Esempio n. 1
void Tokenizer::TokenizeByDelimiter(bool enclosed, const TokenRange& range) {
  // Each group occasionally has a different delimiter, which is why we can't
  // analyze the whole filename in one go.
  const char_t delimiter = GetDelimiter(range);

  // TODO: Better handle groups with multiple delimiters
  if (!ValidateDelimiter(delimiter, enclosed, range)) {
    AddToken(kUnknown, enclosed, range);

  TokenRange new_range(range.offset, 0);

  for (size_t offset = range.offset;
       offset < range.offset + range.size; offset++) {
    const char_t character =;

    if (character == delimiter) {
      // Add new unknown token
      if (new_range.offset < offset) {
        new_range.size = offset - new_range.offset;
        AddToken(kUnknown, enclosed, new_range);
      // Add delimiter
      AddToken(kDelimiter, enclosed, TokenRange(offset, 1));
      new_range.offset = offset + 1;
    } else if (offset == range.offset + range.size - 1) {
      // Add last unknown token
      new_range.size = offset - new_range.offset + 1;
      AddToken(kUnknown, enclosed, new_range);
Esempio n. 2
wxString pgType::GetSql(ctlTree *browser)
	if (sql.IsNull())
		sql = wxT("-- Type: ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n\n")
		      + wxT("-- DROP TYPE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT(";")
		      + wxT("\n\nCREATE TYPE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier();
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			sql += wxT(" AS\n   (");
			sql += GetQuotedTypesList();
		else if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			sql += wxT(" AS ENUM\n   (");
			sql += GetQuotedLabelList();
			sql += wxT("\n   (INPUT=") + qtIdent(GetInputFunction())
			       + wxT(", OUTPUT=") + qtIdent(GetOutputFunction());
			AppendIfFilled(sql, wxT(", DEFAULT="), qtDbString(GetDefault()));
			if (!GetElement().IsNull())
				sql += wxT(",\n       ELEMENT=") + GetElement()
				       + wxT(", DELIMITER='") + GetDelimiter() + wxT("'");
			sql += wxT(",\n       INTERNALLENGTH=") + NumToStr(GetInternalLength())
			       + wxT(", ALIGNMENT=" + GetAlignment()
			             + wxT(", STORAGE=") + GetStorage());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				if (GetTypmodinFunction() != wxEmptyString && GetTypmodoutFunction() != wxEmptyString)
					sql += wxT(",\n       TYPMOD_IN=") + GetTypmodinFunction()
					       + wxT(", TYPMOD_OUT=") + GetTypmodoutFunction();
				else if (GetTypmodinFunction() != wxEmptyString)
					sql += wxT(",\n       TYPMOD_IN=") + GetTypmodinFunction();
				else if (GetTypmodoutFunction() != wxEmptyString)
					sql += wxT(",\n       TYPMOD_OUT=") + GetTypmodoutFunction();
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1) && GetCollatable())
				sql += wxT(",\n       COLLATABLE=true");
		sql += wxT(");\n")
		       + GetOwnerSql(8, 0)
		       + GetCommentSql();

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			sql += GetSeqLabelsSql();

	return sql;
Esempio n. 3
UnicodeString TStrings::GetCommaText() const
  wchar_t LOldDelimiter = GetDelimiter();
  wchar_t LOldQuoteChar = GetQuoteChar();
  FDelimiter = L',';
  FQuoteChar = L'"';
  UnicodeString Result;
    FDelimiter = LOldDelimiter;
    FQuoteChar = LOldQuoteChar;
  Result = GetDelimitedText();
  return Result;
Esempio n. 4
void TStrings::SetDelimitedText(const UnicodeString & Value)
  rde::vector<UnicodeString> Lines;
  UnicodeString Delimiter(UnicodeString(GetDelimiter()) + L'\n');
  tokenize(Value, Lines, Delimiter, true);
  for (size_t Index = 0; Index < Lines.size(); Index++)
Esempio n. 5
UnicodeString TStrings::GetCommaText() const
  wchar_t LOldDelimiter = GetDelimiter();
  wchar_t LOldQuoteChar = GetQuoteChar();
  FDelimiter = L',';
  FQuoteChar = L'"';
  UnicodeString Result;
  auto cleanup = finally([&]()
    FDelimiter = LOldDelimiter;
    FQuoteChar = LOldQuoteChar;
    Result = GetDelimitedText();
  return Result;
Esempio n. 6
void TStrings::SetDelimitedText(const UnicodeString & Value)
    rde::vector<std::wstring> Lines;
    std::wstring delim = std::wstring(1, GetDelimiter());
    delim.append(1, L'\n');
    std::wstring StrValue = Value.c_str();
    tokenize(StrValue, Lines, delim, true);
    for (size_t I = 0; I < Lines.size(); I++)
Esempio n. 7
UnicodeString TStrings::GetDelimitedText() const
  UnicodeString Result;
  intptr_t Count = GetCount();
  if ((Count == 1) && GetString(0).IsEmpty())
    Result = GetQuoteChar() + GetQuoteChar();
    for (intptr_t I = 0; I < GetCount(); I++)
      UnicodeString line = GetString(I);
      Result += GetQuoteChar() + line + GetQuoteChar() + GetDelimiter();
    if (Result.Length() > 0)
      Result.SetLength(Result.Length() - 1);
  return Result;
Esempio n. 8
void pgType::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	wxString query;
	wxString collation;

	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			query = wxT("SELECT attname, format_type(t.oid,NULL) AS typname, attndims, atttypmod, nsp.nspname,\n")
			        wxT("       (SELECT COUNT(1) from pg_type t2 WHERE t2.typname=t.typname) > 1 AS isdup");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT(",\n       collname, nspc.nspname as collnspname");
			query += wxT("\n  FROM pg_attribute att\n")
			         wxT("  JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid=atttypid\n")
			         wxT("  JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON t.typnamespace=nsp.oid\n")
			         wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_type b ON t.typelem=b.oid\n");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_collation c ON att.attcollation=c.oid\n")
				         wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace nspc ON c.collnamespace=nspc.oid\n");
			query += wxT(" WHERE att.attrelid=") + NumToStr(relOid) + wxT("\n")
			         wxT(" ORDER by attnum");
			pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(query);
			if (set)
				int anzvar = 0;
				while (!set->Eof())
					wxString element;
					if (anzvar++)
						typesList += wxT(", ");
						quotedTypesList += wxT(",\n    ");
					typesList += set->GetVal(wxT("attname")) + wxT(" ");
					quotedTypesList += qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("attname"))) + wxT(" ");

					pgDatatype dt(set->GetVal(wxT("nspname")), set->GetVal(wxT("typname")),
					              set->GetBool(wxT("isdup")), set->GetLong(wxT("attndims")) > 0, set->GetLong(wxT("atttypmod")));

					wxString nspname = set->GetVal(wxT("nspname"));

					typesList += dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName();
					typesArray.Add(dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName());
					quotedTypesList += dt.GetQuotedSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.QuotedFullName();

					if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
						if (set->GetVal(wxT("collname")).IsEmpty() || (set->GetVal(wxT("collname")) == wxT("default") && set->GetVal(wxT("collnspname")) == wxT("pg_catalog")))
							collation = wxEmptyString;
							collation = qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("collnspname"))) + wxT(".") + qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("collname")));
							quotedTypesList += wxT(" COLLATE ") + collation;

				delete set;
		else if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			query = wxT("SELECT enumlabel\n")
			        wxT("  FROM pg_enum\n")
			        wxT(" WHERE enumtypid=") + GetOidStr() + wxT("\n");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT(" ORDER by enumsortorder");
				query += wxT(" ORDER by oid");
			pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(query);
			if (set)
				int anzvar = 0;
				while (!set->Eof())
					wxString element;
					if (anzvar++)
						labelList += wxT(", ");
						quotedLabelList += wxT(",\n    ");
					labelList += set->GetVal(wxT("enumlabel"));
					quotedLabelList += GetDatabase()->connection()->qtDbString(set->GetVal(wxT("enumlabel")));

				delete set;

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Alias"), GetAlias());
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Members"), GetTypesList());
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Labels"), GetLabelList());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Alignment"), GetAlignment());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Internal length"), GetInternalLength());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Default"), GetDefault());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Passed by Value?"), BoolToYesNo(GetPassedByValue()));
			if (!GetElement().IsEmpty())
				properties->AppendItem(_("Element"), GetElement());
				properties->AppendItem(_("Delimiter"), GetDelimiter());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Input function"), GetInputFunction());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Output function"), GetOutputFunction());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 4))
				properties->AppendItem(_("Receive function"), GetReceiveFunction());
				properties->AppendItem(_("Send function"), GetSendFunction());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				if (GetTypmodinFunction().Length() > 0)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Typmod in function"), GetTypmodinFunction());
				if (GetTypmodoutFunction().Length() > 0)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Typmod out function"), GetTypmodoutFunction());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Storage"), GetStorage());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				properties->AppendItem(_("Collatable?"), BoolToYesNo(GetCollatable()));
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System type?"), GetSystemObject());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
Esempio n. 9
wxString pgType::GetSql(ctlTree *browser)
	if (sql.IsNull())
		sql = wxT("-- Type: ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n\n")
		      + wxT("-- DROP TYPE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT(";")
		      + wxT("\n\nCREATE TYPE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier();
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			sql += wxT(" AS\n   (");
			sql += GetQuotedTypesList();
		else if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			sql += wxT(" AS ENUM\n   (");
			sql += GetQuotedLabelList();
		else if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_RANGE)
			sql += wxT(" AS RANGE\n   (")
			       wxT("SUBTYPE=") + rngsubtypestr;
			if (!rngsubopcstr.IsEmpty())
				sql += wxT(",\n    SUBTYPE_OPCLASS=") + rngsubopcstr;
			if (!rngcollationstr.IsEmpty())
				sql += wxT(",\n    COLLATION=") + rngcollationstr;
			if (!rngcanonical.IsEmpty())
				sql += wxT(",\n    CANONICAL=") + rngcanonical;
			if (!rngsubdiff.IsEmpty())
				sql += wxT(",\n    SUBTYPE_DIFF=") + rngsubdiff;
			sql += wxT("\n   (INPUT=") + qtIdent(GetInputFunction())
			       + wxT(",\n       OUTPUT=") + qtIdent(GetOutputFunction());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 4))
				if (!GetReceiveFunction().IsEmpty())
					sql += wxT(",\n       RECEIVE=") + GetReceiveFunction();
				if (!GetSendFunction().IsEmpty())
					sql += wxT(",\n       SEND=") + GetSendFunction();
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				if (!GetTypmodinFunction().IsEmpty())
					sql += wxT(",\n       TYPMOD_IN=") + GetTypmodinFunction();
				if (!GetTypmodoutFunction().IsEmpty())
					sql += wxT(",\n       TYPMOD_OUT=") + GetTypmodoutFunction();
				if (GetAnalyzeFunction() != wxEmptyString)
					sql += wxT(",\n       ANALYZE=") + GetAnalyzeFunction();
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4))
				sql += wxT(",\n       CATEGORY=") + qtDbString(GetCategory());
				if (GetPrefered())
					sql += wxT(",\n       PREFERRED=true");
			if (GetPassedByValue())
				sql += wxT(",\n    PASSEDBYVALUE");
			AppendIfFilled(sql, wxT(", DEFAULT="), qtDbString(GetDefault()));
			if (!GetElement().IsNull())
				sql += wxT(",\n       ELEMENT=") + GetElement()
				       + wxT(", DELIMITER='") + GetDelimiter() + wxT("'");
			sql += wxT(",\n       INTERNALLENGTH=") + NumToStr(GetInternalLength())
			       + wxT(", ALIGNMENT=" + GetAlignment()
			             + wxT(", STORAGE=") + GetStorage());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1) && GetCollatable())
				sql += wxT(",\n       COLLATABLE=true");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1) && GetCollatable())
				sql += wxT(",\n       COLLATABLE=true");
		sql += wxT(");\n")
		       + GetOwnerSql(8, 0)
		       + GetCommentSql();

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			sql += GetSeqLabelsSql();

	return sql;