void BackgroundUtil::GetSongBGAnimations( const Song *pSong, const RString &sMatch, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut )
	if( sMatch.empty() )
		GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+"*",    vsPathsOut, true, true );
		GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+sMatch, vsPathsOut, true, true );

	FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s )
		vsNamesOut.push_back( Basename(*s) );

	StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut );
Esempio n. 2
void GetRecursiveSubPaths(std::string path, std::vector<std::string> &dst)
	std::vector<DirListNode> content = GetDirListing(path);
	for(unsigned int  i=0; i<content.size(); i++){
		const DirListNode &n = content[i];
		std::string fullpath = path + DIR_DELIM + n.name;
		GetRecursiveSubPaths(fullpath, dst);
Esempio n. 3
static void DoPlayOnceFromDir( CString sPath )
	if( sPath == "" )

	// make sure there's a slash at the end of this path
	if( sPath.Right(1) != "/" )
		sPath += "/";

	CStringArray arraySoundFiles;
	GetDirListing( sPath + "*.mp3", arraySoundFiles );
	GetDirListing( sPath + "*.wav", arraySoundFiles );
	GetDirListing( sPath + "*.ogg", arraySoundFiles );

	if( arraySoundFiles.empty() )

	int index = rand() % arraySoundFiles.size();
	SOUNDMAN->PlayOnce( sPath + arraySoundFiles[index] );
static void DeleteEmptyDirectories( const CString &sDir )
	vector<CString> asNewDirs;
	GetDirListing( sDir + "/*", asNewDirs, false, true );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asNewDirs.size(); ++i )
		ASSERT_M( IsADirectory(asNewDirs[i]), asNewDirs[i] );
		DeleteEmptyDirectories( asNewDirs[i] );

	FILEMAN->Remove( sDir );
Esempio n. 5
/* Given the INI for a font, find all of the texture pages for the font. */
void Font::GetFontPaths( const RString &sFontIniPath, vector<RString> &asTexturePathsOut )
	RString sPrefix = SetExtension( sFontIniPath, "" );
	vector<RString> asFiles;
	GetDirListing( sPrefix + "*", asFiles, false, true );

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asFiles.size(); ++i )
		if( !asFiles[i].Right(4).EqualsNoCase(".ini") )
			asTexturePathsOut.push_back( asFiles[i] );
Esempio n. 6
static void EmptyDir( CString dir )
    ASSERT(dir[dir.size()-1] == '/');

    CStringArray asCacheFileNames;
    GetDirListing( dir, asCacheFileNames );
    for( unsigned i=0; i<asCacheFileNames.size(); i++ )
        if( !IsADirectory(dir + asCacheFileNames[i]) )
            FILEMAN->Remove( dir + asCacheFileNames[i] );
Esempio n. 7
void ScreenPackages::RefreshPackages()
	GetDirListing( "Packages/*.*zip", m_Packages, false, false );
	if ( m_iPackagesPos < 0 )
		m_iPackagesPos = 0;
	if( (unsigned) m_iPackagesPos >= m_Packages.size() )
		m_iPackagesPos = m_Packages.size() - 1;

void AnnouncerManager::GetAnnouncerNames( vector<RString>& AddTo )
    GetDirListing( ANNOUNCERS_DIR+"*", AddTo, true );

    StripCvsAndSvn( AddTo );
    StripMacResourceForks( AddTo );

    // strip out the empty announcer folder
    for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- )
        if( !strcasecmp( AddTo[i], EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME ) )
            AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 );
Esempio n. 9
void AnnouncerManager::GetAnnouncerNames( CStringArray& AddTo )
	GetDirListing( ANNOUNCERS_DIR+"*", AddTo, true );
	// strip out the folder called "CVS" and EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME
	for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- )
		if( !stricmp( AddTo[i], "cvs" ) )
			AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 );

	for( int i=AddTo.size()-1; i>=0; i-- )
		if( !stricmp( AddTo[i], EMPTY_ANNOUNCER_NAME ) )
			AddTo.erase(AddTo.begin()+i, AddTo.begin()+i+1 );
Esempio n. 10
void BackgroundUtil::GetBackgroundEffects( const RString &_sName, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut )
	RString sName = _sName;
	if( sName == "" )
		sName = "*";

	GetDirListing( BACKGROUND_EFFECTS_DIR+sName+".lua", vsPathsOut, false, true );
	FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s )
		vsNamesOut.push_back( GetFileNameWithoutExtension(*s) );

	StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut );
Esempio n. 11
// check to see if this player's card exists and if it has any matches
// to the given pattern. if so, then add matches into the patches list.
bool ScreenArcadePatch::HasPatch( PlayerNumber pn, const CStringArray &vsPatterns )
	// no card for this player
		return false;

	// no reason to check, since we already have a patch
	if( m_vsPatches.size() )
		return false;

	STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Checking Player %d's card for a patch...", pn+1) );

	// attempt to read from the card directly
	m_sProfileDir = MEM_CARD_MOUNT_POINT[pn];

	// fix up the path so we can append to it
	if( m_sProfileDir.Right(1) != "/" )
		m_sProfileDir += "/";

	// mount the card for a minute so we can check for files on it
	if( !MEMCARDMAN->MountCard(pn, 60) )
		STATE_TEXT( ssprintf("Error mounting Player %d's card!", pn+1) );
		return false;

	for( unsigned i = 0;i < vsPatterns.size(); i++ )
		LOG->Trace( "Finding matches for %s%s", m_sProfileDir.c_str(), vsPatterns[i].c_str() );
		GetDirListing( m_sProfileDir + vsPatterns[i], m_vsPatches );

		// if we found something, stop early.
		if( m_vsPatches.size() != 0 )

	MEMCARDMAN->UnmountCard( pn );

	// no patches were found on the drive
	if( m_vsPatches.size() == 0 )
		return false;

	CString sDebugMsg = ssprintf( "%i match%s found: ", m_vsPatches.size(), (m_vsPatches.size() != 1) ? "es" : "" );
	sDebugMsg += join( ", ", m_vsPatches );
	LOG->Trace( sDebugMsg.c_str() );

	return true;
unsigned int GetHashForDirectory( const CString &sDir )
	unsigned int hash = 0;

	hash += GetHashForString( sDir );

	CStringArray arrayFiles;
	GetDirListing( sDir+"*", arrayFiles, false );
	for( unsigned i=0; i<arrayFiles.size(); i++ )
		const CString sFilePath = sDir + arrayFiles[i];
		hash += GetHashForFile( sFilePath );

	return hash; 
Esempio n. 13
bool KSFLoader::LoadFromDir( const RString &sDir, Song &out )
	LOG->Trace( "KSFLoader::LoadFromDir(%s)", sDir.c_str() );

	vector<RString> arrayKSFFileNames;
	GetDirListing( sDir + RString("*.ksf"), arrayKSFFileNames );

	// We shouldn't have been called to begin with if there were no KSFs.
	ASSERT( arrayKSFFileNames.size() != 0 );

	bool bKIUCompliant = false;
	/* With Split Timing, there has to be a backup Song Timing in case
	 * anything goes wrong. As these files are kept in alphabetical
	 * order (hopefully), it is best to use the LAST file for timing 
	 * purposes, for that is the "normal", or easiest difficulty.
	 * Usually. */
	// Nevermind, kiu compilancy is screwing things up:
	// IE, I have two simfiles, oh wich each have four ksf files, the first one has
	// the first ksf with directmove timing changes, and the rest are not, everything
	// goes fine. In the other hand I have my second simfile with the first ksf file
	// without directmove timing changes and the rest have changes, changes are not
	// loaded due to kiucompilancy in the first ksf file.
	// About the "normal" thing, my simfiles' ksfs uses non-standard naming so
	// the last chart is usually nightmare or normal, I use easy and normal
	// indistinctly for SM so it shouldn't matter, I use piu fiesta/ex naming
	// for directmove though, and we're just gathering basic info anyway, and
	// most of the time all the KSF files have the same info in the #TITLE:; section
	unsigned files = arrayKSFFileNames.size();
	RString dir = out.GetSongDir();
	if( !LoadGlobalData(dir + arrayKSFFileNames[files - 1], out, bKIUCompliant) )
		return false;

	out.m_sSongFileName = dir + arrayKSFFileNames[files - 1];
	// load the Steps from the rest of the KSF files
	for( unsigned i=0; i<files; i++ ) 
		Steps* pNewNotes = out.CreateSteps();
		if( !LoadFromKSFFile(dir + arrayKSFFileNames[i], *pNewNotes, out, bKIUCompliant) )
			delete pNewNotes;
		pNewNotes->SetFilename(dir + arrayKSFFileNames[i]);
		out.AddSteps( pNewNotes );
	return true;
Esempio n. 14
void LanguagesDlg::OnSelchangeListThemes() 
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

	RString sTheme = GetCurrentString( m_listThemes );
	if( !sTheme.empty() )
		RString sLanguagesDir = SpecialFiles::THEMES_DIR + sTheme + "/" + SpecialFiles::LANGUAGES_SUBDIR;

		vector<RString> vs;
		GetDirListing( sLanguagesDir+"*.ini", vs, false );
		FOREACH_CONST( RString, vs, s )
			RString sIsoCode = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(*s);
			RString sLanguage = SMPackageUtil::GetLanguageDisplayString(sIsoCode);
			m_listLanguages.AddString( ConvertUTF8ToACP(sLanguage) );
Esempio n. 15
BOOL LanguagesDlg::OnInitDialog()

	DialogUtil::LocalizeDialogAndContents( *this );

	vector<RString> vs;
	GetDirListing( SpecialFiles::THEMES_DIR+"*", vs, true );
	StripCvsAndSvn( vs );
	FOREACH_CONST( RString, vs, s )
		m_listThemes.AddString( *s );
	if( !vs.empty() )
		m_listThemes.SetSel( 0 );


	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control
Esempio n. 16
bool CryptManager::VerifyFileWithFile( RString sPath, RString sSignatureFile )
	if( VerifyFileWithFile(sPath, sSignatureFile, PUBLIC_KEY_PATH) )
		return true;

	vector<RString> asKeys;
	GetDirListing( ALTERNATE_PUBLIC_KEY_DIR, asKeys, false, true );
	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asKeys.size(); ++i )
		const RString &sKey = asKeys[i];
		LOG->Trace( "Trying alternate key \"%s\" ...", sKey.c_str() );

		if( VerifyFileWithFile(sPath, sSignatureFile, sKey) )
			return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 17
bool RecursiveDeleteContent(std::string path)
	std::cerr<<"Removing content of \""<<path<<"\""<<std::endl;
	std::vector<DirListNode> list = GetDirListing(path);
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)
		if(trim(list[i].name) == "." || trim(list[i].name) == "..")
		std::string childpath = path + "/" + list[i].name;
		bool r = RecursiveDelete(childpath);
		if(r == false)
			std::cerr<<"Removing \""<<childpath<<"\" failed"<<std::endl;
			return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 18
bool RecursiveDelete(std::string path)
	infostream<<"Recursively deleting \""<<path<<"\""<<std::endl;

	DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(path.c_str());
	bool is_directory = (attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES &&
		infostream<<"RecursiveDelete: Deleting file "<<path<<std::endl;
		//bool did = DeleteFile(path.c_str());
		bool did = true;
			errorstream<<"RecursiveDelete: Failed to delete file "
			return false;
		infostream<<"RecursiveDelete: Deleting content of directory "
		std::vector<DirListNode> content = GetDirListing(path);
		for(int i=0; i<content.size(); i++){
			const DirListNode &n = content[i];
			std::string fullpath = path + DIR_DELIM + n.name;
			bool did = RecursiveDelete(fullpath);
				errorstream<<"RecursiveDelete: Failed to recurse to "
				return false;
		infostream<<"RecursiveDelete: Deleting directory "<<path<<std::endl;
		//bool did = RemoveDirectory(path.c_str();
		bool did = true;
			errorstream<<"Failed to recursively delete directory "
			return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 19
	// Register with Lua.
		Lua *L = LUA->Get();
		lua_pushstring( L, "CHARMAN" );
		this->PushSelf( L );
		lua_settable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
		LUA->Release( L );

	for( unsigned i=0; i<m_pCharacters.size(); i++ )
		SAFE_DELETE( m_pCharacters[i] );

	vector<RString> as;
	GetDirListing( CHARACTERS_DIR "*", as, true, true );
	StripCvsAndSvn( as );
	StripMacResourceForks( as );

	bool FoundDefault = false;
	for( unsigned i=0; i<as.size(); i++ )
		RString sCharName, sDummy;
		splitpath(as[i], sDummy, sCharName, sDummy);

		if( sCharName.CompareNoCase("default")==0 )
			FoundDefault = true;

		Character* pChar = new Character;
		if( pChar->Load( as[i] ) )
			m_pCharacters.push_back( pChar );
			delete pChar;
	if( !FoundDefault )
		RageException::Throw( "'Characters/default' is missing." );

	// If FoundDefault, then we're not empty. -Chris
//	if( m_pCharacters.empty() )
//		RageException::Throw( "Couldn't find any character definitions" );
Esempio n. 20
void BackgroundUtil::GetSongBitmaps( const Song *pSong, const RString &sMatch, vector<RString> &vsPathsOut, vector<RString> &vsNamesOut )
	if( sMatch.empty() )
			ActorUtil::GetTypeExtensionList(FT_Bitmap), vsPathsOut, false, true);
		GetDirListing( pSong->GetSongDir()+sMatch,			vsPathsOut, false, true );

	FOREACH_CONST( RString, vsPathsOut, s )
		vsNamesOut.push_back( Basename(*s) );

	StripCvsAndSvn( vsPathsOut, vsNamesOut );
Esempio n. 21
	LOG->Trace( "ScoreDisplayBattle::ScoreDisplayBattle()" );

	m_sprFrame.Load( THEME->GetPathG("ScoreDisplayBattle","frame") );
	this->AddChild( &m_sprFrame );

	for( int i=0; i<NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; i++ )
		m_ItemIcon[i].SetXY( ITEM_X(i), ITEM_Y(i) );
		this->AddChild( &m_ItemIcon[i] );

	CStringArray asIconPaths;
	GetDirListing( THEME->GetCurThemeDir()+"Graphic/ScoreDisplayBattle icon*.*", asIconPaths );
	for( unsigned j=0; j<asIconPaths.size(); j++ )
		TEXTUREMAN->CacheTexture( asIconPaths[j] );
Esempio n. 22
void ScreenUserPacks::StartSongThread()
	while ( !m_bStopThread )
		if (m_bPrompt)
			usleep( 10000 );

		if ( m_CurPlayer != PLAYER_INVALID && MEMCARDMAN->GetCardState(m_CurPlayer) != MEMORY_CARD_STATE_READY )
			CStringArray asBlankChoices;
			m_USBZips.SetChoices( asBlankChoices );
			m_CurPlayer = PLAYER_INVALID;

		FOREACH_PlayerNumber( pn )
			if ( m_CurPlayer != PLAYER_INVALID ) break;
				bool bSuccessfulMount = MEMCARDMAN->MountCard(pn);
				if (!bSuccessfulMount) continue;
				CString sDriveDir = MEM_CARD_MOUNT_POINT[pn];
				if (sDriveDir.empty())
				CString sPlayerUserPacksDir = sDriveDir + "/" + USER_PACK_TRANSFER_PATH;
				CStringArray sUSBZips;
				GetDirListing( sPlayerUserPacksDir+"/*.zip", sUSBZips, false, false ); /**/
				m_USBZips.SetChoices( sUSBZips );
				m_CurPlayer = pn;

		usleep( 1000 );
Esempio n. 23
// this is the diary of a mad man
bool GetUSBDeviceList(vector<USBDevice> &pDevList)

	std::map< CString, vector<CString> > sDevInterfaceList;
	vector<CString> sDirList;
	GetDirListing( "/rootfs/sys/bus/usb/devices/", sDirList, true, false );
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < sDirList.size(); i++)
		CString sDirEntry = sDirList[i];
		vector<CString> components;

		if (sDirEntry.substr(0, 3) == "usb") continue;

		split( sDirEntry, ":", components, true );
		if ( components.size() < 2 ) continue;

		if ( ! IsADirectory( "/rootfs/sys/bus/usb/devices/" + components[0] ) ) continue;

		// I win --infamouspat


	map< CString, vector<CString> >::iterator iter;
	for(iter = sDevInterfaceList.begin(); iter != sDevInterfaceList.end(); iter++)
		USBDevice newDev;
		CString sDevName = iter->first;
		vector<CString> sDevChildren = iter->second;
		if ( newDev.Load(sDevName, sDevChildren) )

	return true;
Esempio n. 24
/* Given a file in a font, find all of the files for the font.
 * Possibilities:
 * Normal 16x16.png
 * Normal [other] 16x16.png
 * Normal [more] 8x8.png
 * Normal 16x16.ini
 * Normal.ini
 * Any of the above should find all of the above.  Allow the
 * extension to be omitted. */
void Font::GetFontPaths( const CString &sFontOrTextureFilePath,
							   CStringArray &asTexturePathsOut, CString &sIniPath )
	CString sDir, sFName, sExt;
	splitpath( sFontOrTextureFilePath, sDir, sFName, sExt );

	/* Don't give us a redir; resolve those before sending them here. */
	ASSERT( sExt.CompareNoCase("redir") );

	/* sFName can't be empty, or we don't know what to search for. */
	ASSERT( !sFName.empty() );

	CString sFontName = GetFontName( sFName );

	CStringArray asFiles;
	GetDirListing( sDir+sFontName + "*", asFiles, false, false );

	for( unsigned i = 0; i < asFiles.size(); ++i )
		/* We now have a list of possibilities, but it may include false positives,
		 * such as "Normal2" when the font name is "Normal".  Weed them. */
		if( GetFontName(asFiles[i]).CompareNoCase(sFontName) )

		/* If it's an INI, and we don't already have an INI, use it. */
		if( !asFiles[i].Right(4).CompareNoCase(".ini"))  
			if( !sIniPath.empty() )
				RageException::Throw( "More than one INI found\n%s\n%s", sIniPath.c_str(), asFiles[i].c_str() );
			sIniPath = sDir+asFiles[i];

		asTexturePathsOut.push_back( sDir+asFiles[i] );
Esempio n. 25
void Sprite::LoadFromNode( const CString& sDir, const XNode* pNode )

	CString sTextureFile;
	CString sPath;
	if( pNode->GetAttrValue( "Texture", sTextureFile ) )
		sPath = sDir + sTextureFile;
		CollapsePath( sPath );

	if( !sPath.empty() )
		vector<CString> asElementPaths;
		GetDirListing( sPath + "*", asElementPaths, false, true );
		if( asElementPaths.size() == 0 )
			CString sMessage = ssprintf( "The sprite file '%s' points to a texture '%s' which doesn't exist.", m_sSpritePath.c_str(), sPath.c_str() );
			switch( Dialog::AbortRetryIgnore(sMessage) )
			case Dialog::abort:	
				RageException::Throw( "Error reading value 'Texture' from %s.", m_sSpritePath.c_str() );
			case Dialog::retry:	
				goto retry;
			case Dialog::ignore:
		if( asElementPaths.size() > 1 )
			CString message = ssprintf( 
				"There is more than one file that matches "
				"'%s'.  Please remove all but one of these matches.",
				sPath.c_str() );

			RageException::Throw( message ); 
		sPath = asElementPaths[0];

		// Load the texture
		LoadFromTexture( sPath );

		// Read in frames and delays from the sprite file, 
		// overwriting the states that LoadFromTexture created.
		// If the .sprite file doesn't define any states, leave
		// frames and delays created during LoadFromTexture().
		for( int i=0; true; i++ )
			CString sFrameKey = ssprintf( "Frame%04d", i );
			CString sDelayKey = ssprintf( "Delay%04d", i );
			State newState;

			if( !pNode->GetAttrValue( sFrameKey, newState.iFrameIndex ) )
			if( newState.iFrameIndex >= m_pTexture->GetNumFrames() )
				RageException::Throw( "In '%s', %s is %d, but the texture %s only has %d frames.",
					m_sSpritePath.c_str(), sFrameKey.c_str(), newState.iFrameIndex, sPath.c_str(), m_pTexture->GetNumFrames() );

			if( !pNode->GetAttrValue( sDelayKey, newState.fDelay ) )

			if( i == 0 )	// the ini file defines at least one frame
				m_States.clear();	// clear before adding

			m_States.push_back( newState );

	Actor::LoadFromNode( sDir, pNode );
Esempio n. 26
void UserPackManager::GetUserPacks( CStringArray &sAddTo )
	GetDirListing( USER_PACK_SAVE_PATH+"/*.zip", sAddTo, false, false );
Esempio n. 27
bool KSFLoader::LoadGlobalData( const CString &sPath, Song &out )
    MsdFile msd;
    if( !msd.ReadFile( sPath ) )
        RageException::Throw( "Error opening file \"%s\": %s", sPath.c_str(), msd.GetError().c_str() );

    float BPMPos2 = -1, BPM2 = -1, BPMPos3 = -1, BPM3 = -1;;

    for( unsigned i=0; i < msd.GetNumValues(); i++ )
        const MsdFile::value_t &sParams = msd.GetValue(i);
        CString sValueName = sParams[0];

        // handle the data
        if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TITLE") )
            LoadTags(sParams[1], out);
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM") )
            out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(0, strtof(sParams[1], NULL)) );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM2") )
            BPM2 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BPM3") )
            BPM3 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL );
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BUNKI") )
            BPMPos2 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL ) / 100.0f;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"BUNKI2") )
            BPMPos3 = strtof( sParams[1], NULL ) / 100.0f;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STARTTIME") )
            out.m_Timing.m_fBeat0OffsetInSeconds = -strtof( sParams[1], NULL )/100;
        else if( 0==stricmp(sValueName,"TICKCOUNT") ||
                 0==stricmp(sValueName,"STEP") ||
            ; /* Handled in LoadFromKSFFile; don't warn. */
            LOG->Trace( "Unexpected value named '%s'", sValueName.c_str() );

    /* This doesn't work yet: we also need to move the data around, I think, and
     * we should handle more than one BPM change. */
    if( BPM2 > 0 && BPMPos2 > 0 )
        const float BeatsPerSecond = out.GetBPMAtBeat(0) / 60.0f;
        const float beat = BPMPos2 * BeatsPerSecond;
        LOG->Trace("BPM %f, BPS %f, BPMPos2 %f, beat %f",
                   out.GetBPMAtBeat(0), BeatsPerSecond, BPMPos2, beat);
        out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(beat, BPM2) );

    if( BPM3 > 0 && BPMPos3 > 0 )
        const float BeatsPerSecond = out.GetBPMAtBeat(0) / 60.0f;
        const float beat = BPMPos3 * BeatsPerSecond;
        LOG->Trace("BPM %f, BPS %f, BPMPos3 %f, beat %f",
                   out.GetBPMAtBeat(0), BeatsPerSecond, BPMPos3, beat);
        out.AddBPMSegment( BPMSegment(beat, BPM3) );

    /* Try to fill in missing bits of information from the pathname. */
        CStringArray asBits;
        split( sPath, "/", asBits, true);

        ASSERT(asBits.size() > 1);
        LoadTags(asBits[asBits.size()-2], out);

    // search for music with song in the file name
    CStringArray arrayPossibleMusic;
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.mp3"), arrayPossibleMusic );
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.ogg"), arrayPossibleMusic );
    GetDirListing( out.GetSongDir() + CString("song.wav"), arrayPossibleMusic );

    if( !arrayPossibleMusic.empty() )		// we found a match
        out.m_sMusicFile = arrayPossibleMusic[0];

    return true;
Esempio n. 28
CString SaveScreenshot( CString sDir, bool bSaveCompressed, bool bMakeSignature, int iIndex )
	// Find a file name for the screenshot

	vector<CString> files;
	GetDirListing( sDir + "screen*", files, false, false );
	sort( files.begin(), files.end() );

	/* Files should be of the form "screen######.xxx".  Ignore the extension; find
	 * the last file of this form, and use the next number.  This way, we don't
	 * write the same screenshot number for different formats (screen00011.bmp,
	 * screen00011.jpg), and we always increase from the end, so if screen00003.jpg
	 * is deleted, we won't fill in the hole (which makes screenshots hard to find). */
	if( iIndex == -1 ) 
		iIndex = 0;

		for( int i = files.size()-1; i >= 0; --i )
			static Regex re( "^screen([0-9]{5})\\....$" );
			vector<CString> matches;
			if( !re.Compare( files[i], matches ) )

			ASSERT( matches.size() == 1 );
			iIndex = atoi( matches[0] )+1;

	// Save the screenshot
	/* If writing lossy to a memcard, use SAVE_LOSSY_LOW_QUAL, so we don't eat up
	 * lots of space with screenshots. */
	RageDisplay::GraphicsFileFormat fmt;
	if( bSaveCompressed && MEMCARDMAN->PathIsMemCard(sDir) )
		fmt = RageDisplay::SAVE_LOSSY_LOW_QUAL;
	else if( bSaveCompressed )
		fmt = RageDisplay::SAVE_LOSSY_HIGH_QUAL;
		fmt = RageDisplay::SAVE_LOSSLESS;

	CString sFileName = ssprintf( "screen%05d.%s",iIndex,bSaveCompressed ? "jpg" : "bmp" );
	CString sPath = sDir+sFileName;
	bool bResult = DISPLAY->SaveScreenshot( sPath, fmt );
	if( !bResult )
		return "";


	// We wrote a new file, and SignFile won't pick it up unless we invalidate
	// the Dir cache.  There's got to be a better way of doing this than 
	// thowing out all the cache. -Chris

	if( PREFSMAN->m_bSignProfileData && bMakeSignature )
		CryptManager::SignFileToFile( sPath );

	return sFileName;
Esempio n. 29
void ThemeManager::GetThemeNames( vector<RString>& AddTo )
	GetDirListing( SpecialFiles::THEMES_DIR + "*", AddTo, true );
	StripCvsAndSvn( AddTo );
	StripMacResourceForks( AddTo );
Esempio n. 30
/* Resolves actor paths a la LoadActor("..."), with autowildcarding and .redir
 * files.  Returns a path *within* the Rage filesystem, unlike the FILEMAN
 * function of the same name. */
bool ActorUtil::ResolvePath( RString &sPath, const RString &sName, bool optional )
	CollapsePath( sPath );

	// If we know this is an exact match, don't bother with the GetDirListing,
	// so "foo" doesn't partial match "foobar" if "foo" exists.
	RageFileManager::FileType ft = FILEMAN->GetFileType( sPath );
	if( ft != RageFileManager::TYPE_FILE && ft != RageFileManager::TYPE_DIR )
		vector<RString> asPaths;
		GetDirListing( sPath + "*", asPaths, false, true );	// return path too

		if( asPaths.empty() )
				return false;
			RString sError = ssprintf( "%s: references a file \"%s\" which doesn't exist", sName.c_str(), sPath.c_str() );
			switch(LuaHelpers::ReportScriptError(sError, "BROKEN_FILE_REFERENCE", true))
			case Dialog::abort:
				RageException::Throw( "%s", sError.c_str() ); 
			case Dialog::retry:
				return ResolvePath( sPath, sName );
			case Dialog::ignore:
				return false;
				FAIL_M("Invalid response to Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog");

		THEME->FilterFileLanguages( asPaths );

		if( asPaths.size() > 1 )
			RString sError = ssprintf( "%s: references a file \"%s\" which has multiple matches", sName.c_str(), sPath.c_str() );
			sError += "\n" + join( "\n", asPaths );
			switch(LuaHelpers::ReportScriptError(sError, "BROKEN_FILE_REFERENCE", true))
			case Dialog::abort:
				RageException::Throw( "%s", sError.c_str() ); 
			case Dialog::retry:
				return ResolvePath( sPath, sName );
			case Dialog::ignore:
				asPaths.erase( asPaths.begin()+1, asPaths.end() );
				FAIL_M("Invalid response to Abort/Retry/Ignore dialog");

		sPath = asPaths[0];

	if( ft == RageFileManager::TYPE_DIR )
		RString sLuaPath = sPath + "/default.lua";
		if( DoesFileExist(sLuaPath) )
			sPath = sLuaPath;
			return true;

	sPath = DerefRedir( sPath );
	return true;