Esempio n. 1
//Just patches signatures check, loads in sysnand
void DevMode(){
    u8* firm = 0x24000000;
    nand_readsectors(0, 0xF0000/0x200, firm, FIRM0);
    if(strncmp((char*)firm, "FIRM", 4))
    nand_readsectors(0, 0xF0000/0x200, firm, FIRM1);

    unsigned char sign1[] = {0xC1, 0x17, 0x49, 0x1C, 0x31, 0xD0, 0x68, 0x46, 0x01, 0x78, 0x40, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x29, 0x10, 0xD1};
    unsigned char sign2[] = {0xC0, 0x1C, 0x76, 0xE7, 0x20, 0x00, 0x74, 0xE7, 0x22, 0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0F};
    unsigned char patch1[] = { 0x00, 0x20, 0x4E, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xBD };
    unsigned char patch2[] = { 0x00, 0x20};

    for(int i = 0; i < 0xF0000; i++){
        if(!memcmp(firm + i, sign1, 16)){
            memcpy(firm + i, patch1, 6);
        if(!memcmp(firm + i, sign2, 16)){
            memcpy(firm + i, patch2, 2);
    memcpy(0x080F0000, GetFilePack("reboot.bin"), 0x8000);
Esempio n. 2
int InstallData(char* drive){
	FIL firmfile;
	char* progressbar = "[       ]";
	char* progress = progressbar+1;
	print("%s", progressbar);  ConsolePrevLine();
	//Create the workdir
	sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s", drive, DATAFOLDER);
	f_chmod(tmpstr, AM_HID, AM_HID);
	//Read firmware data
	if(f_open(&firmfile, "firmware.bin", FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING) == FR_OK){
		//... We'll see
	}else return CONF_NOFIRMBIN;
	*progress++ = '.'; DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	//Create patched native_firm
	f_read(&firmfile, WORKBUF, NAT_SIZE, &tmpu32);
	u8* n_firm = decryptFirmTitle(WORKBUF, NAT_SIZE, 0x00000002);
	u8* n_firm_patch = GetFilePack("nat_patch.bin");
	applyPatch(n_firm, n_firm_patch);
	u8 keyx[16] = {0};
	if(GetSystemVersion() < 3){
		FileOpen(&tempfile, KEYFILENAME, 0);
		FileRead(&tempfile, &keyx[0], 16, 0);
	*progress++ = '.'; DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	for(int i = 0; i < NAT_SIZE; i+=0x4){
		if(!strcmp((char*)n_firm + i, "Shit")){
				memcpy((char*)n_firm + i, rxmode_emu_label, 4);
				memcpy((char*)n_firm + i, rxmode_sys_label , 4);
		if(!strcmp((char*)n_firm + i, "InsertKeyXHere!") && keyx[0] != 0){
			memcpy(n_firm + i, keyx, 16);
		if(*((unsigned int*)(n_firm + i)) == 0xAAAABBBB){
			*((unsigned int*)(n_firm + i)) = (checkEmuNAND() / 0x200) - 1;
	*progress++ = '.'; DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s/0004013800000002.bin", drive, DATAFOLDER);
	if(FileOpen(&tempfile, tmpstr, 1)){
		FileWrite(&tempfile, n_firm, NAT_SIZE, 0);
		//FileCopy("0004013800000002.bin", tmpstr);
	}else return CONF_ERRNFIRM;
	*progress++ = '.'; DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	//Create AGB patched firmware
	f_read(&firmfile, WORKBUF, AGB_SIZE, &tmpu32);
	u8* a_firm = decryptFirmTitle(WORKBUF, AGB_SIZE, 0x00000202);
	u8* a_firm_patch = GetFilePack("agb_patch.bin");
		applyPatch(a_firm, a_firm_patch);
		sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s/0004013800000202.bin", drive, DATAFOLDER);
		if(FileOpen(&tempfile, tmpstr, 1)){
			FileWrite(&tempfile, a_firm, AGB_SIZE, 0);
		}else return CONF_ERRNFIRM;
		*progress++ = '.';
		//If we cannot decrypt it from firmware.bin becouse of titlekey messed up, it probably means that AGB has been modified in some way.
		//So we read it from his installed ncch...
		FindApp(0x00040138, 0x00000202, 1);
		char* path = getContentAppPath();
		FileOpen(&tempfile, path, 0);
		FileRead(&tempfile, WORKBUF, AGB_SIZE, 0);
		a_firm = decryptFirmTitleNcch(WORKBUF, AGB_SIZE);
			applyPatch(a_firm, a_firm_patch);
			sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s/0004013800000202.bin", drive, DATAFOLDER);
			if(FileOpen(&tempfile, tmpstr, 1)){
				FileWrite(&tempfile, a_firm, AGB_SIZE, 0);
			}else return CONF_ERRNFIRM;
			*progress++ = '.';
			*progress++ = 'x'; //If we get here, then we'll play without AGB, lol
	DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	//Create TWL patched firmware
	f_read(&firmfile, WORKBUF, TWL_SIZE, &tmpu32);
	u8* t_firm = decryptFirmTitle(WORKBUF, TWL_SIZE, 0x00000102);
	u8* t_firm_patch = GetFilePack("twl_patch.bin");
		applyPatch(t_firm, t_firm_patch);
		sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s/0004013800000102.bin", drive, DATAFOLDER);
		if(FileOpen(&tempfile, tmpstr, 1)){
			FileWrite(&tempfile, t_firm, TWL_SIZE, 0);
			//FileCopy("0004013800000102.bin", tmpstr);
		}else return CONF_ERRNFIRM;
		*progress++ = '.'; 
		*progress++ = 'x'; 
	DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	sprintf(tmpstr, "%s:%s/data.bin", drive, DATAFOLDER);
	if(FileOpen(&tempfile, tmpstr, 1)){
		FileWrite(&tempfile, __DATE__, 12, 0);
		FileWrite(&tempfile, __TIME__, 9, 12);
	}else return CONF_CANTOPENFILE;
	*progress++ = '.'; DrawString(BOT_SCREEN, progressbar, 130, 50, ConsoleGetTextColor(), ConsoleGetBackgroundColor());
	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void firmlaunch(u8* firm){
	memcpy(FIRM_ADDR, firm, 0x200000); 	//Fixed size, no FIRM right now is that big
	memcpy(0x080F0000, GetFilePack("reboot.bin"), 0x8000);