Esempio n. 1
	void Profiler_Imp::Start(int id)
		Profile::Ptr profile = nullptr;
		for (auto& x : m_profiles)
			if (x->GetID() == id)
				profile = x;

		if (profile == nullptr)
			profile = make_shared<Profile>(id);


#if _WIN32
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
		// sched_getcpuがないようなので代用。よりよいものがあれば差し替えてください。
Esempio n. 2
uint32_t getCurrentProcessorNumber()
#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600
	return GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
// Start the stopwatch.
void StopWatch::Start()
	// MSDN recommends setting the thread affinity to avoid bugs in the BIOS and HAL.
	// Create an affinity mask for the current processor.
	affinityMask = (DWORD_PTR)1 << GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
	HANDLE currThread = GetCurrentThread();
	DWORD_PTR prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, affinityMask);
	assert(prevAffinityMask != 0);

	// Query the performance counter.
	BOOL result = QueryPerformanceCounter(&perfQuery);
    start = perfQuery.QuadPart;

	// Restore the thread's affinity mask.
	prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, prevAffinityMask);
	assert(prevAffinityMask != 0);
Esempio n. 4
int main(void)
{   int     i, k, err, blocks, len, len2;
    double  a0, av, sig, td;
    unsigned char   buf1[BUFLEN];
    unsigned char   buf2[BUFLEN];
    unsigned char   iv1[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    unsigned char   iv2[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    unsigned char   key[32];
    f_ectx ecx1[1];
    f_dctx dcx1[1];
    aligned_auto(unsigned char, buf3, BUFLEN, 16);
    aligned_auto(unsigned char, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, 16);
    aligned_auto(f_ectx, ecx2, 1, 16);
    aligned_auto(f_dctx, dcx2, 1, 16);

#if defined( DLL_IMPORT ) && defined( DYNAMIC_LINK )
    HINSTANCE   h_dll;

#if defined( DUAL_CORE ) && defined( _WIN32 )
    // we need to constrain the process to one core in order to
    // obtain meaningful timing data
    HANDLE ph;
    DWORD_PTR afp;
    DWORD_PTR afs;
    ph = GetCurrentProcess();
    if(GetProcessAffinityMask(ph, &afp, &afs))
        afp &= (GetCurrentProcessorNumber() + 1);
        if(!SetProcessAffinityMask(ph, afp))
            printf("Couldn't set Process Affinity Mask\n\n"); return -1;
        printf("Couldn't get Process Affinity Mask\n\n"); return -1;

#if defined( DLL_IMPORT ) && defined( DYNAMIC_LINK )
    if(!(h_dll = init_dll(&fn)))
        return -1;
#elif !defined(STATIC_TABLES)

    if(f_talign(0,16) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
        return -1;

    printf("\nRun tests for the AES algorithm");
#if defined( DLL_IMPORT )
    printf(" (DLL Version)");
#if defined( __cplusplus )
    printf(" (CPP Version)");

    for(k = 128; k <= 256; k += 64)
        printf("\n\n%03i Bit Keys", k);
#ifdef TEST_ECB
        err = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            block_rndfill(key, 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_enc_key(ecx1, key, k);
            f_enc_key(ecx2, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx1, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx2, key, k);

            block_rndfill(buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf2, buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf3, buf1, BUFLEN);

            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len = (unsigned int)(0.5 * BUFLEN * (1.0 + td));
            len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            ECBenc(buf2, len, ecx1);
            f_ecb_enc(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len);

            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 1;
            if((err & 1) && !(err & 256))
                printf("\nECB encryption FAILURE");

            ECBdec(buf2, len, dcx1);
            f_ecb_dec(dcx2, buf3, buf3, len);

            if(memcmp(buf1, buf2, len)) err |= 2;
            if(memcmp(buf1, buf3, len)) err |= 4;
            if((err & 4) && !(err & 512))
                printf("\nECB decryption FAILURE");
            if(err & 1)
                err |= 256;
            if(err & 4)
                err |= 512;
            printf("\nECB encrypt and decrypt of data correct");

#ifdef TEST_CBC
        err = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            block_rndfill(key, 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_enc_key(ecx1, key, k);
            f_enc_key(ecx2, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx1, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx2, key, k);

            block_rndfill(iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            block_rndfill(buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf2, buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf3, buf1, BUFLEN);

            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len = (unsigned int)(0.5 * BUFLEN * (1.0 + td));
            len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            CBCenc(buf2, len, iv2, ecx1);
            f_cbc_enc(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len, iv3);

            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 1;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 2;
            if((err & 1) && !(err & 256))
                printf("\nCBC encryption FAILURE");

            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            CBCdec(buf2, len, iv2, dcx1);
            f_cbc_dec(dcx2, buf3, buf3, len, iv3);

            if(memcmp(buf1, buf2, len)) err |= 4;
            if(memcmp(buf1, buf3, len)) err |= 8;
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 16;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 32;
            if((err & 16) && !(err & 512))
                printf("\nCBC decryption FAILURE");
            if(err & 1)
                err |= 256;
            if(err & 16)
                err |= 512;
        if(!(err & ~(2 | 4 | 16 | 32)))
            printf("\nCBC encrypt and decrypt of data correct");
        if(err & (2 | 32))
            printf(" (mismatch of final IV on ");
            if(err & 2)
            if((err & (2 | 32)) == 34)
                printf(" and ");
            if(err & 32)

#ifdef TEST_CFB
        err = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            block_rndfill(key, 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_enc_key(ecx1, key, k);
            f_enc_key(ecx2, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx1, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx2, key, k);

            block_rndfill(iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            block_rndfill(buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf2, buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf3, buf1, BUFLEN);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len = (unsigned int)(0.5 * BUFLEN * (1.0 + td));
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_cfb_enc(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3);
            f_cfb_enc(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3);

            CFBenc(buf2, len, iv2, ecx1);
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 1;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 2;
            if((err & 1) && !(err & 256))
                printf("\nCFB encryption FAILURE");

            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            CFBdec(buf2, len, iv2, ecx1);
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_cfb_dec(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3);
            f_cfb_dec(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3);

            if(memcmp(buf1, buf2, len)) err |= 4;
            if(memcmp(buf1, buf3, len)) err |= 8;
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 16;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 32;
            if((err & 16) && !(err & 512))
                printf("\nCFB decryption FAILURE");
            if(err & 1)
                err |= 256;
            if(err & 16)
                err |= 512;
        if(!(err & ~(2 | 4 | 16 | 32)))
            printf("\nCFB encrypt and decrypt of data correct");
        if(err & (2 | 32))
            printf(" (mismatch of final IV on ");
            if(err & 2)
            if((err & (2 | 32)) == 34)
                printf(" and ");
            if(err & 32)

#ifdef TEST_OFB
        err = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            block_rndfill(key, 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_enc_key(ecx1, key, k);
            f_enc_key(ecx2, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx1, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx2, key, k);

            block_rndfill(iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            block_rndfill(buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf2, buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf3, buf1, BUFLEN);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len = (unsigned int)(0.5 * BUFLEN * (1.0 + td));
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_ofb_cry(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3);
            f_ofb_cry(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3);

            OFBenc(buf2, len, iv2, ecx1);
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 1;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 2;
            if((err & 1) && !(err & 256))
                printf("\nOFB encryption FAILURE");

            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            OFBdec(buf2, len, iv2, ecx1);
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_ofb_cry(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3);
            f_ofb_cry(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3);

            if(memcmp(buf1, buf2, len)) err |= 4;
            if(memcmp(buf1, buf3, len)) err |= 8;
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 16;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 32;
            if((err & 16) && !(err & 512))
                printf("\nOFB decryption FAILURE");
            if(err & 1)
                err |= 256;
            if(err & 16)
                err |= 512;
        if(!(err & ~(2 | 4 | 16 | 32)))
            printf("\nOFB encrypt and decrypt of data correct");
        if(err & (2 | 32))
            printf(" (mismatch of final IV on ");
            if(err & 2)
            if((err & (2 | 32)) == 34)
                printf(" and ");
            if(err & 32)

#ifdef TEST_CTR
        err = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            block_rndfill(key, 2 * AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_enc_key(ecx1, key, k);
            f_enc_key(ecx2, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx1, key, k);
            f_dec_key(dcx2, key, k);

            block_rndfill(iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            block_rndfill(buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf2, buf1, BUFLEN);
            memcpy(buf3, buf1, BUFLEN);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len = (unsigned int)(0.5 * BUFLEN * (1.0 + td));
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            len = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_ctr_cry(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3, ctr_inc);
            f_ctr_cry(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3, ctr_inc);

            CTRcry(buf2, len, iv2, ctr_inc, ecx1);
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 1;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 2;
            if((err & 1) && !(err & 256))
                printf("\nCTR encryption FAILURE");

            memcpy(iv2, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            memcpy(iv3, iv1, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);

            f_info(ecx1) = 0;
            td = rand32() / (65536.0 * 65536.0);
            len2 = (unsigned int)(td * len);
            CTRcry(buf2, len, iv2, ctr_inc, ecx1);
            len2 = AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (len2 / AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            f_ctr_cry(ecx2, buf3, buf3, len2, iv3, ctr_inc);
            f_ctr_cry(ecx2, buf3 + len2, buf3 + len2, len - len2, iv3, ctr_inc);

            if(memcmp(buf1, buf2, len)) err |= 4;
            if(memcmp(buf1, buf3, len)) err |= 8;
            if(memcmp(buf2, buf3, len)) err |= 16;
            if(memcmp(iv2, iv3, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)) err |= 32;
            if((err & 16) && !(err & 512))
                printf("\nCTR decryption FAILURE");
            if(err & 1)
                err |= 256;
            if(err & 16)
                err |= 512;
        if(!(err & ~(2 | 4 | 16 | 32)))
            printf("\nCTR encrypt and decrypt of data correct");
        if(err & (2 | 32))
            printf(" (mismatch of final IV on ");
            if(err & 2)
            if((err & (2 | 32)) == 34)
                printf(" and ");
            if(err & 32)

#if defined( USE_VIA_ACE_IF_PRESENT )
        printf("\n\nAES Timing (Cycles/Byte) with the VIA ACE Engine");
    printf("\n\nAES Timing (Cycles/Byte)");
    printf("\nMode   Blocks:      1       10      100     1000");

#ifdef TEST_ECB
    printf("\necb encrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_ecb_enc(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

    printf("\necb decrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_ecb_dec(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

#ifdef TEST_CBC
    printf("\ncbc encrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_cbc_enc(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

    printf("\ncbc decrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_cbc_dec(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

#ifdef TEST_CFB
    printf("\ncfb encrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_cfb_enc(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

    printf("\ncfb decrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_cfb_dec(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);

#ifdef TEST_OFB
    printf("\nofb encrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_ofb_enc(16, blocks, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);


#ifdef TEST_CTR
    printf("\nctr encrypt ");
    for(blocks = 1; blocks < 10000; blocks *= 10)
        time_base(&a0, &sig);
        time_ctr_crypt(16, blocks, ctr_inc, &av, &sig);
        sig *= 100.0 / av;
        av = (int)(100.0 * (av - a0) / (16.0 * blocks)) / 100.0;
        sig = (int)(10 * sig) / 10.0;
        printf("%9.2f", av);


#if defined( DLL_IMPORT ) && defined( DYNAMIC_LINK )
    if(h_dll) FreeLibrary(h_dll);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
	int CurrentProcessorNo()			{ return GetCurrentProcessorNumber(); }
Esempio n. 6
void CRWLock2::EnterRead() {
    t_procId = GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
Esempio n. 7
REDHAWK_PALEXPORT unsigned int REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetCurrentProcessorNumber()
    return GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
Esempio n. 8
void  _cdecl
wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv)
	DWORD dwWaitStatus = 0;
	unsigned int i;
	LARGE_INTEGER start, end, freq;

	RtPrintf("SimpleIPCProducer: Started on Processor %d\n", GetCurrentProcessorNumber());

	//RtCreateSharedMemory的用法,查看RTX Helper
	hSharedMem = RtCreateSharedMemory(PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(SHARED_DATA_AREA), _T("ProducerConsumerSample"), (void **)&pData);
		RtPrintf("SimpleIPCProducer:  RtCreateSharedMemory failed\n");

	// pData的大小
	pData->size = sizeof(SHARED_DATA_AREA);
	// wcscpy为宽字符函数,复制
	wcscpy( pData->id, _T("ProducerConsumerSample"));

	// create events to share between producer and consumer
	hEventProducerDone = RtCreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, _T("ProducerDone"));

	hEvent[EXECUTE_EVENT] = RtCreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, _T("ConsumedDone"));
	hEvent[TERMINATE_EVENT] = RtCreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, _T("ProducerConsumerExit"));

	// start loop

		// 向共享内存区的producerData中填充数据
		memset(pData->producerData, i, sizeof(pData->producerData));
		// 发送ProducerDone的信号

		//// 等待消费者的信号,dwWaitStatus保存返回状态
		dwWaitStatus = RtWaitForMultipleObjects(2, hEvent, FALSE, INFINITE);

		if (dwWaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + TERMINATE_EVENT) 
			RtPrintf("SimpleIPCProducer:  WaitForMultipleObjects failed\n");
		if (dwWaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + EXECUTE_EVENT)
			// check results,检查消费者是否读取数据
			//if(pData->consumerData[0] != i)
			if(memcmp(pData->producerData, pData->consumerData, sizeof(pData->producerData)) != 0)
				RtPrintf("SimpleIPCProducer:  Consumer failed to update data\n");
			roundTripNanoSecs[i].QuadPart = (LONGLONG)((end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) / ((double)(freq.QuadPart)/ (1000000000.0L))); 


	RtPrintf("SimpleIPCProducer:  exit\n");
	// give consumer a chance to exit,睡眠100毫秒

	for(i = 1; i < MAXREADWRITENANOSECSIZE; i ++)
		RtPrintf("roundTrip time of sample %d = %d(nanoseconds)\n", i, roundTripNanoSecs[i].QuadPart);

Esempio n. 9
int YabThreadGetCurrentThreadAffinityMask(){
	return GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
Esempio n. 10
// Overrides osThread
int CpuAffinityThread::entryPoint()
    //set the thread affinity to the 1 core specified
#pragma message ("TODO: Handle more than 64 cores")
    GT_ASSERT(m_core < 64);
    DWORD_PTR affinityMask = (DWORD_PTR)1 << m_core;
    SetThreadAffinityMask(osGetCurrentThreadHandle(),  affinityMask);

    //Let the thread affinity take affect
    while (GetCurrentProcessorNumber() != m_core)

    int numCPUs;


    if (0 >= numCPUs)
        // at least 1, as CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(0) returns 0
        numCPUs = m_core + 1;

    size_t size = CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(numCPUs);
    cpu_set_t* mask = CPU_ALLOC(numCPUs);

    GT_ASSERT(nullptr != mask);

    // Step 1, bind thread to the logical processor
    CPU_ZERO_S(size, mask);
    CPU_SET(m_core, mask);

    if (-1 == sched_setaffinity((pid_t)syscall(__NR_gettid), size, mask))
        return -1;

    // Step 2, get the thread's current mask and make sure that it
    //  is running on the target processor
    cpu_set_t* currentMask = CPU_ALLOC(numCPUs);

    GT_ASSERT(nullptr != currentMask);

    int retries = 8; // just don't loop forever!

        pthread_yield(); // trigger re-scheduling

        CPU_ZERO_S(size, currentMask);
        sched_getaffinity((pid_t)syscall(__NR_gettid), size, currentMask);

    while (!CPU_EQUAL_S(size, mask, currentMask) && (0 != retries--));

    // OK, cleanup

    if (0 == retries)  // not a fatal error - an offline processor can cause this
        return -1;


    osCpuid cpuInfo;
    m_pSessionTopology->processor = cpuInfo.getcore();
    m_pSessionTopology->numaNode = cpuInfo.getNodeId();

    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
mlt_slices mlt_slices_init( int threads, int policy, int priority )
	pthread_attr_t tattr;
	struct sched_param param;
	mlt_slices ctx = (mlt_slices)calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_slices_s ) );
	char *env = getenv( ENV_SLICES );
#ifdef _WIN32
	int cpus = GetCurrentProcessorNumber( );
	int cpus = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
	int i, env_val = env ? atoi(env) : 0;

	/* check given threads count */
	if ( !env || !env_val )
		if ( threads < 0 )
			threads = -threads * cpus;
		else if ( !threads )
			threads = cpus;
	else if ( env_val < 0 )
		if ( threads < 0 )
			threads = env_val * threads * cpus;
		else if ( !threads )
			threads = -env_val * cpus;
			threads = -env_val * threads;
	else // env_val > 0
		if ( threads < 0 )
			threads = env_val * threads;
		else if ( !threads )
			threads = env_val;
			threads = threads;
	if ( threads > MAX_SLICES )
		threads = MAX_SLICES;

	ctx->count = threads;

	/* init attributes */
	pthread_mutex_init ( &ctx->cond_mutex, NULL );
	pthread_cond_init ( &ctx->cond_var_job, NULL );
	pthread_cond_init ( &ctx->cond_var_ready, NULL );
	pthread_attr_init( &tattr );
	pthread_attr_setschedpolicy( &tattr, policy );
	param.sched_priority = priority;
	pthread_attr_setschedparam( &tattr, &param );

	/* run worker threads */
	for ( i = 0; i < ctx->count; i++ )
		pthread_create( &ctx->threads[i], &tattr, mlt_slices_worker, ctx );
		pthread_setschedparam( ctx->threads[i], policy, &param);

	pthread_attr_destroy( &tattr );

	/* ready wait workers */
	pthread_mutex_lock( &ctx->cond_mutex );
	while ( ctx->readys != ctx->count )
		pthread_cond_wait( &ctx->cond_var_ready, &ctx->cond_mutex );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &ctx->cond_mutex );

	/* return context */
	return ctx;