static INT_PTR TimestampToStringW(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { DBTIMETOSTRINGT *tts = ( DBTIMETOSTRINGT* )lParam; LARGE_INTEGER liFiletime; FILETIME filetime; SYSTEMTIME st; TCHAR dateTimeStr[64]; TCHAR *pDest,*pFormat; size_t destCharsLeft, dateTimeStrLen; //this huge number is the difference between 1970 and 1601 in seconds liFiletime.QuadPart=((__int64)11644473600+(__int64)(DWORD)TimestampToLocal(wParam,0))*10000000; filetime.dwHighDateTime = liFiletime.HighPart; filetime.dwLowDateTime = liFiletime.LowPart; FileTimeToSystemTime(&filetime,&st); destCharsLeft = tts->cbDest; for ( pFormat = tts->szFormat, pDest=tts->szDest; *pFormat; pFormat++ ) { switch(*pFormat) { case 't': GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,TIME_NOSECONDS,&st,NULL,dateTimeStr,SIZEOF(dateTimeStr)); break; case 's': GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,&st,NULL,dateTimeStr,SIZEOF(dateTimeStr)); break; case 'm': GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS,&st,NULL,dateTimeStr,SIZEOF(dateTimeStr)); break; case 'd': GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,DATE_SHORTDATE,&st,NULL,dateTimeStr,SIZEOF(dateTimeStr)); break; case 'D': GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,DATE_LONGDATE,&st,NULL,dateTimeStr,SIZEOF(dateTimeStr)); break; default: if ( destCharsLeft ) { *pDest++ = *pFormat; destCharsLeft--; } continue; } dateTimeStrLen = _tcslen(dateTimeStr); if (destCharsLeft < dateTimeStrLen) dateTimeStrLen = destCharsLeft; CopyMemory(pDest, dateTimeStr, dateTimeStrLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); destCharsLeft -= dateTimeStrLen; pDest += dateTimeStrLen; } if ( destCharsLeft ) *pDest=0; else tts->szDest[ tts->cbDest-1 ] = 0; return 0; }
int SaveSessionDate() { if (session_list[0] != 0) { int TimeSize = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0/*TIME_NOSECONDS*/, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); TCHAR *szTimeBuf = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((TimeSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0/*TIME_NOSECONDS*/, NULL, NULL, szTimeBuf, TimeSize); int DateSize = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); TCHAR *szDateBuf = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((DateSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, szDateBuf, DateSize); int lenn = (DateSize + TimeSize + 5); TCHAR *szSessionTime = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc(lenn*sizeof(TCHAR)); mir_sntprintf(szSessionTime, lenn, _T("%s - %s"), szTimeBuf, szDateBuf); char szSetting[256]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "%s_%d", "SessionDate", 0); TCHAR *ptszSaveSessionDate = db_get_tsa(NULL, MODNAME, szSetting); db_set_ts(NULL, MODNAME, szSetting, szSessionTime); mir_free(szSessionTime); if (ptszSaveSessionDate) ResaveSettings("SessionDate", 1, g_ses_limit, ptszSaveSessionDate); if (szTimeBuf) mir_free(szTimeBuf); if (szDateBuf) mir_free(szDateBuf); } if (g_bCrashRecovery) db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, "lastSaveCompleted", 1); return 0; }
void CGitPropertyPage::Time64ToTimeString(__time64_t time, TCHAR * buf, size_t buflen) const { struct tm newtime; SYSTEMTIME systime; LCID locale = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; if (!CRegDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\UseSystemLocaleForDates"), TRUE)) locale = MAKELCID((WORD)CRegStdDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\LanguageID"), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT)), SORT_DEFAULT); *buf = '\0'; if (time) { TCHAR timebuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 }; TCHAR datebuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 }; _localtime64_s(&newtime, &time); systime.wDay = (WORD)newtime.tm_mday; systime.wDayOfWeek = (WORD)newtime.tm_wday; systime.wHour = (WORD)newtime.tm_hour; systime.wMilliseconds = 0; systime.wMinute = (WORD)newtime.tm_min; systime.wMonth = (WORD)newtime.tm_mon+1; systime.wSecond = (WORD)newtime.tm_sec; systime.wYear = (WORD)newtime.tm_year+1900; if (CRegStdDWORD(_T("Software\\TortoiseGit\\LogDateFormat")) == 1) GetDateFormat(locale, DATE_SHORTDATE, &systime, NULL, datebuf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); else GetDateFormat(locale, DATE_LONGDATE, &systime, NULL, datebuf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); GetTimeFormat(locale, 0, &systime, NULL, timebuf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH); *buf = '\0'; _tcsncat_s(buf, buflen, datebuf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1); _tcsncat_s(buf, buflen, _T(" "), MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1); _tcsncat_s(buf, buflen, timebuf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1); } }
void ChangeTip(NOTIFYICONDATA* nid, SYSTEMTIME* time) { TCHAR *buf, *datef = _T("dddd yyyy.MM.dd"); HANDLE heap = GetProcessHeap(); size_t n; n = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, datef, NULL, 0); buf = (TCHAR*)HeapAlloc(heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, n * sizeof(TCHAR)); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, time, datef, buf, n); _stprintf_s(nid->szTip, 64, _T("%s %02d:%02d"), buf, time->wHour, time->wMinute); HeapFree(heap, 0, buf); }
static TCHAR* parseLastSeenDate(ARGUMENTSINFO *ai) { if (ai->argc <= 1) return NULL; MCONTACT hContact = NULL; CONTACTSINFO ci = { 0 }; ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci); ci.tszContact = ai->targv[1]; ci.flags = 0xFFFFFFFF ^ (CI_TCHAR == 0 ? CI_UNICODE : 0); int count = getContactFromString(&ci); if (count == 1 && ci.hContacts != NULL) { hContact = ci.hContacts[0]; mir_free(ci.hContacts); } else { mir_free(ci.hContacts); return NULL; } TCHAR *szFormat; if (ai->argc == 2 || (ai->argc > 2 && mir_tstrlen(ai->targv[2]) == 0)) szFormat = NULL; else szFormat = ai->targv[2]; SYSTEMTIME lsTime = { 0 }; char *szModule = SEEN_MODULE; lsTime.wYear = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Year", 0); if (lsTime.wYear == 0) return NULL; lsTime.wMilliseconds = 0; lsTime.wSecond = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Seconds", 0); lsTime.wMinute = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Minutes", 0); lsTime.wHour = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Hours", 0); lsTime.wDay = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Day", 0); lsTime.wDayOfWeek = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "WeekDay", 0); lsTime.wMonth = db_get_w(hContact, szModule, "Month", 0); int len = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, NULL, 0); TCHAR *res = (TCHAR*)mir_alloc((len + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &lsTime, szFormat, res, len) == 0) { mir_free(res); return NULL; } return res; }
ExportGSASnapshot::ExportGSASnapshot(CString filename, CString title, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(ExportGSASnapshot::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(ExportGSASnapshot) m_desc = _T(""); m_notes = _T(""); m_title = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT m_title = title; m_filename = filename; char date[100]; char time[100]; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, NULL, NULL, date, 100); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, time, 100); m_desc.Format("%s %s", date, time); }
wstring formatDate(StringBuffer& date) { wstring dd(TEXT("")); wchar_t* wdate = toWideChar(date); if (wdate == NULL) { return dd; } wchar_t data[80]; wchar_t formatDate[80]; int found = 0; SYSTEMTIME timeDest; swscanf_s(wdate, L"%4d%2d%2d", &timeDest.wYear, &timeDest.wMonth, &timeDest.wDay); GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SLONGDATE, data, 80); dd = data; if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd, "))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 6, TEXT("")); } else if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd,"))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 5, TEXT("")); }else if ((found = dd.find(TEXT("dddd"))) != wstring::npos) { dd.replace(found, 4, TEXT("")); } trim(dd); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, &timeDest, dd.c_str(), formatDate, 80); dd = formatDate; return dd; }
void edfheader_to_physical(EDFHEADERStruct * from, EDFHEADER_PHYSICALStruct * to) { int len,t; char * ch; SYSTEMTIME st; char actdate[10]; char acttime[10]; len=256+256*from->channels; ch=(char *)to; for(t=0;t<256;t++,ch++) *ch=' '; GetSystemTime(&st); // gets current time GetDateFormat(0, 0, &st, "dd.MM.yy" , actdate, 9);actdate[8]=0; GetTimeFormat(0, 0, &st, "" , acttime, 9);acttime[8]=0; strcpy(to->startdate,actdate); strcpy(to->starttime,acttime); strcpy(to->version,"0"); strcpy(to->patient,from->patient); strcpy(to->recording,from->device); sprintf(to->records,"%d",from->segments); sprintf(to->duration,"%d",1); sprintf(to->channels,"%d",from->channels); sprintf(to->headerlength,"%d",len); ch=(char *)to; for(t=0;t<256;t++,ch++) if (*ch==0) *ch=' '; to->end=0; }
BOOL CallContextDayNote(SYSTEMTIME Time, HWND hCalendar) { CStringArray arr; arr.Add(_l("New reminder")); arr.Add(_l("Add date to clipboard")); int iSelection=SelectFromMenu(arr,0); if(iSelection<0){ return 0; } if(iSelection==0){ return -1; } CString s=""; COleDateTime tm;//=COleDateTime(Time); tm.SetDate(Time.wYear,Time.wMonth,Time.wDay); if(strlen(szDateFormat)==0){ s=DateFormat(tm,FALSE); }else{ SYSTEMTIME EventTime; tm.GetAsSystemTime(EventTime); char szTmp[1020]={0}; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,0,&EventTime,szDateFormat,szTmp,sizeof(szTmp)); s=szTmp; } BOOL bThroughGlobal=0; USES_CONVERSION; SetClipboardText(A2W(s),bThroughGlobal,0); return 0; };
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methode : GetTime // Resume : Return Time cache entry // In : FILETIME ft : the cache entry // Out : CString Time of the cache entry ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CString GetTime(FILETIME ft) { SYSTEMTIME st; char szLocalDate[255]; char szLocalTime[255]; CString strtemp; FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ft, &ft ); FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &st ); GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, szLocalDate, 255 ); GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &st, NULL, szLocalTime, 255 ); strtemp = szLocalDate; strtemp += " | "; strtemp += szLocalTime ; return (strtemp); }
/** \brief Translate calendar time into readable string representation * * Possible Results: * - returns buf if buf != NULL * - returns NULL if buf == NULL */ os_size_t os_ctimeW_r( os_timeW *t, char *buf, os_size_t bufsz) { os_size_t result = 0; SYSTEMTIME systemTime; FILETIME systemTimeSince1601; DWORD64 dw64Time; DWORD64 dw64MAXDWORD = MAXDWORD; wchar_t format[32]; char *fstr; /* Using win32 ctime here */ if (buf) { int iSizeOfBuffer; dw64Time = (t->wt)/100; systemTimeSince1601.dwHighDateTime = (dw64Time / (dw64MAXDWORD+1)); systemTimeSince1601.dwLowDateTime = (dw64Time % (dw64MAXDWORD+1)); FileTimeToSystemTime(&systemTimeSince1601, &systemTime); /* Time is in UTC here */ GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &systemTime, L"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss", format, 32); /* convert wide str to multi byte str */ fstr = wce_wctomb(format); result = snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s", fstr); os_free(fstr); } return result; }
//************************************************************************************************** b8 A2Date::ToStr(s8 *str) { if (!*(s32*)&date) return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 SYSTEMTIME time; time.wYear = date.y; time.wMonth = date.m; time.wDayOfWeek = 0; time.wDay = date.d; time.wHour = 0; time.wMinute = 0; time.wSecond = 0; time.wMilliseconds = 0; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &time, NULL, str, -1); #else // sprintf(str, "%i.%i.%i", date.y, date.m, date.d); // sprintf(str, "%i.%i.%i", date.d, date.m, date.y % 100); sprintf(str, "%i/%i/%i", date.m, date.d, date.y % 100); #endif return 1; }
/* * data_get_modified_string - 更新日時文字列を取得 */ BOOL data_get_modified_string(const DATA_INFO *di, TCHAR *ret) { SYSTEMTIME sys_time; TCHAR str_day[BUF_SIZE], str_time[BUF_SIZE]; TCHAR *p; if (di->type != TYPE_ITEM || (di->modified.dwLowDateTime == 0 && di->modified.dwHighDateTime == 0)) { *ret = TEXT('\0'); return FALSE; } // ファイルタイムをシステムタイムに変換 if (FileTimeToSystemTime(&di->modified, &sys_time) == FALSE) { *ret = TEXT('\0'); return FALSE; } // 日付文字列の取得 p = option.data_date_format; if (p == NULL || *p == TEXT('\0')) { p = NULL; } GetDateFormat(0, 0, &sys_time, p, str_day, BUF_SIZE - 1); // 時間文字列の取得 p = option.data_time_format; if (p == NULL || *p == TEXT('\0')) { p = NULL; } GetTimeFormat(0, 0, &sys_time, p, str_time, BUF_SIZE - 1); wsprintf(ret, TEXT("%s %s"), str_day, str_time); return TRUE; }
CString FiletimeAsString(FILETIME filetime) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; if(0 == FileTimeToSystemTime(&filetime,&sysTime)) return _T(""); SYSTEMTIME localTime; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); if (!SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&tzi, &sysTime, &localTime)) return _T(""); CString sDate; TCHAR szDateBuffer[20] = {0}; TCHAR szTimeBuffer[20] = {0}; if (0 == GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &localTime, NULL, szDateBuffer, 20) || 0 == GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &localTime, NULL, szTimeBuffer, 20)) return _T(""); sDate.Format(_T("%s %s"), szDateBuffer, szTimeBuffer); if(-1 != sDate.Find(_T("1601"))) return _T(""); return sDate; }
// Converts locale-specific month name to month number // Only converts genitives static WORD MonthNameGenitiveToNumber(LPCTSTR szStr, int * piMonthNameLength) { SYSTEMTIME stTemp = {0}; TCHAR szMonthName[80]; int nLength; // Prepare the temporary SYSTEMTIME structure // Note: The recommended way to get month name as genitive is to use GetDateFormat // with "ddMMMM" and compare month name starting at second position stTemp.wDay = 1; stTemp.wYear = 2000; // Go through all month names. for(stTemp.wMonth = 1; stTemp.wMonth <= 13; stTemp.wMonth++) { // Get genitive of month name nLength = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &stTemp, _T("ddMMMM"), szMonthName, _maxchars(szMonthName)); if(nLength < 3) break; // Compare the month name if(!_tcsnicmp(szStr, &szMonthName[2], nLength - 3)) { *piMonthNameLength = (nLength - 3); return stTemp.wMonth; } } // Month name genitive not recognized return 0xFFFF; }
// Gets the timestamp on the current backup file std::wstring BMT_GetBackupFileTime (void) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFileBackup = FindFirstFile (std::wstring (bmt::XML::install_path + L"..\\..\\BMGame\\Config\\BmSystemSettings.bmt").c_str (), &FindFileData); FindClose (hFileBackup); FILETIME ftModified; FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &ftModified); SYSTEMTIME stModified; FileTimeToSystemTime (&ftModified, &stModified); wchar_t wszFileTime [512]; GetDateFormat (LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT, DATE_AUTOLAYOUT, &stModified, NULL, wszFileTime, 512); std::wstring date_time = wszFileTime; GetTimeFormat (LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, &stModified, NULL, wszFileTime, 512); date_time += L" "; date_time += wszFileTime; return date_time; }
// Gets the timestamp on the current config file std::wstring BMT_GetConfigFileTime (void) { // // XXX: It's possible that one file is newer than another, but for now let's // assume SystemSettings.ini is always the newest and then see how // much trouble that assumption gets us into down the line ;) // WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFileBackup = FindFirstFile (std::wstring (bmt::XML::install_path + L"..\\..\\BMGame\\Config\\BmSystemSettings.ini").c_str (), &FindFileData); FILETIME ftModified; FileTimeToLocalFileTime (&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &ftModified); SYSTEMTIME stModified; FileTimeToSystemTime (&ftModified, &stModified); FindClose (hFileBackup); wchar_t wszFileTime [512]; GetDateFormat (LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT, DATE_AUTOLAYOUT, &stModified, NULL, wszFileTime, 512); std::wstring date_time = wszFileTime; GetTimeFormat (LOCALE_CUSTOM_UI_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, &stModified, NULL, wszFileTime, 512); date_time += L" "; date_time += wszFileTime; return date_time; }
uni_char* StrGetDateTime ( CONST SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime, uni_char* szResult, int maxlen, BOOL fSec) { if( szResult && maxlen>=1) { *szResult = 0; if( pSystemTime) { int lenDate = GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, pSystemTime, NULL, szResult, maxlen)-1; if( lenDate>0) { int lenRemaining = maxlen - lenDate; if( lenRemaining > 2) { szResult[lenDate] = ' '; szResult[lenDate+1] = 0; -- lenRemaining; ++ lenDate; #ifdef _DEBUG int lenTime = #endif GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, (fSec ? 0 : TIME_NOSECONDS), pSystemTime, NULL, szResult+lenDate, lenRemaining); OP_ASSERT(lenTime>0); } } } } return szResult; }
static void DisplayDate(void) { if ( QueryFirstContact() ) { int First; int Second; /* determine if month or day is displayed first */ if ( GetDateFormat() == MONTH_FIRST ) { First = GetRTCMON(); Second = GetRTCDAY(); } else { First = GetRTCDAY(); Second = GetRTCMON(); } if ( GetTimeFormat() == TWELVE_HOUR ) { DisplayDayMonth(First, Second, 20); } else { int year = GetRTCYEAR(); DisplayDayMonth(First, Second, 10); /* Write the year */ DisplayYear(year, 20, 8); } } }
void CServer::ShowStatus(_int64 eventDate, LPCTSTR msg, int nType) { USES_CONVERSION; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzInfo; BOOL res=GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzInfo); _int64 offset = tzInfo.Bias+((res==TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT)?tzInfo.DaylightBias:tzInfo.StandardBias); offset*=60*10000000; eventDate-=offset; LPCSTR str=T2CA(msg); char *pBuffer=new char[strlen(str) + 1 + 8]; *pBuffer=nType; memcpy(pBuffer + 1, &eventDate, 8); memcpy(pBuffer + 1 + 8, str, strlen(str)); if (m_pAdminInterface) m_pAdminInterface->SendCommand(2, 4, pBuffer, strlen(str) + 1 + 8); delete [] pBuffer; //Log string if (m_pFileLogger) { FILETIME fFileTime; SYSTEMTIME sFileTime; fFileTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(eventDate>>32); fFileTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)(eventDate %0xFFFFFFFF); FileTimeToSystemTime(&fFileTime, &sFileTime); char text[80]; if (!GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted DATE_SHORTDATE, // flags specifying function options &sFileTime, // date to be formatted 0, // date format string text, // buffer for storing formatted string 80 // size of buffer )) return; CStdString text2=" "; text2+=text; if (!GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, // flags specifying function options &sFileTime, // date to be formatted 0, // date format string text, // buffer for storing formatted string 80 // size of buffer )) return; text2+=" "; text2+=text; CStdString str = msg; int pos=str.Find("-"); if (pos!=-1) { str.Insert(pos, text2 + " "); } m_pFileLogger->Log(str); } }
char const* dateHeader() { static char buf[200]; #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) time_t tt = time(NULL); strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "Date: %a, %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT\r\n", gmtime(&tt)); #else // WinCE apparently doesn't have "time()", "strftime()", or "gmtime()", // so generate the "Date:" header a different, WinCE-specific way. // (Thanks to Pierre l'Hussiez for this code) // RSF: But where is the "Date: " string? This code doesn't look quite right... SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); WCHAR dateFormat[] = L"ddd, MMM dd yyyy"; WCHAR timeFormat[] = L"HH:mm:ss GMT\r\n"; WCHAR inBuf[200]; DWORD locale = LOCALE_NEUTRAL; int ret = GetDateFormat(locale, 0, &SystemTime, (LPTSTR)dateFormat, (LPTSTR)inBuf, sizeof inBuf); inBuf[ret - 1] = ' '; ret = GetTimeFormat(locale, 0, &SystemTime, (LPTSTR)timeFormat, (LPTSTR)inBuf + ret, (sizeof inBuf) - ret); wcstombs(buf, inBuf, wcslen(inBuf)); #endif return buf; }
void FarLog::Log( int Level, char const * Fmt, va_list argPtr ) { if ( m_File == NULL || Level > m_Level || Fmt == NULL || *Fmt == '\0' ) return; if ( m_Tmp == NULL ) m_Tmp = new char[ 1024 ]; // see wvsprintf help SYSTEMTIME LocalTime; GetLocalTime( &LocalTime ); int nLen; nLen = GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &LocalTime, NULL, m_Tmp, 0x1000 ) - 1; m_File->Write( m_Tmp, nLen ); m_File->Write( "\x20", 1 ); nLen = GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &LocalTime, NULL, m_Tmp, 0x1000 ) - 1; m_File->Write( m_Tmp, nLen ); if ( Level == 1 ) m_File->Write( " Error: ", 8 ); else if ( Level == 2 ) m_File->Write( " Warning: ", 10 ); else m_File->Write( "\x20", 1 ); nLen = wvsprintf( m_Tmp, Fmt, argPtr ); m_File->Write( m_Tmp, nLen ); if ( m_Tmp[ nLen - 1 ] != '\n' ) m_File->Write( "\r\n", 2 ); }
WORD MTime::DateFormatAlt(LPTSTR ptszTimeFormat, WORD cchTimeFormat) { if (!ptszTimeFormat || !cchTimeFormat) return 0; WORD wRes = DateFormat(ptszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat); if (wRes != 0) return wRes; SYSTEMTIME AltSysTime = _SysTime; MTime mtNow; mtNow.GetLocalTime(); AltSysTime.wYear=mtNow.Year(); if ((cchTimeFormat = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &AltSysTime, NULL, ptszTimeFormat, cchTimeFormat)) == 0) { *ptszTimeFormat = 0; return 0; } TCHAR tszText[10]; _itot(mtNow.Year(), tszText, 10); TCHAR * tszYear = _tcsstr(ptszTimeFormat, tszText); if (tszYear && mir_tstrlen(tszYear) == 4) mir_tstrcpy(tszYear, _T("????")); else { *ptszTimeFormat = 0; return 0; } return cchTimeFormat; }
void LogWumf(PWumf w) { TCHAR str[256]; LPTSTR lpstr; TCHAR lpDateStr[20]; TCHAR lpTimeStr[20]; SYSTEMTIME time; DWORD bytes; if (!WumfOptions.LogFolders && (w->dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return; if (hLog == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hLog == NULL) { hLog = CreateFile(WumfOptions.LogFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hLog == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpstr, 0, NULL); mir_sntprintf(str, SIZEOF(str), _T("Can't open log file %s\nError:%s"), WumfOptions.LogFile, lpstr); LocalFree(lpstr); MessageBox( NULL, str, TranslateT("Error opening file"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); WumfOptions.LogToFile = FALSE; } } GetLocalTime(&time); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &time, NULL, lpDateStr, 20); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT | TIME_NOTIMEMARKER, &time, NULL, lpTimeStr, 20); mir_sntprintf(str, SIZEOF(str), _T("%s %s %20s\t%s\r\n\0"), lpDateStr, lpTimeStr, w->szUser, w->szPath); SetFilePointer(hLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END); WriteFile(hLog, str, (DWORD)_tcslen(str), &bytes, NULL); }
void write_logfile(char * format, ...) { char actdate[10]; char acttime[10]; char tmpstr [512]; SYSTEMTIME st; DWORD dwritten; va_list argp; strcpy(tmpstr,GLOBAL.resourcepath); strcat(tmpstr,"bbay.log"); logfile=CreateFile(tmpstr, GENERIC_WRITE|GENERIC_READ , 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0,NULL); SetFilePointer(logfile,0,NULL,FILE_END); GetSystemTime(&st); // gets current time GetDateFormat(0, 0, &st, "dd.MM.yy" , actdate, 9);actdate[8]=0; GetTimeFormat(0, 0, &st, "HH:mm:ss" , acttime, 9);acttime[8]=0; wsprintf(tmpstr,"%s - %s ",actdate,acttime); WriteFile(logfile,tmpstr,strlen(tmpstr),&dwritten,NULL); va_start(argp, format); vsnprintf(tmpstr,sizeof(tmpstr),format,argp); WriteFile(logfile,tmpstr,strlen(tmpstr),&dwritten,NULL); va_end(argp); WriteFile(logfile,"\r\n",2,&dwritten,NULL); CloseHandle(logfile); }
bool nGame::AddHiScore(unsigned long value) { if(!value) return false; static const unsigned long maxScores = 20; for(unsigned long i = 0; i < m_HiScores.size(); i++) if(m_HiScores[i].score < value) break; HiScore hiscore; static char time[100]; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL,NULL,NULL,time,100); static char date[100]; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,DATE_LONGDATE,NULL,NULL,date,100); hiscore.score = value; hiscore.time = nString(time) + " " + nString(date); if(i < m_HiScores.size()) m_HiScores.insert(m_HiScores.begin() + i,hiscore); else m_HiScores.push_back(hiscore); while(m_HiScores.size() > maxScores) m_HiScores.pop_back(); return true; }
void LogDateAndTime() { std::string message = "Application started at "; // Time const int bufferLength = 512; char buffer[bufferLength]; { LCID useUsersLocale = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; DWORD useDefaultFormatOptions = 0; const SYSTEMTIME* useCurrentLocalTime = NULL; const char* useDefaultFormatPicture = NULL; int charactersWrittenToBufferCount = GetTimeFormat( useUsersLocale, useDefaultFormatOptions, useCurrentLocalTime, useDefaultFormatPicture, buffer, bufferLength ); message += charactersWrittenToBufferCount > 0 ? buffer : "unknown time"; } message += " on "; // Date { LCID useUsersLocale = LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; DWORD useDefaultFormatOptions = 0; const SYSTEMTIME* useCurrentLocalDate = NULL; const char* useDefaultFormatPicture = NULL; int charactersWrittenToBufferCount = GetDateFormat( useUsersLocale, useDefaultFormatOptions, useCurrentLocalDate, useDefaultFormatPicture, buffer, bufferLength ); message += charactersWrittenToBufferCount > 0 ? buffer : "unknown date"; } cs6963::LogMessage( message ); }
TCHAR* logDateTime(){ static TCHAR str[64]; TCHAR lpTimeStr[32]; TCHAR lpDateStr[32]; LONG res; wsprintf(str,L""); //Read the system time res = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, NULL, L"hh:mm:ss", lpTimeStr, sizeof (lpTimeStr ) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (res == 0) { wcscpy(lpTimeStr, L"err"); } //Read the system date res = GetDateFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, L"dd.MM.yyyy", lpDateStr, sizeof (lpDateStr) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (res == 0) { wcscpy(lpDateStr, L"err"); } wsprintf(str, L"%s %s", lpDateStr, lpTimeStr); return str; }
void CServer::ShowStatus(DWORD eventDateHigh, DWORD eventDateLow, LPCTSTR msg, int nType) { auto utf8 = ConvToNetwork(msg); if (utf8.empty()) return; char *pBuffer = new char[utf8.size() + 1 + 8]; *pBuffer = nType; memcpy(pBuffer + 1, &eventDateHigh, 4); memcpy(pBuffer + 5, &eventDateLow, 4); memcpy(pBuffer + 1 + 8, utf8.c_str(), utf8.size()); if (m_pAdminInterface) m_pAdminInterface->SendCommand(2, 4, pBuffer, utf8.size() + 1 + 8); delete [] pBuffer; //Log string if (m_pFileLogger) { FILETIME fFileTime; SYSTEMTIME sFileTime; fFileTime.dwHighDateTime = eventDateHigh; fFileTime.dwLowDateTime = eventDateLow; if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&fFileTime, &sFileTime)) { return; } TCHAR text[80]; if (!GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted DATE_SHORTDATE, // flags specifying function options &sFileTime, // date to be formatted 0, // date format string text, // buffer for storing formatted string 80 // size of buffer )) return; CStdString text2 = _T(" "); text2 += text; if (!GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale for which date is to be formatted TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT, // flags specifying function options &sFileTime, // date to be formatted 0, // date format string text, // buffer for storing formatted string 80 // size of buffer )) return; text2 += _T(" "); text2 += text; CStdString str = msg; int pos = str.Find(_T("-")); if (pos!=-1) { str.Insert(pos, text2 + _T(" ")); } m_pFileLogger->Log(str); } }
void Log::ReallyPrint(LPCTSTR format, va_list ap) { SYSTEMTIME current; GetLocalTime(¤t); if (memcmp(&m_lastLogT, ¤t, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)) != 0) { m_lastLogT = current; TCHAR time_str[50] = {0}; TCHAR date_str[50] = {0}; int nRet = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, ¤t, TEXT("dd"), date_str, sizeof(date_str)); nRet = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL, ¤t,TEXT("hh:mm:ss"),time_str,sizeof(time_str)); TCHAR time_buf[50]; wsprintf(time_buf, TEXT("<%s %s>:"),date_str, time_str); ReallyPrintLine(time_buf); } // Prepare the complete log message TCHAR line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(line, 0, sizeof(line)); int len = 0; #ifdef _UNICODE _vsnwprintf(line, sizeof(line) - 2 * sizeof(TCHAR), format, ap); len = wcslen(line); #else _vsnprintf(line, sizeof(line) - 2 * sizeof(TCHAR), format, ap); len = strlen(line); #endif // _UNICODE line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE-2] = (TCHAR)'\0'; #if (!defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(_MBCS)) if (len > 0 && len <= sizeof(line) - 2 * sizeof(TCHAR) && line[len-1] == (TCHAR)'\n') { // Replace trailing '\n' with MS-DOS style end-of-line. line[len-1] = (TCHAR)'\r'; line[len] = (TCHAR)'\n'; line[len+1] = (TCHAR)'\0'; } #endif ReallyPrintLine(line); ReallyPrintLine(TEXT("\r\n")); //if overfollow create new log if (m_tofile) { nTotalLogWrited += len; //max log size = 10m if (nTotalLogWrited > 1024*1024*10) { CloseFile(); CString strNewFile = m_strOrgFileName; SetFile(strNewFile, false); } } }