void CreateRandomAvoidsSet()
	cout << "Generating avoids" << endl;
	int counter = 0;
	int* output_seq_of_locations = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
	int outsize;
	int numRobots = WORKSPACE_INFO->numOfRobots;
	avoidsArr = (AvoidPositions*)malloc((numRobots - 1) * sizeof(AvoidPositions));
	sizeof_avoids = 0;
	while (counter < (numRobots - 1))
		int st = GetStartLocation(counter);
		int g = GetEndLocation(counter);
		cout << st << endl;
		cout << g << endl;
		output_seq_of_locations = (int*)malloc(1000 * sizeof(int));
		GenerateMotionPlanFor(*WORKSPACE_INFO, st, g, WORKSPACE_INFO->obstacles.locations, WORKSPACE_INFO->obstacles.size, avoidsArr, sizeof_avoids, output_seq_of_locations, &outsize);
		cout << "Trajectory Length = " << outsize << endl;
		cout << "Trajectory: " << endl;
		for (int count = 0; count < outsize; count++)
			cout << output_seq_of_locations[count] << " ";
		cout << endl;
		avoidsArr[counter].size = outsize;
		for (int i = 0; i < outsize; i++)
			avoidsArr[counter].PositionsOccupied[i] = output_seq_of_locations[i];
	cout << "------------" << endl;
int main()
	int count;
	int* output_seq_of_locations = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
	int output_size = 0;

	//Initialize the workspace
	WORKSPACE_INFO = ParseWorkspaceConfig("C:\\Workspace\\Drona\\Src\\Workspaces\\Exp1\\Workspace.xml");

	int exp = 3;

	cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "Num Robots: " << WORKSPACE_INFO->numOfRobots << endl;
	exp = 5;
	while (exp > 0)
		cout << "Experiment " << exp << endl;
		int st = GetStartLocation(WORKSPACE_INFO->numOfRobots - 1);
		int g = GetEndLocation(WORKSPACE_INFO->numOfRobots -1);
		cout << st << endl;
		cout << g << endl;
		output_seq_of_locations = (int*)malloc(1000 * sizeof(int));
		GenerateMotionPlanFor(*WORKSPACE_INFO, st, g, WORKSPACE_INFO->obstacles.locations, WORKSPACE_INFO->obstacles.size, avoidsArr, sizeof_avoids, output_seq_of_locations, &output_size);
		cout << "Trajectory Length = " << output_size << endl;
		cout << "Trajectory: " << endl;
		for (count = 0; count < output_size; count++)
			cout << output_seq_of_locations[count] << " ";
		cout << endl;
		cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void FNavigationPath::DebugDraw(const ANavigationData* NavData, FColor PathColor, UCanvas* Canvas, bool bPersistent, const uint32 NextPathPointIndex) const
	static const FColor Grey(100,100,100);
	const int32 NumPathVerts = PathPoints.Num();

	UWorld* World = NavData->GetWorld();

	for (int32 VertIdx = 0; VertIdx < NumPathVerts-1; ++VertIdx)
		// draw box at vert
		FVector const VertLoc = PathPoints[VertIdx].Location + NavigationDebugDrawing::PathOffset;
		DrawDebugSolidBox(World, VertLoc, NavigationDebugDrawing::PathNodeBoxExtent, VertIdx < int32(NextPathPointIndex) ? Grey : PathColor, bPersistent);

		// draw line to next loc
		FVector const NextVertLoc = PathPoints[VertIdx+1].Location + NavigationDebugDrawing::PathOffset;
		DrawDebugLine(World, VertLoc, NextVertLoc, VertIdx < int32(NextPathPointIndex)-1 ? Grey : PathColor, bPersistent
			, /*LifeTime*/-1.f, /*DepthPriority*/0
			, /*Thickness*/NavigationDebugDrawing::PathLineThickness);

	// draw last vert
	if (NumPathVerts > 0)
		DrawDebugBox(World, PathPoints[NumPathVerts-1].Location + NavigationDebugDrawing::PathOffset, FVector(15.f), PathColor, bPersistent);

	// if observing goal actor draw a radius and a line to the goal
	if (GoalActor.IsValid())
		const FVector GoalLocation = GetGoalLocation() + NavigationDebugDrawing::PathOffset;
		const FVector EndLocation = GetEndLocation() + NavigationDebugDrawing::PathOffset;
		static const FVector CylinderHalfHeight = FVector::UpVector * 10.f;
		DrawDebugCylinder(World, EndLocation - CylinderHalfHeight, EndLocation + CylinderHalfHeight, FMath::Sqrt(GoalActorLocationTetherDistanceSq), 16, PathColor, bPersistent);
		DrawDebugLine(World, EndLocation, GoalLocation, Grey, bPersistent);
Esempio n. 4
FVector FNavigationPath::GetGoalLocation() const
	return GoalActor != NULL ? (GoalActorAsNavAgent != NULL ? GoalActorAsNavAgent->GetNavAgentLocation() : GoalActor->GetActorLocation()) : GetEndLocation();