Esempio n. 1
 * GetNewRelFileNode
 *		Generate a new relfilenode number that is unique within the given
 *		tablespace.
 * If the relfilenode will also be used as the relation's OID, pass the
 * opened pg_class catalog, and this routine will guarantee that the result
 * is also an unused OID within pg_class.  If the result is to be used only
 * as a relfilenode for an existing relation, pass NULL for pg_class.
 * As with GetNewOid, there is some theoretical risk of a race condition,
 * but it doesn't seem worth worrying about.
 * Note: we don't support using this in bootstrap mode.  All relations
 * created by bootstrap have preassigned OIDs, so there's no need.
GetNewRelFileNode(Oid reltablespace, Relation pg_class)
	RelFileNode rnode;
	char	   *rpath;
	int			fd;
	bool		collides;

	/* This logic should match RelationInitPhysicalAddr */
	rnode.spcNode = reltablespace ? reltablespace : MyDatabaseTableSpace;
	rnode.dbNode = (rnode.spcNode == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID) ? InvalidOid : MyDatabaseId;


		/* Generate the OID */
		if (pg_class)
			rnode.relNode = GetNewOid(pg_class);
			rnode.relNode = GetNewObjectId();

		/* Check for existing file of same name */
		rpath = relpath(rnode, MAIN_FORKNUM);
		fd = BasicOpenFile(rpath, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0);

		if (fd >= 0)
			/* definite collision */
			collides = true;
			 * Here we have a little bit of a dilemma: if errno is something
			 * other than ENOENT, should we declare a collision and loop? In
			 * particular one might think this advisable for, say, EPERM.
			 * However there really shouldn't be any unreadable files in a
			 * tablespace directory, and if the EPERM is actually complaining
			 * that we can't read the directory itself, we'd be in an infinite
			 * loop.  In practice it seems best to go ahead regardless of the
			 * errno.  If there is a colliding file we will get an smgr
			 * failure when we attempt to create the new relation file.
			collides = false;

	} while (collides);

	return rnode.relNode;
Esempio n. 2
 * GetNewRelFileNode
 *		Generate a new relfilenode number that is unique within the given
 *		tablespace.
 * If the relfilenode will also be used as the relation's OID, pass the
 * opened pg_class catalog, and this routine will guarantee that the result
 * is also an unused OID within pg_class.  If the result is to be used only
 * as a relfilenode for an existing relation, pass NULL for pg_class.
 * As with GetNewOid, there is some theoretical risk of a race condition,
 * but it doesn't seem worth worrying about.
 * Note: we don't support using this in bootstrap mode.  All relations
 * created by bootstrap have preassigned OIDs, so there's no need.
GetNewRelFileNode(Oid reltablespace, Relation pg_class, char relpersistence)
	RelFileNodeBackend rnode;
	char	   *rpath;
	int			fd;
	bool		collides;
	BackendId	backend;

	switch (relpersistence)
			backend = MyBackendId;
			backend = InvalidBackendId;
			elog(ERROR, "invalid relpersistence: %c", relpersistence);
			return InvalidOid;	/* placate compiler */

	/* This logic should match RelationInitPhysicalAddr */
	rnode.node.spcNode = reltablespace ? reltablespace : MyDatabaseTableSpace;
	rnode.node.dbNode = (rnode.node.spcNode == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID) ? InvalidOid : MyDatabaseId;

	 * The relpath will vary based on the backend ID, so we must initialize
	 * that properly here to make sure that any collisions based on filename
	 * are properly detected.
	rnode.backend = backend;


		/* Generate the OID */
		if (pg_class)
			rnode.node.relNode = GetNewOid(pg_class);
			rnode.node.relNode = GetNewObjectId();

		/* Check for existing file of same name */
		rpath = relpath(rnode, MAIN_FORKNUM);
		fd = BasicOpenFile(rpath, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0);

		if (fd >= 0)
			/* definite collision */
			collides = true;
			 * Here we have a little bit of a dilemma: if errno is something
			 * other than ENOENT, should we declare a collision and loop? In
			 * particular one might think this advisable for, say, EPERM.
			 * However there really shouldn't be any unreadable files in a
			 * tablespace directory, and if the EPERM is actually complaining
			 * that we can't read the directory itself, we'd be in an infinite
			 * loop.  In practice it seems best to go ahead regardless of the
			 * errno.  If there is a colliding file we will get an smgr
			 * failure when we attempt to create the new relation file.
			collides = false;

	} while (collides);

	return rnode.node.relNode;
Esempio n. 3
 * launch_consumer_group
 * Launch a group of background worker process that will consume from the given topic
 * into the given relation
static bool
launch_consumer_group(Relation consumers, KafkaConsumer *consumer, int64 offset)
	BackgroundWorker worker;
	BackgroundWorkerHandle *handle;
	KafkaConsumerGroup *group;
	bool found;
	int i;

	group = (KafkaConsumerGroup *) hash_search(consumer_groups, &consumer->id, HASH_ENTER, &found);
	if (found)
		KafkaConsumerProc *proc;
		bool running = false;

		hash_seq_init(&iter, consumer_procs);
		while ((proc = (KafkaConsumerProc *) hash_seq_search(&iter)) != NULL)
			if (proc->consumer_id == consumer->id)
				running = true;

		/* if there are already procs running, it's a noop */
		if (running)
			return true;

		/* no procs actually running, so it's ok to launch new ones */

	group->parallelism = consumer->parallelism;

	for (i = 0; i < group->parallelism; i++)
		/* we just need any unique OID here */
		Oid id = GetNewOid(consumers);
		KafkaConsumerProc *proc;

		proc = (KafkaConsumerProc *) hash_search(consumer_procs, &id, HASH_ENTER, &found);
		if (found)

		worker.bgw_main_arg = DatumGetObjectId(id);
		worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished;
		worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART;
		worker.bgw_main = NULL;
		worker.bgw_notify_pid = 0;

		/* this module is loaded dynamically, so we can't use bgw_main */
		sprintf(worker.bgw_library_name, PIPELINE_KAFKA_LIB);
		sprintf(worker.bgw_function_name, KAFKA_CONSUME_MAIN);
		snprintf(worker.bgw_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "[kafka consumer] %s <- %s", consumer->rel->relname, consumer->topic);

		proc->consumer_id = consumer->id;
		proc->partition_group = i;
		proc->offset = offset;
		namestrcpy(&proc->dbname, get_database_name(MyDatabaseId));

		if (!RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(&worker, &handle))
			return false;

		proc->worker = *handle;

	return true;
Esempio n. 4
 * EnumValuesCreate
 *		Create an entry in pg_enum for each of the supplied enum values.
 * vals is a list of Value strings.
EnumValuesCreate(Oid enumTypeOid, List *vals)
	Relation	pg_enum;
	NameData	enumlabel;
	Oid		   *oids;
	int			elemno,
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_enum];
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_enum];
	ListCell   *lc;
	HeapTuple	tup;

	num_elems = list_length(vals);

	 * We do not bother to check the list of values for duplicates --- if you
	 * have any, you'll get a less-than-friendly unique-index violation. It is
	 * probably not worth trying harder.

	pg_enum = heap_open(EnumRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Allocate OIDs for the enum's members.
	 * While this method does not absolutely guarantee that we generate no
	 * duplicate OIDs (since we haven't entered each oid into the table before
	 * allocating the next), trouble could only occur if the OID counter wraps
	 * all the way around before we finish. Which seems unlikely.
	oids = (Oid *) palloc(num_elems * sizeof(Oid));

	for (elemno = 0; elemno < num_elems; elemno++)
		 * We assign even-numbered OIDs to all the new enum labels.  This
		 * tells the comparison functions the OIDs are in the correct sort
		 * order and can be compared directly.
		Oid			new_oid;

			new_oid = GetNewOid(pg_enum);
		} while (new_oid & 1);
		oids[elemno] = new_oid;

	/* sort them, just in case OID counter wrapped from high to low */
	qsort(oids, num_elems, sizeof(Oid), oid_cmp);

	/* and make the entries */
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	elemno = 0;
	foreach(lc, vals)
		char	   *lab = strVal(lfirst(lc));

		 * labels are stored in a name field, for easier syscache lookup, so
		 * check the length to make sure it's within range.
		if (strlen(lab) > (NAMEDATALEN - 1))
					 errmsg("invalid enum label \"%s\"", lab),
					 errdetail("Labels must be %d characters or less.",
							   NAMEDATALEN - 1)));

		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumtypid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(enumTypeOid);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumsortorder - 1] = Float4GetDatum(elemno + 1);
		namestrcpy(&enumlabel, lab);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumlabel - 1] = NameGetDatum(&enumlabel);

		tup = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_enum), values, nulls);
		HeapTupleSetOid(tup, oids[elemno]);

		simple_heap_insert(pg_enum, tup);
		CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_enum, tup);

Esempio n. 5
 * GetNewRelFileNode
 *		Generate a new relfilenode number that is unique within the given
 *		tablespace.
 * If the relfilenode will also be used as the relation's OID, pass the
 * opened pg_class catalog, and this routine will guarantee that the result
 * is also an unused OID within pg_class.  If the result is to be used only
 * as a relfilenode for an existing relation, pass NULL for pg_class.
 * As with GetNewOid, there is some theoretical risk of a race condition,
 * but it doesn't seem worth worrying about.
 * Note: we don't support using this in bootstrap mode.  All relations
 * created by bootstrap have preassigned OIDs, so there's no need.
GetNewRelFileNode(Oid reltablespace, bool relisshared, Relation pg_class)
	RelFileNode rnode;
	char	   *rpath;
	int			fd;
	bool		collides = true;

	/* This should match RelationInitPhysicalAddr */
	rnode.spcNode = reltablespace ? reltablespace : MyDatabaseTableSpace;
	rnode.dbNode = relisshared ? InvalidOid : MyDatabaseId;


		/* Generate the OID */
		if (pg_class)
			rnode.relNode = GetNewOid(pg_class);
			rnode.relNode = GetNewObjectId();

		if (!UseOidForRelFileNode(rnode.relNode))

		/* Check for existing file of same name */
		rpath = relpath(rnode);
		fd = BasicOpenFile(rpath, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY, 0);

		if (fd >= 0)
			/* definite collision */
			collides = true;
			 * Here we have a little bit of a dilemma: if errno is something
			 * other than ENOENT, should we declare a collision and loop? In
			 * particular one might think this advisable for, say, EPERM.
			 * However there really shouldn't be any unreadable files in a
			 * tablespace directory, and if the EPERM is actually complaining
			 * that we can't read the directory itself, we'd be in an infinite
			 * loop.  In practice it seems best to go ahead regardless of the
			 * errno.  If there is a colliding file we will get an smgr
			 * failure when we attempt to create the new relation file.
			collides = false;

	} while (collides);
	if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)

	elog(DEBUG1, "Calling GetNewRelFileNode in %s mode %s pg_class. New relOid = %d",
		 (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE ? "execute" :
		  Gp_role == GP_ROLE_UTILITY ? "utility" :
		  "dispatch"), pg_class ? "with" : "without",

	return rnode.relNode;
 * EnumValuesCreate
 *		Create an entry in pg_enum for each of the supplied enum values.
 * vals is a list of Value strings.
EnumValuesCreate(Oid enumTypeOid, List *vals,
				 Oid binary_upgrade_next_pg_enum_oid)
	Relation	pg_enum;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;
	NameData	enumlabel;
	Oid		   *oids;
	int			elemno,
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_enum];
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_enum];
	ListCell   *lc;
	HeapTuple	tup;

	num_elems = list_length(vals);

	 * XXX we do not bother to check the list of values for duplicates --- if
	 * you have any, you'll get a less-than-friendly unique-index violation.
	 * Is it worth trying harder?

	pg_enum = heap_open(EnumRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
	tupDesc = pg_enum->rd_att;

	 * Allocate oids
	oids = (Oid *) palloc(num_elems * sizeof(Oid));
	if (OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_pg_enum_oid))
		if (num_elems != 1)
					 errmsg("EnumValuesCreate() can only set a single OID")));
		oids[0] = binary_upgrade_next_pg_enum_oid;
		binary_upgrade_next_pg_enum_oid = InvalidOid;
		 * While this method does not absolutely guarantee that we generate no
		 * duplicate oids (since we haven't entered each oid into the table
		 * before allocating the next), trouble could only occur if the oid
		 * counter wraps all the way around before we finish. Which seems
		 * unlikely.
		for (elemno = 0; elemno < num_elems; elemno++)
			 * The pg_enum.oid is stored in user tables.  This oid must be
			 * preserved by binary upgrades.
			oids[elemno] = GetNewOid(pg_enum);
		/* sort them, just in case counter wrapped from high to low */
		qsort(oids, num_elems, sizeof(Oid), oid_cmp);

	/* and make the entries */
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	elemno = 0;
	foreach(lc, vals)
		char	   *lab = strVal(lfirst(lc));

		 * labels are stored in a name field, for easier syscache lookup, so
		 * check the length to make sure it's within range.
		if (strlen(lab) > (NAMEDATALEN - 1))
					 errmsg("invalid enum label \"%s\"", lab),
					 errdetail("Labels must be %d characters or less.",
							   NAMEDATALEN - 1)));

		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumtypid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(enumTypeOid);
		namestrcpy(&enumlabel, lab);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumlabel - 1] = NameGetDatum(&enumlabel);

		tup = heap_form_tuple(tupDesc, values, nulls);
		HeapTupleSetOid(tup, oids[elemno]);

		simple_heap_insert(pg_enum, tup);
		CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_enum, tup);

Esempio n. 7
File: pg_enum.c Progetto: 50wu/gpdb
 * EnumValuesCreate
 *		Create an entry in pg_enum for each of the supplied enum values.
 * vals is a list of Value strings.
EnumValuesCreate(Oid enumTypeOid, List *vals)
	Relation	pg_enum;
	TupleDesc	tupDesc;
	NameData	enumlabel;
	Oid		   *oids;
	int			i,
	Datum		values[Natts_pg_enum];
	bool		nulls[Natts_pg_enum];
	ListCell   *lc;
	HeapTuple	tup;

	n = list_length(vals);

	 * XXX we do not bother to check the list of values for duplicates --- if
	 * you have any, you'll get a less-than-friendly unique-index violation.
	 * Is it worth trying harder?

	pg_enum = heap_open(EnumRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
	tupDesc = pg_enum->rd_att;

	 * Allocate oids.  While this method does not absolutely guarantee that we
	 * generate no duplicate oids (since we haven't entered each oid into the
	 * table before allocating the next), trouble could only occur if the oid
	 * counter wraps all the way around before we finish. Which seems
	 * unlikely.
	oids = (Oid *) palloc(n * sizeof(Oid));
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		 * In QE node, however, use the OIDs assigned by the master (they are delivered
		 * out-of-band, see oid_dispatch.c.
		if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_EXECUTE)
			oids[i] = InvalidOid;
			oids[i] = GetNewOid(pg_enum);

	/* sort them, just in case counter wrapped from high to low */
	qsort(oids, n, sizeof(Oid), oid_cmp);

	/* and make the entries */
	memset(nulls, false, sizeof(nulls));

	i = 0;
	foreach(lc, vals)
		char	   *lab = strVal(lfirst(lc));

		 * labels are stored in a name field, for easier syscache lookup, so
		 * check the length to make sure it's within range.
		if (strlen(lab) > (NAMEDATALEN - 1))
					 errmsg("invalid enum label \"%s\"", lab),
					 errdetail("Labels must be %d characters or less.",
							   NAMEDATALEN - 1)));

		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumtypid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(enumTypeOid);
		namestrcpy(&enumlabel, lab);
		values[Anum_pg_enum_enumlabel - 1] = NameGetDatum(&enumlabel);

		tup = heap_form_tuple(tupDesc, values, nulls);
		HeapTupleSetOid(tup, oids[i]);

		simple_heap_insert(pg_enum, tup);
		CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_enum, tup);

Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Create LoadStatus file and load heap tuples directly.
 * @return void
static void
DirectWriterInsert(DirectWriter *self, HeapTuple tuple)
	Page			page;
	OffsetNumber	offnum;
	ItemId			itemId;
	Item			item;
	LoadStatus	   *ls = &self->ls;

	/* Compress the tuple data if needed. */
	if (tuple->t_len > TOAST_TUPLE_THRESHOLD)
		tuple = toast_insert_or_update(self->base.rel, tuple, NULL, 0);

	/* Assign oids if needed. */
	if (self->base.rel->rd_rel->relhasoids)
		HeapTupleSetOid(tuple, GetNewOid(self->base.rel));

	/* Assume the tuple has been toasted already. */
	if (MAXALIGN(tuple->t_len) > MaxHeapTupleSize)
				 errmsg("row is too big: size %lu, maximum size %lu",
						(unsigned long) tuple->t_len,
						(unsigned long) MaxHeapTupleSize)));

	/* Fill current page, or go to next page if the page is full. */
	page = GetCurrentPage(self);
	if (PageGetFreeSpace(page) < MAXALIGN(tuple->t_len) +
		RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(self->base.rel, HEAP_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR))

		if (self->curblk < BLOCK_BUF_NUM - 1)
			self->curblk = 0;	/* recycle from first block */

		page = GetCurrentPage(self);

		/* Initialize current block */
		PageInit(page, BLCKSZ, 0);
		PageSetTLI(page, ThisTimeLineID);

	tuple->t_data->t_infomask &= ~(HEAP_XACT_MASK);
	tuple->t_data->t_infomask2 &= ~(HEAP2_XACT_MASK);
	tuple->t_data->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
	HeapTupleHeaderSetXmin(tuple->t_data, self->xid);
	HeapTupleHeaderSetCmin(tuple->t_data, self->cid);
	HeapTupleHeaderSetXmax(tuple->t_data, 0);

	/* put the tuple on local page. */
	offnum = PageAddItem(page, (Item) tuple->t_data,
		tuple->t_len, InvalidOffsetNumber, false, true);

	ItemPointerSet(&(tuple->t_self), LS_TOTAL_CNT(ls) + self->curblk, offnum);
	itemId = PageGetItemId(page, offnum);
	item = PageGetItem(page, itemId);
	((HeapTupleHeader) item)->t_ctid = tuple->t_self;

	SpoolerInsert(&self->spooler, tuple);