ADVBConfig::ADVBConfig() : config(AString(DEFAULTCONFDIR).CatPath("dvb"), false), defaults(20, &AString::DeleteString), webresponse(false) { static const struct { const char *name; const char *value; } __defaults[] = { {"prehandle", "2"}, {"posthandle", "3"}, {"pri", "0"}, {"dir", ""}, {"h264crf", "17"}, {"maxvideorate", "2000k"}, {"aacbitrate", "160k"}, {"mp3bitrate", "160k"}, {"copyvideo", "-vcodec copy"}, {"copyaudio", "-acodec copy"}, {"mp3audio", "-acodec mp3 -b:a {conf:mp3bitrate}"}, {"h264preset", "veryfast"}, {"h264bufsize", "3000k"}, {"videodeinterlace", "yadif"}, {"videofilter", "-filter:v {conf:videodeinterlace}"}, {"filters", "{conf:videofilter} {conf:audiofilter}"}, {"encodeflags", "-movflags +faststart"}, {"h264video", "-vcodec libx264 -preset {conf:h264preset} -crf {conf:h264crf} -maxrate {conf:maxvideorate} -bufsize {conf:h264bufsize} {conf:encodeflags} {conf:filters}"}, {"aacaudio", "-acodec libfdk_aac -b:a {conf:aacbitrate}"}, {"encodecopy", "{conf:copyvideo} {conf:mp3audio}"}, {"encodeh264", "{conf:h264video} {conf:aacaudio}"}, {"encodeargs", "{conf:encodeh264}"}, {"encodeaudioonlyargs", "{conf:mp3audio}"}, }; uint_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUMBEROF(__defaults); i++) { defaults.Insert(__defaults[i].name, (uptr_t)new AString(__defaults[i].value)); } CreateDirectory(GetConfigDir()); CreateDirectory(GetDataDir()); CreateDirectory(GetLogDir()); CreateDirectory(GetRecordingsStorageDir()); CreateDirectory(GetRecordingsDir()); CreateDirectory(GetTempDir()); if (CommitScheduling()) { AList users; AString dir; ListUsers(users); const AString *user = AString::Cast(users.First()); while (user) { if (((dir = GetRecordingsDir(*user)).Valid()) && (dir.Pos("{") < 0)) CreateDirectory(dir); if (((dir = GetRecordingsArchiveDir(*user)).Valid()) && (dir.Pos("{") < 0)) CreateDirectory(dir); user = user->Next(); } } }
bool DebugLog::Init(const char *pName, bool bEnable, bool bForceOpen) { wxCriticalSectionLocker lock(m_criticalSection); if (m_bEnabled) { wxFFile::Flush(); wxFFile::Close(); m_bEnabled = false; } if (bEnable && (m_pPathName.IsEmpty() || bForceOpen)) { wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::UNow(); m_pPathName = GetLogDir() + PATHSEPSTR + "PHD2_DebugLog" + now.Format(_T("_%Y-%m-%d")) + now.Format(_T("_%H%M%S"))+ ".txt"; if (!wxFFile::Open(m_pPathName, "a")) { wxMessageBox(wxString::Format("unable to open file %s", m_pPathName)); } } m_bEnabled = bEnable; return m_bEnabled; }
ENTERPRISE_VOID_FUNC_2ARG_DEFINE_STUB(void, LogTotalCompliance, const char *, version, int, background_tasks) { double total = (double) (PR_KEPT + PR_NOTKEPT + PR_REPAIRED) / 100.0; char string[CF_BUFSIZE] = { 0 }; snprintf(string, CF_BUFSIZE, "Outcome of version %s (" CF_AGENTC "-%d): Promises observed to be kept %.2f%%, Promises repaired %.2f%%, Promises not repaired %.2f%%", version, background_tasks, (double) PR_KEPT / total, (double) PR_REPAIRED / total, (double) PR_NOTKEPT / total); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Logging total compliance, total '%s'", string); char filename[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(filename, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/%s", GetLogDir(), CF_PROMISE_LOG); MapName(filename); FILE *fout = fopen(filename, "a"); if (fout == NULL) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "In total compliance logging, could not open file '%s'. (fopen: %s)", filename, GetErrorStr()); } else { fprintf(fout, "%jd,%jd: %s\n", (intmax_t)CFSTARTTIME, (intmax_t)time(NULL), string); fclose(fout); } }
static void LoadSetuid(void) { char filename[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(filename, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/cfagent.%s.log", GetLogDir(), VSYSNAME.nodename); MapName(filename); VSETUIDLIST = RawLoadItemList(filename); }
void RotateLogs() { char tmpNo[3] = {0}; char baseDirName[256] = {0}; char oldDirName[256] = {0}; char newDirName[256] = {0}; char tmpFileName[256] = {0}; if (strlen(GetLogDir()) == 0) return; GetCurrentDirectory(256, baseDirName); strcat(baseDirName, "\\"); strcat(baseDirName, GetLogDir()); strcat(baseDirName, "\\"); time_t curtime; tm now; time(&curtime); now = *localtime(&curtime); sprintf(newDirName, "%s%d-%d-%d--%d-%d-%d", baseDirName, now.tm_year+1900, now.tm_mon+1, now.tm_mday, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec); // Create directory from filename CreateDirectory(newDirName, NULL); // Move previous log files to new directory sprintf(tmpFileName, "%s*.txt", baseDirName); WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE h_find = FindFirstFile(tmpFileName, &wfd); while (h_find != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { sprintf(oldDirName, "%s%s", baseDirName, wfd.cFileName); sprintf(newDirName, "%s%d-%d-%d--%d-%d-%d\\%s", baseDirName, now.tm_year+1900, now.tm_mon+1, now.tm_mday, now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec, wfd.cFileName); MoveFile(oldDirName, newDirName); if (!FindNextFile(h_find, &wfd)) { FindClose(h_find); h_find = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
static void LoadSetuid(Attributes a) { char filename[CF_BUFSIZE]; EditDefaults edits = a.edits; edits.backup = BACKUP_OPTION_NO_BACKUP; edits.maxfilesize = 1000000; snprintf(filename, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/cfagent.%s.log", GetLogDir(), VSYSNAME.nodename); MapName(filename); if (!LoadFileAsItemList(&VSETUIDLIST, filename, edits)) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Did not find any previous setuid log '%s', creating a new one", filename); } }
static void SaveSetuid(void) { char filename[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(filename, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/cfagent.%s.log", GetLogDir(), VSYSNAME.nodename); MapName(filename); PurgeItemList(&VSETUIDLIST, "SETUID/SETGID"); Item *current = RawLoadItemList(filename); if (!ListsCompare(VSETUIDLIST, current)) { RawSaveItemList(VSETUIDLIST, filename, NewLineMode_Unix); } DeleteItemList(VSETUIDLIST); VSETUIDLIST = NULL; }
bool GuidingLog::EnableLogging(void) { if (m_enabled) return false; bool bError = false; try { wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now(); if (!m_file.IsOpened()) { m_fileName = GetLogDir() + PATHSEPSTR + "PHD2_GuideLog" + now.Format(_T("_%Y-%m-%d")) + now.Format(_T("_%H%M%S")) + ".txt"; if (!m_file.Open(m_fileName, "w")) { throw ERROR_INFO("unable to open file"); } m_keepFile = false; // Don't keep it until something meaningful is logged } assert(m_file.IsOpened()); m_file.Write(_T("PHD2 version ") FULLVER _T(", Log version ") GUIDELOG_VERSION _T(". Log enabled at ") + now.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) + "\n"); Flush(); m_enabled = true; // persist state pConfig->Global.SetBoolean("/LoggingMode", m_enabled); // dump guiding header if logging enabled during guide if (pFrame && pFrame->pGuider->IsGuiding()) GuidingHeader(); } catch (wxString Msg) { POSSIBLY_UNUSED(Msg); bError = true; } return bError; }
static PromiseResult SaveSetuid(EvalContext *ctx, Attributes a, Promise *pp) { Attributes b = a; b.edits.backup = BACKUP_OPTION_NO_BACKUP; b.edits.maxfilesize = 1000000; char filename[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(filename, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s/cfagent.%s.log", GetLogDir(), VSYSNAME.nodename); MapName(filename); PurgeItemList(ctx, &VSETUIDLIST, "SETUID/SETGID"); PromiseResult result = PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP; if (!CompareToFile(ctx, VSETUIDLIST, filename, a, pp, &result)) { SaveItemListAsFile(VSETUIDLIST, filename, b); } DeleteItemList(VSETUIDLIST); VSETUIDLIST = NULL; return result; }
void PATHMANAGER::Init(std::ostream & info_output, std::ostream & error_output) { typedef std::vector<fs::path> Paths; // Set Ogre plugins dir { ogre_plugin_dir = ""; char *plugindir = getenv("OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR"); if (plugindir) { ogre_plugin_dir = plugindir; #ifndef _WIN32 } else if (fs::exists(fs::path(OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR) / "")) { ogre_plugin_dir = OGRE_PLUGIN_DIR; #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 ogre_plugin_dir = "."; #else Paths dirs; #if defined(__amd64__) || defined(__amd64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64"); #else dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib32"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib32"); #endif dirs.push_back("/usr/local"); dirs.push_back("/usr/lib"); // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain a plugin for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { if (fs::exists(*p / "OGRE/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "OGRE").string(); break; } else if (fs::exists(*p / "ogre/")) { ogre_plugin_dir = (*p / "ogre").string(); break; } } #endif } } fs::path shortDir = "stuntrally"; // Figure out the user's home directory { home_dir = ""; #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir == NULL) { home_dir = "/home/"; homedir = getenv("USER"); if (homedir == NULL) { homedir = getenv("USERNAME"); if (homedir == NULL) { error_output << "Could not find user's home directory!" << std::endl; home_dir = "/tmp/"; } } } #else // Windows char *homedir = getenv("USERPROFILE"); if (homedir == NULL) homedir = "data"; // WIN 9x/Me #endif home_dir += homedir; } // Find user's config dir #ifndef _WIN32 // POSIX { char const* conf = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (conf) user_config_dir = (fs::path(conf) / "stuntrally").string(); else user_config_dir = (fs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / "stuntrally").string(); } #else // Windows { // Open AppData directory std::string str; ITEMIDLIST* pidl; char AppDir[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE , &pidl); if (hRes == NOERROR) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, AppDir); int i; for (i = 0; AppDir[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (AppDir[i] == '\\') str += '/'; else str += AppDir[i]; } user_config_dir = (fs::path(str) / "stuntrally").string(); } } #endif // Create user's config dir CreateDir(user_config_dir, error_output); // Find user's data dir (for additional data) #ifdef _WIN32 user_data_dir = user_config_dir; // APPDATA/stuntrally #else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; char const* xdg_data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); user_data_dir = (xdg_data_home ? xdg_data_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".local" / shareDir).string(); } #endif // Create user's data dir and its children CreateDir(user_data_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackRecordsPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetScreenShotDir(), error_output); CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser(), error_output); // user tracks CreateDir(GetTrackPathUser()+"/_previews", error_output); CreateDir(GetReplayPath(), error_output); CreateDir(GetGhostsPath(), error_output); // Find game data dir and defaults config dir char *datadir = getenv("STUNTRALLY_DATA_ROOT"); if (datadir) game_data_dir = std::string(datadir); else { fs::path shareDir = SHARED_DATA_DIR; Paths dirs; // Adding users data dir // TODO: Disabled for now until this is handled properly //dirs.push_back(user_data_dir); // Adding relative path from installed executable dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / shareDir); // Adding relative path for running from sources dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path().parent_path()); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path() / "data"); dirs.push_back(execname().parent_path()); #ifndef _WIN32 // Adding XDG_DATA_DIRS { char const* xdg_data_dirs = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); std::istringstream iss(xdg_data_dirs ? xdg_data_dirs : "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"); for (std::string p; std::getline(iss, p, ':'); dirs.push_back(p / shortDir)) {} } #endif // TODO: Adding path from config file // Loop through the paths and pick the first one that contain some data for (Paths::const_iterator p = dirs.begin(); p != dirs.end(); ++p) { // Data dir if (fs::exists(*p / "hud")) game_data_dir = p->string(); // Config dir if (fs::exists(*p / "config")) game_config_dir = (*p / "config").string(); // Check if both are found if (!game_data_dir.empty() && !game_config_dir.empty()) break; } } // Find cache dir #ifdef _WIN32 cache_dir = user_config_dir + "/cache"; // APPDATA/stuntrally/cache #else char const* xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); cache_dir = (xdg_cache_home ? xdg_cache_home / shortDir : fs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / shortDir).string(); #endif // Create cache dir CreateDir(cache_dir, error_output); CreateDir(GetShaderCacheDir(), error_output); // Print diagnostic info std::stringstream out; out << "--- Directories: ---" << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Ogre plugin: " << ogre_plugin_dir << std::endl; out << "Home: " << home_dir << std::endl; out << "Default cfg: " << GetGameConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "User cfg: " << GetUserConfigDir() << std::endl; out << "Data: " << GetDataPath() << std::endl; out << "User data: " << GetUserDataDir() << std::endl; out << "Cache: " << GetCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Shader cache: " << GetShaderCacheDir() << std::endl; out << "Log: " << GetLogDir() << std::endl; info_output << out.str(); }
void GenericAgentInitialize(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config) { int force = false; struct stat statbuf, sb; char vbuff[CF_BUFSIZE]; char ebuff[CF_EXPANDSIZE]; #ifdef __MINGW32__ InitializeWindows(); #endif DetermineCfenginePort(); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "any", "source=agent"); GenericAgentAddEditionClasses(ctx); /* Define trusted directories */ const char *workdir = GetWorkDir(); if (!workdir) { FatalError(ctx, "Error determining working directory"); } OpenLog(LOG_USER); SetSyslogFacility(LOG_USER); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Work directory is %s", workdir); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%cupdate.conf", GetInputDir(), FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%cbin%ccf-agent -D from_cfexecd", workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%coutputs%cspooled_reports", workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%clastseen%cintermittencies", workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%creports%cvarious", workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%c.", GetLogDir(), FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%c.", GetPidDir(), FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%c.", GetStateDir(), FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(vbuff, force); MakeParentDirectory(GetLogDir(), force); snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s", GetInputDir()); if (stat(vbuff, &sb) == -1) { FatalError(ctx, " No access to WORKSPACE/inputs dir"); } /* ensure WORKSPACE/inputs directory has all user bits set (u+rwx) */ if ((sb.st_mode & 0700) != 0700) { chmod(vbuff, sb.st_mode | 0700); } snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "%s%coutputs", workdir, FILE_SEPARATOR); if (stat(vbuff, &sb) == -1) { FatalError(ctx, " No access to WORKSPACE/outputs dir"); } /* ensure WORKSPACE/outputs directory has all user bits set (u+rwx) */ if ((sb.st_mode & 0700) != 0700) { chmod(vbuff, sb.st_mode | 0700); } const char* const statedir = GetStateDir(); snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%ccf_procs", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(ebuff, force); if (stat(ebuff, &statbuf) == -1) { CreateEmptyFile(ebuff); } snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%ccf_rootprocs", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR); if (stat(ebuff, &statbuf) == -1) { CreateEmptyFile(ebuff); } snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%ccf_otherprocs", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR); if (stat(ebuff, &statbuf) == -1) { CreateEmptyFile(ebuff); } snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%cprevious_state%c", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(ebuff, force); snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%cdiff%c", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(ebuff, force); snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%cuntracked%c", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(ebuff, force); snprintf(ebuff, sizeof(ebuff), "%s%cpromise_log%c", statedir, FILE_SEPARATOR, FILE_SEPARATOR); MakeParentDirectory(ebuff, force); OpenNetwork(); CryptoInitialize(); CheckWorkingDirectories(ctx); /* Initialize keys and networking. cf-key, doesn't need keys. In fact it must function properly even without them, so that it generates them! */ if (config->agent_type != AGENT_TYPE_KEYGEN) { LoadSecretKeys(); char *bootstrapped_policy_server = ReadPolicyServerFile(workdir); PolicyHubUpdateKeys(bootstrapped_policy_server); free(bootstrapped_policy_server); } size_t cwd_size = PATH_MAX; while (true) { char cwd[cwd_size]; if (!getcwd(cwd, cwd_size)) { if (errno == ERANGE) { cwd_size *= 2; continue; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Could not determine current directory (getcwd: %s)", GetErrorStr()); break; } } EvalContextSetLaunchDirectory(ctx, cwd); break; } if (!MINUSF) { GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, GetInputDir(), ""); } setlinebuf(stdout); if (config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server) { snprintf(vbuff, CF_BUFSIZE, "", GetInputDir(), FILE_SEPARATOR); if (stat(vbuff, &statbuf) == -1) { GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, GetInputDir(), ""); } else { GenericAgentConfigSetInputFile(config, GetInputDir(), vbuff); } } }
bool TopedApp::OnInit() { // DATC = DEBUG_NEW DataCenter(); initDBLib(); Toped = DEBUG_NEW tui::TopedFrame( wxT( "wx_Toped" ), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(1200,900) ); console::ted_log_ctrl *logWindow = DEBUG_NEW console::ted_log_ctrl(Toped->logwin()); delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(logWindow); CmdList = Toped->cmdlist(); // Create the main block parser block - WARNING! blockSTACK structure MUST already exist! CMDBlock = DEBUG_NEW parsercmd::cmdMAIN(); tellstdfunc::initFuncLib(Toped, Toped->view()); InitInternalFunctions(static_cast<parsercmd::cmdMAIN*>(CMDBlock)); SetTopWindow(Toped); Toped->Show(TRUE); GetFontDir(); if (!LoadFontFile("arial1")) return FALSE; GetLogDir(); if (!GetLogFileName()) return FALSE; bool recovery_mode = false; if (CheckCrashLog()) { wxMessageDialog* dlg1 = DEBUG_NEW wxMessageDialog(Toped, wxT("Last session didn't exit normally. Start recovery?"), wxT("Toped"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_WARNING); if (wxID_YES == dlg1->ShowModal()) recovery_mode = true; else tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Recovery rejected."); dlg1->Destroy(); if (!recovery_mode) SaveIgnoredCrashLog(); } if (recovery_mode) { tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Starting recovery ..."); wxString inputfile; inputfile << wxT("#include \"") << logFileName.c_str() << wxT("\""); Console->parseCommand(inputfile, false); tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Exit recovery mode."); static_cast<parsercmd::cmdMAIN*>(CMDBlock)->recoveryDone(); LogFile.init(std::string(logFileName.mb_str()), true); } else { LogFile.init(std::string(logFileName.mb_str())); // wxLog::AddTraceMask("thread"); if (1 < argc) { wxString inputfile; for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { inputfile.Clear(); inputfile << wxT("#include \"") << argv[i] << wxT("\""); Console->parseCommand(inputfile); } } } tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Please report a bugs to [email protected] or [email protected]"); return TRUE; }
void RotateLogs() { char tmpNo[3] = {0}; char oldDirNo; char baseDirName[256] = {0}; char oldDirName[256] = {0}; char newDirName[256] = {0}; char tmpFileName[256] = {0}; if (strlen(GetLogDir()) == 0) return; GetCurrentDirectoryA(256, baseDirName); strcat(baseDirName, "\\"); strcat(baseDirName, GetLogDir()); strcat(baseDirName, "\\"); // Delete directory '9' strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); strcat(oldDirName, "9"); SHFILEOPSTRUCTA fileOp; fileOp.hwnd = 0; fileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fileOp.pFrom = oldDirName; fileOp.pTo = NULL; fileOp.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI + FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; fileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = NULL; fileOp.hNameMappings = NULL; fileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; SHFileOperationA(&fileOp); // Age directories 1-8 for (oldDirNo = 99; oldDirNo > 0; oldDirNo--) { strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); _itoa(oldDirNo, tmpNo, 10); strcat(oldDirName, tmpNo); strcpy(newDirName, baseDirName); _itoa(oldDirNo + 1, tmpNo, 10); strcat(newDirName, tmpNo); MoveFileA(oldDirName, newDirName); } // Create youngest directory '1' CreateDirectoryA(oldDirName, NULL); // Move current log files to '1' strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); strcat(oldDirName, "nwnx.txt"); strcpy(newDirName, baseDirName); strcat(newDirName, "1\\nwnx.txt"); MoveFileA(oldDirName, newDirName); strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); strcat(oldDirName, "nwserverlog1.txt"); strcpy(newDirName, baseDirName); strcat(newDirName, "1\\nwserverlog1.txt"); MoveFileA(oldDirName, newDirName); strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); strcat(oldDirName, "nwserverError1.txt"); strcpy(newDirName, baseDirName); strcat(newDirName, "1\\nwserverError1.txt"); MoveFileA(oldDirName, newDirName); strcpy(oldDirName, baseDirName); strcat(oldDirName, "nwnx_odbc.txt"); strcpy(newDirName, baseDirName); strcat(newDirName, "1\\nwnx_odbc.txt"); MoveFileA(oldDirName, newDirName); }
bool TopedApp::OnInit() { //Memory leakages check for Windows /* #ifdef _DEBUG int tmpDbgFlag; HANDLE hLogFile=CreateFile("log.txt",GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT,_CRTDBG_MODE_FILE|_CRTDBG_MODE_WNDW|_CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_WARN,_CRTDBG_MODE_FILE|_CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ERROR,_CRTDBG_MODE_FILE|_CRTDBG_MODE_WNDW|_CRTDBG_MODE_DEBUG); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT,hLogFile); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN,hLogFile); _CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR,hLogFile); tmpDbgFlag=_CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG); tmpDbgFlag|=_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF; tmpDbgFlag|=_CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF; tmpDbgFlag|=_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag(tmpDbgFlag); //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(5919); #endif*/ DATC = new DataCenter(); Toped = new tui::TopedFrame( wxT( "wx_Toped" ), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(1200,900) ); console::ted_log_ctrl *logWindow = new console::ted_log_ctrl(Toped->logwin()); delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(logWindow); Browsers = Toped->browsers(); CmdList = Toped->cmdlist(); // Create the main block parser block - WARNING! blockSTACK structure MUST already exist! CMDBlock = new parsercmd::cmdMAIN(); InitInternalFunctions(static_cast<parsercmd::cmdMAIN*>(CMDBlock)); SetTopWindow(Toped); Toped->Show(TRUE); GetFontDir(); if (!LoadFontFile("arial1")) return FALSE; GetLogDir(); if (!GetLogFileName()) return FALSE; bool recovery_mode = false; if (CheckCrashLog()) { wxMessageDialog* dlg1 = new wxMessageDialog(Toped, wxT("Last session didn't exit normally. Start recovery?\n\n WARNING! Recovery mode is experimental.\nMake sure that you've backed-up your database before proceeding"), wxT("Toped"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_WARNING); if (wxID_YES == dlg1->ShowModal()) recovery_mode = true; else tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Recovery rejected."); dlg1->Destroy(); if (!recovery_mode) SaveIgnoredCrashLog(); } if (recovery_mode) { tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Starting recovery ..."); wxString inputfile; inputfile << wxT("#include \"") << logFileName.c_str() << wxT("\""); Console->parseCommand(inputfile, false); tell_log(console::MT_WARNING,"Previous session recovered."); static_cast<parsercmd::cmdMAIN*>(CMDBlock)->recoveryDone(); LogFile.init(std::string(logFileName.mb_str()), true); } else { LogFile.init(std::string(logFileName.mb_str())); // wxLog::AddTraceMask("thread"); if (1 < argc) { wxString inputfile; for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { inputfile.Clear(); inputfile << wxT("#include \"") << argv[i] << wxT("\""); Console->parseCommand(inputfile); } } } return TRUE; }