Esempio n. 1
void PerspectiveImpl::ComputeDefaultAngle (float width)
  float rview_fov = (float)GetDefaultFOV () * 0.5f;
  float disp_width = (float)width * 0.5f;
  float inv_disp_radius = csQisqrt (
      rview_fov * rview_fov + disp_width * disp_width);
  default_fov_angle = 2.0f * (float)acos (disp_width * inv_disp_radius)
  	* (360.0f / TWO_PI);
Esempio n. 2
float Misc::CalcFOV(const size_t iResX, const size_t iResY)
    constexpr float fDeg2Rad = static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 180.0f;
    constexpr float fDefaultAspect = 4.0f / 3.0f;
    const float fAspect = static_cast<float>(iResX) / iResY;

    const float fFov = atanf(tanf(0.5f*GetDefaultFOV()*fDeg2Rad)*(fAspect / fDefaultAspect)) / fDeg2Rad*2.0f;
    return fFov;
Esempio n. 3
float CBasePlayer::GetFOVDistanceAdjustFactor()
	float defaultFOV	= (float)GetDefaultFOV();
	float localFOV		= (float)GetFOV();

	if ( localFOV == defaultFOV || defaultFOV < 0.001f )
		return 1.0f;

	// If FOV is lower, then we're "zoomed" in and this will give a factor < 1 so apparent LOD distances can be
	//  shorted accordingly
	return localFOV / defaultFOV;
