALLBACK OptionsProc(HWND hdlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wparam,LPARAM lparam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { int startupmode,exitmode; COMBOBOXINFO cbi={0}; cbi.cbSize = sizeof(cbi); opses_count=0; g_opHdlg=hdlg; bOptionsInit=TRUE; TranslateDialogDefault(hdlg); hMarked = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[1].hIcolib); hNotMarked = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[2].hIcolib); hIcon=(bChecked=IsMarkedUserDefSession(opses_count))?hMarked:hNotMarked; SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, IDC_TRACK,ses_limit=db_get_b(0, MODNAME, "TrackCount", 10), FALSE); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_SPIN1, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELONG(10, 1)); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_SPIN1, UDM_SETPOS, 0, GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, IDC_TRACK, NULL, FALSE)); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_OPCLIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); SetDlgItemInt(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY, db_get_w(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupModeDelay", 1500), FALSE); startupmode = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupMode", 3); exitmode = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ShutdownMode", 2); g_bExclHidden = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ExclHidden", 0); g_bWarnOnHidden = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "WarnOnHidden", 0); g_bOtherWarnings = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "OtherWarnings", 1); g_bCrashRecovery = db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, "CrashRecovery", 0); CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_EXCLHIDDEN,g_bExclHidden?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_LASTHIDDENWARN,g_bWarnOnHidden?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_WARNINGS,g_bOtherWarnings?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_CRASHRECOVERY,g_bCrashRecovery?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED); if (startupmode == 1) CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_STARTDIALOG,BST_CHECKED); else if (startupmode == 3) { CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_STARTDIALOG,BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_CHECKLAST,BST_CHECKED); } else if (startupmode == 2) { CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_RLOADLAST,BST_CHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST), FALSE); } else if (startupmode == 0) { CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_RNOTHING,BST_CHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICOP), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICMS), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST), FALSE); } if (exitmode == 0) { CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_REXDSAVE,BST_CHECKED); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC1),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC2),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_TRACK),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SPIN1),FALSE); } else if (exitmode == 1) CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_REXASK,BST_CHECKED); else if (exitmode == 2) CheckDlgButton(hdlg,IDC_REXSAVE,BST_CHECKED); LoadSessionToCombobox (hdlg,1,255,"UserSessionDsc",0); if (SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EDIT),TRUE); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (!OpLoadSessionContacts(0,opses_count)) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),FALSE); } GetComboBoxInfo(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_LIST),&cbi); mir_subclassWindow(cbi.hwndItem, ComboBoxSubclassProc); hComboBoxEdit=cbi.hwndItem; hComboBox=cbi.hwndCombo; SetWindowPos( hComboBoxEdit, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED ); bOptionsInit=FALSE; } break; case WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: switch(GetDlgCtrlID((HWND) lparam)) { case IDC_OPCLIST: SetBkMode((HDC) wparam, TRANSPARENT); return (BOOL) CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: switch(((LPNMHDR)lparam)->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { int iDelay=GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY,NULL, FALSE); db_set_w(0, MODNAME, "StartupModeDelay", (WORD)iDelay); db_set_b(0, MODNAME, "TrackCount", (BYTE)(ses_limit=GetDlgItemInt(hdlg, IDC_TRACK,NULL, FALSE))); if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_REXSAVE)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ShutdownMode", 2); else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_REXDSAVE)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ShutdownMode", 0); else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_REXASK)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ShutdownMode", 1); if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_STARTDIALOG)) { if (!IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupMode", 1); else db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupMode", 3); } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_RLOADLAST)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupMode", 2); else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_RNOTHING)) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "StartupMode", 0); db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "ExclHidden", (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_EXCLHIDDEN) ? (g_bExclHidden = 1) : (g_bExclHidden = 0))); db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "WarnOnHidden", (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_LASTHIDDENWARN) ? (g_bWarnOnHidden = 1) : (g_bWarnOnHidden = 0))); db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "OtherWarnings", (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_WARNINGS) ? (g_bOtherWarnings = 1) : (g_bOtherWarnings = 0))); db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "CrashRecovery", (BYTE)(IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, IDC_CRASHRECOVERY) ? (g_bCrashRecovery = 1) : (g_bCrashRecovery = 0))); } return 1; case CLN_CHECKCHANGED: if (((LPNMHDR)lparam)->idFrom == IDC_EMCLIST) { int iSelection = (int)((NMCLISTCONTROL *)lparam)->hItem; HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); for ( ; hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) if (SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_EMCLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0) == iSelection) break; if (hContact) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),TRUE); else EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),FALSE); } } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wparam)) { case IDC_LIST: switch(HIWORD(wparam)) { case CBN_EDITCHANGE: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),TRUE); bSesssionNameChanged=TRUE; break; case CBN_SELCHANGE: { HWND hCombo = GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_LIST); int index = SendMessage(hCombo, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (index != CB_ERR) { opses_count = SendMessage(hCombo, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)index, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_OPCLIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); if (IsMarkedUserDefSession(opses_count)) { hIcon=hMarked; bChecked=TRUE; RedrawWindow(hComboBoxEdit, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_NOCHILDREN|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_FRAME); } else { hIcon=hNotMarked; bChecked=FALSE; RedrawWindow(hComboBoxEdit, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_NOCHILDREN|RDW_UPDATENOW|RDW_FRAME); } OpLoadSessionContacts(0,opses_count); if (!hOpClistControl) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),TRUE); else { for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) SendMessage(hOpClistControl, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hContact,0); for (int i=0 ; session_list_t[i] > 0; i++) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)SendMessage(hOpClistControl,CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)session_list_t[i], 0); SendMessage(hOpClistControl, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hContact, 1); } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),FALSE); } } }break; }break; case IDC_EDIT: if (!hOpClistControl) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_OPCLIST),SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),FALSE); //EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),TRUE); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EDIT),TranslateT("View")); hOpClistControl = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_STATICEDGE, _T(CLISTCONTROL_CLASS), _T(""), WS_TABSTOP |WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD , 14,198,161,163,hdlg, (HMENU)IDC_EMCLIST, hinstance, 0); SetWindowLongPtr(hOpClistControl, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hOpClistControl, GWL_STYLE)|CLS_CHECKBOXES|CLS_HIDEEMPTYGROUPS|CLS_USEGROUPS|CLS_GREYALTERNATE|CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES); SendMessage(hOpClistControl, CLM_SETEXSTYLE, CLS_EX_DISABLEDRAGDROP|CLS_EX_TRACKSELECT, 0); SendMessage(hOpClistControl,WM_TIMER,TIMERID_REBUILDAFTER,0); for (int i=0 ; session_list_t[i] > 0; i++) { HANDLE hItem=(HANDLE)SendMessage(hOpClistControl,CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)session_list_t[i], 0); SendMessage(hOpClistControl, CLM_SETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem,1); } } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_OPCLIST),SW_SHOWNA); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),FALSE); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EDIT),TranslateT("Edit")); DestroyWindow(hOpClistControl); hOpClistControl=NULL; } break; case IDC_SAVE: { int i=0; for (HANDLE hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) { BYTE res =(BYTE)SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EMCLIST), CLM_GETCHECKMARK, SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EMCLIST), CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0), 0); if (res) { SetSessionMark(hContact,1,'1',opses_count); SetInSessionOrder(hContact,1,opses_count,i); i++; } else { SetSessionMark(hContact,1,'0',opses_count); SetInSessionOrder(hContact,1,opses_count,0); } } if (bSesssionNameChanged) { if (GetWindowTextLength(hComboBoxEdit)) { TCHAR szUserSessionName[MAX_PATH]={'\0'}; GetWindowText(hComboBoxEdit, szUserSessionName, SIZEOF(szUserSessionName)); RenameUserDefSession(opses_count,szUserSessionName); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_RESETCONTENT ,0,0); LoadSessionToCombobox (hdlg,1,255,"UserSessionDsc",0); } bSesssionNameChanged=FALSE; } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SAVE),FALSE); } break; case IDC_DEL: DelUserDefSession(opses_count); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_OPCLIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); LoadSessionToCombobox (hdlg,1,255,"UserSessionDsc",0); opses_count=0; if (SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EDIT),TRUE); SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_LIST, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (!OpLoadSessionContacts(0,opses_count)) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EDIT),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_DEL),FALSE); } break; case IDC_STARTDIALOG: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICOP), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICMS), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST), TRUE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; case IDC_RLOADLAST: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICOP), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICMS), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST), FALSE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; case IDC_RNOTHING: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STARTDELAY), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICOP), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_STATICMS), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_CHECKLAST), FALSE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; case IDC_REXSAVE: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC1),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC2),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_TRACK),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SPIN1),TRUE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; case IDC_REXDSAVE: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC1),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC2),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_TRACK),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SPIN1),FALSE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; case IDC_REXASK: EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC1),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_EXSTATIC2),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_TRACK),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg,IDC_SPIN1),TRUE); SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); break; } if (HIWORD(wparam) == CBN_DROPDOWN&&!hOpClistControl) { SendMessage(hComboBoxEdit,EM_SETSEL ,0,0); SendMessage(hComboBoxEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET ,0,0); SendMessage(hComboBoxEdit,WM_KILLFOCUS ,0,0); HideCaret(hComboBoxEdit); } if ((HIWORD(wparam)!=CBN_DROPDOWN)&&(LOWORD(wparam) == IDC_LIST)&&!hOpClistControl) { SendMessage(hComboBoxEdit,EM_SCROLLCARET ,0,0); HideCaret(hComboBoxEdit); } if ((LOWORD(wparam) == IDC_STARTDELAY) && (HIWORD(wparam)!=EN_CHANGE || (HWND)lparam != GetFocus())) return 0; if (lparam&&!bOptionsInit&&(HIWORD(wparam) == BN_CLICKED)&& (GetFocus() == (HWND)lparam) &&((LOWORD(wparam) == IDC_CHECKLAST)||((LOWORD(wparam)>=IDC_EXCLHIDDEN)&&(LOWORD(wparam)<=IDC_CRASHRECOVERY)))) SendMessage(GetParent(hdlg),PSM_CHANGED,0,0); return 0; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hdlg,0); return 0; } return 0; }
DcxComboEx::DcxComboEx( UINT ID, DcxDialog * p_Dialog, HWND mParentHwnd, RECT * rc, TString & styles ) : DcxControl( ID, p_Dialog ) { LONG Styles = 0, ExStyles = 0; BOOL bNoTheme = FALSE; this->parseControlStyles( styles, &Styles, &ExStyles, &bNoTheme ); this->m_Hwnd = CreateWindowEx( ExStyles, DCX_COMBOEXCLASS, NULL, WS_CHILD | CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | Styles, rc->left, rc->top, rc->right - rc->left, rc->bottom - rc->top, mParentHwnd, (HMENU) ID, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); if (!IsWindow(this->m_Hwnd)) throw "Unable To Create Window"; if ( bNoTheme ) { Dcx::UXModule.dcxSetWindowTheme( this->m_Hwnd , L" ", L" " ); //SendMessage( this->m_Hwnd, CBEM_SETWINDOWTHEME, NULL, (LPARAM)(LPCWSTR)L" "); // do this instead? } this->m_EditHwnd = (HWND) this->getEditControl( ); if ( IsWindow( this->m_EditHwnd ) ) { if ( bNoTheme ) Dcx::UXModule.dcxSetWindowTheme( this->m_EditHwnd , L" ", L" " ); try { LPDCXCOMBOEXEDIT lpce = new DCXCOMBOEXEDIT; lpce->cHwnd = this->m_Hwnd; lpce->pHwnd = mParentHwnd; //SetWindowLong( this->m_EditHwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong( this->m_EditHwnd, GWL_STYLE ));// | ES_AUTOHSCROLL ); lpce->OldProc = SubclassWindow( this->m_EditHwnd, DcxComboEx::ComboExEditProc ); SetWindowLongPtr( this->m_EditHwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG) lpce ); } catch ( std::bad_alloc ) { DestroyWindow(this->m_Hwnd); throw "Unable to Allocate Memory"; } } HWND combo = (HWND)SendMessage(this->m_Hwnd,CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL,0,0); if (IsWindow(combo)) { if (bNoTheme) Dcx::UXModule.dcxSetWindowTheme( combo , L" ", L" " ); COMBOBOXINFO cbi = { 0 }; cbi.cbSize = sizeof(cbi); GetComboBoxInfo(combo, &cbi); if (styles.istok("sort")) { // doesnt work atm. if (IsWindow(cbi.hwndList)) { AddStyles(cbi.hwndList, GWL_STYLE, LBS_SORT); } } if (styles.istok("hscroll")) { //if (IsWindow(cbi.hwndCombo)) //AddStyles(cbi.hwndCombo, GWL_STYLE, WS_HSCROLL); if (IsWindow(cbi.hwndList)) AddStyles(cbi.hwndList, GWL_STYLE, WS_HSCROLL); } } //if (p_Dialog->getToolTip() != NULL) { // if (styles.istok("tooltips")) { // this->m_ToolTipHWND = p_Dialog->getToolTip(); // AddToolTipToolInfo(this->m_ToolTipHWND, this->m_Hwnd); // AddToolTipToolInfo(this->m_ToolTipHWND, this->m_EditHwnd); // } //} this->setControlFont( GetStockFont( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ), FALSE ); this->registreDefaultWindowProc( ); SetProp( this->m_Hwnd, "dcx_cthis", (HANDLE) this ); DragAcceptFiles(this->m_Hwnd, TRUE); // fix bug with disabled creation // todo: fix this properly if (Styles & WS_DISABLED) { EnableWindow(this->m_Hwnd, TRUE); EnableWindow(this->m_Hwnd, FALSE); } }
static int winListMapMethod(Ihandle* ih) { char* class_name; DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, dwExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; if (!ih->parent) return IUP_ERROR; if (ih->data->is_dropdown || ih->data->has_editbox) { class_name = "COMBOBOX"; dwStyle |= CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT; if (ih->data->is_dropdown) dwStyle |= WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL; else if (ih->data->sb) { dwStyle |= WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL; if (!iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "AUTOHIDE")) dwStyle |= CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL; } if (ih->data->has_editbox) { dwStyle |= CBS_AUTOHSCROLL; if (ih->data->is_dropdown) dwStyle |= CBS_DROPDOWN; /* hidden-list+edit */ else dwStyle |= CBS_SIMPLE; /* visible-list+edit */ } else dwStyle |= CBS_DROPDOWNLIST; /* hidden-list */ if (iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "SORT")) dwStyle |= CBS_SORT; } else { class_name = "LISTBOX"; dwStyle |= LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT|LBS_NOTIFY; if (ih->data->is_multiple) dwStyle |= LBS_EXTENDEDSEL; if (ih->data->sb) { dwStyle |= WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL; if (!iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "AUTOHIDE")) dwStyle |= LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL; } if (iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "SORT")) dwStyle |= LBS_SORT; } if (iupAttribGetBoolean(ih, "CANFOCUS")) dwStyle |= WS_TABSTOP; if (!iupwinCreateWindowEx(ih, class_name, dwExStyle, dwStyle)) return IUP_ERROR; /* Custom Procedure */ IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUPWIN_CTRLPROC_CB", (Icallback)winListProc); /* Process background color */ IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUPWIN_CTLCOLOR_CB", (Icallback)winListCtlColor); /* Process WM_COMMAND */ IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUPWIN_COMMAND_CB", (Icallback)winListWmCommand); if (ih->data->is_dropdown || ih->data->has_editbox) { COMBOBOXINFO boxinfo; ZeroMemory(&boxinfo, sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO)); boxinfo.cbSize = sizeof(COMBOBOXINFO); GetComboBoxInfo(ih->handle, &boxinfo); iupwinHandleAdd(ih, boxinfo.hwndList); iupAttribSetStr(ih, "_IUPWIN_LISTBOX", (char*)boxinfo.hwndList); /* subclass the list box. */ IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUPWIN_LISTOLDPROC_CB", (Icallback)GetWindowLongPtr(boxinfo.hwndList, GWLP_WNDPROC)); SetWindowLongPtr(boxinfo.hwndList, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)winListComboListWinProc); if (ih->data->has_editbox) { iupwinHandleAdd(ih, boxinfo.hwndItem); iupAttribSetStr(ih, "_IUPWIN_EDITBOX", (char*)boxinfo.hwndItem); /* subclass the edit box. */ IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUPWIN_EDITOLDPROC_CB", (Icallback)GetWindowLongPtr(boxinfo.hwndItem, GWLP_WNDPROC)); SetWindowLongPtr(boxinfo.hwndItem, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)winListEditWinProc); /* set defaults */ SendMessage(ih->handle, CB_LIMITTEXT, 0, 0L); } } /* configure for DRAG&DROP */ if (IupGetCallback(ih, "DROPFILES_CB")) iupAttribSetStr(ih, "DRAGDROP", "YES"); IupSetCallback(ih, "_IUP_XY2POS_CB", (Icallback)winListConvertXYToPos); iupListSetInitialItems(ih); return IUP_NOERROR; }
LRESULT dsp_preset_switcher::on_message( HWND parent_wnd , UINT msg , WPARAM wp , LPARAM lp ) { switch( msg ) { case WM_CREATE: { if( wnd_my_combo_box != NULL ) { console::printf( CONSOLE_HEADER "Error: wnd_my_combo_box != NULL" ); return -1; } if( ui_hfont != NULL ) { console::printf( CONSOLE_HEADER "Error: ui_hfont != NULL" ); return -1; } // get columns UI font ui_hfont = uCreateIconFont(); if( ui_hfont == NULL ) { console::printf( CONSOLE_HEADER "uCreateIconFont() failed" ); return -1; } wnd_my_combo_box = CreateWindowEx( 0 , WC_COMBOBOX , nullptr , ( CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP ) , 0 , 0 , INIT_WIDTH , CW_USEDEFAULT , parent_wnd , NULL , core_api::get_my_instance() , nullptr ); if( wnd_my_combo_box == NULL ) { console::printf( CONSOLE_HEADER "CreateWindowEx() failed" ); DeleteFont( ui_hfont ); ui_hfont = NULL; return -1; } dsp_preset_switcher::PARENT_HWND_LIST.remove_item( parent_wnd ); dsp_preset_switcher::PARENT_HWND_LIST.add_item( parent_wnd ); // Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The SendMessage function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not return until the window procedure has processed the message. // Sets the font that a control is to use when drawing text. uSendMessage( wnd_my_combo_box , WM_SETFONT , ( WPARAM ) ui_hfont , MAKELPARAM( 1 , 0 ) ); // get metrics RECT rc; GetWindowRect( wnd_my_combo_box , &rc ); HEIGHT = RECT_CY( rc ); // get dsp names and add to combo box pfc::list_t<pfc::string8> l; initEntries( l ); // set initial selection const bool ret = setEntry( CFG_IDX ); if( !ret ) CFG_IDX = -1; // determine width // MSDN Remarks: After an application has finished drawing with the new font object , it should always replace a new font object with the original font object. CONST HDC dc = GetDC( wnd_my_combo_box ); CONST HFONT font_old = SelectFont( dc , ui_hfont ); for( t_size i = 0 , imax = l.get_count(); i < imax ; ++i ) { const char *str = l[i].get_ptr(); const int cx = ui_helpers::get_text_width( dc , str , strlen( str ) ); min_width = max( min_width , ( t_size ) cx ); } SelectFont( dc , font_old ); ReleaseDC( parent_wnd , dc ); // get min width COMBOBOXINFO cbi = { 0 }; cbi.cbSize = sizeof( cbi ); GetComboBoxInfo( wnd_my_combo_box , &cbi ); RECT rc_client; GetClientRect( wnd_my_combo_box , &rc_client ); min_width += RECT_CX( rc_client ) - RECT_CX( cbi.rcItem ); return 0; } case WM_DESTROY: { dsp_preset_switcher::PARENT_HWND_LIST.remove_item( GetParent( wnd_my_combo_box ) ); DestroyWindow( wnd_my_combo_box ); wnd_my_combo_box = NULL; DeleteFont( ui_hfont ); ui_hfont = NULL; return 0; } case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { CONST LPMINMAXINFO ptr = ( LPMINMAXINFO ) lp; ptr->ptMinTrackSize.x = min_width; ptr->ptMinTrackSize.y = HEIGHT; ptr->ptMaxTrackSize.y = HEIGHT; return 0; } case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { CONST LPWINDOWPOS ptr = ( LPWINDOWPOS ) lp; if( !( ptr->flags & SWP_NOSIZE ) ) { SetWindowPos( wnd_my_combo_box , HWND_TOP , 0 , 0 , ptr->cx , HEIGHT , SWP_NOZORDER ); } return 0; } case WM_COMMAND: { if( wp == ( CBN_SELCHANGE << 16 ) ) { int idx; pfc::string8 text; bool ret = getSelection( idx , text ); if( !ret ) break; CFG_IDX = idx; ret = selDspName( idx , text.get_ptr() ); if( !ret ) syncSelection( -1 ); return 0; } break; } case WM_USER_DSP_CORE_CHANGE: { if( skip_msg ) { skip_msg = false; return 0; } // just rescan DSP name entries and remove the current selected one pfc::list_t<pfc::string8> d; initEntries( d ); CFG_IDX = -1; return 0; } case WM_USER_SYNC_CHANGE: { if( wp == -1 ) { pfc::list_t<pfc::string8> l; initEntries( l ); return 0; } skip_msg = true; setEntry( wp ); return 0; } default: { //console::printf( CONSOLE_HEADER "default case: %u" , msg ); break; } } // Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. // This function ensures that every message is processed. return uDefWindowProc( parent_wnd , msg , wp , lp ); }