Esempio n. 1
void AScriptedMarine::BeginPlay ()
	Super::BeginPlay ();

	// Set the current weapon
	for(int i=WEAPON_Dummy; i<=WEAPON_BFG; i++)
		FState *melee, *missile;
		if (GetWeaponStates(i, melee, missile))
			if (melee == MeleeState && missile == MissileState)
				CurrentWeapon = i;

	// Copy the standard player's scaling
	AActor * playerdef = GetDefaultByName("DoomPlayer");
	if (playerdef != NULL)
		scaleX = playerdef->scaleX;
		scaleY = playerdef->scaleY;
Esempio n. 2
int ASigil::GiveSigilPiece (AActor *receiver)
	ASigil *sigil;

	sigil = receiver->FindInventory<ASigil> ();
	if (sigil == NULL)
		sigil = static_cast<ASigil*>(Spawn("Sigil1"));
		if (!sigil->CallTryPickup (receiver))
			sigil->Destroy ();
		return 0;
	else if (sigil->NumPieces < 5)
		static const char* sigils[5] =
			"Sigil1", "Sigil2", "Sigil3", "Sigil4", "Sigil5"
		sigil->Icon = ((AInventory*)GetDefaultByName (sigils[MAX(0,sigil->NumPieces-1)]))->Icon;
		// If the player has the Sigil out, drop it and bring it back up.
		if (sigil->Owner->player != NULL && sigil->Owner->player->ReadyWeapon == sigil)
			sigil->Owner->player->PendingWeapon = sigil;
			sigil->DownPieces = sigil->NumPieces - 1;
		return sigil->NumPieces - 1;
		return 5;
Esempio n. 3
	if (A_RaiseMobj (self, 2*FRACUNIT))
		// Reached it's target height
		// [RH] Once a buried wraith is fully raised, it should be
		// morphable, right?
		self->SetState (self->FindState("Chase"));
		// [RH] Reset PainChance to a normal wraith's.
		self->PainChance = GetDefaultByName ("Wraith")->PainChance;

	P_SpawnDirt (self, self->radius);
Esempio n. 4
angle_t DBot::FireRox (AActor *enemy, ticcmd_t *cmd)
	fixed_t dist;
	angle_t ang;
	AActor *actor;
	int m;

	bglobal.SetBodyAt (player->mo->X() + FixedMul(player->mo->velx, 5*FRACUNIT),
					   player->mo->Y() + FixedMul(player->mo->vely, 5*FRACUNIT),
					   player->mo->Z() + (player->mo->height / 2), 2);

	actor = bglobal.body2;

	dist = actor->AproxDistance (enemy);
	if (dist < SAFE_SELF_MISDIST)
		return 0;
	m = (((dist+1)/FRACUNIT) / GetDefaultByName("Rocket")->Speed);

	bglobal.SetBodyAt (enemy->X() + FixedMul(enemy->velx, (m+2*FRACUNIT)),
					   enemy->Y() + FixedMul(enemy->vely, (m+2*FRACUNIT)), ONFLOORZ, 1);
	//try the predicted location
	if (P_CheckSight (actor, bglobal.body1, SF_IGNOREVISIBILITY)) //See the predicted location, so give a test missile
		FCheckPosition tm;
		if (bglobal.SafeCheckPosition (player->mo, actor->X(), actor->Y(), tm))
			if (bglobal.FakeFire (actor, bglobal.body1, cmd) >= SAFE_SELF_MISDIST)
				ang = actor->AngleTo(bglobal.body1);
				return ang;
	//Try fire straight.
	if (P_CheckSight (actor, enemy, 0))
		if (bglobal.FakeFire (player->mo, enemy, cmd) >= SAFE_SELF_MISDIST)
			ang = player->mo->AngleTo(enemy);
			return ang;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void AScriptedMarine::SetSprite (const PClass *source)
	if (source == NULL || source->ActorInfo == NULL)
	{ // A valid actor class wasn't passed, so use the standard sprite
		SpriteOverride = sprite = GetClass()->ActorInfo->OwnedStates[0].sprite;
		// Copy the standard player's scaling
		AActor * playerdef = GetDefaultByName("DoomPlayer");
		if (playerdef == NULL) playerdef = GetDefaultByType(RUNTIME_CLASS(AScriptedMarine));
		scaleX = playerdef->scaleX;
		scaleY = playerdef->scaleY;
	{ // Use the same sprite the passed class spawns with
		SpriteOverride = sprite = GetDefaultByType (source)->SpawnState->sprite;
		scaleX = GetDefaultByType(source)->scaleX;
		scaleY = GetDefaultByType(source)->scaleY;
	AActor *wavedef = GetDefaultByName("MaulerTorpedoWave");
	fixed_t savedz;
	self->angle += ANGLE_180;

	// If the torpedo hit the ceiling, it should still spawn the wave
	savedz = self->Z();
	if (wavedef && self->ceilingz - self->Z() < wavedef->height)
		self->SetZ(self->ceilingz - wavedef->height);

	for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
		self->angle += ANGLE_45/10;
		P_SpawnSubMissile (self, PClass::FindClass("MaulerTorpedoWave"), self->target);
Esempio n. 7
	AActor *second;
	fixed_t secondRadius = GetDefaultByName("EntitySecond")->radius * 2;
	angle_t an;

	AActor *spot = self->tracer;
	if (spot == NULL) spot = self;

	fixed_t SpawnX = spot->x;
	fixed_t SpawnY = spot->y;
	fixed_t SpawnZ = spot->z + self->tracer? 70*FRACUNIT : 0;
	an = self->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	second = Spawn("EntitySecond", SpawnX + FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]),
		SpawnY + FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]), SpawnZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	second->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
	//second->target = self->target;
	A_FaceTarget (second);
	an = second->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	second->velx += FixedMul (finecosine[an], 320000);
	second->vely += FixedMul (finesine[an], 320000);

	an = (self->angle + ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	second = Spawn("EntitySecond", SpawnX + FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]),
		SpawnY + FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]), SpawnZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	second->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
	//second->target = self->target;
	second->velx = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
	second->vely = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
	A_FaceTarget (second);

	an = (self->angle - ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	second = Spawn("EntitySecond", SpawnX + FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]),
		SpawnY + FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]), SpawnZ, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	second->CopyFriendliness(self, true);
	//second->target = self->target;
	second->velx = FixedMul (secondRadius, finecosine[an]) << 2;
	second->vely = FixedMul (secondRadius, finesine[an]) << 2;
	A_FaceTarget (second);
Esempio n. 8

	AActor *wavedef = GetDefaultByName("MaulerTorpedoWave");
	double savedz;
	self->Angles.Yaw += 180.;

	// If the torpedo hit the ceiling, it should still spawn the wave
	savedz = self->Z();
	if (wavedef && self->ceilingz < self->Z() + wavedef->Height)
		self->SetZ(self->ceilingz - wavedef->Height);

	for (int i = 0; i < 80; ++i)
		self->Angles.Yaw += 4.5;
		P_SpawnSubMissile (self, PClass::FindActor("MaulerTorpedoWave"), self->target);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 9
// set the bot specific weapon information
// This is intentionally not in the weapon definition anymore.
void InitBotStuff()
	static struct BotInit
		const char *type;
		int movecombatdist;
		int weaponflags;
		const char *projectile;
	} botinits[] = {

		{ "Pistol", 25000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "Shotgun", 24000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "SuperShotgun", 15000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "Chaingun", 27000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "RocketLauncher", 18350080, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "Rocket" },
		{ "PlasmaRifle",  27000000, 0, "PlasmaBall" },
		{ "GoldWand", 25000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "GoldWandPowered", 25000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "Crossbow", 24000000, 0, "CrossbowFX1" },
		{ "CrossbowPowered", 24000000, 0, "CrossbowFX2" },
		{ "Blaster", 27000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "BlasterPowered", 27000000, 0, "BlasterFX1" },
		{ "SkullRod", 27000000, 0, "HornRodFX1" },
		{ "SkullRodPowered", 27000000, 0, "HornRodFX2" },
		{ "PhoenixRod", 18350080, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "PhoenixFX1" },
		{ "Mace", 27000000, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING, "MaceFX2" },
		{ "MacePowered", 27000000, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "MaceFX4" },
		{ "FWeapHammer", 22000000, 0, "HammerMissile" },
		{ "FWeapQuietus", 20000000, 0, "FSwordMissile" },
		{ "CWeapStaff", 25000000, 0, "CStaffMissile" },
		{ "CWeapFlane", 27000000, 0, "CFlameMissile" },
		{ "MWeapWand", 25000000, 0, "MageWandMissile" },
		{ "CWeapWraithverge", 22000000, 0, "HolyMissile" },
		{ "MWeapFrost", 19000000, 0, "FrostMissile" },
		{ "MWeapLightning", 23000000, 0, "LightningFloor" },
		{ "MWeapBloodscourge", 20000000, 0, "MageStaffFX2" },
		{ "StrifeCrossbow", 24000000, 0, "ElectricBolt" },
		{ "StrifeCrossbow2", 24000000, 0, "PoisonBolt" },
		{ "AssaultGun", 27000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "MiniMissileLauncher", 18350080, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "MiniMissile" },
		{ "FlameThrower", 24000000, 0, "FlameMissile" },
		{ "Mauler", 15000000, 0, NULL },
		{ "Mauler2", 10000000, 0, "MaulerTorpedo" },
		{ "StrifeGrenadeLauncher", 18350080, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "HEGrenade" },
		{ "StrifeGrenadeLauncher2", 18350080, WIF_BOT_REACTION_SKILL_THING|WIF_BOT_EXPLOSIVE, "PhosphorousGrenade" },

	for(unsigned i=0;i<sizeof(botinits)/sizeof(botinits[0]);i++)
		const PClass *cls = PClass::FindClass(botinits[i].type);
		if (cls != NULL && cls->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
			AWeapon *w = (AWeapon*)GetDefaultByType(cls);
			if (w != NULL)
				w->MoveCombatDist = botinits[i].movecombatdist/65536.;
				w->WeaponFlags |= botinits[i].weaponflags;
				w->ProjectileType = PClass::FindActor(botinits[i].projectile);

	static const char *warnbotmissiles[] = { "PlasmaBall", "Ripper", "HornRodFX1" };
	for(unsigned i=0;i<countof(warnbotmissiles);i++)
		AActor *a = GetDefaultByName (warnbotmissiles[i]);
		if (a != NULL)