Esempio n. 1
bool MatchesPattern(char* word, char* pattern) //   does word match pattern of characters and *
	if (!*pattern && *word) return false;	// no more pattern but have more word so fails 
	size_t len = 0;
	while (IsDigit(*pattern)) len = (len * 10) + *pattern++ - '0'; //   length test leading characters can be length of word
	if (len && strlen(word) != len) return false; // length failed
	char* start = pattern;

	while (*++pattern && *pattern != '*' && *word) //   must match leading non-wild exactly
		if (*pattern != '.' &&  *pattern != GetLowercaseData(*word)) return false; // accept a single letter either correctly OR as 1 character wildcard
	if (pattern == start && len) return true;	// just a length test, no real pattern
	if (!*word) return !*pattern || (*pattern == '*' && !pattern[1]);	// the word is done. If pattern is done or is just a trailing wild then we are good, otherwise we are bad.
	if (*word && !*pattern) return false;		// pattern ran out w/o wild and word still has more

	// Otherwise we have a * in the pattern now and have to match it against more word
	//   wildcard until does match
	char find = *++pattern; //   the characters AFTER wildcard
	if (!find) return true; // pattern ended on wildcard - matches all the rest of the word including NO rest of word

	// now resynch
	while (*++word)
		if (*pattern == GetLowercaseData(*word) && MatchesPattern(word + 1,pattern + 1)) return true;
	return false; // failed to resynch
Esempio n. 2
char* SpellFix(char* originalWord,int start,uint64 posflags,int language)
    size_t len = strlen(originalWord);
	if (len >= 100 || len == 0) return NULL;
	if (IsDigit(*originalWord)) return NULL; // number-based words and numbers must be treated elsewhere
	char letterLow = GetLowercaseData(*originalWord);
	char letterHigh = GetUppercaseData(*originalWord);
	bool hasUnderscore = (strchr(originalWord,'_')) ? true : false;
	bool isUpper = IsUpperCase(originalWord[0]);
	if (IsUpperCase(originalWord[1])) isUpper = false;	// not if all caps
	if (trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"Spell: %s\r\n",originalWord);

	char word[MAX_WORD_SIZE];

	// mark positions of the letters and make lower case
    char base[257];
    char* ptr = word - 1;
    char c;
    int position = 0;
    while ((c = *++ptr) && position < 255)
        base[position++ + 1] = GetLowercaseData(c);

	//   Priority is to a word that looks like what the user typed, because the user probably would have noticed if it didnt and changed it. So add/delete  has priority over tranform
    WORDP choices[4000];
    WORDP bestGuess[4000];
    unsigned int index = 0;
    unsigned int bestGuessindex = 0;
    int min = 30;
	unsigned char realWordLetterCounts[LETTERMAX];
	for (int  i = 0; i < (int)len; ++i)  ++realWordLetterCounts[(unsigned char)letterIndexData[(unsigned char)word[i]]]; // compute number of each kind of character
	uint64  pos = PART_OF_SPEECH;  // all pos allowed
    WORDP D;
    if (posflags == PART_OF_SPEECH && start < wordCount) // see if we can restrict word based on next word
        D = FindWord(wordStarts[start+1],0,PRIMARY_CASE_ALLOWED);
        uint64 flags = (D) ? D->properties : (-1); //   if we dont know the word, it could be anything
        if (flags & PREPOSITION) pos &= -1 ^ (PREPOSITION|NOUN);   //   prep cannot be preceeded by noun or prep
        if (!(flags & (PREPOSITION|VERB|CONJUNCTION|ADVERB)) && flags & DETERMINER) pos &= -1 ^ (DETERMINER|ADJECTIVE|NOUN|ADJECTIVE_NUMBER|NOUN_NUMBER); //   determiner cannot be preceeded by noun determiner adjective
        if (!(flags & (PREPOSITION|VERB|CONJUNCTION|DETERMINER|ADVERB)) && flags & ADJECTIVE) pos &= -1 ^ (NOUN); 
        if (!(flags & (PREPOSITION|NOUN|CONJUNCTION|DETERMINER|ADVERB|ADJECTIVE)) && flags & VERB) pos &= -1 ^ (VERB); //   we know all helper verbs we might be
        if (D && *D->word == '\'' && D->word[1] == 's' ) pos &= NOUN;    //   we can only be a noun if possessive - contracted 's should already be removed by now
    if (posflags == PART_OF_SPEECH && start > 1)
        D = FindWord(wordStarts[start-1],0,PRIMARY_CASE_ALLOWED);
        uint64 flags = (D) ? D->properties : (-1); // if we dont know the word, it could be anything
    posflags &= pos; //   if pos types are known and restricted and dont match
	static int range[] = {0,-1,1,-2,2};
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		if (language == ENGLISH && i >= 3) break;	// only allow +-2 for spanish
		MEANING offset = lengthLists[len + range[i]];
		if (trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"\r\n  Begin offset %d\r\n",i);
		while (offset)
			D = Meaning2Word(offset);
			offset = D->spellNode;
			if (PART_OF_SPEECH == posflags  && D->systemFlags & PATTERN_WORD){;} // legal generic match
			else if (!(D->properties & posflags)) continue; // wrong kind of word
			if (*D->word != letterLow && *D->word != letterHigh && language == ENGLISH) continue;	// we assume no one misspells starting letter
			char* under = strchr(D->word,'_');
			// SPELLING lists have no underscore or space words in them
			if (hasUnderscore && !under) continue;	 // require keep any underscore
			if (!hasUnderscore && under) continue;	 // require not have any underscore
			if (isUpper && !(D->internalBits & UPPERCASE_HASH) && start != 1) continue;	// dont spell check to lower a word in upper
			int val = EditDistance(D, D->length, len, base+1,min,realWordLetterCounts,language);
			if (val <= min) // as good or better
				if (val < min)
					if (trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"    Better: %s against %s value: %d\r\n",D->word,originalWord,val);
					index = 0;
					min = val;
				else if ( val == min && trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"    Equal: %s against %s value: %d\r\n",D->word,originalWord,val);

				if (!(D->internalBits & BEEN_HERE)) 
					choices[index++] = D;
					if (index > 3998) break; 
	// try endings ing, s, etc
	if (start) // no stem spell if COMING from a stem spell attempt (start == 0)
		char* stem = StemSpell(word,start);
		if (stem) 
			if (D) 
				for (unsigned int j = 0; j < index; ++j) 
					if (choices[j] == D) // already in our list
						D = NULL; 
			if (D) choices[index++] = D;

    if (!index)  return NULL; 

	// take our guesses, and pick the most common (earliest learned or most frequently used) word
    uint64 commonmin = 0;
    bestGuess[0] = NULL;
	for (unsigned int j = 0; j < index; ++j) RemoveInternalFlag(choices[j],BEEN_HERE);
    if (index == 1) 
		if (trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"    Single best spell: %s\r\n",choices[0]->word);
		return choices[0]->word;	// pick the one
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < index; ++j) 
        uint64 common = choices[j]->systemFlags & COMMONNESS;
        if (common < commonmin) continue;
		if (choices[j]->internalBits & UPPERCASE_HASH && index > 1) continue;	// ignore proper names for spell better when some other choice exists
        if (common > commonmin)
            commonmin = common;
            bestGuessindex = 0;
        bestGuess[bestGuessindex++] = choices[j];
	if (bestGuessindex) 
		if (trace == TRACE_SPELLING) Log(STDTRACELOG,(char*)"    Pick spell: %s\r\n",bestGuess[0]->word);
		return bestGuess[0]->word; 
	return NULL;