Esempio n. 1
void		ComputeShader::WatchShaderModifications()
	if ( !Lock() )
		return;	// Someone else is locking it !

	// Check if the shader file changed since last time
	time_t	LastModificationTime = GetFileModTime( m_pShaderFileName );
	if ( LastModificationTime <= m_LastShaderModificationTime )
	{	// No change !

	m_LastShaderModificationTime = LastModificationTime;

	// We're up to date

	ASSERT( m_hCompileThread == 0, "Compilation thread already exists !" );

	DWORD	ThreadID;
    m_hCompileThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadCompileComputeShader, this, 0, &ThreadID );
    SetThreadPriority( m_hCompileThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );
Esempio n. 2
   Tweakable *AddTweakableValue( const eastl::string &filename, size_t counter, Tweakable *twk ) {
      // First, see if this file is in the files list
      bool found = false;
      for( TweakFileList::iterator ti = g_tweakableFile.begin();
         ti != g_tweakableFile.end(); ++ti ) {
         if (ti->filename == filename) {
            found = true;

      // if it's not found, add to the list of tweakable files,
      // assume it's unmodified since the program has been built
      if (!found) {
         TweakableSourceFile srcFile;
         srcFile.filename = filename;

         // use the initial modification time
         srcFile.modTime = GetFileModTime( filename );

         g_tweakableFile.pushBack( srcFile );

      // add to the tweakables
      g_tweakVals.insert(eastl::pair<TweakValKey, Tweakable*>(TweakValKey( filename, counter), twk));
      return twk;
Esempio n. 3
	Tweakable&	AddTweakableValue( const char* _pFilename, size_t _Counter )
		// First, see if this file is in the files list
		U32		Key = DictionaryString<int>::Hash( _pFilename );
		TweakableSourceFile*	pFileEntry = g_TweakableFiles.Get( Key );
		if ( pFileEntry == NULL )
		{	// if it's not found, add to the list of tweakable files, assume it's unmodified since the program has been built 
			TweakableSourceFile&	Value = g_TweakableFiles.Add( Key );
// 			strcpy( Value.pFilename, _pFilename );
			Value.pFilename = _pFilename;
			Value.LastModificationTime = GetFileModTime( _pFilename );

		// Add to the tweakables
		Key = HashKey( _pFilename, _Counter );
		return g_TweakableValues.Add( Key );
Esempio n. 4
ComputeShader::ComputeShader( Device& _Device, const char* _pShaderFileName, const char* _pShaderCode, D3D_SHADER_MACRO* _pMacros, const char* _pEntryPoint, ID3DInclude* _pIncludeOverride )
	: Component( _Device )
	, m_pCS( NULL )
	, m_pShaderPath( NULL )
#if defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(GODCOMPLEX)
	, m_LastShaderModificationTime( 0 )
	, m_hCompileThread( 0 )
	ASSERT( Shader::ms_LoadFromBinary || _pShaderCode != NULL, "Shader code is NULL!" );

	m_pIncludeOverride = _pIncludeOverride;
	m_bHasErrors = false;

	// Store the default NULL pointer to point to the shader path
#if defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(GODCOMPLEX)
	m_pShaderFileName = CopyString( _pShaderFileName );
	m_pShaderPath = GetShaderPath( _pShaderFileName );
	m_Pointer2FileName.Add( NULL, m_pShaderPath );

#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(WATCH_SHADER_MODIFICATIONS)
	if ( _pShaderFileName != NULL )
		// Just ensure the file exists !
		FILE*	pFile;
		fopen_s( &pFile, _pShaderFileName, "rb" );
		ASSERT( pFile != NULL, "Compute Shader file not found => You can ignore this assert but compute shader file will NOT be watched for modification!" );
		fclose( pFile );

		// Register as a watched shader
		ms_WatchedShaders.Add( _pShaderFileName, this );

		m_LastShaderModificationTime = GetFileModTime( _pShaderFileName );

	m_pEntryPointCS = _pEntryPoint;

	if ( _pMacros != NULL ) {
		D3D_SHADER_MACRO*	pMacro = _pMacros;
		while ( pMacro->Name != NULL )

		int	MacrosCount = int( 1 + pMacro - _pMacros );
		m_pMacros = new D3D_SHADER_MACRO[MacrosCount];
		memcpy( m_pMacros, _pMacros, MacrosCount*sizeof(D3D_SHADER_MACRO) );
		m_pMacros = NULL;

	// Create the mutex for compilation exclusivity
	m_hCompileMutex = CreateMutexA( NULL, false, m_pShaderFileName );
	if ( m_hCompileMutex == NULL )
		m_hCompileMutex = OpenMutexA( SYNCHRONIZE, false, m_pShaderFileName );	// Try and reuse any existing mutex
	ASSERT( m_hCompileMutex != 0, "Failed to create compilation mutex!" );

	ASSERT( false, "The COMPUTE_SHADER_COMPILE_THREADED option should only work in pair with the COMPUTE_SHADER_COMPILE_AT_RUNTIME option! (i.e. You CANNOT define COMPUTE_SHADER_COMPILE_THREADED without defining COMPUTE_SHADER_COMPILE_AT_RUNTIME at the same time!)" );

	// Compile immediately
	CompileShaders( _pShaderCode );