void FHotReloadClassReinstancer::SetupNewClassReinstancing(UClass* InNewClass, UClass* InOldClass)
	// Set base class members to valid values
	ClassToReinstance = InNewClass;
	DuplicatedClass = InOldClass;
	OriginalCDO = InOldClass->GetDefaultObject();
	bHasReinstanced = false;
	bSkipGarbageCollection = false;
	bNeedsReinstancing = true;
	NewClass = InNewClass;

	// Collect the original CDO property values
	SerializeCDOProperties(InOldClass->GetDefaultObject(), OriginalCDOProperties);
	// Collect the property values of the new CDO
	SerializeCDOProperties(InNewClass->GetDefaultObject(), ReconstructedCDOProperties);


	ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff.Add(InOldClass); //CDO of REINST_ class can be used as archetype

	TArray<UClass*> ChildrenOfClass;
	GetDerivedClasses(InOldClass, ChildrenOfClass);
	for (auto ClassIt = ChildrenOfClass.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
		UClass* ChildClass = *ClassIt;
		UBlueprint* ChildBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ChildClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
		if (ChildBP && !ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_BeingRegenerated))
			// If this is a direct child, change the parent and relink so the property chain is valid for reinstancing
			if (!ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad))
				if (ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == InOldClass)

				if (ChildBP->ParentClass == InOldClass)
					ChildBP->ParentClass = NewClass;
				// If this is a child that caused the load of their parent, relink to the REINST class so that we can still serialize in the CDO, but do not add to later processing

	// Finally, remove the old class from Root so that it can get GC'd and mark it as CLASS_NewerVersionExists
	InOldClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
void FHotReloadClassReinstancer::RecreateCDOAndSetupOldClassReinstancing(UClass* InOldClass)
	// Set base class members to valid values
	ClassToReinstance = InOldClass;
	DuplicatedClass = InOldClass;
	OriginalCDO = InOldClass->GetDefaultObject();
	bHasReinstanced = false;
	bSkipGarbageCollection = false;
	bNeedsReinstancing = false;
	NewClass = InOldClass; // The class doesn't change in this case

	// Collect the original property values
	SerializeCDOProperties(InOldClass->GetDefaultObject(), OriginalCDOProperties);

	// Remember all the basic info about the object before we rename it
	EObjectFlags CDOFlags = OriginalCDO->GetFlags();
	UObject* CDOOuter = OriginalCDO->GetOuter();
	FName CDOName = OriginalCDO->GetFName();

	// Rename original CDO, so we can store this one as OverridenArchetypeForCDO
	// and create new one with the same name and outer.
			*FString::Printf(TEXT("BPGC_ARCH_FOR_CDO_%s"), *InOldClass->GetName())
		REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_NonTransactional | REN_SkipGeneratedClasses | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders);
	// Re-create the CDO, re-running its constructor
	ReconstructClassDefaultObject(InOldClass, CDOOuter, CDOName, CDOFlags);

	ReconstructedCDOsMap.Add(OriginalCDO, InOldClass->GetDefaultObject());

	// Collect the property values after re-constructing the CDO
	SerializeCDOProperties(InOldClass->GetDefaultObject(), ReconstructedCDOProperties);

	// We only want to re-instance the old class if its CDO's values have changed or any of its DSOs' property values have changed
	if (DefaultPropertiesHaveChanged())
		bNeedsReinstancing = true;

		TArray<UClass*> ChildrenOfClass;
		GetDerivedClasses(InOldClass, ChildrenOfClass);
		for (auto ClassIt = ChildrenOfClass.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt)
			UClass* ChildClass = *ClassIt;
			UBlueprint* ChildBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ChildClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
			if (ChildBP && !ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_BeingRegenerated))
				if (!ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad))
					auto BPGC = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(ChildBP->GeneratedClass);
					auto CurrentCDO = BPGC ? BPGC->GetDefaultObject(false) : nullptr;
					if (CurrentCDO && (OriginalCDO == CurrentCDO->GetArchetype()))
						BPGC->OverridenArchetypeForCDO = OriginalCDO;
FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::FBlueprintCompileReinstancer(UClass* InClassToReinstance, bool bIsBytecodeOnly, bool bSkipGC)
	: ClassToReinstance(InClassToReinstance)
	, DuplicatedClass(NULL)
	, OriginalCDO(NULL)
	, bHasReinstanced(false)
	, bSkipGarbageCollection(bSkipGC)
	, ClassToReinstanceDefaultValuesCRC(0)
	if( InClassToReinstance != NULL )
		bIsReinstancingSkeleton = FKismetEditorUtilities::IsClassABlueprintSkeleton(ClassToReinstance);


		// Remember the initial CDO for the class being resinstanced
		OriginalCDO = ClassToReinstance->GetDefaultObject();

		// Duplicate the class we're reinstancing into the transient package.  We'll re-class all objects we find to point to this new class
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = true;
		ClassToReinstance->ClassFlags |= CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
		const FName RenistanceName = MakeUniqueObjectName(GetTransientPackage(), ClassToReinstance->GetClass(), *FString::Printf(TEXT("REINST_%s"), *ClassToReinstance->GetName()));
		DuplicatedClass = (UClass*)StaticDuplicateObject(ClassToReinstance, GetTransientPackage(), *RenistanceName.ToString(), ~RF_Transactional); 

		ClassToReinstance->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_NewerVersionExists;
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = false;

		auto BPGDuplicatedClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(DuplicatedClass);
		auto DuplicatedClassUberGraphFunction = BPGDuplicatedClass ? BPGDuplicatedClass->UberGraphFunction : nullptr;
		if (DuplicatedClassUberGraphFunction)

		// Bind and link the duplicate class, so that it has the proper duplicate property offsets

		// Copy over the ComponentNametoDefaultObjectMap, which tells CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects which components are instanced and which aren't

		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = true;
		UObject* OldCDO = ClassToReinstance->GetDefaultObject();
		DuplicatedClass->ClassDefaultObject = (UObject*)StaticDuplicateObject(OldCDO, GetTransientPackage(), *DuplicatedClass->GetDefaultObjectName().ToString());
		GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing = false;


		ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff.Add(DuplicatedClass); //CDO of REINST_ class can be used as archetype

		if( !bIsBytecodeOnly )
			TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToChange;
			const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false;
			GetObjectsOfClass(ClassToReinstance, ObjectsToChange, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
			for (auto ObjIt = ObjectsToChange.CreateConstIterator(); ObjIt; ++ObjIt)

			TArray<UClass*> ChildrenOfClass;
			GetDerivedClasses(ClassToReinstance, ChildrenOfClass);
			for ( auto ClassIt = ChildrenOfClass.CreateConstIterator(); ClassIt; ++ClassIt )
				UClass* ChildClass = *ClassIt;
				UBlueprint* ChildBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ChildClass->ClassGeneratedBy);
				if (ChildBP)
					const bool bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint = (ChildBP->GeneratedClass == ChildClass)
						|| (ChildBP->SkeletonGeneratedClass == ChildClass);

					if (ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_BeingRegenerated) || !bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint)
						if (ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == ClassToReinstance)

						//TODO: some stronger condition would be nice
						if (!bClassIsDirectlyGeneratedByTheBlueprint)
					// If this is a direct child, change the parent and relink so the property chain is valid for reinstancing
					else if( !ChildBP->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad) )
						if( ChildClass->GetSuperClass() == ClassToReinstance )

						// If this is a child that caused the load of their parent, relink to the REINST class so that we can still serialize in the CDO, but do not add to later processing

		// Pull the blueprint that generated this reinstance target, and gather the blueprints that are dependent on it
		UBlueprint* GeneratingBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(ClassToReinstance->ClassGeneratedBy);
		check(GeneratingBP || GIsAutomationTesting);
			ClassToReinstanceDefaultValuesCRC = GeneratingBP->CrcPreviousCompiledCDO;
			FBlueprintEditorUtils::GetDependentBlueprints(GeneratingBP, Dependencies);