Esempio n. 1
void ReattachCookies(TransportInfo* pTInfo)

	//Remove existing cookies from the transport headers
	EA::WebKit::HeaderMap::iterator it;
	while((it = GetHeaderMap(pTInfo->mHeaderMapOut)->find_as(EA_CHAR16("Cookie"), EA::WebKit::str_iless())) != GetHeaderMap(pTInfo->mHeaderMapOut)->end())

	//Attach new cookies
	WebCore::ResourceHandleManager* pRHM = WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::sharedInstance();

	EA::WebKit::CookieManager* pCM = pRHM->GetCookieManager();   
Esempio n. 2
bool LinkHookManager::ModifyResourceRequest(WebCore::ResourceRequest& resourceRequest)
    bool bIntercepted = false;

    ViewNotification* pVN = GetViewNotification();

        LinkNotificationInfo  lni;
        lni.mpView              = mpView;
        lni.mbURIIntercepted    = false;
		lni.mbURIInterceptedByDomainFiltering = false;//We don't make any decision here. It is done inside the resource manager.

		EA::WebKit::HeaderMap& originalHeaderMap = *GetHeaderMap(lni.mpOriginalHeaderMap);
		EA::WebKit::HeaderMap& newHeaderMap = *GetHeaderMap(lni.mpModifiedHeaderMap);
		// Setup mOriginalURI
		const WebCore::String& webCoreURI = resourceRequest.url().string();
		GetFixedString(lni.mOriginalURI)->assign(webCoreURI.characters(), webCoreURI.length());

		// Setup originalHeaderMap
		const WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap& webcoreHeaderMap = resourceRequest.httpHeaderFields();
		for(WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it(webcoreHeaderMap.begin()); it != webcoreHeaderMap.end(); ++it)
			const WebCore::String& webCoreKey   = it->first;
			const WebCore::String& webCoreValue = it->second;

			HeaderMap::value_type entry(HeaderMap::key_type(webCoreKey.characters(), webCoreKey.length()), 
				HeaderMap::mapped_type(webCoreValue.characters(), webCoreValue.length()));

		//Note by Arpit Baldeva: Changed the code so that it better reflects the main app behavior and is consistent with 
		//other ViewNotification API. This was discussed with Sims team over the email.
		//The interception has a confusing meaning here. This is how I interpret as possible scenarios.
		//1. Application does not do anything. Simply returns false. So nothing changes.
		//2. Application takes control of the URL(say for downloading stuff). In this case, application returns true to indicate this. Further, they
		//specify by setting the mbURIIntercepted to be true that the link does not need processing anymore.
		//3. Application is simply interested in doing something else with this link. Say it wants to redirect any access to to 

		if(!pVN->LinkSelected(lni)) // case 1: Application did not do anything with the notification and returned false
			bIntercepted = false;//We too return false here so that WebKit does its own stuff with the Link.
		else //application did something....l
			//Check if application wanted WebKit to not handle URL anymore. For example, download stuff.
			//This is indicated by setting the lni.mbURIIntercepted
			if(lni.mbURIIntercepted) //case 2
				bIntercepted = lni.mbURIIntercepted;// We are finished, WebKit does not do anything anymore.
			else //case 3
				//Check if the application simply changed the link location or headers. If yes, set them and let the WebKit do its work.
					OWBAL::KURL currentURL(GetFixedString(lni.mModifiedURI)->c_str());

					// We need to const_cast this, as ResourceRequest doesn't have a function to clear the headers.
					WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap& webCoreHeaderMap = const_cast<WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap&>(resourceRequest.httpHeaderFields());

					webCoreHeaderMap.clear(); // We will be completely re-writing the headers.

					for(HeaderMap::const_iterator it = newHeaderMap.begin(); it != newHeaderMap.end(); ++it)
						const WebCore::String key(it->first.c_str(), it->first.length());
						const WebCore::String val(it->second.c_str(), it->second.length());

						resourceRequest.addHTTPHeaderField(key, val);
				bIntercepted = false;//The WebKit should take this new data and do its job.

            bIntercepted = lni.mbURIIntercepted;

                    OWBAL::KURL currentURL(GetFixedString(lni.mModifiedURI)->c_str());

                    // We need to const_cast this, as ResourceRequest doesn't have a function to clear the headers.
                    WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap& webCoreHeaderMap = const_cast<WebCore::HTTPHeaderMap&>(resourceRequest.httpHeaderFields());

                    webCoreHeaderMap.clear(); // We will be completely re-writing the headers.

                    for(HeaderMap::const_iterator it = newHeaderMap.begin(); it != newHeaderMap.end(); ++it)
                        const WebCore::String key(it->first.c_str(), it->first.length());
                        const WebCore::String val(it->second.c_str(), it->second.length());

                        resourceRequest.addHTTPHeaderField(key, val);

    return bIntercepted;