/// Get center of mass of units in army (account for world wrap!)
CvPlot* CvArmyAI::GetCenterOfMass(float* pfVarX, float* pfVarY)
	int iTotalX = 0;
	int iTotalY = 0;
	int iNumUnits = 0;

	UnitHandle pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
	if (!pUnit)
		return NULL;

	int iTotalX2 = 0;
	int iTotalY2 = 0;
	int iWorldWidth = GC.getMap().getGridWidth();
	int iWorldHeight = GC.getMap().getGridHeight();

	//the first unit is our reference ...
	int iRefX = pUnit->getX();
	int iRefY = pUnit->getY();
	pUnit = GetNextUnit();

		int iDX = pUnit->getX() - iRefX;
		int iDY = pUnit->getY() - iRefY;

		if (GC.getMap().isWrapX())
			if( iDX > +(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX -= iWorldWidth;
			if( iDX < -(iWorldWidth / 2))
				iDX += iWorldWidth;
		if (GC.getMap().isWrapY())
			if( iDY > +(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY -= iWorldHeight;
			if( iDY < -(iWorldHeight / 2))
				iDY += iWorldHeight;

		iTotalX += iDX;
		iTotalY += iDY;
		iTotalX2 += iDX*iDX;
		iTotalY2 += iDY*iDY;

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (iNumUnits==0)
		return NULL;

	//this is for debugging
	float fVarX = (iTotalX2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalX/(float)iNumUnits);
	float fVarY = (iTotalY2 / (float)iNumUnits) - (iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits)*(iTotalY/(float)iNumUnits);

	//finally, compute average (with rounding)
	int iAvgX = (iTotalX + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefX;
	int iAvgY = (iTotalY + (iNumUnits / 2)) / iNumUnits + iRefY;

	if (fVarX > 64 || fVarY > 64)
		CvString msg = CvString::format("Warning: Army %d with %d units Center of Mass (%d,%d) has a large variance (%.2f,%.2f)\n", GetID(), iNumUnits, iAvgX, iAvgY, fVarX, fVarY);
		OutputDebugString( msg.c_str() );

	//this handles wrapped coordinates
	CvPlot* pCOM = GC.getMap().plot(iAvgX, iAvgY);

	if (!pCOM)
		return NULL;

	if (pfVarX)
		*pfVarX = fVarX;
	if (pfVarY)
		*pfVarY = fVarY;

	//don't return it directly but use the plot of the closest unit
	pUnit = GetFirstUnit();
	std::vector<SPlotWithScore> vPlots;
	while (pUnit)
		if (pUnit->plot()->getDomain()==GetDomainType())
			int iDistToCOM = plotDistance(*pUnit->plot(),*pCOM);
			int iDistToTarget = plotDistance(pUnit->getX(),pUnit->getY(),GetGoalX(),GetGoalY());
			vPlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pUnit->plot(),iDistToCOM*100+iDistToTarget) );

		pUnit = GetNextUnit();

	if (vPlots.empty())
		return NULL;

	//this sorts ascending!
	return vPlots.front().pPlot;
Esempio n. 2
/// Update military Power
void CvUnitEntry::DoUpdatePower()
	int iPower;

// ***************
// Main Factors - Strength & Moves
// ***************

	// We want a Unit that has twice the strength to be roughly worth 3x as much with regards to Power
	iPower = int(pow((double) GetCombat(), 1.5));

	// Ranged Strength
	int iRangedStrength = int(pow((double) GetRangedCombat(), 1.45));

	// Naval ranged attacks are less useful
	if(GetDomainType() == DOMAIN_SEA)
		iRangedStrength /= 2;

	if(iRangedStrength > 0)
		iPower = iRangedStrength;

	// We want Movement rate to be important, but not a dominating factor; a Unit with double the moves of a similarly-strengthed Unit should be ~1.5x as Powerful
	iPower = int((float) iPower * pow((double) GetMoves(), 0.3));

// ***************
// Other modifiers
// ***************

	// Suicide Units are obviously less useful
		iPower /= 2;

	// Nukes are cool
	if(GetNukeDamageLevel() > 0)
		iPower += 4000;

// ***************
// Promotion modifiers
// ***************

	int iTemp;
	int iLoop;

	for(int iPromotionLoop = 0; iPromotionLoop < GC.getNumPromotionInfos(); iPromotionLoop++)
		CvPromotionEntry* kPromotion = GC.getPromotionInfo((PromotionTypes)iPromotionLoop);
		if(kPromotion == NULL)

			// City Attack - add half of the bonus
			if(kPromotion->GetCityAttackPercent() > 0)
				iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetCityAttackPercent() / 2);
				iTemp /= 100;
				iPower += iTemp;

			// Attack - add half of the bonus
			if(kPromotion->GetAttackMod() > 0)
				iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetAttackMod() / 2);
				iTemp /= 100;
				iPower += iTemp;

			// Defense - add half of the bonus
			if(kPromotion->GetDefenseMod() > 0)
				iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetDefenseMod() / 2);
				iTemp /= 100;
				iPower += iTemp;

			// Paradrop - add 25%
			if(kPromotion->GetDropRange() > 0)
				iTemp = iPower;
				iTemp /= 4;
				iPower += iTemp;

			// Blitz - add 20%
				iTemp = iPower;
				iTemp /= 5;
				iPower += iTemp;

			// Set Up For Ranged Attack - reduce by 20%
				iTemp = iPower;
				iTemp /= 5;
				iPower -= iTemp;

			// Only Defensive - reduce  by 25%, but only if the Unit has no ranged capability
			if(kPromotion->IsOnlyDefensive() && GetRangedCombat() == 0)
				iTemp = iPower;
				iTemp /= 4;
				iPower -= iTemp;

			for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < GC.getNumTerrainInfos(); iLoop++)
				// Terrain Attack - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetTerrainAttackPercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetTerrainAttackPercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;
				// Terrain Defense - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetTerrainDefensePercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetTerrainDefensePercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;

			for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < GC.getNumFeatureInfos(); iLoop++)
				// Feature Attack - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetFeatureAttackPercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetFeatureAttackPercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;
				// Feature Defense - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetFeatureDefensePercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetFeatureDefensePercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;

			for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < GC.getNumUnitCombatClassInfos(); iLoop++)
				// Unit Combat Class (e.g. Pikemen) - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetUnitCombatModifierPercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetUnitCombatModifierPercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;

			for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < GC.getNumUnitClassInfos(); iLoop++)
				// Unit Class (e.g. bonus ONLY against Galleys) - add one eighth of the bonus
				// We're assuming here that the bonus against the other Unit is at least going to be somewhat useful - trust the XML! :o
				if(kPromotion->GetUnitClassModifierPercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetUnitClassModifierPercent(iLoop) / 8);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;
				// Unit Class Attack - one tenth of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetUnitClassAttackModifier(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetUnitClassAttackModifier(iLoop) / 10);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;
				// Unit Class Defense - one tenth of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetUnitClassDefenseModifier(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetUnitClassDefenseModifier(iLoop) / 10);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;

			for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < NUM_DOMAIN_TYPES; iLoop++)
				// Domain - add one quarter of the bonus
				if(kPromotion->GetDomainModifierPercent(iLoop) > 0)
					iTemp = (iPower * kPromotion->GetDomainModifierPercent(iLoop) / 4);
					iTemp /= 100;
					iPower += iTemp;

	// Debug output
	//char temp[256];
	//sprintf(temp, "%s: %i\n", GetDescription(), iPower);

	m_iCachedPower = iPower;