void C_DODBaseRocket::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t type )
	BaseClass::PostDataUpdate( type );

	if ( type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED )
		// Now stick our initial velocity into the interpolation history 
		CInterpolatedVar< Vector > &interpolator = GetOriginInterpolator();
		float changeTime = GetLastChangeTime( LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR );

		// Add a sample 1 second back.
		Vector vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin() - m_vInitialVelocity;
		interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime - 1.0, &vCurOrigin, false );

		// Add the current sample.
		vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin();
		interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime, &vCurOrigin, false );

		// do the same for angles
		CInterpolatedVar< QAngle > &rotInterpolator = GetRotationInterpolator();


		// Add a rotation sample 1 second back
		QAngle vCurAngles = GetLocalAngles();
		rotInterpolator.AddToHead( changeTime - 1.0, &vCurAngles, false );

		// Add the current rotation
		rotInterpolator.AddToHead( changeTime - 1.0, &vCurAngles, false );
// Purpose: 
void CTFBaseRocket::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t type )
	// Pass through to the base class.
	BaseClass::PostDataUpdate( type );

	if ( type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED )
		// Now stick our initial velocity and angles into the interpolation history.
		CInterpolatedVar<Vector> &interpolator = GetOriginInterpolator();

		CInterpolatedVar<QAngle> &rotInterpolator = GetRotationInterpolator();

		float flChangeTime = GetLastChangeTime( LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR );

		// Add a sample 1 second back.
		Vector vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin() - m_vInitialVelocity;
		interpolator.AddToHead( flChangeTime - 1.0f, &vCurOrigin, false );

		QAngle vCurAngles = GetLocalAngles();
		rotInterpolator.AddToHead( flChangeTime - 1.0f, &vCurAngles, false );

		// Add the current sample.
		vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin();
		interpolator.AddToHead( flChangeTime, &vCurOrigin, false );

		rotInterpolator.AddToHead( flChangeTime - 1.0, &vCurAngles, false );
	void CBaseGrenadeProjectile::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t type )
		BaseClass::PostDataUpdate( type );

		if ( type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED )
			// Now stick our initial velocity into the interpolation history 
			CInterpolatedVar< Vector > &interpolator = GetOriginInterpolator();
			float changeTime = GetLastChangeTime( LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR );

			// Add a sample 1 second back.
			Vector vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin() - m_vInitialVelocity;
			interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime - 1.0, &vCurOrigin, false );

			// Add the current sample.
			vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin();
			interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime, &vCurOrigin, false );
	void CWeaponDODBase::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type )
		if ( m_iState == WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED && m_iOldState != WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED ) 
			// we are being notified of the weapon being dropped
			// add an interpolation history so the movement is smoother

			// Now stick our initial velocity into the interpolation history 
			CInterpolatedVar< Vector > &interpolator = GetOriginInterpolator();

			float changeTime = GetLastChangeTime( LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR );

			// Add a sample 1 second back.
			Vector vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin() - m_vInitialDropVelocity;
			interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime - 1.0, &vCurOrigin, false );

			// Add the current sample.
			vCurOrigin = GetLocalOrigin();
			interpolator.AddToHead( changeTime, &vCurOrigin, false );

			Vector estVel;
			EstimateAbsVelocity( estVel );

			/*Msg( "estimated velocity ( %.1f %.1f %.1f )  initial velocity ( %.1f %.1f %.1f )\n",
				m_vInitialDropVelocity.m_Value.z );*/


		BaseClass::OnDataChanged( type );

		if ( GetPredictable() && !ShouldPredict() )