Esempio n. 1
If using the exposure time, the scaling factors are normalized to ratios 
relative to the max exposure. 

    Date            Author      Description
    ----            ------      -----------
    24-Sep-1998     W.J. Hack   Initial Version
    18-Mar-1999     W.J. Hack   Revised to read EXPTIMEs from Primary headers
                                using image-template list directly
    20-Oct-1999     W.J. Hack   Revised to compute number of good input images
                                and insure they are less than MAX_FILES.
    14-Apr-2000     W.J. Hack   Revised to also return final EXPEND appropriate
                                for output CR-combined product
    14-Mar-2002     W.J. Hack   Added computation of cumulative DARKTIME
    4-Apr-2002      W.J. Hack   added initialization of 'totd'
   24-Apr-2002      W.J. Hack   removed darktime altogether, find initial EXPSTART
int cr_scaling (char *expname, IRAFPointer tpin, float efac[], int *nimgs, double *expend, double *expstart)
    extern int status;

    Hdr         prihdr;
    int         nzero, k;
    char        fdata[CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH + 1];
    IODescPtr   ip;
    int         numimgs;        /* How many good input images are there? */

    double     end, keyend, keystart, start;

    int         GetKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, int, float, float *);
    int         GetKeyDbl (Hdr *, char *, int, double, double *);
    /* -------------------------------- begin ---------------------------------- */

    /* Rewind the image template pointer */

    *nimgs = c_imtlen(tpin);
    end = 0.0;
    keyend = 0.0;
    start = 1e+10;
    keystart = 0.0;

    /* Check to make sure there are not too many images to work with... */
    if (*nimgs > MAX_FILES) {
        trlerror("There are too many input images to combine. "); 
        return(status = NOTHING_TO_DO);

    /* if the parameter scaling is null, all images have equal weight. 
        If no keyword name is given for the exposure time, assume equal
        weights of 1 for all images.
    if (expname[0] == '\0') {
        return (status);

    /* Use exposure time as scaling factor */
    nzero = 0;	
    /* loop all input files counting how many usable inputs there are */
    numimgs = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < *nimgs; ++k) {

        /* read the next input image name in the template list */
        c_imtgetim (tpin, fdata, CHAR_FNAME_LENGTH);

        /* open the primary header */
        ip = openInputImage (fdata, "", 0);
        if (hstio_err()) {
            sprintf (MsgText, "Cannot open data file '%s'", fdata);
            trlerror (MsgText);
            return (status = OPEN_FAILED);

        initHdr (&prihdr);

        /* read in primary header from image */
        getHeader (ip, &prihdr);

        if (GetKeyFlt (&prihdr, expname, USE_DEFAULT, 0., &efac[k]) != 0) {
            sprintf (MsgText, "cannot read '%s' from the primary header of '%s'", expname, fdata);
            trlerror (MsgText);
            freeHdr (&prihdr);
            return(status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
        if (efac[k] < 0.) {
            sprintf (MsgText, "exposure time of file '%s' is negative", fdata);
            trlerror (MsgText);
            freeHdr (&prihdr);
            return(status = INVALID_VALUE);
        if (efac[k] == 0.) {
        if (GetKeyDbl (&prihdr, "EXPEND", USE_DEFAULT, 0., &keyend) != 0) {
            sprintf (MsgText, "cannot read 'EXPEND' from the primary header of '%s'", fdata);
            trlerror (MsgText);
            freeHdr (&prihdr);
            return(status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
        if (GetKeyDbl (&prihdr, "EXPSTART", USE_DEFAULT, 0., &keystart) != 0) {
            sprintf (MsgText, "cannot read 'EXPSTART' from the primary header of '%s'", fdata);
            trlerror (MsgText);
            freeHdr (&prihdr);
            return(status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
        end = (keyend > end) ? keyend: end;
        start = (keystart < start) ? keystart : start;
        closeImage (ip);
        freeHdr (&prihdr);
    if (nzero > 0 && nzero < *nimgs) {
        trlwarn ("Some (but not all) input imsets have zero exposure time.");
        trlwarn ("Final product will be compromised!");
        /* This type of error will need to be handled differently in order
            to allow pipeline processing of this type of dataset. 
        return (status = INVALID_VALUE);
    /* Only return the number of valid input images,
        initial EXPSTART and final EXPEND value
    *nimgs = numimgs;
    *expend = end;
    *expstart = start;
    return (status);
Esempio n. 2
int GetCCDInfo (WF3Info *wf3, CCD_Switch *sci_sw, RefFileInfo *sciref) {

/* arguments:
WF3Info *wf3          i: calibration flags and other info
CCD_Switch *sci_sw    o: all calibration switches (0 or 1) for science file
RefFileInfo *sciref  io: list of keyword,filename pairs for science file

	extern int status;

	IODescPtr im;		/* descriptor for an image */
	Hdr phdr;		/* primary header */
	int nextend;		/* number of FITS extensions in rawfile */

	int GetKeyInt (Hdr *, char *, int, int, int *);
	int GetKeyFlt (Hdr *, char *, int, float, float *);
	int GetCCDSws (CCD_Switch *, Hdr *);
	int GetCCDRef (WF3Info *, CCD_Switch *, Hdr *, RefFileInfo *);
	/* Open input raw data file. */
	initHdr (&phdr);
	im = openInputImage (wf3->rawfile, "", 0);
	if (hstio_err()) {
	    sprintf (MsgText, "Member \"%s\" is not present", wf3->rawfile);
	    trlerror (MsgText);
	    return (status = OPEN_FAILED);

	/* Read primary header into pdhr. */
	getHeader (im, &phdr);
	if (hstio_err()) {
	    sprintf (MsgText, "Could not open PRIMARY header for \"%s\" ",
	    trlmessage (MsgText);
	    return (status = OPEN_FAILED);
	closeImage (im);
	/* Get generic parameters: */

	/* Find out how many extensions there are in this file. */
	if (GetKeyInt (&phdr, "NEXTEND", USE_DEFAULT, EXT_PER_GROUP, &nextend)){
	    return (status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
	wf3->nchips = nextend / EXT_PER_GROUP;

	/* Get binning and gain info.  We really only need this for the CCD. */
	if (GetKeyInt (&phdr, "BINAXIS1", USE_DEFAULT, 1, &wf3->scibin[0])) {
	    return (status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
	if (GetKeyInt (&phdr, "BINAXIS2", USE_DEFAULT, 1, &wf3->scibin[1])){
	    return (status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
	if (GetKeyFlt (&phdr, "CCDGAIN",  USE_DEFAULT, 1.5, &wf3->scigain)){
	    return (status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
	wf3->samebin = 1;	/* default */

	/* Get calibration switches, and check that reference files exist. */
	if (GetCCDSws (sci_sw, &phdr))
	    return (status = KEYWORD_MISSING);
	if (GetCCDRef (wf3, sci_sw, &phdr, sciref))
	    return (status = CAL_FILE_MISSING);

	freeHdr (&phdr);
	return (status);