void testWithinLimitsPasses(void) { SetFrequency(MAX_FREQ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(MAX_FREQ, GetFrequency()); SetFrequency(MIN_FREQ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(MIN_FREQ, GetFrequency()); }
void StepperMotor_Start (CStepperMotor* motor, CStepperDirection direction) { motor->direction = direction; motor->time = sqrtf ((2.0f / motor->accelerationGradient)); motor->decelTime = 0.0f; motor->pwmChannel->SetFrequency (GetFrequency ( motor->time, &motor->accelerationGradient, &motor->accelerationOffset)); motor->stepCount = 0; motor->time += 1.0f / GetFrequency (motor->time, &motor->accelerationGradient, &motor->accelerationOffset); motor->state = STEPPER_STATE_ACCELERATING; switch (motor->direction) { case STEPPER_DIRECTION_FORWARD: motor->actions->Forward (); break; case STEPPER_DIRECTION_REVERSE: motor->actions->Reverse (); break; } motor->actions->Enable (); motor->pwmChannel->Start (); }
void TNote::Slide(TNote aNote) { int i, n = 0; int FromFrequency, ToFrequency; if (GetFrequency() < aNote.GetFrequency()) { FromFrequency = GetFrequency(); ToFrequency = aNote.GetFrequency(); } else { FromFrequency = aNote.GetFrequency(); ToFrequency = GetFrequency(); } Duration = Duration / 5; for (i = FromFrequency; i <= ToFrequency; i = i + (ToFrequency - FromFrequency) / 5) { SetFrequency(i); PrintParameters(0, 0, 0); std::cout << n << ' '; n++; Play(); } Duration = Duration * 5; }
void StepperMotor::BeginMove () { time = sqrtf ((2.0f / accelerationGradient)); decelTime = 0.0f; frequencyChannel.SetFrequency ( GetFrequency (time, &accelerationGradient, &accelerationOffset)); stepCount = 0; time += 1.0f / GetFrequency (time, &accelerationGradient, &accelerationOffset); state = State::Accelerating; switch (direction) { case Direction::Forward: actions.Forward (); break; case Direction::Reverse: actions.Reverse (); break; } actions.Enable (); frequencyChannel.Start (); }
TTaskResult CBeep::Execute(CRobot * Robot, CExecutableRWGraphicObjectList * ExecutableObjectList, bool & result) { if (Robot->GetSoftwareRevision() <= 1.06) /*Do the tune as beeps for robots before version 1.07*/ { Robot->AddBeepToInstructions(GetFrequency(), GetDuration()); CFlowZap *FZ = (CFlowZap*)m_fc; CBeep* LastBeep = this; CInstruction *Next = FZ->GetNextInstructionInList(this); // Next = FZ->GetNextExecutableInstruction(Next); while (Next->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBeep))) { LastBeep = (CBeep*)Next; Robot->AddBeepToInstructions(LastBeep->GetFrequency(), LastBeep->GetDuration()); Next = FZ->GetNextInstructionInList(Next); // Next = FZ->GetNextExecutableInstruction(Next); } FZ->SetCueToInstruction(LastBeep); FZ->RedrawWindow(); } else { unsigned int NumberOfNotes = 1; CArray<short, short> FrequencyList; FrequencyList.SetSize(20, 20); CArray<int, int> DurationList; DurationList.SetSize(20, 20); FrequencyList[0] = GetFrequency(); DurationList[0] = GetDuration(); CFlowZap *FZ = (CFlowZap*)m_fc; CBeep* LastBeep = this; CInstruction *Next = FZ->GetNextInstructionInList(this); // Next = FZ->GetNextExecutableInstruction(Next); while (Next->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CBeep))) { LastBeep = (CBeep*)Next; FrequencyList[NumberOfNotes] = LastBeep->GetFrequency(); DurationList[NumberOfNotes] = LastBeep->GetDuration(); NumberOfNotes++; Next = FZ->GetNextInstructionInList(Next); // Next = FZ->GetNextExecutableInstruction(Next); } FrequencyList[NumberOfNotes] = -1; DurationList[NumberOfNotes] = 0; NumberOfNotes++; Robot->AddTuneToInstructions(FrequencyList.GetData(), DurationList.GetData(), NumberOfNotes); FZ->SetCueToInstruction(LastBeep); FZ->RedrawWindow(); } TTaskResult TaskResult; TaskResult = Robot->FollowInstructions(true, true, IR_InstructionComplete); return TaskResult; }
unsigned int cSoundStream::CalculateChunkSize() { switch(GetFormat()) { case AL_FORMAT_MONO8: return GetFrequency() * 2; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO8: return GetFrequency() * 2 * 2; case AL_FORMAT_MONO16: return GetFrequency() * 2 * 2; case AL_FORMAT_STEREO16: return GetFrequency() * 4 * 2; } return 0; }
void do_menu(uint8_t func_number) { // lcd_MEM2_string(DoMenu_str); // "do menu " // u2lcd(func_number); if (func_number == MODE_FREQ) GetFrequency(0); #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644 if (func_number == MODE_HFREQ) GetFrequency(1); // measure high frequency with 16:1 divider if (func_number == MODE_H_CRYSTAL) GetFrequency(5); // HF crystal input + 16:1 divider if (func_number == MODE_L_CRYSTAL) GetFrequency(6); // LF crystal input, 1:1 divider #endif if (func_number == MODE_FGEN) { make_frequency(); // make some sample frequencies } if (func_number == MODE_PWM) { do_10bit_PWM(); // generate 10bit PWM } if (func_number == MODE_ESR) { show_C_ESR(); // measure capacity and ESR at TP1 and TP3 } if (func_number == MODE_RESIS) { show_Resis13(); // measure resistor at TP1 and TP3 } if (func_number == MODE_CAP13) { lcd_clear(); show_Cap13(); // measure capacitor at TP1 and TP3 } #ifdef WITH_ROTARY_CHECK if (func_number == MODE_ROTARY) { CheckRotaryEncoder(); // check rotary encoder } #endif if (func_number == MODE_BIG_CAP_CORR) { set_big_cap_corr(); } #ifdef WITH_SELFTEST if (func_number == MODE_SELFTEST) AutoCheck(0x11); // Full selftest with calibration #endif if (func_number == MODE_VEXT) show_vext(); #if ((LCD_ST_TYPE == 7565) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 1306) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 8812) || (LCD_ST_TYPE == 8814) || defined(LCD_DOGM)) if (func_number == MODE_CONTRAST) set_contrast(); #endif if (func_number == MODE_SHOW) { ShowData(); // Show Calibration Data } if (func_number == MODE_OFF) { ON_PORT &= ~(1<<ON_PIN); //switch off power wait_for_key_ms(0); //never ending loop } }
/***************************************************************************** * Function - UpdateFlowLearnControl * DESCRIPTION: * *****************************************************************************/ void AdvancedFlowCtrl::UpdateFlowLearnControl(PUMP_TYPE pumpNo) { AFC_RUN_FLOW_LEARN_STRUCT run_learn; if (mConfigurationIsUpdated[pumpNo] == true) { float min_frequency, max_frequency; if (mpVfdInstalled[pumpNo]->GetValue() == true) { min_frequency = mpVfdMinFrequency[pumpNo]->GetValue(); max_frequency = mpVfdMaxFrequency[pumpNo]->GetValue(); } else { min_frequency = mpVfdFrequency[pumpNo]->GetMaxValue(); max_frequency = min_frequency; } mpFlowLearnControl[pumpNo]->SetFlowLearnParameters( mpPitStopLevel->GetValue(), mpPitStartLevel->GetValue(), min_frequency, max_frequency); mConfigurationIsUpdated[pumpNo] = false; } if (mPumpLearningState[pumpNo] == FLOW_LEARNING_RUNNING) { run_learn.level = mpSurfaceLevel->GetValue(); run_learn.speed = GetFrequency(pumpNo); run_learn.pumpState = mPumpState[pumpNo]; mpFlowLearnControl[pumpNo]->CtrlFlowLearnControl(&run_learn); } }
namespace Clock { int64 GetFrequency() { LARGE_INTEGER large_integer; VERIFY_TRUE(QueryPerformanceFrequency(&large_integer), "QueryPerformanceFrequency failed"); return large_integer.QuadPart; } int64 GetStartTime() { LARGE_INTEGER large_integer; VERIFY_TRUE(QueryPerformanceCounter(&large_integer), "QueryPerformanceCounter failed"); return large_integer.QuadPart; } int64 g_frequency_ = GetFrequency(); int64 g_start_time_ = GetStartTime(); HighResolutionClock::Repr HighResolutionClock::TimeSinceEpoch() { LARGE_INTEGER large_integer; VERIFY_TRUE(QueryPerformanceCounter(&large_integer), "QueryPerformanceCounter failed"); int64 nanosecond_count = (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * (large_integer.QuadPart - g_start_time_)) / g_frequency_; return nanosecond_count; } HighResolutionClock::TimePoint HighResolutionClock::Now() { LARGE_INTEGER large_integer; VERIFY_TRUE(QueryPerformanceCounter(&large_integer), "QueryPerformanceCounter failed"); int64 nanosecond_count = (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * (large_integer.QuadPart - g_start_time_)) / g_frequency_; return TimePoint(HighResolutionClock::Duration(nanosecond_count)); } } // namespace Elg
LRESULT CMainDlg::OnSaveWave(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { char fileName[MAX_PATH]; memset(fileName, 0, sizeof(fileName)); OPENFILENAME ofn; memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = "Sound Files(*.wav)\0*.wav\0All Files(*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = fileName; ofn.lpstrDefExt = ".wav"; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; if (GetSaveFileName (&ofn)) { double frq = GetFrequency(); GenWaveI wv; wv.InitWT(frq, WT_USR(0)); EnvGen eg; eg.InitEG(1.0, 2.0, 0.05, 0.05); WaveFile wvf; wvf.OpenWaveFile(fileName, 2); long totalSamples = (long) (2.0 * synthParams.sampleRate); for (long n = 0; n < totalSamples; n++) wvf.Output1(eg.Gen() * wv.Gen()); wvf.CloseWaveFile(); } return 0; }
//___________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t KVIntegerList::Contains(Int_t val) const { //Retourne kTRUE si la valeur "val" est dans la liste, kFALSE sinon //dans la liste retourne -1 return (GetFrequency(val) > 0); }
int CMpegFrame::GetFrameSize() const { int nSlots = (int)(144.0 * (double)GetBitrate() / (double)GetFrequency() ); // static UINT16 bPrePadding = 2; // ## Paddingの値が変わったときを出力するために使う // static int nEachPadding = 0; // ## paddingごとにフレームサイズの和を出力する if( m_nPaddingBit ){ nSlots++; } /************* ## ここはデバッグ用 ******************/ // if(bPrePadding != m_nPaddingBit){ // if(m_nPaddingBit){ // std::cout << "\n## Padding. Frame size = " << nSlots << "\n"; // } // else{ // ## Debug // std::cout << "\n## Not Padding. Frame size = " << nSlots << "\n"; // } // bPrePadding = m_nPaddingBit; // } // ## 別デバッグ // nEachPadding += nSlots; // if(!m_nPaddingBit){ // std::cout << "\n## nEachPadding = " << nEachPadding << "\n"; // nEachPadding = 0; // } /************************************/ return nSlots; }
wxString mmBillsDepositsPanel::getItem(long item, long column) { const Model_Billsdeposits::Full_Data& bill = this->bills_.at(item); switch (column) { case COL_ID: return wxString::Format("%i", bill.BDID).Trim(); case COL_PAYMENT_DATE: return mmGetDateForDisplay(Model_Billsdeposits::NEXTOCCURRENCEDATE(bill)); case COL_DUE_DATE: return mmGetDateForDisplay(Model_Billsdeposits::TRANSDATE(bill)); case COL_ACCOUNT: return bill.ACCOUNTNAME; case COL_PAYEE: return bill.PAYEENAME; case COL_STATUS: return bill.STATUS; case COL_CATEGORY: if (bill.has_split()) return _("Split......."); else return bill.CATEGNAME; case COL_TYPE: return wxGetTranslation(bill.TRANSCODE); case COL_AMOUNT: return Model_Account::toCurrency(bill.TRANSAMOUNT, Model_Account::instance().get(bill.ACCOUNTID)); case COL_FREQUENCY: return GetFrequency(&bill); case COL_REPEATS: if (bill.NUMOCCURRENCES == -1) return L"\x221E"; else return wxString::Format("%i", bill.NUMOCCURRENCES).Trim(); case COL_AUTO: { int repeats = bill.REPEATS; wxString repeatSTR = _("Manual"); if (repeats >= BD_REPEATS_MULTIPLEX_BASE) { repeats -= BD_REPEATS_MULTIPLEX_BASE; repeatSTR = _("Suggested"); if (repeats >= BD_REPEATS_MULTIPLEX_BASE) { repeats -= BD_REPEATS_MULTIPLEX_BASE; repeatSTR = _("Automated"); } } return repeatSTR; } case COL_DAYS: return GetRemainingDays(&bill); case COL_NUMBER: return bill.TRANSACTIONNUMBER; case COL_NOTES: return bill.NOTES; default: return wxEmptyString; } }
int Buffer::GetFrequency() const { #ifdef HAS_AUDIO_BUFFER return impl->GetFrequency(); #else throw System::PunkException(L"Audio buffer not supported"); #endif }
void OMXClock::CheckSystemClock() { if(!m_systemFrequency) m_systemFrequency = GetFrequency(); if(!m_systemOffset) m_systemOffset = GetTime(); }
int CTimer::RandomSeed() { #ifdef _WIN32 return GetPerformanceCount() / GetFrequency(); #else return 0; #endif }
int AudioFormat_YM::GetPosition() { if (!ymFile_) { return 0; } return (int)((ymFile_->getPos()/1000.0f)*GetChannels()*(GetBitsPerSample()/8)*GetFrequency()); }
CTimer::TimeUnits CTimer::Stop() { if( !QueryPerformanceCounter( (LARGE_INTEGER*)&m_endTime) ) { THOT_ASSERT(false, "CTimer: Failed to get end time"); } return (CTimer::TimeUnits)( m_endTime - m_startTime) / (GetFrequency().QuadPart/1000000); }
/***************************************************************************** * Function - UpdatePumpState * DESCRIPTION: * *****************************************************************************/ void AdvancedFlowCtrl::UpdatePumpState(PUMP_TYPE pumpNo) { switch (mpOperationMode[pumpNo]->GetValue()) { case ACTUAL_OPERATION_MODE_STOPPED: mPumpState[pumpNo] = AFC_PUMP_STOPPED; break; case ACTUAL_OPERATION_MODE_STARTED: if (mpVfdState[pumpNo]->GetValue() == VFD_OPERATION_MODE_REV_FLUSH) { mPumpState[pumpNo] = AFC_PUMP_STOPPED; } else { if (mPumpState[pumpNo] != AFC_PUMP_RUNNING) { mPumpState[pumpNo] = AFC_PUMP_RUNNING; mPumpStartedEvent[pumpNo] = true; } } break; default: // ACTUAL_OPERATION_MODE_DISABLED: // ACTUAL_OPERATION_MODE_NOT_INSTALLED: mPumpState[pumpNo] = AFC_PUMP_NOT_THERE; break; } if (mPumpState[pumpNo] != AFC_PUMP_RUNNING) { if (mpCUEFrequency[pumpNo]->GetQuality() == DP_AVAILABLE) { // Initialize to a short delay since the wait time is counted after ramping up mAwaitPumpRampUpTime[pumpNo] = 2; } else { // Initialize to a longer delay. (3-8 seconds, but we really don't know) mAwaitPumpRampUpTime[pumpNo] = 5; } } else // Pump is running, determine when ramp up has passed { if (mAwaitPumpRampUpTime[pumpNo] > 0) { float ref_frequency = mpVfdFrequency[pumpNo]->GetValue(); if ( (mpCUEFrequency[pumpNo]->GetQuality() != DP_AVAILABLE) || (ref_frequency > 0.0f && GetFrequency(pumpNo) >= 0.95f*ref_frequency) ) { mAwaitPumpRampUpTime[pumpNo]--; } } } }
void AudioFormat_YM::SetPosition(int position) { if (!ymFile_) { return; } float sampleSize=(float)(GetChannels()*GetFrequency()*(GetBitsPerSample()/8)); float time=position/sampleSize; ymFile_->setMusicTime((int)(time*1000.0f)); }
//___________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t KVIntegerList::RemoveAll(Int_t val) { //Reture completement la valeur val //la methode retourne kTRUE si cette valeur etait effectivement presente, kFALSE sinon // //Le bit kHastobeComputed es mis à 1 pour indiquer la nécéssité de mettre a jour la partition //voir KVIntegerList::CheckForUpdate() // return Remove(val, GetFrequency(val)); }
/***************************************************************************** * Function - GetSpeed * DESCRIPTION: *****************************************************************************/ float AdvancedFlowCtrl::GetSpeed(int pumpIndex) { float speed = 0.0f; if (pumpIndex < NO_OF_PUMPS && mpPower[pumpIndex]->IsAvailable()) { float power = mpPower[pumpIndex]->GetValue(); float frequency = GetFrequency(pumpIndex); speed = mpMotorModel->GetShaftSpeed(power, frequency); } return speed; }
/** * Fetch a list of all FTDI widgets and create a new device for each of them. */ bool FtdiDmxPlugin::StartHook() { typedef vector<FtdiWidgetInfo> FtdiWidgetInfoVector; FtdiWidgetInfoVector widgets; FtdiWidget::Widgets(&widgets); FtdiWidgetInfoVector::const_iterator iter; for (iter = widgets.begin(); iter != widgets.end(); ++iter) { AddDevice(new FtdiDmxDevice(this, *iter, GetFrequency())); } return true; }
Seconds now() { LARGE_INTEGER tick, freq; Seconds res; freq = GetFrequency(); QueryPerformanceCounter(&tick); res = (Seconds)tick.QuadPart / (Seconds)freq.QuadPart; return res; }
LRESULT CMainDlg::OnLoop(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { UpdatePlot(); double dur = 2.0; double frq = GetFrequency(); if (Play(frq, dur, TRUE) == 0) { btnStop.EnableWindow(TRUE); btnPlay.EnableWindow(FALSE); btnLoop.EnableWindow(FALSE); } return 0; }
nglString nglVideoMode::Dump() const { nglString str; uint freq = GetFrequency(); str.Format(_T("%dx%dx%d"), GetWidth(), GetHeight(), GetDepth()); if (freq) { nglString freq_str; freq_str.Format(_T(" (%d Hz)"), freq); str += freq_str; } return str; }
/** * Enqueues a compilation for a new shader of this type. * @param Platform - The platform to compile for. * @param Material - The material to link the shader with. * @param VertexFactoryType - The vertex factory to compile with. */ FShaderCompileJob* FMeshMaterialShaderType::BeginCompileShader( uint32 ShaderMapId, EShaderPlatform Platform, const FMaterial* Material, FShaderCompilerEnvironment* MaterialEnvironment, FVertexFactoryType* VertexFactoryType, const FShaderPipelineType* ShaderPipeline, TArray<FShaderCommonCompileJob*>& NewJobs ) { FShaderCompileJob* NewJob = new FShaderCompileJob(ShaderMapId, VertexFactoryType, this); NewJob->Input.SharedEnvironment = MaterialEnvironment; FShaderCompilerEnvironment& ShaderEnvironment = NewJob->Input.Environment; // apply the vertex factory changes to the compile environment check(VertexFactoryType); VertexFactoryType->ModifyCompilationEnvironment(Platform, Material, ShaderEnvironment); //update material shader stats UpdateMaterialShaderCompilingStats(Material); UE_LOG(LogShaders, Verbose, TEXT(" %s"), GetName()); COOK_STAT(MaterialMeshCookStats::ShadersCompiled++); // Allow the shader type to modify the compile environment. SetupCompileEnvironment(Platform, Material, ShaderEnvironment); bool bAllowDevelopmentShaderCompile = Material->GetAllowDevelopmentShaderCompile(); // Compile the shader environment passed in with the shader type's source code. ::GlobalBeginCompileShader( Material->GetFriendlyName(), VertexFactoryType, this, ShaderPipeline, GetShaderFilename(), GetFunctionName(), FShaderTarget(GetFrequency(),Platform), NewJob, NewJobs, bAllowDevelopmentShaderCompile ); return NewJob; }
int AUDIOSOURCE::IsCompatible(AUDIOSOURCE* a) { int i, j; __int64 k,l; k = FormatSpecific(MMSGFS_VORBIS_FRAMEDURATIONS); l = a->FormatSpecific(MMSGFS_VORBIS_FRAMEDURATIONS); if ((i=GetFormatTag()) && (j=a->GetFormatTag())) { if (i!=j || k!=l) return MMSIC_FORMATTAG; } else { if (strcmp(GetCodecID(),a->GetCodecID())) { return MMSIC_IDSTRING; } } if (a->GetFrequency() != GetFrequency()) return MMSIC_SAMPLERATE; return MMS_COMPATIBLE; }
void SequenceElements::ImportLyrics(Element* element, wxWindow* parent) { LyricsDialog* dlgLyrics = new LyricsDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); if (dlgLyrics->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { element->SetFixedTiming(0); // remove all existing layers from timing track int num_layers = element->GetEffectLayerCount(); for( int k = num_layers-1; k >= 0; k-- ) { element->RemoveEffectLayer(k); } EffectLayer* phrase_layer = element->AddEffectLayer(); int total_num_phrases = dlgLyrics->TextCtrlLyrics->GetNumberOfLines(); int num_phrases = total_num_phrases; for( int i = 0; i < dlgLyrics->TextCtrlLyrics->GetNumberOfLines(); i++ ) { std::string line = dlgLyrics->TextCtrlLyrics->GetLineText(i).ToStdString(); if( line == "" ) { num_phrases--; } } int start_time = 0; int end_time = mSequenceEndMS; int interval_ms = (end_time-start_time) / num_phrases; for( int i = 0; i < total_num_phrases; i++ ) { wxString line = dlgLyrics->TextCtrlLyrics->GetLineText(i).ToStdString(); if( line != "" ) { xframe->dictionary.InsertSpacesAfterPunctuation(line); end_time = TimeLine::RoundToMultipleOfPeriod(start_time+interval_ms, GetFrequency()); phrase_layer->AddEffect(0,line.ToStdString(),"","",start_time,end_time,EFFECT_NOT_SELECTED,false); start_time = end_time; } } } }
bool Channel::SetBuffer(Buffer *buffer) { if (!m_ready) return false; Stop(); m_buffer = buffer; if (buffer == nullptr) { alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, 0); return true; } alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, buffer->GetBuffer()); if (alCheck()) { GetLogger()->Warn("Could not set sound buffer. Code: %d\n", alGetCode()); return false; } m_initFrequency = GetFrequency(); return true; }