int receive(int* arg) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int i; int bytes_received; network_address_t my_address; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; /* * It is crucial that this minithread_yield() works properly * (i.e. it really gives the processor to another thread) * othrevise the client starts before the server and it will * fail (there is nobody to connect to). */ minithread_yield(); network_get_my_address(my_address); int x; /* create a network connection to the local machine */ socket = minisocket_client_create(my_address, port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("3ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } //semaphore_P(done_sending); /* receive the message */ bytes_received=0; while (bytes_received!=BUFFER_SIZE/20){ int received_bytes; if ((received_bytes=minisocket_receive(socket,buffer, 2, &error))==-1){ printf("inside, socket status = %d [%p]\n", socket->status, socket); printf("4ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } /* test the information received */ for (i=0; i<received_bytes; i++){ if (buffer[i]!=(char)( (bytes_received+i)%256 )){ printf("The %d'th byte received is wrong ('%d'-'%d'-'%d'-'%d' vs '%d'-'%d'-'%d'-'%d') [%d].\n", bytes_received+i, buffer[i-3], buffer[i-2], buffer[i-1], buffer[i], (bytes_received+i-3)%256, (bytes_received+i-2)%256, (bytes_received+i-1)%256, (bytes_received+i)%256, received_bytes); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } } bytes_received+=received_bytes; } printf("All bytes received correctly (received %d bytes).\n", bytes_received); minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
int receive(int* arg) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int i; int bytes_received; network_address_t my_address; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; /* * It is crucial that this minithread_yield() works properly * (i.e. it really gives the processor to another thread) * othrevise the client starts before the server and it will * fail (there is nobody to connect to). */ minithread_yield(); network_get_my_address(my_address); /* create a network connection to the local machine */ printf("creating client\n"); socket = minisocket_client_create(my_address, port,&error); printf("client unblocked\n"); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } /* receive the message */ bytes_received=0; while (bytes_received!=BUFFER_SIZE){ int received_bytes; if ((received_bytes=minisocket_receive(socket,buffer, BUFFER_SIZE-bytes_received, &error))==-1){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } printf("checking bytes\n"); /* test the information received */ for (i=0; i<received_bytes; i++){ if (buffer[i]!=(char)( (bytes_received+i)%256 )){ printf("The %d'th byte received is wrong.\n", bytes_received+i); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } } bytes_received+=received_bytes; } printf("All bytes received correctly.\n"); minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Initialize resources for *this debugger object. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: MIstatus::success - Functionality succeeded. // MIstatus::failure - Functionality failed. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnLLDBDebugger::Initialize() { m_clientUsageRefCnt++; if (m_bInitialized) return MIstatus::success; bool bOk = MIstatus::success; CMIUtilString errMsg; ClrErrorDescription(); if (m_pClientDriver == nullptr) { bOk = false; errMsg = MIRSRC(IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_CLIENTDRIVER); } // Note initialization order is important here as some resources depend on previous MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnLog>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG, bOk, errMsg); MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnResources>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES, bOk, errMsg); MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnThreadMgrStd>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMGR, bOk, errMsg); MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnLLDBDebuggerHandleEvents>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_OUTOFBANDHANDLER, bOk, errMsg); MI::ModuleInit<CMICmnLLDBDebugSessionInfo>(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_DEBUGSESSIONINFO, bOk, errMsg); // Note order is important here! if (bOk) lldb::SBDebugger::Initialize(); if (bOk && !InitSBDebugger()) { bOk = false; if (!errMsg.empty()) errMsg += ", "; errMsg += GetErrorDescription().c_str(); } if (bOk && !InitSBListener()) { bOk = false; if (!errMsg.empty()) errMsg += ", "; errMsg += GetErrorDescription().c_str(); } bOk = bOk && InitStdStreams(); bOk = bOk && RegisterMISummaryProviders(); m_bInitialized = bOk; if (!bOk && !HaveErrorDescription()) { CMIUtilString strInitError(CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LLDBDEBUGGER), errMsg.c_str())); SetErrorDescription(strInitError); } return bOk; }
HRESULT FMPlayerDShow::BuildTheGraph() { CComQIPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraphBuilder = m_FilterGraph; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (pGraphBuilder) { CComPtr<IPin> Pin1 = GetOutPin(m_AviSplitter, 0); CComPtr<IPin> Pin2 = GetOutPin(m_AviSplitter, 1); CComPtr<IPin> PinXV = GetInPin(m_xVid, 0); if (Pin1 && Pin2 && PinXV) { hr = m_FilterGraph->ConnectDirect(Pin1, PinXV, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = m_FilterGraph->ConnectDirect(Pin2, PinXV, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IPin> PinOutXV = GetOutPin(m_xVid, 0); CComPtr<IPin> PinInRenderer = GetInPin(m_VideoRenderer, 0); if (PinOutXV && PinInRenderer) { CComPtr<IPin> PinConnected; if (PinOutXV->ConnectedTo(&PinConnected) & VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED) { //Disconnect renderer from any filters; PinInRenderer->Disconnect(); hr = m_FilterGraph->ConnectDirect(PinOutXV, PinInRenderer, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = RenderOutputPins(pGraphBuilder, m_AviSplitter); if (FAILED(hr)) _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **RenderOutputPins: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); m_GraphBuilt = TRUE; } else _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **Connect PinOutXV to PinInRenderer: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); } else _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **PinOutXV or PinInRenderer is NULL\n"); } else _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **Connect Splitter to xvid: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); } else _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **Pin1 or Pin2 or PinXV is NULL.\n"); } return hr; }
int transmit(int* arg) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int i; int bytes_sent; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; minithread_fork(receive, NULL); // receiver = minithread_fork(receive, NULL); printf("in transmit\n"); socket = minisocket_server_create(port,&error); printf("created a server\n"); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } /* Fill in the buffer with numbers from 0 to BUFFER_SIZE-1 */ for (i=0; i<BUFFER_SIZE; i++){ buffer[i]=(char)(i%256); } /* send the message */ bytes_sent=0; while (bytes_sent!=BUFFER_SIZE){ int trans_bytes= minisocket_send(socket,buffer+bytes_sent, BUFFER_SIZE-bytes_sent, &error); printf("Sent %d bytes.\n",trans_bytes); if (error!=SOCKET_NOERROR){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } bytes_sent+=trans_bytes; } /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
ERMsg CBioSIMProject::Save(const string& filePath) { ERMsg msg; try { zen::XmlDoc doc(XML_FLAG); writeStruc(doc.root()); doc.root().setAttribute("version", "11"); doc.setEncoding("Windows-1252"); std::string filePathU8 = ANSI_UTF8(filePath); zen::save(doc, filePathU8); //throw XmlFileError, XmlParsingError } catch (const zen::XmlFileError& e) { // handle error msg.ajoute(GetErrorDescription(e.lastError)); } catch (const ERMsg& e) { // handle error msg = e; } //msg = zen::SaveXML(filePath, XML_FLAG, "11", *this); if (msg) m_filePath = filePath; return msg; }
bool CalcRequiredClipRect(HWND hwnd, RECT& rect) { std::string description; if (!GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect)) { DWORD lastError = GetLastError(); GetErrorDescription(lastError, description); throw std::runtime_error(description); } POINT pt1 = { rect.left, }; POINT pt2 = { rect.right, rect.bottom }; if (!ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt1)) return false; if (!ClientToScreen(hwnd, &pt2)) return false; if (!SetRect(&rect, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y)) return false; return true; }
void _DBGLogResult(HRESULT hr, const tchar* szFilterName) { if (FAILED(hr)) _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: **%s not loaded: %s\n", szFilterName, GetErrorDescription(hr)); else _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: %s loaded\n", szFilterName); }
BOOL CZipException::GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, UINT* ) { if (!lpszError || !nMaxError) return FALSE; CZipString sz = GetErrorDescription(); if (sz.IsEmpty()) return FALSE; UINT iLen = sz.GetLength(); if (nMaxError - 1 < iLen) iLen = nMaxError - 1; LPTSTR lpsz = sz.GetBuffer(iLen); #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 #ifdef _UNICODE wcsncpy_s(lpszError, nMaxError, lpsz, iLen); #else strncpy_s(lpszError, nMaxError, lpsz, iLen); #endif #else #ifdef _UNICODE wcsncpy(lpszError, lpsz, iLen); #else strncpy(lpszError, lpsz, iLen); #endif #endif lpszError[iLen] = _T('\0'); return TRUE; }
int receive(int* arg) { network_address_t my_address; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; printf("starting receive\n"); minithread_yield(); printf("continuing receive\n"); network_get_my_address(my_address); /* create a network connection to the local machine */ socket = minisocket_client_create(my_address, port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } printf("client connected\n"); minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
int client(int* arg) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; int i; int bytes_received; network_address_t address; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; network_translate_hostname(hostname, address); /* create a network connection to the local machine */ socket = minisocket_client_create(address, port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } /* receive the message */ bytes_received=0; while (bytes_received!=BUFFER_SIZE){ int received_bytes; if ( (received_bytes=minisocket_receive(socket,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE-bytes_received, &error))==-1){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } /* test the information received */ for (i=0; i<received_bytes; i++){ if (buffer[i]!=(char)( (bytes_received+i)%256 )){ printf("The %d'th byte received is wrong.\n", bytes_received+i); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } } bytes_received+=received_bytes; } printf("All bytes received correctly.\n"); minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
void RaiseError(const char* msgPrefix) { std::string description; GetErrorDescription(::GetLastError(), description); std::string msg(msgPrefix); msg.append(description); throw std::runtime_error(msg); }
wxString wxFileSystemWatcherEvent::ToString() const { if (IsError()) { return wxString::Format("FSW_EVT type=%d (%s) message='%s'", m_changeType, GetFSWEventChangeTypeName(m_changeType), GetErrorDescription()); } return wxString::Format("FSW_EVT type=%d (%s) path='%s'", m_changeType, GetFSWEventChangeTypeName(m_changeType), GetPath().GetFullPath()); }
// void GetErrorDescription(int *ErrNo, char strErrDescription[]); static PyObject* ParODE_GetErrorDescription(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){ // input : nErr int nErr; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &nErr)) return NULL; char strErr[256]; GetErrorDescription(&nErr, strErr); return Py_BuildValue("s", strErr); }
string CZipCompression::FormatErrorMessage(string where, unsigned long pos) const { string str = "[" + where + "] " + GetErrorDescription(); if ( !pos ) { pos = STREAM->total_in; } str += "; error code = " + NStr::IntToString(GetErrorCode()) + ", number of processed bytes = " + NStr::ULongToString(pos); return str + "."; }
int server(int* arg) { (void)arg; //unused char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; minisocket_error error; minisocket_t *socket = minisocket_server_create(port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } // Fill in the buffer with numbers from 0 to BUFFER_SIZE-1 for (int i=0; i<BUFFER_SIZE; i++){ buffer[i]=(char)(i%256); } // send the message int bytes_sent=0; while (bytes_sent!=BUFFER_SIZE){ int trans_bytes= minisocket_send(socket,buffer+bytes_sent, BUFFER_SIZE-bytes_sent, &error); printf("Sent %d bytes.\n",trans_bytes); if (error!=SOCKET_NOERROR){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return -1; } bytes_sent+=trans_bytes; } minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
ERMsg CUISolutionMesonetDaily::LoadStationList(CCallback& callback) { ERMsg msg; m_stations.clear(); string filePath = GetStationListFilePath(); ifStream file; file.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new std::codecvt_utf8<char>())); msg =; if (msg) { try { string str = file.GetText(); std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), '\'', 'Ã'); zen::XmlDoc doc = zen::parse(str); zen::XmlIn in(doc.root()); for (zen::XmlIn child = in["station"]; child; { CLocation tmp; child.attribute("fullname", tmp.m_name); std::replace(tmp.m_name.begin(), tmp.m_name.end(), 'Ã', '\''); child.attribute("name", tmp.m_ID); child.attribute("lat", tmp.m_lat); child.attribute("lon", tmp.m_lon); child.attribute("elev", tmp.m_elev); m_stations[tmp.m_ID] = tmp; } } catch (const zen::XmlFileError& e) { // handle error msg.ajoute(GetErrorDescription(e.lastError)); } catch (const zen::XmlParsingError& e) { // handle error msg.ajoute("Error parsing XML file: col=" + ToString(e.col) + ", row=" + ToString(e.row)); } } return msg; }
std::wstring GraphicsException::GetFullMessage() const { const std::wstring empty = L""; const std::wstring errorName = GetErrorName(); const std::wstring errorDesc = GetErrorDescription(); const std::wstring& note = GetNote(); const std::wstring location = GetLocation(); return ( !errorName.empty() ? std::wstring( L"Error: " ) + errorName + L"\n" : empty ) + ( !errorDesc.empty() ? std::wstring( L"Description: " ) + errorDesc + L"\n" : empty ) + ( !note.empty() ? std::wstring( L"Note: " ) + note + L"\n" : empty ) + ( !location.empty() ? std::wstring( L"Location: " ) + location : empty ); }
int server(int* arg) { minisocket_error error; minisocket_t socket; char* msg; int data_len; msg = "hello\n"; data_len = strlen(msg) + 1; socket = minisocket_server_create(port,&error); printf("made a server\n"); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } minisocket_send(socket, msg, data_len, &error); printf("sent my thang!\n"); return 0; }
int server(int* arg) { int port; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; port = *arg; socket = minisocket_server_create(port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } printf("Server connected on port %i\n", port); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
int client(int* arg) { int port; network_address_t address; minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; port = *arg; network_translate_hostname(hostname, address); socket = minisocket_client_create(address, port, &error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } printf("Client connected on port %i\n", port); minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
int transmit(int* arg) { minisocket_t socket; minisocket_error error; printf("starting transmit\n"); minithread_fork(receive, NULL); printf("continuing transmit\n"); socket = minisocket_server_create(port,&error); if (socket==NULL){ printf("ERROR: %s. Exiting. \n",GetErrorDescription(error)); return -1; } printf("server connected\n"); /* close the connection */ minisocket_close(socket); return 0; }
void ProcessNativeEvent(const inotify_event& inevt) { wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, InotifyEventToString(inevt)); // after removing inotify watch we get IN_IGNORED for it, but the watch // will be already removed from our list at that time if (inevt.mask & IN_IGNORED) { // It is now safe to remove it from the stale descriptors too, we // won't get any more events for it. // However if we're here because a dir that we're still watching // has just been deleted, its wd won't be on this list const int pos = m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd); if ( pos != wxNOT_FOUND ) { m_staleDescriptors.RemoveAt(static_cast<size_t>(pos)); wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, "Removed wd %i from the stale-wd cache", inevt.wd); } return; } // get watch entry for this event wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator it = m_watchMap.find(inevt.wd); if (it == m_watchMap.end()) { // It's not in the map; check if was recently removed from it. if (m_staleDescriptors.Index(inevt.wd) != wxNOT_FOUND) { wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, "Got an event for stale wd %i", inevt.wd); } else { wxFAIL_MSG("Event for unknown watch descriptor."); } // In any case, don't process this event: it's either for an // already removed entry, or for a completely unknown one. return; } wxFSWatchEntry& watch = *(it->second); int nativeFlags = inevt.mask; int flags = Native2WatcherFlags(nativeFlags); // check out for error/warning condition if (flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING || flags & wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR) { wxString errMsg = GetErrorDescription(Watcher2NativeFlags(flags)); wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, errMsg); SendEvent(event); } // filter out ignored events and those not asked for. // we never filter out warnings or exceptions else if ((flags == 0) || !(flags & watch.GetFlags())) { return; } // Creation // We need do something here only if the original watch was recursive; // we don't watch a child dir itself inside a non-tree watch. // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_CREATEs. // Distinguish by whether nativeFlags contain IN_ISDIR else if ((nativeFlags & IN_CREATE) && (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree) && (inevt.mask & IN_ISDIR)) { wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt); // Though it's a dir, fn treats it as a file. So: fn.AssignDir(fn.GetFullPath()); if (m_watcher->AddAny(fn, wxFSW_EVENT_ALL, wxFSWPath_Tree, watch.GetFilespec())) { // Tell the owner, in case it's interested // If there's a filespec, assume he's not if (watch.GetFilespec().empty()) { wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn); SendEvent(event); } } } // Deletion // We watch only dirs explicitly, so we don't want file IN_DELETEs. // We obviously can't check using DirExists() as the object has been // deleted; and nativeFlags here doesn't contain IN_ISDIR, even for // a dir. Fortunately IN_DELETE_SELF doesn't happen for files. We need // to do something here only inside a tree watch, or if it's the parent // dir that's deleted. Otherwise let the parent dir cope else if ((nativeFlags & IN_DELETE_SELF) && ((watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Dir) || (watch.GetType() == wxFSWPath_Tree))) { // We must remove the deleted directory from the map, so that // DoRemoveInotify() isn't called on it in the future. Don't assert // if the wd isn't found: repeated IN_DELETE_SELFs can occur wxFileName fn = GetEventPath(watch, inevt); wxString path(fn.GetPathWithSep()); if (m_watchMap.erase(inevt.wd) == 1) { // Delete from wxFileSystemWatcher wxDynamicCast(m_watcher, wxInotifyFileSystemWatcher)-> OnDirDeleted(path); // Now remove from our local list of watched items wxFSWatchEntries::iterator wit = m_watches.find(path); if (wit != m_watches.end()) { m_watches.erase(wit); } // Cache the wd in case any events arrive late m_staleDescriptors.Add(inevt.wd); } // Tell the owner, in case it's interested // If there's a filespec, assume he's not if (watch.GetFilespec().empty()) { wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, fn, fn); SendEvent(event); } } // renames else if (nativeFlags & IN_MOVE) { wxInotifyCookies::iterator it2 = m_cookies.find(inevt.cookie); if ( it2 == m_cookies.end() ) { int size = sizeof(inevt) + inevt.len; inotify_event* e = (inotify_event*) operator new (size); memcpy(e, &inevt, size); wxInotifyCookies::value_type val(e->cookie, e); m_cookies.insert(val); } else { inotify_event& oldinevt = *(it2->second); // Tell the owner, in case it's interested // If there's a filespec, assume he's not if ( watch.GetFilespec().empty() ) { wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags); if ( inevt.mask & IN_MOVED_FROM ) { event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt)); event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt)); } else { event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt)); event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt)); } SendEvent(event); } m_cookies.erase(it2); delete &oldinevt; } } // every other kind of event else { wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt); // For files, check that it matches any filespec if ( MatchesFilespec(path, watch.GetFilespec()) ) { wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, path, path); SendEvent(event); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ISmsProtocolGsm *pGsm = NULL; ISmsMessage *pMessage = NULL; ISmsDeliveryStatus *pDeliveryStatus = NULL; LPSTR lpszMessage = NULL; LPSTR lpszPincode = NULL; BSTR bstrMessageReference = NULL; VARIANT vtVar; HRESULT hr; LONG lLastError; char *cp; BOOL bRequestDeliveryReport = FALSE; LONG lDeliveryStatus = 0L, lDeliveryStatusCode = 0L; BSTR bstrDeliveryStatusTime = NULL, bstrStatusDescription = NULL; BOOL bDeliveryCompleted = FALSE; CoInitialize(NULL); VariantInit( &vtVar ); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SmsProtocolGsm, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISmsProtocolGsm, (void**) &pGsm); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SmsMessage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISmsMessage, (void**) &pMessage ); if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { printf( "无法创建对象\n" ); goto _EndMain; } // 选择设备 pGsm->put_Device( _bstr_t( "COM1" ) ); pMessage->Clear(); // 接收者号码 pMessage->put_Recipient( _bstr_t( ReadInput( "输入接收者号码,号码必须以+86开头" ) ) ); //定义短信编码方式 pMessage->put_Format( asMESSAGEFORMAT_UNICODE_MULTIPART ); // 短信内容 lpszMessage = ReadInput( "输入短信内容" ); pMessage->put_Data( _bstr_t( lpszMessage ) ); printf( "正在发送信息...\n" ); pGsm->Send( &_variant_t ( ( IDispatch*) pMessage ), &bstrMessageReference ); pGsm->get_LastError( &lLastError ); printf( "发送结果: %ld (%s)\n\n", lLastError, GetErrorDescription( lLastError, pGsm ) ); goto _EndMain; _EndMain: if( pGsm != NULL ) pGsm->Release(); if( pMessage != NULL ) pMessage->Release(); if( bstrMessageReference != NULL ) SysFreeString( bstrMessageReference ); CoUninitialize(); printf("结束...\n"); return 0; }
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Retrieve *this driver's last error condition. // Type: Overridden. // Args: None. // Return: CMIUtilString - Text description. // Throws: None. //-- CMIUtilString CMIDriver::GetError(void) const { return GetErrorDescription(); }
HRESULT FMPlayerDShow::InitFilters(const tchar* pFileName) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = S_OK; m_FrameRate = 25.0; if (m_VideoType == VIDEO_TYPE_MPG) { hr = m_xVid.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMpegVideoCodec, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); _DBGLogResult(hr, "mpg codec"); m_FourCC = "mpeg1"; //we use IMediaDet for MPEG and we determine the AVI frame rate from the AVI header. CComPtr<IMediaDet> iMediaDet; if (SUCCEEDED(iMediaDet.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MediaDet, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC))) if (SUCCEEDED(iMediaDet->put_Filename(T2OLE(pFileName)))) iMediaDet->get_FrameRate(&m_FrameRate); } else { FString sFourCC; if (GetAVIInfo(pFileName)) { _DBGAlert("%s: 4CC = %s\n", pFileName, sFourCC); if (m_FourCC == "x264" || m_FourCC == "h264") { hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(T2OLE(g_AppSettings.AppDir("")), IID_ICoreAVC, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_xVid); _DBGLogResult(hr, ""); } else { if (m_FourCC == "divx" && m_StreamFormat == "divx") { hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(T2OLE(g_AppSettings.AppDir("")), IID_IDivX4, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_xVid); _DBGLogResult(hr, ""); } else { hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(T2OLE(g_AppSettings.AppDir("")), IID_IXvidDecoder, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_xVid); _DBGLogResult(hr, ""); } } } } hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(T2OLE(g_AppSettings.AppDir("")), IID_IAC3Decoder, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_AC3Filter); _DBGLogResult(hr, ""); // hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(T2OLE(g_AppSettings.AppDir("")), IID_IMSAudio, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_MSAud); // _DBGLogResult(hr, ""); hr = m_DSoundFilter.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DSoundRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); _DBGLogResult(hr, "dsoundrender"); if (m_VideoType == VIDEO_TYPE_MPG) { hr = m_AviSplitter.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MPEG1Splitter, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); _DBGLogResult(hr, "mpg splitter"); } else { hr = m_AviSplitter.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AviSplitter, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); _DBGLogResult(hr, "avisplitter"); } //Create video renderer if (m_VideoRenderer == NULL) { ///hr = DSHelpCreateInstance(L"quartz.dll", CLSID_VideoRendererDefault, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)&m_VideoRenderer); hr = m_VideoRenderer.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoRendererDefault, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC); _DBGLogResult(hr, "video renderer"); } else { DisconnectPins(m_VideoRenderer); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComQIPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraphBuilder = m_FilterGraph; hr |= pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(m_xVid, L"Video Decoder"); hr |= pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(m_DSoundFilter, L"DSound Output"); hr |= pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(m_AC3Filter, L"AC3 Audio Decoder"); hr |= pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(m_AviSplitter, L"Avi Splitter"); hr |= pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(m_VideoRenderer, L"Video Renderer"); if (FAILED(hr)) { _DBGAlertM("**Warning prebuilding graph: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); } } return hr; }
LTRESULT CLTRealConsoleMgr::GetLastErrorDescription(char* szBuffer, uint32* pSizeOfBuffer) { // Let our main function do the real work... return(GetErrorDescription(m_hrLastError, szBuffer, pSizeOfBuffer)); }
HRESULT FMPlayerDShow::LoadMedia(const tchar* pFileName, IMediaOptions* pOptions) { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (m_FourCC == "divx" && m_StreamFormat == "divx") { Init(m_hWndParent, m_pNotify); } if (m_FilterGraph == NULL) return E_FAIL; m_MediaControl->Stop(); if (m_FileSource) { m_FilterGraph->RemoveFilter(m_FileSource); m_FileSource.Release(); } else { /* CComQIPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraphBuilder = m_FilterGraph; if (SUCCEEDED(pGraphBuilder->RenderFile(T2OLE(pFileName), NULL))) { hr = Start(); return hr; } */ if (SUCCEEDED(DetermineVideoType(pFileName))) { InitFilters(pFileName); } else { _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: PlayVideo: **Unable to determine file format.\n"); return E_FAIL; } } _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: Starting playback: %s; offset = %I64d\n", pFileName, pOptions->rtOffset); CComQIPtr<IGraphBuilder> pGraphBuilder = m_FilterGraph; hr = pGraphBuilder->AddSourceFilter(T2OLE(pFileName), T2OLE(pFileName), &m_FileSource); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IPin> PinSourceOut = GetOutPin(m_FileSource, 0); CComPtr<IPin> PinSplitterIn = GetInPin(m_AviSplitter, 0); if (PinSourceOut && PinSplitterIn) { PinSplitterIn->Disconnect(); hr = m_FilterGraph->ConnectDirect(PinSourceOut, PinSplitterIn, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **Connect SourceOut to SplitterIn: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); } else _DBGAlertM("FMediaMgr: **PinSourceOut or PinSourceIn is NULL\n"); hr = BuildTheGraph(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_FileName = pFileName; m_Offset = pOptions->rtOffset; hr = Start(); if (FAILED(hr)) _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: **Start() failed: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); else { SetVideoRect(m_VideoRect); } } else _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: **Cannot Start(): %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); } else _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: **AddSourceFilter() failed: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); _DBGAlertM("FMPlayerDShow: StartPlayback() exiting: %s\n", GetErrorDescription(hr)); return hr; }
void ProcessNativeEvent(const inotify_event& inevt) { wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, InotifyEventToString(inevt)); // after removing inotify watch we get IN_IGNORED for it, but the watch // will be already removed from our list at that time if (inevt.mask & IN_IGNORED) { return; } // get watch entry for this event wxFSWatchEntryDescriptors::iterator it = m_watchMap.find(inevt.wd); wxCHECK_RET(it != m_watchMap.end(), "Watch descriptor not present in the watch map!"); wxFSWatchEntry& watch = *(it->second); int nativeFlags = inevt.mask; int flags = Native2WatcherFlags(nativeFlags); // check out for error/warning condition if (flags & wxFSW_EVENT_WARNING || flags & wxFSW_EVENT_ERROR) { wxString errMsg = GetErrorDescription(Watcher2NativeFlags(flags)); wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, errMsg); SendEvent(event); } // filter out ignored events and those not asked for. // we never filter out warnings or exceptions else if ((flags == 0) || !(flags & watch.GetFlags())) { return; } // renames else if (nativeFlags & IN_MOVE) { wxInotifyCookies::iterator it = m_cookies.find(inevt.cookie); if ( it == m_cookies.end() ) { int size = sizeof(inevt) + inevt.len; inotify_event* e = (inotify_event*) operator new (size); memcpy(e, &inevt, size); wxInotifyCookies::value_type val(e->cookie, e); m_cookies.insert(val); } else { inotify_event& oldinevt = *(it->second); wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags); if ( inevt.mask & IN_MOVED_FROM ) { event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt)); event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt)); } else { event.SetPath(GetEventPath(watch, oldinevt)); event.SetNewPath(GetEventPath(watch, inevt)); } SendEvent(event); m_cookies.erase(it); delete &oldinevt; } } // every other kind of event else { wxFileName path = GetEventPath(watch, inevt); wxFileSystemWatcherEvent event(flags, path, path); SendEvent(event); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { IMmsProtocolMm1 *pMm1Protocol = NULL; IMmsSlide *pSlide = NULL; IMmsMessage *pMessage = NULL; LPSTR lpszPincode = NULL; HRESULT hr; LONG lLastError; CoInitialize(NULL); hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MmsProtocolMm1, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMmsProtocolMm1, (void**) &pMm1Protocol); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MmsSlide, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMmsSlide, (void**) &pSlide ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MmsMessage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMmsMessage, (void**) &pMessage ); if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { printf( "无法创建对象.\n" ); goto _EndMain; } pSlide->Clear(); // 增加幻灯片中的图片和文本 pSlide->AddAttachment( _bstr_t( "test.jpg" ) ); pSlide->AddText( _bstr_t( "这里可以输入文本信息" ) ); pMessage->Clear(); // 接收者号码 pMessage->AddRecipient( _bstr_t( ReadInput( "输入接收者号码(号码必须以'+86'开头)" ) ), asMMS_RECIPIENT_TO ); // 彩信主题 pMessage->put_Subject( _bstr_t("此处为彩信主题") ); // 增加幻灯片 pMessage->AddSlide( &_variant_t ( ( IDispatch*) pSlide ) ); pMm1Protocol->Clear(); // 选择发送设备 pMm1Protocol->put_Device( _bstr_t( "标准 33600 bps 调制解调器" ) ); // 中国移动彩信发送配置 pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderMMSC( _bstr_t("") ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPN( _bstr_t( "cmwap" ) ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPNAccount( _bstr_t( "") ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPNPassword( _bstr_t( "") ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderWAPGateway( _bstr_t( "" ) ); /* 中国移动彩信发送配置 pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderMMSC( _bstr_t( "" ) ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPN( _bstr_t( "UNIWAP" ) ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPNAccount( _bstr_t( "") ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderAPNPassword( _bstr_t( "") ); pMm1Protocol->put_ProviderWAPGateway( _bstr_t( "" ) ); */ // 连接gprs网络 printf( "正在拨号gprs网络...\n" ); pMm1Protocol->Connect(); pMm1Protocol->get_LastError( &lLastError ); printf( "结果: %ld (%s)\n\n", lLastError, GetErrorDescription( lLastError, pMm1Protocol ) ); if( lLastError != 0L ) goto _EndMain; // 发送彩信 printf( "正在发送...\n" ); pMm1Protocol->Send( &_variant_t ( ( IDispatch*) pMessage ) ); pMm1Protocol->get_LastError( &lLastError ); printf( "结果: %ld (%s)\n\n", lLastError, GetErrorDescription( lLastError, pMm1Protocol ) ); _EndMain: if( pMm1Protocol != NULL ) { pMm1Protocol->Disconnect(); pMm1Protocol->Release(); } if( pMessage != NULL ) pMessage->Release(); if( pSlide != NULL ) pSlide->Release(); CoUninitialize(); printf("结束.......\n"); return 0; }