Esempio n. 1
int COLDEF::Define(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, PCOLINFO cfp, int poff)
  Name = (PSZ)PlugSubAlloc(g, memp, strlen(cfp->Name) + 1);
  strcpy(Name, cfp->Name);

  if (!(cfp->Flags & U_SPECIAL)) {
    Poff = poff;
    Buf_Type = cfp->Type;

    if ((Clen = GetTypeSize(Buf_Type, cfp->Length)) <= 0) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_COL_TYPE), GetTypeName(Buf_Type), Name);
      return -1;
      } // endswitch

    strcpy(F.Type, GetFormatType(Buf_Type));
    F.Length = cfp->Length;
    F.Prec = cfp->Scale;
    Offset = (cfp->Offset < 0) ? poff : cfp->Offset;
    Precision = cfp->Precision;
    Scale = cfp->Scale;
    Long = cfp->Length;
    Key = cfp->Key;

    if (cfp->Remark && *cfp->Remark) {
      Desc = (PSZ)PlugSubAlloc(g, memp, strlen(cfp->Remark) + 1);
      strcpy(Desc, cfp->Remark);
      } // endif Remark

    if (cfp->Datefmt) {
      Decode = (PSZ)PlugSubAlloc(g, memp, strlen(cfp->Datefmt) + 1);
      strcpy(Decode, cfp->Datefmt);
      } // endif Datefmt

    } // endif special

  if (cfp->Fieldfmt) {
    Fmt = (PSZ)PlugSubAlloc(g, memp, strlen(cfp->Fieldfmt) + 1);
    strcpy(Fmt, cfp->Fieldfmt);
    } // endif Fieldfmt

  Flags = cfp->Flags;
  return (Flags & (U_VIRTUAL|U_SPECIAL)) ? 0 : Long;
  } // end of Define
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return:
bool CVisualLog::OpenLogs()
	m_sFormat = m_pCVVisualLogImageFormat->GetString();
	m_eFormat = GetFormatType( m_sFormat );
	m_sLogFolder = m_pCVVisualLogFolder->GetString();
	int iLogFolderLen = m_sLogFolder.length();

	// Check we have good params to use
	if ( m_eFormat == EVLF_NONE || iLogFolderLen == 0 )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] File format or log folder value invalid" );
		return false;

	// Create base directory if necessary
	CryCreateDirectory( m_sLogFolder );

	// Figure out next number in sequence m_sLogFolderName/m_sLogFolderNameXXXX, where XXXX is 0000, 0001, etc.
	int iSeqNum = 0;
	__finddata64_t fd;
	intptr_t handle = _findfirst64( PathUtil::Make( m_sLogFolder , "*.*" ), &fd );
	if ( handle != -1 )
			// Is it a directory with our base name as a prefix?
			if ( fd.attrib & _A_SUBDIR &&[0]!='.' && 
					 !_strnicmp( m_sLogFolder,, iLogFolderLen ) )
				iSeqNum = max( iSeqNum, atoi( + iLogFolderLen ) + 1 );
		while (0 == _findnext64 (handle, &fd));

	// Now create directory
	char sLogPath[256];
	_snprintf( sLogPath, sizeof(sLogPath), "%s\\%s%04d", m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), iSeqNum );
	if ( !CryCreateDirectory( sLogPath ) )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] Unable to create directory for log files: %s", sLogPath );
		return false;

	m_sLogPath = sLogPath;
	m_iLogFolderNum = iSeqNum;
	char sLogFileName[256];
	_snprintf( sLogFileName, sizeof(sLogFileName), "%s\\%s%04d.log", m_sLogPath.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_iLogFolderNum );	
	char sLogParamsFileName[256];
	_snprintf( sLogParamsFileName, sizeof(sLogParamsFileName), "%s\\%s%04d_params.log", m_sLogPath.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_iLogFolderNum );	

	// Open Log Files
	m_fLogFile = fxopen(sLogFileName, "w");
	m_fLogParamsFile = fxopen(sLogParamsFileName, "w");
	if ( !m_fLogFile || !m_fLogParamsFile )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] Unable to open log files [%s] [%s]", sLogFileName, sLogParamsFileName );
		return false;

	WriteFileHeaders( sLogFileName, sLogParamsFileName );

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool DBFFAM::AllocateBuffer(PGLOBAL g)
  char c;
  int  rc;
  MODE mode = Tdbp->GetMode();

  Buflen = Blksize;
  To_Buf = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Buflen);

  if (mode == MODE_INSERT) {
#if defined(WIN32)
    /*  Now we can revert to binary mode in particular because the eventual */
    /*  writing of a new header must be done in binary mode to avoid        */
    /*  translating 0A bytes (LF) into 0D0A (CRLF) by Windows in text mode. */
    if (_setmode(_fileno(Stream), _O_BINARY) == -1) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BIN_MODE_FAIL), strerror(errno));
      return true;
      } // endif setmode
#endif   // WIN32

    /*  If this is a new file, the header must be generated.                */
    int len = GetFileLength(g);

    if (!len) {
      // Make the header for this DBF table file
      struct tm  *datm;
      int         hlen, n = 0;
      ushort      reclen = 1;
      time_t      t;
      DBFHEADER  *header;
      DESCRIPTOR *descp;
      PCOLDEF     cdp;
      PDOSDEF     tdp = (PDOSDEF)Tdbp->GetDef();

      // Count the number of columns
      for (cdp = tdp->GetCols(); cdp; cdp = cdp->GetNext())
        if (!(cdp->Flags & U_SPECIAL)) {
          reclen += cdp->GetLong();
          } // endif Flags

      if (Lrecl != reclen) {
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, reclen);
        return true;
        } // endif Lrecl

      hlen = HEADLEN * (n + 1) + 2;
      header = (DBFHEADER*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, hlen);
      memset(header, 0, hlen);
      header->Version = DBFTYPE;
      t = time(NULL) - (time_t)DTVAL::GetShift();
      datm = gmtime(&t);
      header->Filedate[0] = datm->tm_year - 100;
      header->Filedate[1] = datm->tm_mon + 1;
      header->Filedate[2] = datm->tm_mday;
      header->Headlen = (ushort)hlen;
      header->Reclen = (ushort)reclen;
      descp = (DESCRIPTOR*)header;

      // Currently only standard Xbase types are supported
      for (cdp = tdp->GetCols(); cdp; cdp = cdp->GetNext())
        if (!(cdp->Flags & U_SPECIAL)) {
          switch ((c = *GetFormatType(cdp->GetType()))) {
            case 'S':           // Short integer
            case 'L':           // Large (big) integer
            case 'T':           // Tiny integer
              c = 'N';          // Numeric
            case 'N':           // Numeric (integer)
            case 'F':           // Float (double)
              descp->Decimals = (uchar)cdp->F.Prec;
            case 'C':           // Char
            case 'D':           // Date
            default:            // Should never happen
              sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported DBF type %c for column %s",
                                  c, cdp->GetName());
              return true;
            } // endswitch c
          strncpy(descp->Name, cdp->GetName(), 11);
          descp->Type = c;
          descp->Length = (uchar)cdp->GetLong();
          } // endif Flags

      *(char*)(++descp) = EOH;

      //  Now write the header
      if (fwrite(header, 1, hlen, Stream) != (unsigned)hlen) {
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FWRITE_ERROR), strerror(errno));
        return true;
        } // endif fwrite

      Records = 0;
      Headlen = hlen;
    } else if (len < 0)
      return true;            // Error in GetFileLength

    /*  For Insert the buffer must be prepared.                             */
    memset(To_Buf, ' ', Buflen);
    Rbuf = Nrec;                     // To be used by WriteDB
  } else if (UseTemp) {
    // Allocate a separate buffer so block reading can be kept
    Dbflen = Nrec;
    DelBuf = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Blksize);
  } // endif's

  if (!Headlen) {
    /*  Here is a good place to process the DBF file header                 */
    DBFHEADER header;

    if ((rc = dbfhead(g, Stream, Tdbp->GetFile(g), &header)) == RC_OK) {
      if (Lrecl != (int)header.Reclen) {
        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_LRECL), Lrecl, header.Reclen);
        return true;
        } // endif Lrecl

      Records = (int)header.Records;
      Headlen = (int)header.Headlen;
    } else if (rc == RC_NF) {
      Records = 0;
      Headlen = 0;
    } else              // RC_FX
      return true;                  // Error in dbfhead

    } // endif Headlen

  /*  Position the file at the begining of the data.                        */
  if (Tdbp->GetMode() == MODE_INSERT)
    rc = fseek(Stream, 0, SEEK_END);
    rc = fseek(Stream, Headlen, SEEK_SET);

  if (rc) {
    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_DBF_FILE), Tdbp->GetFile(g));
    return true;
    } // endif fseek

  return false;
  } // end of AllocateBuffer