Esempio n. 1
VOID	RayTrace(INT pid)
	INT	j;
	INT	x, y;			/* Pixel address.		     */
	REAL	xx, yy;
	VEC3	N;			/* Normal at intersection.	     */
	VEC3	Ipoint; 		/* Intersection point.		     */
	COLOR	c;			/* Color for storing background.     */
	RAY	*ray;			/* Ray pointer. 		     */
	RAY	rmsg;			/* Ray message. 		     */
	RAYJOB	job;			/* Ray job from work pool.	     */
	OBJECT	*po;			/* Ptr to object.		     */
	BOOL	hit;			/* An object hit?		     */
	IRECORD hitrecord;		/* Intersection record. 	     */

	ray = &rmsg;

	while (GetJobs(&job, pid) != WPS_EMPTY)
		while (GetRayJobFromBundle(&job, &x, &y))
			/* Convert the ray job to the ray message format. */

			xx = (REAL)x;
			yy = (REAL)y;

			if (AntiAlias)
				for (j = 0; j < NumSubRays; j++)
					ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx + frand(), yy + frand());
					PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid);
				ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx, yy);
				PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid);

			while (PopRayTreeStack(ray, pid) != RTS_EMPTY)
				/* Find which object is closest along the ray. */

				switch (TraversalType)
					case TT_LIST:
						hit = Intersect(ray, &hitrecord);

					case TT_HUG:
						hit = TraverseHierarchyUniform(ray, &hitrecord, pid);

				/* Process the object ray hit. */

				if (hit)
					 *  Get parent object to be able to access
					 *  object operations.

					po = hitrecord.pelem->parent;

					/* Calculate intersection point. */
					RayPoint(Ipoint, ray, hitrecord.t);

					/* Calculate normal at this point. */
					((void (*)(IRECORD *, VEC3, VEC3))(*po->procs->normal))(&hitrecord, Ipoint, N);

					/* Make sure normal is pointing toward ray origin. */
					if ((VecDot(ray->D, N)) >  0.0)
						VecNegate(N, N);

					 *  Compute shade at this point - will process
					 *  shadow rays and add secondary reflection
					 *  and refraction rays to ray tree stack

					Shade(Ipoint, N, ray, &hitrecord, pid);
					/* Add background as pixel contribution. */

					VecCopy(c, View.bkg);
					VecScale(c, ray->weight, c);
					AddPixelColor(c, ray->x, ray->y);
wxString CppCheckSettings::GetOptions() const
    wxString options;
    if(GetStyle()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=style ");
    if(GetPerformance()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=performance ");
    if(GetPortability()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=portability ");
    if(GetUnusedFunctions()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=unusedFunction ");
    if(GetMissingIncludes()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=missingInclude ");
    if(GetInformation()) {
        options << wxT(" --enable=information ");
    if(GetPosixStandards()) {
        options << wxT(" --std=posix ");
    if(GetC99Standards()) {
        options << wxT(" --std=c99 ");
    if(GetCpp11Standards()) {
        options << wxT(" --std=c++11 ");
    if(GetForce()) {
        options << wxT("--force ");
    if(GetJobs() > 1) {
        options << wxT("-j") << GetJobs() << " ";
    if(GetCheckConfig()) {
        options << wxT("--check-config "); // Though this turns off other checks, afaict it does not harm to emit them

    // Now add any ticked suppressedwarnings
    std::map<wxString, wxString>::const_iterator iter = m_SuppressedWarnings1.begin();
    for(; iter != m_SuppressedWarnings1.end(); ++iter) {
        options << wxT(" --suppress=") << (*iter).first << " ";

    // IncludeDirs
    for(size_t n = 0; n < m_IncludeDirs.GetCount(); ++n) {
        wxString item = m_IncludeDirs.Item(n);
        if(!item.empty()) {
            options << " -I" << item << " ";
    if(m_SuppressSystemIncludes) {
        options << wxT(" --suppress=") << "missingIncludeSystem ";

    // (Un)Definitions
    for(size_t n = 0; n < m_definitions.GetCount(); ++n) {
        wxString item = m_definitions.Item(n);
        if(!item.empty()) {
            options << " -D" << item << " ";
    for(size_t n = 0; n < m_undefines.GetCount(); ++n) {
        wxString item = m_undefines.Item(n);
        if(!item.empty()) {
            options << " -U" << item << " ";

    options << wxT(" --template gcc ");
    return options;
std::list<Job*>* PersistentStorage::GetAllEncrypted(EncryptionKeys* keys)
  return GetJobs(keys, ENCRYPTED->Append(FactoryString::GetInstance()->CreateNewString(" = 1")));