Esempio n. 1
void CDVDVideoCodecVDA::VDADecoderCallback(
  void              *decompressionOutputRefCon,
  CFDictionaryRef    frameInfo,
  OSStatus           status,
  uint32_t           infoFlags,
  CVImageBufferRef   imageBuffer)
  CCocoaAutoPool pool;
  // Warning, this is an async callback. There can be multiple frames in flight.
  CDVDVideoCodecVDA *ctx = (CDVDVideoCodecVDA*)decompressionOutputRefCon;

  if (imageBuffer == NULL)
    //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - imageBuffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
  OSType format_type = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(imageBuffer);
  if ((format_type != kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8) &&
      (format_type != kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA) )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - imageBuffer format is not '2vuy' or 'BGRA',is reporting 0x%x",
      __FUNCTION__, (unsigned int)format_type);
  if (kVDADecodeInfo_FrameDropped & infoFlags)
    if (g_advancedSettings.CanLogComponent(LOGVIDEO))
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - frame dropped", __FUNCTION__);

  // allocate a new frame and populate it with some information.
  // this pointer to a frame_queue type keeps track of the newest decompressed frame
  // and is then inserted into a linked list of frame pointers depending on the display time
  // parsed out of the bitstream and stored in the frameInfo dictionary by the client
  frame_queue *newFrame = (frame_queue*)calloc(sizeof(frame_queue), 1);
  newFrame->nextframe = NULL;
  newFrame->pixel_buffer_format = format_type;
  newFrame->pixel_buffer_ref = CVBufferRetain(imageBuffer);
  GetFrameDisplayTimeFromDictionary(frameInfo, newFrame);

  // since the frames we get may be in decode order rather than presentation order
  // our hypothetical callback places them in a queue of frames which will
  // hold them in display order for display on another thread

  frame_queue base;
  base.nextframe = ctx->m_display_queue;
  frame_queue *ptr = &base;
  for(; ptr->nextframe; ptr = ptr->nextframe)
    if(ptr->nextframe->pts == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE
    || newFrame->pts       == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
    if(ptr->nextframe->pts > newFrame->pts)
  /* insert after ptr */
  newFrame->nextframe = ptr->nextframe;
  ptr->nextframe = newFrame;

  /* update anchor if needed */
  if(newFrame->nextframe == ctx->m_display_queue)
    ctx->m_display_queue = newFrame;

Esempio n. 2
void CDVDVideoCodecVDA::VDADecoderCallback(
  void                *decompressionOutputRefCon,
   CFDictionaryRef    frameInfo,
   OSStatus           status,
   uint32_t           infoFlags,
   CVImageBufferRef   imageBuffer)
  CCocoaAutoPool pool;
  // Warning, this is an async callback. There can be multiple frames in flight.
  CDVDVideoCodecVDA *ctx = (CDVDVideoCodecVDA*)decompressionOutputRefCon;

  if (imageBuffer == NULL)
    //CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - imageBuffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__);
  OSType format_type = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(imageBuffer);
  if ((format_type != kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8) && (format_type != kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA) )
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s - imageBuffer format is not '2vuy' or 'BGRA',is reporting 0x%x",
      __FUNCTION__, format_type);
  if (kVDADecodeInfo_FrameDropped & infoFlags)
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s - frame dropped", __FUNCTION__);

  // allocate a new frame and populate it with some information.
  // this pointer to a frame_queue type keeps track of the newest decompressed frame
  // and is then inserted into a linked list of frame pointers depending on the display time
  // parsed out of the bitstream and stored in the frameInfo dictionary by the client
  frame_queue *newFrame = (frame_queue*)calloc(sizeof(frame_queue), 1);
  newFrame->nextframe = NULL;
  newFrame->pixel_buffer_format = format_type;
  newFrame->pixel_buffer_ref = CVPixelBufferRetain(imageBuffer);
  GetFrameDisplayTimeFromDictionary(frameInfo, newFrame);

  // if both dts or pts are good we use those, else use decoder insert time for frame sort
  if ((newFrame->pts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE) || (newFrame->dts != DVD_NOPTS_VALUE))
    // if pts is borked (stupid avi's), use dts for frame sort
    if (newFrame->pts == DVD_NOPTS_VALUE)
      newFrame->sort_time = newFrame->dts;
      newFrame->sort_time = newFrame->pts;

  // since the frames we get may be in decode order rather than presentation order
  // our hypothetical callback places them in a queue of frames which will
  // hold them in display order for display on another thread
  frame_queue *queueWalker = ctx->m_display_queue;
  if (!queueWalker || (newFrame->sort_time < queueWalker->sort_time))
    // we have an empty queue, or this frame earlier than the current queue head.
    newFrame->nextframe = queueWalker;
    ctx->m_display_queue = newFrame;
  } else {
    // walk the queue and insert this frame where it belongs in display order.
    bool frameInserted = false;
    frame_queue *nextFrame = NULL;
    while (!frameInserted)
      nextFrame = queueWalker->nextframe;
      if (!nextFrame || (newFrame->sort_time < nextFrame->sort_time))
        // if the next frame is the tail of the queue, or our new frame is earlier.
        newFrame->nextframe = nextFrame;
        queueWalker->nextframe = newFrame;
        frameInserted = true;
      queueWalker = nextFrame;