Esempio n. 1
	// Go up a level
	virtual bool LevelUp()
		if (m_added_site)
			m_added_site = false;
			return true;

		if (m_parents.empty() || m_childNames.empty())
			return false;

		wxMenu* pChild = m_pMenu;
		m_pMenu = m_parents.back();
		if (pChild->GetMenuItemCount())
			wxString name = m_childNames.back();
			int i = GetInsertIndex(m_pMenu, name);
			name.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&&"));

			wxMenuItem* pItem = new wxMenuItem(m_pMenu, wxID_ANY, name, _T(""), wxITEM_NORMAL, pChild);
			m_pMenu->Insert(i, pItem);
			delete pChild;

		path = m_paths.back();

		return true;
Esempio n. 2
	virtual bool AddSite(CSiteManagerItemData_Site* data)
		wxString newName(data->m_server.GetName());
		int i = GetInsertIndex(m_pMenu, newName);
		newName.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&&"));
		wxMenuItem* pItem = m_pMenu->Insert(i, wxID_ANY, newName);

		data->m_path = path + _T("/") + CSiteManager::EscapeSegment(data->m_server.GetName());

		(*m_idMap)[pItem->GetId()] = data;

		m_added_site = true;

		return true;
Esempio n. 3
	virtual bool AddSite(CSiteManagerItemData_Site* data)
		wxString newName(data->m_server.GetName());
		int i = GetInsertIndex(m_pMenu, newName);
		newName.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&&"));
		wxMenuItem* pItem = m_pMenu->Insert(i, wxID_ANY, newName);

		struct CSiteManager::_menu_data menu_data; = data;
		menu_data.path = data->m_server.GetName();
		menu_data.path.Replace(_T("\\"), _T("\\\\"));
		menu_data.path.Replace(_T("/"), _T("\\/"));
		menu_data.path = path + _T("/") + menu_data.path;

		(*m_idMap)[pItem->GetId()] = menu_data;

		m_added_site = true;

		return true;
nsresult nsMsgXFVirtualFolderDBView::InsertHdrFromFolder(nsIMsgDBHdr *msgHdr, nsISupports *folder)
  nsMsgViewIndex insertIndex = GetInsertIndex(msgHdr);
  if (insertIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None)
    return AddHdrFromFolder(msgHdr, folder);

  nsMsgKey msgKey;
  PRUint32 msgFlags;
  m_keys.InsertElementAt(insertIndex, msgKey);
  m_flags.InsertElementAt(insertIndex, msgFlags);
  m_folders->InsertElementAt(folder, insertIndex);
  m_levels.InsertElementAt(insertIndex, 0);

  // the call to NoteChange() has to happen after we add the key
  // as NoteChange() will call RowCountChanged() which will call our GetRowCount()
  NoteChange(insertIndex, 1, nsMsgViewNotificationCode::insertOrDelete);
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 5
nsresult nsMsgSearchDBView::InsertHdrFromFolder(nsIMsgDBHdr *msgHdr, nsIMsgFolder *folder)
  nsMsgViewIndex insertIndex = nsMsgViewIndex_None;
  // Threaded view always needs to go through AddHdrFromFolder since
  // it handles the xf view thread object creation.
  if (! (m_viewFlags & nsMsgViewFlagsType::kThreadedDisplay))
    insertIndex = GetInsertIndex(msgHdr);

  if (insertIndex == nsMsgViewIndex_None)
    return AddHdrFromFolder(msgHdr, folder);

  nsMsgKey msgKey;
  uint32_t msgFlags;
  InsertMsgHdrAt(insertIndex, msgHdr, msgKey, msgFlags, 0);

  // the call to NoteChange() has to happen after we add the key
  // as NoteChange() will call RowCountChanged() which will call our GetRowCount()
  NoteChange(insertIndex, 1, nsMsgViewNotificationCode::insertOrDelete);
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 6
nsMsgGroupThread *nsMsgGroupView::AddHdrToThread(nsIMsgDBHdr *msgHdr, bool *pNewThread)
  nsMsgKey msgKey;
  uint32_t msgFlags;
  nsString hashKey;
  nsresult rv = HashHdr(msgHdr, hashKey);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return nullptr;

//  if (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byDate)
//    msgKey = ((nsPRUint32Key *) hashKey)->GetValue();
  nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgThread> msgThread;
  m_groupsTable.Get(hashKey, getter_AddRefs(msgThread));
  bool newThread = !msgThread;
  *pNewThread = newThread;
  nsMsgViewIndex viewIndexOfThread; // index of first message in thread in view
  nsMsgViewIndex threadInsertIndex; // index of newly added header in thread

  nsMsgGroupThread *foundThread = static_cast<nsMsgGroupThread *>(msgThread.get());
  if (foundThread) 
    // find the view index of the root node of the thread in the view
    viewIndexOfThread = GetIndexOfFirstDisplayedKeyInThread(foundThread,
    if (viewIndexOfThread == nsMsgViewIndex_None)
      // Something is wrong with the group table. Remove the old group and
      // insert a new one.
      foundThread = nullptr;
      *pNewThread = newThread = true;
  // If the thread does not already exist, create one
  if (!foundThread)
    foundThread = CreateGroupThread(m_db);
    msgThread = do_QueryInterface(foundThread);
    m_groupsTable.Put(hashKey, msgThread);
    if (GroupViewUsesDummyRow())
      foundThread->m_dummy = true;

    viewIndexOfThread = GetInsertIndex(msgHdr);
    if (viewIndexOfThread == nsMsgViewIndex_None)
      viewIndexOfThread = m_keys.Length();

    // add the thread root node to the view
    InsertMsgHdrAt(viewIndexOfThread, msgHdr, msgKey,
                   msgFlags | MSG_VIEW_FLAG_ISTHREAD | nsMsgMessageFlags::Elided, 0);

    // For dummy rows, Have the header serve as the dummy node (it will be added
    //  again for its actual content later.)
    if (GroupViewUsesDummyRow())
      foundThread->InsertMsgHdrAt(0, msgHdr);

    // Calculate the (integer thread key); this really only needs to be done for
    //  the byDate case where the expanded state of the groups can be easily
    //  persisted and restored because of the bounded, consecutive value space
    //  occupied.  We calculate an integer value in all cases mainly because
    //  it's the sanest choice available...
    // (The thread key needs to be an integer, so parse hash keys that are
    //  stringified integers to real integers, and hash actual strings into
    //  integers.)
    if ((m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byAttachments) ||
        (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byFlagged) ||
        (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byPriority) ||
        (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byStatus) ||
        (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byReceived) ||
        (m_sortType == nsMsgViewSortType::byDate))
      foundThread->m_threadKey =
      foundThread->m_threadKey = (nsMsgKey)
  // Add the message to the thread as an actual content-bearing header.
  // (If we use dummy rows, it was already added to the thread during creation.)
  threadInsertIndex = foundThread->AddChildFromGroupView(msgHdr, this);
  // check if new hdr became thread root
  if (!newThread && threadInsertIndex == 0)
    // update the root node's header (in the view) to be the same as the root
    //  node in the thread.
    SetMsgHdrAt(msgHdr, viewIndexOfThread, msgKey,
                (msgFlags & ~(nsMsgMessageFlags::Elided)) |
                  // maintain elided flag and dummy flag
                  (m_flags[viewIndexOfThread] & (nsMsgMessageFlags::Elided
                                                 | MSG_VIEW_FLAG_DUMMY))
                  // ensure thread and has-children flags are set
    // update the content-bearing copy in the thread to match.  (the root and
    //  first nodes in the thread should always be the same header.)
    // note: the guy who used to be the root will still exist.  If our list of
    //  nodes was [A A], a new node B is introduced which sorts to be the first
    //  node, giving us [B A A], our copy makes that [B B A], and things are
    //  right in the world (since we want the first two headers to be the same
    //  since one is our dummy and one is real.)
    if (GroupViewUsesDummyRow())
      foundThread->SetMsgHdrAt(1, msgHdr); // replace the old duplicate dummy header.
    // we do not update the content-bearing copy in the view to match; we leave
    //  that up to OnNewHeader, which is the piece of code who gets to care
    //  about whether the thread's children are shown or not (elided)

  return foundThread;