void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::CallMacros( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aNumber ) { wxPoint tPosition; wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Call macro %d" ), aNumber ); SetStatusText( msg ); wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ); cmd.SetEventObject( this ); tPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC ); SetMousePosition( tPosition ); GeneralControl( aDC, tPosition ); for( std::list<MACROS_RECORD>::iterator i = m_Macros[aNumber].m_Record.begin(); i != m_Macros[aNumber].m_Record.end(); ++i ) { wxPoint tmpPos = GetNearestGridPosition( tPosition + i->m_Position ); SetMousePosition( tmpPos ); GeneralControl( aDC, tmpPos, i->m_HotkeyCode ); } cmd.SetId( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC ); }
wxPoint BASE_SCREEN::GetCursorPosition( bool aOnGrid, wxRealPoint* aGridSize ) { if( aOnGrid ) return GetNearestGridPosition( m_crossHairPosition, aGridSize ); return m_crossHairPosition; }
void BASE_SCREEN::SetCrossHairPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aSnapToGrid ) { if( aSnapToGrid ) m_crossHairPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); else m_crossHairPosition = aPosition; }
wxPoint EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetGridPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition ) const { wxPoint pos = aPosition; if( m_currentScreen != NULL && m_snapToGrid ) pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); return pos; }
/* localize a gerber item and return a pointer to it. * Display info about this item */ GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* GERBVIEW_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition, int aTypeloc ) { m_messagePanel->EraseMsgBox(); wxPoint ref = aPosition; bool found = false; if( aTypeloc == CURSEUR_ON_GRILLE ) ref = GetNearestGridPosition( ref ); int layer = getActiveLayer(); // Search first on active layer GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* gerb_item = GetItemsList(); for( ; gerb_item; gerb_item = gerb_item->Next() ) { if( gerb_item->GetLayer()!= layer ) continue; if( gerb_item->HitTest( ref ) ) { found = true; break; } } if( !found ) // Search on all layers { for( gerb_item = GetItemsList(); gerb_item; gerb_item = gerb_item->Next() ) { if( gerb_item->HitTest( ref ) ) { found = true; break; } } } if( found ) { MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items; gerb_item->GetMsgPanelInfo( items ); SetMsgPanel( items ); return gerb_item; } return NULL; }
LIB_ITEM* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LocateItemUsingCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[] ) { LIB_PART* part = GetCurPart(); if( !part ) return NULL; LIB_ITEM* item = locateItem( aPosition, aFilterList ); wxPoint pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); if( item == NULL && aPosition != pos ) item = locateItem( pos, aFilterList ); return item; }
LIB_ITEM* LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LocateItemUsingCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[] ) { if( m_component == NULL ) return NULL; LIB_ITEM* item = locateItem( aPosition, aFilterList ); if( item == NULL ) return NULL; wxPoint pos = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); if( item == NULL && aPosition != pos ) item = locateItem( pos, aFilterList ); return item; }
SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[], int aHotKeyCommandId, bool* aClarificationMenuCancelled ) { SCH_ITEM* item; LIB_PIN* Pin = NULL; SCH_COMPONENT* component = NULL; wxPoint gridPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); // Check the on grid position first. There is more likely to be multiple items on // grid than off grid. m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); // be sure a old abort request in not pending item = LocateItem( gridPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId ); // If the user aborted the clarification context menu, don't show it again at the // off grid position. if( !item && m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() ) { if( aClarificationMenuCancelled ) *aClarificationMenuCancelled = true; m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); return NULL; } if( !item && (aPosition != gridPosition) ) item = LocateItem( aPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId ); if( !item ) { if( aClarificationMenuCancelled ) *aClarificationMenuCancelled = m_canvas->GetAbortRequest(); m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); // Just in case the user aborted the context menu. return NULL; } // Cross probing to Pcbnew if a pin or a component is found switch( item->Type() ) { case SCH_FIELD_T: case LIB_FIELD_T: component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item->GetParent(); SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, component ); break; case SCH_COMPONENT_T: component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item; SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, component ); break; case LIB_PIN_T: Pin = (LIB_PIN*) item; component = (SCH_COMPONENT*) LocateItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::ComponentsOnly ); break; /* case SCH_SHEET_T: */ /* // This may lag on larger projects */ /* SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, nullptr ); */ /* break; */ default: ; } if( Pin ) { // Force display pin information (the previous display could be a component info) MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items; Pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( m_UserUnits, items, component ); SetMsgPanel( items ); // Cross probing:2 - pin found, and send a locate pin command to Pcbnew (highlight net) SendMessageToPCBNEW( Pin, component ); } return item; }
void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey ) { wxRealPoint gridSize; wxPoint oldpos; wxPoint pos = aPosition; // when moving mouse, use the "magnetic" grid, unless the shift+ctrl keys is pressed // for next cursor position // ( shift or ctrl key down are PAN command with mouse wheel) bool snapToGrid = true; if( !aHotKey && wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ) && wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) ) snapToGrid = false; if( snapToGrid ) pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos ); oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition(); gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize(); switch( aHotKey ) { case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: pos.y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN: pos.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: pos.x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT: pos.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; default: break; } SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid ); if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() ) { pos = GetCrossHairPosition(); SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false ); m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC ); SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid ); m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC ); if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() ) { #ifdef USE_WX_OVERLAY wxDCOverlay oDC( m_overlay, (wxWindowDC*)aDC ); oDC.Clear(); m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, false ); #else m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, true ); #endif } #ifdef USE_WX_OVERLAY else { m_overlay.Reset(); } #endif } if( aHotKey ) { OnHotKey( aDC, aHotKey, aPosition ); } UpdateStatusBar(); }
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnHotKey( wxDC* aDC, int aHotkeyCode, const wxPoint& aPosition, EDA_ITEM* aItem ) { if( aHotkeyCode == 0 ) return false; bool itemCurrentlyEdited = GetCurItem() && GetCurItem()->GetFlags(); MODULE* module = NULL; int evt_type = 0; //Used to post a wxCommandEvent on demand PCB_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)GetDisplayOptions(); /* Convert lower to upper case * (the usual toupper function has problem with non ascii codes like function keys */ if( (aHotkeyCode >= 'a') && (aHotkeyCode <= 'z') ) aHotkeyCode += 'A' - 'a'; EDA_HOTKEY* HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromHotkey( aHotkeyCode, common_Hotkey_List ); if( HK_Descr == NULL ) HK_Descr = GetDescriptorFromHotkey( aHotkeyCode, board_edit_Hotkey_List ); if( HK_Descr == NULL ) return false; int hk_id = HK_Descr->m_Idcommand; if( (m_RecordingMacros != -1) && !( hk_id > HK_MACRO_ID_BEGIN && hk_id < HK_MACRO_ID_END) ) { MACROS_RECORD macros_record; macros_record.m_HotkeyCode = aHotkeyCode; macros_record.m_Idcommand = HK_Descr->m_Idcommand; macros_record.m_Position = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ) - m_Macros[m_RecordingMacros].m_StartPosition; m_Macros[m_RecordingMacros].m_Record.push_back( macros_record ); wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "Add key [%c] in macro %d" ), aHotkeyCode, m_RecordingMacros ); SetStatusText( msg ); } // Create a wxCommandEvent that will be posted in some hot keys functions wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ); cmd.SetEventObject( this ); LAYER_NUM ll; switch( hk_id ) { default: case HK_NOT_FOUND: return false; case HK_LEFT_CLICK: OnLeftClick( aDC, aPosition ); break; case HK_LEFT_DCLICK: // Simulate a double left click: generate 2 events OnLeftClick( aDC, aPosition ); OnLeftDClick( aDC, aPosition ); break; case HK_RECORD_MACROS_0: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_1: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_2: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_3: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_4: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_5: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_6: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_7: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_8: case HK_RECORD_MACROS_9: RecordMacros( aDC, hk_id - HK_RECORD_MACROS_0 ); break; case HK_CALL_MACROS_0: case HK_CALL_MACROS_1: case HK_CALL_MACROS_2: case HK_CALL_MACROS_3: case HK_CALL_MACROS_4: case HK_CALL_MACROS_5: case HK_CALL_MACROS_6: case HK_CALL_MACROS_7: case HK_CALL_MACROS_8: case HK_CALL_MACROS_9: CallMacros( aDC, GetCrossHairPosition( false ), hk_id - HK_CALL_MACROS_0 ); break; case HK_SWITCH_TRACK_WIDTH_TO_NEXT: if( GetCanvas()->IsMouseCaptured() ) GetCanvas()->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( GetDesignSettings().GetTrackWidthIndex() < GetDesignSettings().m_TrackWidthList.size() - 1 ) GetDesignSettings().SetTrackWidthIndex( GetDesignSettings().GetTrackWidthIndex() + 1 ); else GetDesignSettings().SetTrackWidthIndex( 0 ); if( GetCanvas()->IsMouseCaptured() ) GetCanvas()->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); break; case HK_SWITCH_TRACK_WIDTH_TO_PREVIOUS: if( GetCanvas()->IsMouseCaptured() ) GetCanvas()->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( GetDesignSettings().GetTrackWidthIndex() <= 0 ) GetDesignSettings().SetTrackWidthIndex( GetDesignSettings().m_TrackWidthList.size() -1 ); else GetDesignSettings().SetTrackWidthIndex( GetDesignSettings().GetTrackWidthIndex() - 1 ); if( GetCanvas()->IsMouseCaptured() ) GetCanvas()->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); break; case HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_FASTGRID1: SetFastGrid1(); break; case HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_FASTGRID2: SetFastGrid2(); break; case HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_NEXT: SetNextGrid(); break; case HK_SWITCH_GRID_TO_PREVIOUS: SetPrevGrid(); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_PREVIOUS: ll = GetActiveLayer(); if( !IsCopperLayer( ll ) ) break; if( ll == F_Cu ) ll = B_Cu; else if( ll == B_Cu ) ll = ToLAYER_ID( GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount() - 2 ); else ll = ll - 1; SwitchLayer( aDC, ToLAYER_ID( ll ) ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_NEXT: ll = GetActiveLayer(); if( !IsCopperLayer( ll ) ) break; if( ll == B_Cu ) ll = F_Cu; else if( ++ll >= GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount() - 1 ) ll = B_Cu; SwitchLayer( aDC, ToLAYER_ID( ll ) ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_COMPONENT: SwitchLayer( aDC, F_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_COPPER: SwitchLayer( aDC, B_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER1: SwitchLayer( aDC, In1_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER2: SwitchLayer( aDC, In2_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER3: SwitchLayer( aDC, In3_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER4: SwitchLayer( aDC, In4_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER5: SwitchLayer( aDC, In5_Cu ); break; case HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER6: SwitchLayer( aDC, In6_Cu ); break; case HK_HELP: // Display Current hotkey list DisplayHotkeyList( this, g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr ); break; case HK_ZOOM_IN: evt_type = ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN; break; case HK_ZOOM_OUT: evt_type = ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT; break; case HK_ZOOM_REDRAW: evt_type = ID_ZOOM_REDRAW; break; case HK_ZOOM_AUTO: evt_type = ID_ZOOM_PAGE; break; case HK_ZOOM_CENTER: evt_type = ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER; break; case HK_ADD_MODULE: evt_type = ID_PCB_MODULE_BUTT; break; case HK_UNDO: case HK_REDO: if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) { wxCommandEvent event( wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED, HK_Descr->m_IdMenuEvent ); wxPostEvent( this, event ); } break; case HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD: // Set the relative coord GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition(); break; case HK_SET_GRID_ORIGIN: SetGridOrigin( GetCrossHairPosition() ); OnModify(); // because grid origin is saved in board, show as modified m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case HK_RESET_GRID_ORIGIN: SetGridOrigin( wxPoint( 0,0 ) ); OnModify(); // because grid origin is saved in board, show as modified m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case HK_SWITCH_UNITS: evt_type = (g_UserUnit == INCHES) ? ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_MM : ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_INCH; break; case HK_SWITCH_TRACK_DISPLAY_MODE: displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill = !displ_opts->m_DisplayPcbTrackFill; m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case HK_DELETE: OnHotkeyDeleteItem( aDC ); break; case HK_BACK_SPACE: if( IsCopperLayer( GetActiveLayer() ) ) { if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) { // no track is currently being edited - select a segment and remove it. // @todo: possibly? pass the HK command code to PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay() // so it can restrict its search to specific item types. BOARD_ITEM * item = PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay(); // don't let backspace delete modules!! if( item && item->IsTrack() ) { Delete_Segment( aDC, (TRACK*) item ); SetCurItem( NULL ); } OnModify(); } else if( GetCurItem()->IsTrack() ) { // then an element is being edited - remove the last segment. // simple lines for debugger: TRACK* track = (TRACK*) GetCurItem(); track = Delete_Segment( aDC, track ); SetCurItem( track ); OnModify(); } } break; case HK_GET_AND_MOVE_FOOTPRINT: if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) evt_type = ID_POPUP_PCB_GET_AND_MOVE_MODULE_REQUEST; break; case HK_FIND_ITEM: if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) evt_type = ID_FIND_ITEMS; break; case HK_LOAD_BOARD: if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) evt_type = ID_LOAD_FILE ; break; case HK_SAVE_BOARD: if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) evt_type = ID_SAVE_BOARD; break; case HK_ADD_MICROVIA: // Place a micro via if a track is in progress if( GetToolId() != ID_TRACK_BUTT ) return true; if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) // no track in progress: nothing to do break; if( GetCurItem()->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T ) // Should not occur return true; if( !GetCurItem()->IsNew() ) return true; // place micro via and switch layer if( IsMicroViaAcceptable() ) evt_type = ID_POPUP_PCB_PLACE_MICROVIA; break; case HK_ADD_BLIND_BURIED_VIA: case HK_ADD_THROUGH_VIA: // Switch to alternate layer and Place a via if a track is in progress if( GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_BlindBuriedViaAllowed && hk_id == HK_ADD_BLIND_BURIED_VIA ) GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_CurrentViaType = VIA_BLIND_BURIED; else GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().m_CurrentViaType = VIA_THROUGH; if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) // no track in progress: switch layer only { Other_Layer_Route( NULL, aDC ); if( displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay ) m_canvas->Refresh(); break; } if( GetToolId() != ID_TRACK_BUTT ) return true; if( GetCurItem()->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T ) return true; if( !GetCurItem()->IsNew() ) return true; evt_type = hk_id == HK_ADD_BLIND_BURIED_VIA ? ID_POPUP_PCB_PLACE_BLIND_BURIED_VIA : ID_POPUP_PCB_PLACE_THROUGH_VIA; break; case HK_SEL_LAYER_AND_ADD_THROUGH_VIA: case HK_SEL_LAYER_AND_ADD_BLIND_BURIED_VIA: if( GetCurItem() == NULL || !GetCurItem()->IsNew() || GetCurItem()->Type() != PCB_TRACE_T ) break; evt_type = hk_id == HK_SEL_LAYER_AND_ADD_BLIND_BURIED_VIA ? ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CU_LAYER_AND_PLACE_BLIND_BURIED_VIA : ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CU_LAYER_AND_PLACE_THROUGH_VIA; break; case HK_SWITCH_TRACK_POSTURE: /* change the position of initial segment when creating new tracks * switch from _/ to -\ . */ evt_type = ID_POPUP_PCB_SWITCH_TRACK_POSTURE ; break; case HK_DRAG_TRACK_KEEP_SLOPE: OnHotkeyMoveItem( HK_DRAG_TRACK_KEEP_SLOPE ); break; case HK_PLACE_ITEM: OnHotkeyPlaceItem( aDC ); break; case HK_ADD_NEW_TRACK: // Start new track, if possible OnHotkeyBeginRoute( aDC ); break; case HK_EDIT_ITEM: // Edit board item OnHotkeyEditItem( HK_EDIT_ITEM ); break; case HK_EDIT_MODULE_WITH_MODEDIT: // Edit module with module editor OnHotkeyEditItem( HK_EDIT_MODULE_WITH_MODEDIT ); break; // Footprint edition: case HK_LOCK_UNLOCK_FOOTPRINT: // toggle module "MODULE_is_LOCKED" status: // get any module, locked or not locked and toggle its locked status if( !itemCurrentlyEdited ) { wxPoint pos = RefPos( true ); module = GetBoard()->GetFootprint( pos, screen->m_Active_Layer, true ); } else if( GetCurItem()->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T ) { module = (MODULE*) GetCurItem(); } if( module ) { SetCurItem( module ); module->SetLocked( !module->IsLocked() ); OnModify(); SetMsgPanel( module ); } break; case HK_DRAG_ITEM: // Start drag module or track segment OnHotkeyMoveItem( HK_DRAG_ITEM ); break; case HK_MOVE_ITEM: // Start move item OnHotkeyMoveItem( HK_MOVE_ITEM ); break; case HK_COPY_ITEM: evt_type = OnHotkeyCopyItem(); break; case HK_ROTATE_ITEM: // Rotation OnHotkeyRotateItem( HK_ROTATE_ITEM ); break; case HK_FLIP_ITEM: OnHotkeyRotateItem( HK_FLIP_ITEM ); break; case HK_MOVE_ITEM_EXACT: case HK_DUPLICATE_ITEM: case HK_DUPLICATE_ITEM_AND_INCREMENT: case HK_CREATE_ARRAY: OnHotkeyDuplicateOrArrayItem( HK_Descr->m_Idcommand ); break; case HK_SWITCH_HIGHCONTRAST_MODE: // switch to high contrast mode and refresh the canvas displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay = !displ_opts->m_ContrastModeDisplay; m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case HK_CANVAS_CAIRO: evt_type = ID_MENU_CANVAS_CAIRO; break; case HK_CANVAS_OPENGL: evt_type = ID_MENU_CANVAS_OPENGL; break; case HK_CANVAS_LEGACY: evt_type = ID_MENU_CANVAS_LEGACY; break; case HK_ZONE_FILL_OR_REFILL: evt_type = ID_POPUP_PCB_FILL_ALL_ZONES; break; case HK_ZONE_REMOVE_FILLED: evt_type = ID_POPUP_PCB_REMOVE_FILLED_AREAS_IN_ALL_ZONES; break; } if( evt_type != 0 ) { wxCommandEvent evt( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ); evt.SetEventObject( this ); evt.SetId( evt_type ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( evt ); } return true; }
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GeneralControlKeyMovement( int aHotKey, wxPoint *aPos, bool aSnapToGrid ) { // If requested snap the current position to the grid if( aSnapToGrid ) *aPos = GetNearestGridPosition( *aPos ); switch( aHotKey ) { // All these keys have almost the same treatment case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_NUMPAD8: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_UP: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_NUMPAD2: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_DOWN: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_NUMPAD4: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_LEFT: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_NUMPAD6: case GR_KB_CTRL | WXK_RIGHT: case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT: { /* Here's a tricky part: when doing cursor key movement, the * 'previous' point should be taken from memory, *not* from the * freshly computed position in the event. Otherwise you can't do * sub-pixel movement. The m_movingCursorWithKeyboard oneshot 'eats' * the automatic motion event generated by cursor warping */ wxRealPoint gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize(); *aPos = GetCrossHairPosition(); // Bonus: ^key moves faster (x10) switch( aHotKey ) { case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD8: case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_UP: aPos->y -= KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.y ); break; case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD2: case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_DOWN: aPos->y += KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.y ); break; case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD4: case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_LEFT: aPos->x -= KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.x ); break; case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_NUMPAD6: case GR_KB_CTRL|WXK_RIGHT: aPos->x += KiROUND( 10 * gridSize.x ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: aPos->y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN: aPos->y += KiROUND( gridSize.y ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: aPos->x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT: aPos->x += KiROUND( gridSize.x ); break; default: /* Can't happen since we entered the statement */ break; } m_canvas->MoveCursor( *aPos ); m_movingCursorWithKeyboard = true; } break; default: break; } }
SCH_ITEM* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LocateAndShowItem( const wxPoint& aPosition, const KICAD_T aFilterList[], int aHotKeyCommandId ) { SCH_ITEM* item; wxString msg; LIB_PIN* Pin = NULL; SCH_COMPONENT* LibItem = NULL; wxPoint gridPosition = GetNearestGridPosition( aPosition ); // Check the on grid position first. There is more likely to be multiple items on // grid than off grid. item = LocateItem( gridPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId ); // If the user aborted the clarification context menu, don't show it again at the // off grid position. if( !item && m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() ) { m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); return NULL; } if( !item && (aPosition != gridPosition) ) item = LocateItem( aPosition, aFilterList, aHotKeyCommandId ); if( !item ) { m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); // Just in case the user aborted the context menu. return NULL; } // Cross probing to Pcbnew if a pin or a component is found switch( item->Type() ) { case SCH_FIELD_T: case LIB_FIELD_T: LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item->GetParent(); SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, LibItem ); break; case SCH_COMPONENT_T: LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) item; SendMessageToPCBNEW( item, LibItem ); break; case LIB_PIN_T: Pin = (LIB_PIN*) item; LibItem = (SCH_COMPONENT*) LocateItem( aPosition, SCH_COLLECTOR::ComponentsOnly ); break; default: ; } if( Pin ) { // Force display pin information (the previous display could be a component info) MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items; Pin->GetMsgPanelInfo( items ); if( LibItem ) items.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( LibItem->GetRef( m_CurrentSheet ), LibItem->GetField( VALUE )->GetShownText(), DARKCYAN ) ); SetMsgPanel( items ); // Cross probing:2 - pin found, and send a locate pin command to Pcbnew (highlight net) SendMessageToPCBNEW( Pin, LibItem ); } return item; }
void FOOTPRINT_WIZARD_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey ) { wxRealPoint gridSize; wxPoint oldpos; PCB_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen(); wxPoint pos = aPosition; wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ); cmd.SetEventObject( this ); pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos ); oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition(); gridSize = screen->GetGridSize(); switch( aHotKey ) { case WXK_F1: cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); break; case WXK_F2: cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); break; case WXK_F3: cmd.SetId( ID_ZOOM_REDRAW ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); break; case WXK_F4: cmd.SetId( ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); break; case WXK_HOME: cmd.SetId( ID_ZOOM_PAGE ); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd ); break; case ' ': screen->m_O_Curseur = GetCrossHairPosition(); break; case WXK_NUMPAD8: // cursor moved up case WXK_UP: pos.y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD2: // cursor moved down case WXK_DOWN: pos.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD4: // cursor moved left case WXK_LEFT: pos.x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD6: // cursor moved right case WXK_RIGHT: pos.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; } SetCrossHairPosition( pos ); if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() ) { pos = GetCrossHairPosition(); SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos ); m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC ); SetCrossHairPosition( pos ); m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC ); if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() ) { m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, 0 ); } } UpdateStatusBar(); // Display new cursor coordinates }
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AppendBoardFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, int aCtl ) { IO_MGR::PCB_FILE_T pluginType = plugin_type( aFullFileName, aCtl ); PLUGIN::RELEASER pi( IO_MGR::PluginFind( pluginType ) ); // keep trace of existing items, in order to know what are the new items // (for undo command for instance) // Tracks are inserted, not append, so mark existing tracks to know what are // the new tracks for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() ) track->SetFlags( FLAG0 ); // Other items are append to the item list, so keep trace to the // last existing item is enough MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules.GetLast(); BOARD_ITEM* drawing = GetBoard()->m_Drawings.GetLast(); int zonescount = GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); // Keep also the count of copper layers, because we can happen boards // with different copper layers counts, // and the enabled layers int initialCopperLayerCount = GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount(); LSET initialEnabledLayers = GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers(); try { PROPERTIES props; char xbuf[30]; char ybuf[30]; // EAGLE_PLUGIN can use this info to center the BOARD, but it does not yet. sprintf( xbuf, "%d", GetPageSizeIU().x ); sprintf( ybuf, "%d", GetPageSizeIU().y ); props["page_width"] = xbuf; props["page_height"] = ybuf; GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses.Clear(); pi->Load( aFullFileName, GetBoard(), &props ); } catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe ) { for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() ) track->ClearFlags( FLAG0 ); wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Error loading board.\n%s" ), GetChars( ioe.What() ) ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return false; } // Now prepare a block move command to place the new items, and // prepare the undo command. BLOCK_SELECTOR& blockmove = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate; HandleBlockBegin( NULL, BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE, wxPoint( 0, 0) ); PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& blockitemsList = blockmove.GetItems(); PICKED_ITEMS_LIST undoListPicker; ITEM_PICKER picker( NULL, UR_NEW ); EDA_RECT bbox; // the new items bounding box, for block move bool bboxInit = true; // true until the bounding box is initialized for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() ) { if( track->GetFlags() & FLAG0 ) { track->ClearFlags( FLAG0 ); continue; } track->SetFlags( IS_MOVED ); picker.SetItem( track ); undoListPicker.PushItem( picker ); blockitemsList.PushItem( picker ); if( bboxInit ) bbox = track->GetBoundingBox(); else bbox.Merge( track->GetBoundingBox() ); bboxInit = false; } if( module ) module = module->Next(); else module = GetBoard()->m_Modules; for( ; module; module = module->Next() ) { module->SetFlags( IS_MOVED ); picker.SetItem( module ); undoListPicker.PushItem( picker ); blockitemsList.PushItem( picker ); if( bboxInit ) bbox = module->GetBoundingBox(); else bbox.Merge( module->GetBoundingBox() ); bboxInit = false; } if( drawing ) drawing = drawing->Next(); else drawing = GetBoard()->m_Drawings; for( ; drawing; drawing = drawing->Next() ) { drawing->SetFlags( IS_MOVED ); picker.SetItem( drawing ); undoListPicker.PushItem( picker ); blockitemsList.PushItem( picker ); if( bboxInit ) bbox = drawing->GetBoundingBox(); else bbox.Merge( drawing->GetBoundingBox() ); bboxInit = false; } for( ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( zonescount ); zone; zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( zonescount ) ) { zone->SetFlags( IS_MOVED ); picker.SetItem( zone ); undoListPicker.PushItem( picker ); blockitemsList.PushItem( picker ); zonescount++; if( bboxInit ) bbox = zone->GetBoundingBox(); else bbox.Merge( zone->GetBoundingBox() ); bboxInit = false; } SaveCopyInUndoList( undoListPicker, UR_NEW ); // we should not ask PLUGINs to do these items: int copperLayerCount = GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount(); if( copperLayerCount > initialCopperLayerCount ) GetBoard()->SetCopperLayerCount( copperLayerCount ); // Enable all used layers, and make them visible: LSET enabledLayers = GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers(); enabledLayers |= initialEnabledLayers; GetBoard()->SetEnabledLayers( enabledLayers ); GetBoard()->SetVisibleLayers( enabledLayers ); ReCreateLayerBox(); ReFillLayerWidget(); if( IsGalCanvasActive() ) static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() )->SyncLayersVisibility( GetBoard() ); GetBoard()->BuildListOfNets(); GetBoard()->SynchronizeNetsAndNetClasses(); SetStatusText( wxEmptyString ); BestZoom(); // Finish block move command: wxPoint cpos = GetNearestGridPosition( bbox.Centre() ); blockmove.SetOrigin( bbox.GetOrigin() ); blockmove.SetSize( bbox.GetSize() ); blockmove.SetLastCursorPosition( cpos ); HandleBlockEnd( NULL ); return true; }
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GeneralControl( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, int aHotKey ) { wxRealPoint gridSize; wxPoint oldpos; wxPoint pos = aPosition; // when moving mouse, use the "magnetic" grid, unless the shift+ctrl keys is pressed // for next cursor position // ( shift or ctrl key down are PAN command with mouse wheel) bool snapToGrid = true; if( !aHotKey && wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT ) && wxGetKeyState( WXK_CONTROL ) ) snapToGrid = false; if( snapToGrid ) pos = GetNearestGridPosition( pos ); oldpos = GetCrossHairPosition(); gridSize = GetScreen()->GetGridSize(); switch( aHotKey ) { case WXK_NUMPAD8: case WXK_UP: pos.y -= KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD2: case WXK_DOWN: pos.y += KiROUND( gridSize.y ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD4: case WXK_LEFT: pos.x -= KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; case WXK_NUMPAD6: case WXK_RIGHT: pos.x += KiROUND( gridSize.x ); m_canvas->MoveCursor( pos ); break; default: break; } // Put cursor in new position, according to the zoom keys (if any). SetCrossHairPosition( pos, snapToGrid ); /* Put cursor on grid or a pad centre if requested. If the tool DELETE is active the * cursor is left off grid this is better to reach items to delete off grid, */ if( GetToolId() == ID_PCB_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT ) snapToGrid = false; // Cursor is left off grid if no block in progress if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK ) snapToGrid = true; wxPoint curs_pos = pos; wxSize igridsize; igridsize.x = KiROUND( gridSize.x ); igridsize.y = KiROUND( gridSize.y ); if( Magnetize( this, GetToolId(), igridsize, curs_pos, &pos ) ) { SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false ); } else { // If there's no intrusion and DRC is active, we pass the cursor // "as is", and let ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor figure out what to do. if( !g_Drc_On || !g_CurrentTrackSegment || (BOARD_ITEM*)g_CurrentTrackSegment != this->GetCurItem() || !LocateIntrusion( m_Pcb->m_Track, g_CurrentTrackSegment, GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer, RefPos( true ) ) ) { SetCrossHairPosition( curs_pos, snapToGrid ); } } if( oldpos != GetCrossHairPosition() ) { pos = GetCrossHairPosition(); SetCrossHairPosition( oldpos, false ); m_canvas->CrossHairOff( aDC ); SetCrossHairPosition( pos, false ); m_canvas->CrossHairOn( aDC ); if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() ) { #ifdef USE_WX_OVERLAY wxDCOverlay oDC( m_overlay, (wxWindowDC*)aDC ); oDC.Clear(); m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, false ); #else m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, aPosition, true ); #endif } #ifdef USE_WX_OVERLAY else { m_overlay.Reset(); } #endif } if( aHotKey ) { OnHotKey( aDC, aHotKey, aPosition ); } UpdateStatusBar(); // Display new cursor coordinates }
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* aDC ) { bool nextcmd = false; bool zoom_command = false; BLOCK_SELECTOR* block = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate; if( block->GetCount() ) { BLOCK_STATE_T state = block->GetState(); BLOCK_COMMAND_T command = block->GetCommand(); m_canvas->CallEndMouseCapture( aDC ); block->SetState( state ); block->SetCommand( command ); m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines, AbortBlockCurrentCommand ); SetCrossHairPosition( block->GetEnd() ); if( block->GetCommand() != BLOCK_ABORT ) m_canvas->MoveCursorToCrossHair(); } if( m_canvas->IsMouseCaptured() ) { switch( block->GetCommand() ) { case BLOCK_IDLE: DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace()" ) ); break; case BLOCK_ROTATE: GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( block->GetCount() ) { // Compute the rotation center and put it on grid: wxPoint rotationPoint = block->Centre(); rotationPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( rotationPoint ); SetCrossHairPosition( rotationPoint ); SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_ROTATED, rotationPoint ); RotateListOfItems( block->GetItems(), rotationPoint ); OnModify(); } block->ClearItemsList(); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, aDC ); m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case BLOCK_DRAG: case BLOCK_DRAG_ITEM: // Drag from a drag command GetScreen()->BreakSegmentsOnJunctions(); // fall through case BLOCK_MOVE: case BLOCK_COPY: if( block->GetCommand() == BLOCK_DRAG_ITEM && GetScreen()->GetCurItem() != NULL ) { // This is a drag command, not a mouse block command // Only this item is put in list ITEM_PICKER picker; picker.SetItem( GetScreen()->GetCurItem() ); block->PushItem( picker ); } else { // Collect all items in the locate block GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); } // fall through case BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE: /* Move with preselection list*/ if( block->GetCount() ) { nextcmd = true; GetScreen()->SelectBlockItems(); m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); m_canvas->SetMouseCaptureCallback( DrawMovingBlockOutlines ); m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); block->SetState( STATE_BLOCK_MOVE ); } else { m_canvas->CallMouseCapture( aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); m_canvas->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL ); } break; case BLOCK_DELETE: GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( block->GetCount() ) { DeleteItemsInList( m_canvas, block->GetItems() ); OnModify(); } block->ClearItemsList(); GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, aDC ); m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case BLOCK_SAVE: // Save a copy of items in paste buffer GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( block->GetCount() ) { wxPoint move_vector = -GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetLastCursorPosition(); copyBlockItems( block->GetItems() ); MoveItemsInList( m_blockItems.GetItems(), move_vector ); } block->ClearItemsList(); break; case BLOCK_PASTE: block->SetState( STATE_BLOCK_MOVE ); break; case BLOCK_ZOOM: zoom_command = true; break; case BLOCK_MIRROR_X: GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( block->GetCount() ) { // Compute the mirror center and put it on grid. wxPoint mirrorPoint = block->Centre(); mirrorPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint ); SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint ); SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_MIRRORED_X, mirrorPoint ); MirrorX( block->GetItems(), mirrorPoint ); OnModify(); } GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, aDC ); m_canvas->Refresh(); break; case BLOCK_MIRROR_Y: GetScreen()->UpdatePickList(); DrawAndSizingBlockOutlines( m_canvas, aDC, wxDefaultPosition, false ); if( block->GetCount() ) { // Compute the mirror center and put it on grid. wxPoint mirrorPoint = block->Centre(); mirrorPoint = GetNearestGridPosition( mirrorPoint ); SetCrossHairPosition( mirrorPoint ); SaveCopyInUndoList( block->GetItems(), UR_MIRRORED_Y, mirrorPoint ); MirrorY( block->GetItems(), mirrorPoint ); OnModify(); } GetScreen()->TestDanglingEnds( m_canvas, aDC ); m_canvas->Refresh(); break; default: break; } } if( block->GetCommand() == BLOCK_ABORT ) { GetScreen()->ClearDrawingState(); m_canvas->Refresh(); } if( ! nextcmd ) { block->SetState( STATE_NO_BLOCK ); block->SetCommand( BLOCK_IDLE ); GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL ); m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), m_canvas->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false ); } if( zoom_command ) Window_Zoom( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate ); return nextcmd; }
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnRightClick( const wxPoint& aMousePos, wxMenu* aPopMenu ) { wxString msg; STATUS_FLAGS flags = 0; bool trackFound = false; // Flag set to true, // if a track is being the cursor, to avoid // to display menus relative to tracks twice bool blockActive = !GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.IsIdle(); BOARD_ITEM* item = GetCurItem(); m_canvas->SetCanStartBlock( -1 ); // Avoid to start a block command when clicking on menu // If a command or a block is in progress: // Put the Cancel command (if needed) and the End command if( blockActive ) { createPopUpBlockMenu( aPopMenu ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); return true; } if( GetToolId() != ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED ) { if( item && item->GetFlags() ) { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_CANCEL_CURRENT_COMMAND, _( "Cancel" ), KiBitmap( cancel_xpm ) ); } else { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_CLOSE_CURRENT_TOOL, _( "End Tool" ), KiBitmap( cursor_xpm ) ); } aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } else { if( item && item->GetFlags() ) { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_CANCEL_CURRENT_COMMAND, _( "Cancel" ), KiBitmap( cancel_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } } // Select a proper item wxPoint cursorPos = GetCrossHairPosition(); wxPoint selectPos = m_Collector->GetRefPos(); selectPos = GetNearestGridPosition( selectPos ); /* We can reselect another item only if there are no item being edited * because ALL moving functions use GetCurItem(), therefore GetCurItem() * must return the same item during moving. We know an item is moving * if( item && (item->m_Flags != 0)) is true and after calling * PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay(), GetCurItem() is any arbitrary BOARD_ITEM, * not the current item being edited. In such case we cannot call * PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay(). */ if( !item || (item->GetFlags() == 0) ) { // show the "item selector" menu if no item selected or // if there is a selected item but the mouse has moved // (therefore a new item is perhaps under the cursor) if( !item || cursorPos != selectPos ) { m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false ); PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay(); if( m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() ) { return false; } } } item = GetCurItem(); flags = item ? item->GetFlags() : 0; // Add the context menu, which depends on the picked item: if( item ) { switch( item->Type() ) { case PCB_MODULE_T: createPopUpMenuForFootprints( (MODULE*) item, aPopMenu ); if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_MODULE ) ) { aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); if( !( (MODULE*) item )->IsLocked() ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Lock Footprint" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LOCK_UNLOCK_FOOTPRINT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_FIXE_MODULE, msg, KiBitmap( locked_xpm ) ); } else { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Unlock Footprint" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LOCK_UNLOCK_FOOTPRINT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_FREE_MODULE, msg, KiBitmap( unlocked_xpm ) ); } if( !flags ) aPopMenu->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_CURRENT_MODULE, _( "Automatically Place Footprint" ) ); } if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_TRACKS ) ) { if( !flags ) aPopMenu->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_MODULE, _( "Automatically Route Footprint" ) ); } break; case PCB_PAD_T: createPopUpMenuForFpPads( static_cast<D_PAD*>( item ), aPopMenu ); break; case PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T: createPopUpMenuForFpTexts( static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( item ), aPopMenu ); break; case PCB_LINE_T: // Some graphic items on technical layers if( (flags & IS_NEW) ) { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_STOP_CURRENT_DRAWING, _( "End Drawing" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) ); } if( !flags ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Drawing" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_DRAWING_REQUEST, msg, KiBitmap( move_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Duplicate Drawing" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DUPLICATE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DUPLICATE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( duplicate_line_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Move Drawing Exactly" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM_EXACT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_EXACT, msg, KiBitmap( move_line_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Create Drawing Array" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_CREATE_ARRAY ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_CREATE_ARRAY, msg, KiBitmap( array_line_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Drawing" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_DRAWING, msg, KiBitmap( edit_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_DRAWING, _( "Delete Drawing" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); if( !IsCopperLayer( item->GetLayer() ) ) AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_DRAWING_LAYER, _( "Delete All Drawings on Layer" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); } break; case PCB_ZONE_T: // Item used to fill a zone AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_ZONE, _( "Delete Zone Filling" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); break; case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T: // Item used to handle a zone area (outlines, holes ...) if( flags & IS_NEW ) { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_STOP_CURRENT_EDGE_ZONE, _( "Close Zone Outline" ), KiBitmap( checked_ok_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_ZONE_LAST_CREATED_CORNER, _( "Delete Last Corner" ), KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); } else { createPopUpMenuForZones( (ZONE_CONTAINER*) item, aPopMenu ); } break; case PCB_TEXT_T: createPopUpMenuForTexts( (TEXTE_PCB*) item, aPopMenu ); break; case PCB_TRACE_T: case PCB_VIA_T: trackFound = true; createPopupMenuForTracks( (TRACK*) item, aPopMenu ); break; case PCB_MARKER_T: createPopUpMenuForMarkers( (MARKER_PCB*) item, aPopMenu ); break; case PCB_DIMENSION_T: if( !flags ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Dimension" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_DIMENSION, msg, KiBitmap( edit_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Dimension Text" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_TEXT_DIMENSION_REQUEST, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Duplicate Dimension" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DUPLICATE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DUPLICATE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( duplicate_text_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Move Dimension Exactly" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM_EXACT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_EXACT, msg, KiBitmap( move_text_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Dimension" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_DIMENSION, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); } break; case PCB_TARGET_T: if( !flags ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Move Target" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_MIRE_REQUEST, msg, KiBitmap( move_target_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Move Target Exactly" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_MOVE_ITEM_EXACT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_MOVE_EXACT, msg, KiBitmap( move_target_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Duplicate Target" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DUPLICATE_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DUPLICATE_ITEM, msg, KiBitmap( duplicate_target_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _("Create Target Array" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_CREATE_ARRAY ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_CREATE_ARRAY, msg, KiBitmap( array_target_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Target" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_ITEM ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_EDIT_MIRE, msg, KiBitmap( edit_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Delete Target" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_DELETE ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DELETE_MIRE, msg, KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) ); } break; case PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T: case SCREEN_T: case TYPE_NOT_INIT: case PCB_T: msg.Printf( wxT( "PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnRightClick() Error: unexpected DrawType %d" ), item->Type() ); wxMessageBox( msg ); SetCurItem( NULL ); break; default: msg.Printf( wxT( "PCB_EDIT_FRAME::OnRightClick() Error: unknown DrawType %d" ), item->Type() ); wxMessageBox( msg ); // Attempt to clear error (but should no occurs ) if( item->Type() >= MAX_STRUCT_TYPE_ID ) SetCurItem( NULL ); break; } aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } if( !flags ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Get and Move Footprint" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_GET_AND_MOVE_FOOTPRINT ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_GET_AND_MOVE_MODULE_REQUEST, msg, KiBitmap( move_module_xpm ) ); } // Display context sensitive commands: switch( GetToolId() ) { case ID_PCB_ZONES_BUTT: if( GetBoard()->m_ZoneDescriptorList.size() > 0 ) { aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Fill or Refill All Zones" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZONE_FILL_OR_REFILL ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_FILL_ALL_ZONES, msg, KiBitmap( fill_zone_xpm ) ); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Remove Filled Areas in All Zones" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ZONE_REMOVE_FILLED ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_REMOVE_FILLED_AREAS_IN_ALL_ZONES, msg, KiBitmap( zone_unfill_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_LAYER, _( "Select Working Layer" ), KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); break; case ID_PCB_KEEPOUT_AREA_BUTT: AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_LAYER, _( "Select Working Layer" ), KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); break; case ID_TRACK_BUTT: if ( ! trackFound ) // This menu is already added when a track is located { aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Begin Track" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_NEW_TRACK ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_BEGIN_TRACK, msg, KiBitmap( add_tracks_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, Append_Track_Width_List( GetBoard() ), ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH, _( "Select Track Width" ), KiBitmap( width_track_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_CU_LAYER, _( "Select Working Layer" ), KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_LAYER_PAIR, _( "Select Layer Pair for Vias" ), KiBitmap( select_layer_pair_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } break; case ID_PCB_CIRCLE_BUTT: case ID_PCB_ARC_BUTT: case ID_PCB_ADD_TEXT_BUTT: case ID_PCB_ADD_LINE_BUTT: case ID_PCB_DIMENSION_BUTT: AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_NO_CU_LAYER, _( "Select Working Layer" ), KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); break; case ID_PCB_MODULE_BUTT: if( !flags ) { AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_DISPLAY_FOOTPRINT_DOC, _( "Footprint Documentation" ), KiBitmap( book_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } break; case ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED: if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_MODULE ) ) { wxMenu* commands = new wxMenu; AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_COMMANDS, _( "Global Spread and Place" ), KiBitmap( move_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_FREE_ALL_MODULES, _( "Unlock All Footprints" ), KiBitmap( unlocked_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_FIXE_ALL_MODULES, _( "Lock All Footprints" ), KiBitmap( locked_xpm ) ); commands->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_SPREAD_ALL_MODULES, _( "Spread out All Footprints" ), KiBitmap( move_xpm ) ); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_SPREAD_NEW_MODULES, _( "Spread out Footprints not Already on Board" ) ); commands->AppendSeparator(); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_ALL_MODULES, _( "Automatically Place All Footprints" ) ); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_NEW_MODULES, _( "Automatically Place New Footprints" ) ); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOPLACE_NEXT_MODULE, _( "Automatically Place Next Footprints" ) ); commands->AppendSeparator(); AddMenuItem( commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_REORIENT_ALL_MODULES, _( "Orient All Footprints" ), KiBitmap( rotate_module_cw_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } if( m_mainToolBar->GetToolToggled( ID_TOOLBARH_PCB_MODE_TRACKS ) ) { wxMenu* commands = new wxMenu; aPopMenu->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_COMMANDS, _( "Autoroute" ), commands ); AddMenuItem( commands, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_LAYER_PAIR, _( "Select Layer Pair" ), KiBitmap( select_layer_pair_xpm ) ); commands->AppendSeparator(); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_ALL_MODULES, _( "Automatically Route All Footprints" ) ); commands->AppendSeparator(); commands->Append( ID_POPUP_PCB_AUTOROUTE_RESET_UNROUTED, _( "Reset Unrouted" ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } if( !trackFound ) { msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Begin Track" ), g_Board_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_ADD_NEW_TRACK ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_BEGIN_TRACK, msg, KiBitmap( add_tracks_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, Append_Track_Width_List( GetBoard() ), ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_WIDTH, _( "Select Track Width" ), KiBitmap( width_track_xpm ) ); AddMenuItem( aPopMenu, ID_POPUP_PCB_SELECT_LAYER, _( "Select Working Layer" ), KiBitmap( select_w_layer_xpm ) ); aPopMenu->AppendSeparator(); } break; } return true; }