Esempio n. 1
bool CAOPEntity::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue )
	// loop through the data description, and try and place the keys in
	for ( datamap_t *dmap = GetDataDescMap(); dmap != NULL; dmap = dmap->baseMap )
		if ( ::ParseKeyvalue(this, dmap->dataDesc, dmap->dataNumFields, szKeyName, szValue) )
			return true;

    keyvalue_t keyval;
    strncpy(keyval.key, szKeyName, sizeof(keyval.key));
    keyval.key[sizeof(keyval.key)-1] = '\0';
    strncpy(keyval.val, szValue, sizeof(keyval.key));
    keyval.val[sizeof(keyval.val)-1] = '\0';
    // don't store the same key twice
    for(unsigned short i = keyValuePairs->Head(); i != keyValuePairs->InvalidIndex(); i = keyValuePairs->Next(i))
        keyvalue_t *storedkv = &keyValuePairs->Element(i);
        if(!strcmp(storedkv->key, keyval.key))

	int GetOffsetForDatamapVar( const CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *szVarName )
		if (pEntity)
			datamap_t *pDatamap = GetDataDescMap( pEntity );
			return GetDatamapVarOffset( pDatamap, szVarName );
		return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void CAOPEntity::InputCopyDatadesc( inputdata_t &inputdata )
    int srcent = inputdata.value.Int();
    if(pAdminOP.myEntList.IsValidIndex(srcent) && pAdminOP.myEntList[srcent] != NULL)
        CAOPEntity *src = pAdminOP.myEntList[srcent];
        datamap_t *datamapdest = GetDataDescMap();
        datamap_t *datamapsrc = src->GetDataDescMap();

        if(datamapdest && datamapsrc)
            pAdminOP.CopyDataMap(this, src, datamapdest, datamapsrc);
Esempio n. 4
int	CAI_BehaviorBase::Restore( IRestore &restore )
	return restore.ReadAll( this, GetDataDescMap() );	
Esempio n. 5
int	CAI_BehaviorBase::Save( ISave &save )				
	return save.WriteAll( this, GetDataDescMap() );	
Esempio n. 6
void CBounceBomb::Spawn()

	Wake( false );



	m_hSprite.Set( NULL );
	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY;

	// Find my feet!
	m_iHookN = LookupPoseParameter( "blendnorth" );
	m_iHookE = LookupPoseParameter( "blendeast" );
	m_iHookS = LookupPoseParameter( "blendsouth" );
	m_iAllHooks = LookupPoseParameter( "blendstates" );
	m_flHookPositions = 0;

	SetHealth( 100 );

	m_bBounce = true;

	SetSequence( SelectWeightedSequence( ACT_IDLE ) );

	OpenHooks( true );

	m_bHeldByPhysgun = false;	

	m_iFlipAttempts = 0;

	if( !GetParent() )
		// Create vphysics now if I'm not being carried.

	m_flTimeGrabbed = FLT_MAX;

	if( m_bDisarmed )
		SetMineState( MINE_STATE_DEPLOY );

	// default to a different skin for cavern turrets (unless explicitly overridden)
	if ( m_iModification == MINE_MODIFICATION_CAVERN )
		// look for this value in the first datamap
		// loop through the data description list, restoring each data desc block
		datamap_t *dmap = GetDataDescMap();

		bool bFoundSkin = false;
		// search through all the readable fields in the data description, looking for a match
		for ( int i = 0; i < dmap->dataNumFields; ++i )
			if ( dmap->dataDesc[i].flags & (FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT | FTYPEDESC_KEY) )
				if ( !Q_stricmp(dmap->dataDesc[i].externalName, "Skin") )
					bFoundSkin = true; 

		if (!bFoundSkin)
			// select a random skin for the mine. Actually, we'll cycle through the available skins 
			// using a static variable to provide better distribution. The static isn't saved but
			// really it's only cosmetic.
			static unsigned int nextSkin = MINE_CITIZEN_SKIN_MIN;
			m_nSkin = nextSkin;
			// increment the skin for next time
			nextSkin = (nextSkin >= MINE_CITIZEN_SKIN_MAX) ? MINE_CITIZEN_SKIN_MIN : nextSkin + 1;

		// pretend like the player set me down.
		m_bPlacedByPlayer = true;
Esempio n. 7
bool CAOPEntity::AcceptInput( const char *szInputName, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, variant_t Value, int outputID )
    CBaseEntity *pEnt = GetBase();
	// loop through the data description list, restoring each data desc block
	for ( datamap_t *dmap = GetDataDescMap(); dmap != NULL; dmap = dmap->baseMap )
		// search through all the actions in the data description, looking for a match
		for ( int i = 0; i < dmap->dataNumFields; i++ )
			if ( dmap->dataDesc[i].flags & FTYPEDESC_INPUT )
				if ( !Q_stricmp(dmap->dataDesc[i].externalName, szInputName) )
					// found a match

					/*char szBuffer[256];
					// mapper debug message
					if (pCaller != NULL)
						Q_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "(%0.2f) input %s: %s.%s(%s)\n", gpGlobals->curtime, STRING(pCaller->m_iName), GetDebugName(), szInputName, Value.String() );
						Q_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), "(%0.2f) input <NULL>: %s.%s(%s)\n", gpGlobals->curtime, GetDebugName(), szInputName, Value.String() );
					DevMsg( 2, szBuffer );

					if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT)

					// convert the value if necessary
					if ( Value.FieldType() != dmap->dataDesc[i].fieldType )
						if ( !(Value.FieldType() == FIELD_VOID && dmap->dataDesc[i].fieldType == FIELD_STRING) ) // allow empty strings
							if ( !Value.Convert( (fieldtype_t)dmap->dataDesc[i].fieldType ) )
								// bad conversion
								Warning( "!! ERROR: bad input/output link:\n!! %s(%s,%s) doesn't match type from %s(%s)\n", 
									VFuncs::GetClassname(pEnt), VFuncs::GetClassname(pEnt), szInputName, 
									( pCaller != NULL ) ? VFuncs::GetClassname(pCaller) : "<null>",
									( pCaller != NULL ) ? /*STRING(pCaller->m_iName)*/"targetname" : "<null>" );
								//return false;
                                RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, false);

					// call the input handler, or if there is none just set the value
					sopinputfunc_t pfnInput = (sopinputfunc_t)dmap->dataDesc[i].inputFunc;

					if ( pfnInput )
						// Package the data into a struct for passing to the input handler.
						inputdata_t data;
						data.pActivator = pActivator;
						data.pCaller = pCaller;
						data.value = Value;
						data.nOutputID = outputID;

						(this->*pfnInput)( data );
					else if ( dmap->dataDesc[i].flags & FTYPEDESC_KEY )
						// set the value directly
						Value.SetOther( ((char*)this) + dmap->dataDesc[i].fieldOffset[ TD_OFFSET_NORMAL ]);
						// TODO: if this becomes evil and causes too many full entity updates, then we should make
						// a macro like this:
						// define MAKE_INPUTVAR(x) void Note##x##Modified() { x.GetForModify(); }
						// Then the datadesc points at that function and we call it here. The only pain is to add
						// that function for all the DEFINE_INPUT calls.

					//return true;
                    RETURN_META_VALUE(MRES_SUPERCEDE, true);

	//DevMsg( 2, "unhandled input: (%s) -> (%s,%s)\n", szInputName, STRING(m_iClassname), GetDebugName()/*,", from (%s,%s)" STRING(pCaller->m_iClassname), STRING(pCaller->m_iName)*/ );