Esempio n. 1
void CMasternode::UpdateLastPaid(const CBlockIndex *pindex, int nMaxBlocksToScanBack)
    if(!pindex) return;

    const CBlockIndex *BlockReading = pindex;

    CScript mnpayee = GetScriptForDestination(pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID());
    // LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::UpdateLastPaidBlock -- searching for block with payment to %s\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort());


    for (int i = 0; BlockReading && BlockReading->nHeight > nBlockLastPaid && i < nMaxBlocksToScanBack; i++) {
        if(mnpayments.mapMasternodeBlocks.count(BlockReading->nHeight) &&
            mnpayments.mapMasternodeBlocks[BlockReading->nHeight].HasPayeeWithVotes(mnpayee, 2))
            CBlock block;
            if(!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, BlockReading, Params().GetConsensus())) // shouldn't really happen

            CAmount nMasternodePayment = GetMasternodePayment(BlockReading->nHeight, block.vtx[0].GetValueOut());

            BOOST_FOREACH(CTxOut txout, block.vtx[0].vout)
                if(mnpayee == txout.scriptPubKey && nMasternodePayment == txout.nValue) {
                    nBlockLastPaid = BlockReading->nHeight;
                    nTimeLastPaid = BlockReading->nTime;
                    LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::UpdateLastPaidBlock -- searching for block with payment to %s -- found new %d\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), nBlockLastPaid);

        if (BlockReading->pprev == NULL) { assert(BlockReading); break; }
        BlockReading = BlockReading->pprev;
Esempio n. 2
void CMasternodePayments::FillBlockPayee(CMutableTransaction& txNew, int nBlockHeight, CAmount blockReward, CTxOut& txoutMasternodeRet)
    // make sure it's not filled yet
    txoutMasternodeRet = CTxOut();

    CScript payee;

    if(!mnpayments.GetBlockPayee(nBlockHeight, payee)) {
        // no masternode detected...
        int nCount = 0;
        masternode_info_t mnInfo;
        if(!mnodeman.GetNextMasternodeInQueueForPayment(nBlockHeight, true, nCount, mnInfo)) {
            // ...and we can't calculate it on our own
            LogPrintf("CMasternodePayments::FillBlockPayee -- Failed to detect masternode to pay\n");
        // fill payee with locally calculated winner and hope for the best
        payee = GetScriptForDestination(mnInfo.pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID());

    CAmount masternodePayment = GetMasternodePayment(nBlockHeight, blockReward);

    // split reward between miner ...
    txNew.vout[0].nValue -= masternodePayment;
    // ... and masternode
    txoutMasternodeRet = CTxOut(masternodePayment, payee);

    CTxDestination address1;
    ExtractDestination(payee, address1);
    CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);

    LogPrintf("CMasternodePayments::FillBlockPayee -- Masternode payment %lld to %s\n", masternodePayment, address2.ToString());
void CMasternodePayments::FillBlockPayee(CMutableTransaction& txNew, int64_t nFees, bool fProofOfStake, bool fZXAPStake)
    CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
    if (!pindexPrev) return;

    bool hasPayment = true;
    CScript payee;

    if (!masternodePayments.GetBlockPayee(pindexPrev->nHeight + 1, payee)) {
        //no masternode detected
        CMasternode* winningNode = mnodeman.GetCurrentMasterNode(1);
        if (winningNode) {
            payee = GetScriptForDestination(winningNode->pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID());
        } else {
            LogPrint("masternode","CreateNewBlock: Failed to detect masternode to pay\n");
            hasPayment = false;

    CAmount blockValue = GetBlockValue(pindexPrev->nHeight);
    CAmount masternodePayment = GetMasternodePayment(pindexPrev->nHeight, blockValue, 0, fZXAPStake);

    if (hasPayment) {
        if (fProofOfStake) {
            /**For Proof Of Stake vout[0] must be null
             * Stake reward can be split into many different outputs, so we must
             * use vout.size() to align with several different cases.
             * An additional output is appended as the masternode payment
            unsigned int i = txNew.vout.size();
            txNew.vout.resize(i + 1);
            txNew.vout[i].scriptPubKey = payee;
            txNew.vout[i].nValue = masternodePayment;

            //subtract mn payment from the stake reward
            if (!txNew.vout[1].IsZerocoinMint())
                txNew.vout[i - 1].nValue -= masternodePayment;
        } else {
            txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey = payee;
            txNew.vout[1].nValue = masternodePayment;
            txNew.vout[0].nValue = blockValue - masternodePayment;

        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(payee, address1);
        CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);

        LogPrint("masternode","Masternode payment of %s to %s\n", FormatMoney(masternodePayment).c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str());
    } else {
		if (!fProofOfStake)
			txNew.vout[0].nValue = blockValue;
void CMasternodePayments::FillBlockPayee(CMutableTransaction& txNew, int64_t nFees, bool fProofOfStake)
    CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip();
    if(!pindexPrev) return;

    bool hasPayment = true;
    CScript payee;

    if(!masternodePayments.GetBlockPayee(pindexPrev->nHeight+1, payee)){
        //no masternode detected
        CMasternode* winningNode = mnodeman.GetCurrentMasterNode(1);
            payee = GetScriptForDestination(winningNode->pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID());
        } else {
            LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock: Failed to detect masternode to pay\n");
            hasPayment = false;

    CAmount blockValue = GetBlockValue(pindexPrev->nHeight);
    CAmount masternodePayment = GetMasternodePayment(pindexPrev->nHeight, blockValue);


            unsigned int i = txNew.vout.size();
            txNew.vout.resize(i + 1);
            txNew.vout[i].scriptPubKey = payee;
            txNew.vout[i].nValue = masternodePayment;
            txNew.vout[i - 1].nValue -= masternodePayment;
            txNew.vout[1].scriptPubKey = payee;
            txNew.vout[1].nValue = masternodePayment;
            txNew.vout[0].nValue = blockValue - masternodePayment;

        CTxDestination address1;
        ExtractDestination(payee, address1);
        CBitcoinAddress address2(address1);

        LogPrintf("Masternode payment to %s\n", address2.ToString().c_str());
void CMasternode::UpdateLastPaid(const CBlockIndex* pindex, int nMaxBlocksToScanBack)
    if (!pindex) return;

    const CBlockIndex* pindexActive = chainActive.Tip();

    CDiskBlockPos blockPos = pindexActive->GetBlockPos();

    CScript mnpayee = GetScriptForDestination(CScriptID(GetScriptForDestination(WitnessV0KeyHash(pubKeyCollateralAddress.GetID()))));
    //LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::UpdateLastPaidBlock -- searching for block with payment to %s\n", outpoint.ToStringShort());


    for (int i = 0; pindexActive->nHeight > nBlockLastPaid && i < nMaxBlocksToScanBack; i++) {
        if (mnpayments.mapMasternodeBlocks.count(pindexActive->nHeight) &&
            mnpayments.mapMasternodeBlocks[pindexActive->nHeight].HasPayeeWithVotes(mnpayee, 2)) {
            if (blockPos.IsNull() == true) {

            CBlock block;
            if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, blockPos, Params().GetConsensus()))

            CAmount nMasternodePayment = GetMasternodePayment(pindexActive->nHeight, block.vtx[0]->GetValueOut());

            for (const auto& txout : block.vtx[0]->vout)
                if (mnpayee == txout.scriptPubKey && nMasternodePayment == txout.nValue) {
                    nBlockLastPaid = pindexActive->nHeight;
                    nTimeLastPaid = pindexActive->nTime;
                    LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::UpdateLastPaidBlock -- searching for block with payment to %s -- found new %d\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), nBlockLastPaid);

        if (pindexActive->pprev == nullptr) {
        pindexActive = pindexActive->pprev;

    // Last payment for this masternode wasn't found in latest mnpayments blocks
    // or it was found in mnpayments blocks but wasn't found in the blockchain.
    LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::UpdateLastPaidBlock -- searching for block with payment to %s -- keeping old %d\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), nBlockLastPaid);