Esempio n. 1
 * fills in the OutAddresses array with the addresses of all of the available objects.
 * @param InItem		The property to get objects from.
 * @param OutAddresses	Storage array for all of the objects' addresses.
bool FObjectPropertyNode::GetReadAddressUncached( FPropertyNode& InNode, FReadAddressListData& OutAddresses ) const
	// Are any objects selected for property editing?
	if( !GetNumObjects())
		return false;

	UProperty* InItemProperty = InNode.GetProperty();
	// Is there a InItemProperty bound to the InItemProperty window?
	if( !InItemProperty )
		return false;

	// Write addresses to the output.
	for ( int32 ObjectIdx = 0 ; ObjectIdx < GetNumObjects() ; ++ObjectIdx )
		const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjectIdx);

		if( TempObject != NULL )
			OutAddresses.Add( TempObject, InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)(TempObject) ) );

	// Everything checked out and we have usable addresses.
	return true;
// Purpose: Object has been picked up by this player
void CPlayerClass::PickupObject( CBaseObject *pObject )
	// Return the cost of the object
	if ( !tf2_object_hard_limits.GetBool() )
		int iCost = CalculateObjectCost( pObject->GetType(), GetNumObjects( pObject->GetType() ), m_pPlayer->GetTeamNumber(), true );
		m_pPlayer->AddBankResources( iCost );
// Purpose: Player has aborted a build
void CPlayerClass::StoppedBuilding( int iObjectType )
	// Return the cost of the object
	if ( !tf2_object_hard_limits.GetBool() )
		int iCost = CalculateObjectCost( iObjectType, GetNumObjects( iObjectType ), m_pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() );
		m_pPlayer->AddBankResources( iCost );
// Purpose: Return true if this player's allowed to build another one of the specified objects
int CPlayerClass::CanBuild( int iObjectType )
	int iObjectCount = GetNumObjects( iObjectType );

	// Make sure we haven't hit maximum number
	if ( tf2_object_hard_limits.GetBool() )
		if ( iObjectCount >= GetObjectInfo( iObjectType )->m_nMaxObjects )
		// Find out how much the next object should cost
		int iCost = CalculateObjectCost( iObjectType, GetNumObjects( iObjectType ), m_pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() );

		// Make sure we have enough resources
		if ( m_pPlayer->GetBankResources() < iCost )

	return CB_CAN_BUILD;
void PhysicsManager::ApplyForceAtIndex(btVector3 force, int index)
    if(index < 0 || index >= GetNumObjects())
        cout << "ERROR! PhysicsManager::ApplyForceAtIndex tried to access: " << index << " which is not between 0 and " << GetNumObjects() << "." << endl;

    btRigidBody* object = btRigidBody::upcast(dynamicsWorld->getCollisionObjectArray()[index]);

glm::mat4 PhysicsManager::GetModelMatrixAtIndex(int index)
    if(index < 0 || index >= GetNumObjects())
        cout << "ERROR! PhysicsManager::GetModelMatrixAtIndex tried to access: " << index << " which is not between 0 and " << GetNumObjects() << "." << endl;
        return glm::mat4(1.0f);

    btTransform trans;
    btScalar m[16];
    btRigidBody* object = btRigidBody::upcast(dynamicsWorld->getCollisionObjectArray()[index]);
    glm::mat4 modelMatrix = glm::make_mat4(m);
    return modelMatrix;
Esempio n. 7
// Purpose: 
int C_TFTeam::GetNumObjects( int iObjectType )
	// Asking for a count of a specific object type?
	if ( iObjectType > 0 )
		int iCount = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < GetNumObjects(); i++ )
			CBaseObject *pObject = GetObject(i);
			if ( pObject && pObject->GetType() == iObjectType )
		return iCount;

	return m_aObjects.Count();
// Purpose: Player has started building an object
int	CPlayerClass::StartedBuildingObject( int iObjectType )
	// Deduct the cost of the object
	if ( !tf2_object_hard_limits.GetBool() )
		int iCost = CalculateObjectCost( iObjectType, GetNumObjects( iObjectType ), m_pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() );
		if ( iCost > m_pPlayer->GetBankResources() )
			// Player must have lost resources since he started placing
			return 0;
		m_pPlayer->RemoveBankResources( iCost );

		// If the object costs 0, we need to return non-0 to mean success
		if ( !iCost )
			return 1;

		return iCost;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 9
	void VulkanRenderer::OutputLog(std::ostream & fout)
		fout << GetName() << "\n[" << GetNumVertices() << " vertices] [" << GetNumTriangles() << " triangles] [" << GetNumObjects() << " objects]" << std::endl;
		fout << "Threads: " << GetNumThreads() << std::endl;

			fout << "Pipeline: " << "Instancing" << std::endl;
		else if (mUseStaticCommandBuffer)
			fout << "Pipeline: " << "Static command buffers" << std::endl;
			fout << "Pipeline: " << "Basic" << std::endl;
Esempio n. 10
// This test sets node onclick many times to expose a possible memory
// leak where all listeners get referenced by the node.
TEST_F(ListenerLeakTest, HiddenReferences)
    ASSERT_EQ(1, GetNumObjects("EventListenerLeakTestObject2"));
Esempio n. 11
// This test tries to create a reference cycle between node and its listener.
// See http://crbug/17400.
TEST_F(ListenerLeakTest, ReferenceCycle)
    ASSERT_EQ(0, GetNumObjects("EventListenerLeakTestObject1"));
Esempio n. 12
void CLiteObjectMgr::ShowInfo(uint32 nUpdateTime)
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("\nLiteObjectMgr stats : (%d ticks)", nUpdateTime);

	typedef std::set<HCLASS> TClassSet;
	TClassSet aClasses;

	TObjectList::const_iterator iCurObject;

	// Set up the class set
	iCurObject = m_aActiveObjects.begin();
	for (; iCurObject != m_aActiveObjects.end(); ++iCurObject)

	iCurObject = m_aInactiveObjects.begin();
	for (; iCurObject != m_aInactiveObjects.end(); ++iCurObject)

	TClassSet::const_iterator iCurClass;

	// Figure out how wide the class name field should be
	uint32 nMaxClassNameWidth = 6;
	iCurClass = aClasses.begin();
	for (; iCurClass != aClasses.end(); ++iCurClass)
		char aClassNameBuff[256];
		g_pLTServer->GetClassName(*iCurClass, aClassNameBuff, sizeof(aClassNameBuff));
		nMaxClassNameWidth = LTMAX(nMaxClassNameWidth, strlen(aClassNameBuff));

	// Print a header
	char *aClassUnderline = (char*)alloca(nMaxClassNameWidth + 1);
	memset(aClassUnderline, '-', nMaxClassNameWidth);
	aClassUnderline[nMaxClassNameWidth] = 0;
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("   -%s-|--------|----------|-------", aClassUnderline);
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("    Class %*s | Active | Inactive | Total", nMaxClassNameWidth - 6,"");
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("   -%s-|--------|----------|-------", aClassUnderline);

	// Run through the classes and accumulate stats
	iCurClass = aClasses.begin();
	for (; iCurClass != aClasses.end(); ++iCurClass)
		uint32 nNumActive = 0;
		iCurObject = m_aActiveObjects.begin();
		for (; iCurObject != m_aActiveObjects.end(); ++iCurObject)
			if ((*iCurObject)->GetClass() == *iCurClass)

		uint32 nNumInactive = 0;
		iCurObject = m_aInactiveObjects.begin();
		for (; iCurObject != m_aInactiveObjects.end(); ++iCurObject)
			if ((*iCurObject)->GetClass() == *iCurClass)
		char aClassNameBuff[256];
		g_pLTServer->GetClassName(*iCurClass, aClassNameBuff, sizeof(aClassNameBuff));

		// Here's your output...
		g_pLTServer->CPrint("    %-*s |   %4d |     %4d |  %4d",
			nMaxClassNameWidth, aClassNameBuff, nNumActive, nNumInactive, nNumActive + nNumInactive);

	// Print the totals
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("   -%s-|--------|----------|-------", aClassUnderline);
	g_pLTServer->CPrint("    %-*s |   %4d |     %4d |  %4d",
		nMaxClassNameWidth, "Total", 
		GetNumActiveObjects(), GetNumInactiveObjects(), GetNumObjects());
void SDetailsView::SetObjectArrayPrivate(const TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > >& InObjects)
	double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();


	// Selected actors for building SelectedActorInfo
	TArray<AActor*> SelectedRawActors;

	bViewingClassDefaultObject = InObjects.Num() > 0 ? true : false;
	bool bOwnedByLockedLevel = false;
	for( int32 ObjectIndex = 0 ; ObjectIndex < InObjects.Num(); ++ObjectIndex )
		TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > Object = InObjects[ObjectIndex];

		if( Object.IsValid() )
			bViewingClassDefaultObject &= Object->HasAnyFlags( RF_ClassDefaultObject );

				check(RootPropertyNodes.Num() == InObjects.Num());
				RootPropertyNodes[ObjectIndex]->AsObjectNode()->AddObject( Object.Get() );
				RootPropertyNodes[0]->AsObjectNode()->AddObject( Object.Get() );

			SelectedObjects.Add( Object );
			AActor* Actor = Cast<AActor>( Object.Get() );
			if( Actor )
				SelectedActors.Add( Actor );
				SelectedRawActors.Add( Actor );

	if( InObjects.Num() == 0 )
		// Unlock the view automatically if we are viewing nothing
		bIsLocked = false;

	// Selection changed, refresh the detail area
	if ( DetailsViewArgs.NameAreaSettings != FDetailsViewArgs::ActorsUseNameArea && DetailsViewArgs.NameAreaSettings != FDetailsViewArgs::ComponentsAndActorsUseNameArea )
		NameArea->Refresh( SelectedObjects );
		NameArea->Refresh( SelectedActors, SelectedObjects, DetailsViewArgs.NameAreaSettings );
	// When selection changes rebuild information about the selection
	SelectedActorInfo = AssetSelectionUtils::BuildSelectedActorInfo( SelectedRawActors );

	// @todo Slate Property Window
	//SetFlags(EPropertyWindowFlags::ReadOnly, bOwnedByLockedLevel);


	// Set the title of the window based on the objects we are viewing
	// Or call the delegate for handling when the title changed
	FString Title;

	if( GetNumObjects() == 0 )
		Title = NSLOCTEXT("PropertyView", "NothingSelectedTitle", "Nothing selected").ToString();
	else if( GetNumObjects() == 1 && RootPropertyNodes[0]->AsObjectNode()->GetNumObjects() > 0)
		// if the object is the default metaobject for a UClass, use the UClass's name instead
		UObject* Object = RootPropertyNodes[0]->AsObjectNode()->GetUObject(0);
		FString ObjectName = Object->GetName();
		if ( Object->GetClass()->GetDefaultObject() == Object )
			ObjectName = Object->GetClass()->GetName();
			// Is this an actor?  If so, it might have a friendly name to display
			const AActor* Actor = Cast<const  AActor >( Object );
			if( Actor != nullptr)
				// Use the friendly label for this actor
				ObjectName = Actor->GetActorLabel();

		Title = ObjectName;
	else if(DetailsViewArgs.bAllowMultipleTopLevelObjects)
		Title = FString::Printf(*NSLOCTEXT("PropertyView", "MultipleToLevelObjectsSelected", "%i selected").ToString(), GetNumObjects());
		FObjectPropertyNode* RootPropertyNode = RootPropertyNodes[0]->AsObjectNode();
		Title = FString::Printf( *NSLOCTEXT("PropertyView", "MultipleSelected", "%s (%i selected)").ToString(), *RootPropertyNode->GetObjectBaseClass()->GetName(), RootPropertyNode->GetNumObjects() );

	OnObjectArrayChanged.ExecuteIfBound(Title, InObjects);

	double ElapsedTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds() - StartTime;
bool SDetailsView::ShouldSetNewObjects(const TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > >& InObjects) const
	bool bShouldSetObjects = false;

	const bool bHadBSPBrushSelected = SelectedActorInfo.bHaveBSPBrush;
	if( bHadBSPBrushSelected == true )
		// If a BSP brush was selected we need to refresh because surface could have been selected and the object set not updated
		bShouldSetObjects = true;
	else if( InObjects.Num() != GetNumObjects() )
		// If the object arrays differ in size then at least one object is different so we must reset
		bShouldSetObjects = true;
	else if(InObjects.Num() == 0)
		// User is likely resetting details panel
		bShouldSetObjects = true;
		// Check to see if the objects passed in are different. If not we do not need to set anything
		TSet< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > > NewObjects;

			// For multiple top level node support, if the single object in each node is not found in the new object set
			// then we need to refresh
			for(int32 RootNodeIndex = 0; RootNodeIndex < RootPropertyNodes.Num(); ++RootNodeIndex)
				FObjectPropertyNode* RootPropertyNode = RootPropertyNodes[RootNodeIndex]->AsObjectNode();
				if(RootPropertyNode && RootPropertyNode->GetNumObjects() > 0)
						bShouldSetObjects = true;
					bShouldSetObjects = true;

			ensure(RootPropertyNodes.Num() == 1);
			FObjectPropertyNode* RootPropertyNode = RootPropertyNodes[0]->AsObjectNode();
			if( RootPropertyNode )
				for(TPropObjectIterator Itor(RootPropertyNode->ObjectIterator()); Itor; ++Itor)
					TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> Object = *Itor;
					if(Object.IsValid() && !NewObjects.Contains(Object))
						// An existing object is not in the list of new objects to set
						bShouldSetObjects = true;
					else if(!Object.IsValid())
						// An existing object is invalid
						bShouldSetObjects = true;
				bShouldSetObjects = true;
	if (!bShouldSetObjects && AssetSelectionUtils::IsAnySurfaceSelected(nullptr))
		bShouldSetObjects = true;

	return bShouldSetObjects;
Esempio n. 15
bool FObjectPropertyNode::GetReadAddressUncached(FPropertyNode& InNode,
											   bool InRequiresSingleSelection,
											   FReadAddressListData& OutAddresses,
											   bool bComparePropertyContents,
											   bool bObjectForceCompare,
											   bool bArrayPropertiesCanDifferInSize) const
	// Are any objects selected for property editing?
	if( !GetNumObjects())
		return false;

	UProperty* InItemProperty = InNode.GetProperty();
	// Is there a InItemProperty bound to the InItemProperty window?
	if( !InItemProperty )
		return false;

	// Requesting a single selection?
	if( InRequiresSingleSelection && GetNumObjects() > 1)
		// Fail: we're editing properties for multiple objects.
		return false;

	//assume all properties are the same unless proven otherwise
	bool bAllTheSame = true;


	// If this item is the child of an array, return NULL if there is a different number
	// of items in the array in different objects, when multi-selecting.

	if( Cast<UArrayProperty>(InItemProperty->GetOuter()) )
		FPropertyNode* ParentNode = InNode.GetParentNode();
		const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(0);
		if( TempObject )
			uint8* BaseAddr = ParentNode->GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject );
			if( BaseAddr )
				const int32 Num = FScriptArrayHelper::Num(BaseAddr);
				for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects(); ObjIndex++ )
					TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex);
					BaseAddr = ParentNode->GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject );

					if( BaseAddr && Num != FScriptArrayHelper::Num( BaseAddr ) )
						bAllTheSame = false;

	uint8* Base = GetUObject(0) ? InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)(GetUObject(0)) ) : NULL;
	if (Base)
		// If the item is an array itself, return NULL if there are a different number of
		// items in the array in different objects, when multi-selecting.

		if( Cast<UArrayProperty>(InItemProperty) )
			// This flag is an override for array properties which want to display e.g. the "Clear" and "Empty"
			// buttons, even though the array properties may differ in the number of elements.
			if ( !bArrayPropertiesCanDifferInSize )
				const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(0);
				int32 const Num = FScriptArrayHelper::Num(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject));
				for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ )
					TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex);
					if( TempObject && Num != FScriptArrayHelper::Num(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress((uint8*)TempObject)) )
						bAllTheSame = false;
			if ( bComparePropertyContents || !Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty) || bObjectForceCompare )
				// Make sure the value of this InItemProperty is the same in all selected objects.
				for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ )
					const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex);
					if( !InItemProperty->Identical( Base, InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject ) ) )
						bAllTheSame = false;
				if ( Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty) )
					// We don't want to exactly compare component properties.  However, we
					// need to be sure that all references are either valid or invalid.

					// If BaseObj is NON-NULL, all other objects' properties should also be non-NULL.
					// If BaseObj is NULL, all other objects' properties should also be NULL.
					UObject* BaseObj = Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty)->GetObjectPropertyValue(Base);

					for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ )
						const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex);
						UObject* CurObj = Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty)->GetObjectPropertyValue(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject ));
						if (   ( !BaseObj && CurObj )			// BaseObj is NULL, but this InItemProperty is non-NULL!
							|| ( BaseObj && !CurObj ) )			// BaseObj is non-NULL, but this InItemProperty is NULL!

							bAllTheSame = false;

	// Write addresses to the output.
	for ( int32 ObjIndex = 0 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects(); ++ObjIndex )
		const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex);
		if( TempObject )
			OutAddresses.Add( TempObject, InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)(TempObject) ) );

	// Everything checked out and we have usable addresses.
	return bAllTheSame;
Esempio n. 16
void FObjectPropertyNode::InternalInitChildNodes( FName SinglePropertyName )
	// Assemble a list of category names by iterating over all fields of BaseClass.

	// build a list of classes that we need to look at
	TSet<UClass*> ClassesToConsider;
	for( int32 i = 0; i < GetNumObjects(); ++i )
		UObject* TempObject = GetUObject( i );
		if( TempObject )
			ClassesToConsider.Add( TempObject->GetClass() );

	const bool bShouldShowHiddenProperties = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowHiddenProperties);
	const bool bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance = !!HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance);

	TSet<FName> Categories;
	for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(BaseClass.Get()); It; ++It )
		bool bHidden = false;

		FName CategoryName = FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategoryFName(*It);

		for( UClass* Class : ClassesToConsider )
			if( FEditorCategoryUtils::IsCategoryHiddenFromClass(Class, CategoryName.ToString()) )
				HiddenCategories.Add( CategoryName );

				bHidden = true;

		bool bMetaDataAllowVisible = true;
		FString MetaDataVisibilityCheckString = It->GetMetaData(TEXT("bShowOnlyWhenTrue"));
		if (MetaDataVisibilityCheckString.Len())
			//ensure that the metadata visibility string is actually set to true in order to show this property
			GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("UnrealEd.PropertyFilters"), *MetaDataVisibilityCheckString, bMetaDataAllowVisible, GEditorUserSettingsIni);

		if (bMetaDataAllowVisible)
			const bool bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty = (*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit) && !bHidden;
			const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !(*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;
			if( bShouldShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance) )
				Categories.Add( CategoryName );

	// Add the category headers and the child items that belong inside of them.

	// Only show category headers if this is the top level object window and the parent window allows headers.
	if( HasNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::ShowCategories) )
		FString CategoryDelimiterString;
		CategoryDelimiterString.AppendChar( FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar );

		TArray< FPropertyNode* > ParentNodesToSort;

		for( const FName& FullCategoryPath : Categories )
			// Figure out the nesting level for this category
			TArray< FString > FullCategoryPathStrings;
			FullCategoryPath.ToString().ParseIntoArray( FullCategoryPathStrings, *CategoryDelimiterString, true );

			TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode> ParentLevelNode = SharedThis(this);
			FString CurCategoryPathString;
			for( int32 PathLevelIndex = 0; PathLevelIndex < FullCategoryPathStrings.Num(); ++PathLevelIndex )
				// Build up the category path name for the current path level index
				if( CurCategoryPathString.Len() != 0 )
					CurCategoryPathString += FPropertyNodeConstants::CategoryDelimiterChar;
				CurCategoryPathString += FullCategoryPathStrings[ PathLevelIndex ];
				const FName CategoryName( *CurCategoryPathString );

				// Check to see if we've already created a category at the specified path level
				bool bFoundMatchingCategory = false;
					for( int32 CurNodeIndex = 0; CurNodeIndex < ParentLevelNode->GetNumChildNodes(); ++CurNodeIndex )
						TSharedPtr<FPropertyNode>& ChildNode = ParentLevelNode->GetChildNode( CurNodeIndex );
						check( ChildNode.IsValid() );

						// Is this a category node?
						FCategoryPropertyNode* ChildCategoryNode = ChildNode->AsCategoryNode();
						if( ChildCategoryNode != NULL )
							// Does the name match?
							if( ChildCategoryNode->GetCategoryName() == CategoryName )
								// Descend by using the child node as the new parent
								bFoundMatchingCategory = true;
								ParentLevelNode = ChildNode;

				// If we didn't find the category, then we'll need to create it now!
				if( !bFoundMatchingCategory )
					// Create the category node and assign it to its parent node
					TSharedPtr<FCategoryPropertyNode> NewCategoryNode( new FCategoryPropertyNode );
						NewCategoryNode->SetCategoryName( CategoryName );

						FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
						InitParams.ParentNode = ParentLevelNode;
						InitParams.Property = NULL;
						InitParams.ArrayOffset = 0;
						InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
						InitParams.bAllowChildren = true;
						InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShouldShowHiddenProperties;
						InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

						NewCategoryNode->InitNode( InitParams );

						// Recursively expand category properties if the category has been flagged for auto-expansion.
						if (BaseClass->IsAutoExpandCategory(*CategoryName.ToString())
							&&	!BaseClass->IsAutoCollapseCategory(*CategoryName.ToString()))
							NewCategoryNode->SetNodeFlags(EPropertyNodeFlags::Expanded, true);

						// Add this node to it's parent.  Note that no sorting happens here, so the parent's
						// list of child nodes will not be in the correct order.  We'll keep track of which
						// nodes we added children to so we can sort them after we're finished adding new nodes.
						ParentNodesToSort.AddUnique( ParentLevelNode.Get() );

					// Descend into the newly created category by using this node as the new parent
					ParentLevelNode = NewCategoryNode;
		// Iterate over all fields, creating items.
		for( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(BaseClass.Get()); It; ++It )
			const bool bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty = (*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit) && !FEditorCategoryUtils::IsCategoryHiddenFromClass(BaseClass.Get(), FObjectEditorUtils::GetCategory(*It));
			const bool bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance = !(*It)->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_DisableEditOnInstance) || bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;
			if (bShouldShowHiddenProperties || (bShowIfNonHiddenEditableProperty && bShowIfDisableEditOnInstance))
				UProperty* CurProp = *It;
				if( SinglePropertyName == NAME_None || CurProp->GetFName() == SinglePropertyName )
					TSharedPtr<FItemPropertyNode> NewItemNode( new FItemPropertyNode );

					FPropertyNodeInitParams InitParams;
					InitParams.ParentNode = SharedThis(this);
					InitParams.Property = CurProp;
					InitParams.ArrayOffset =  0;
					InitParams.ArrayIndex = INDEX_NONE;
					InitParams.bAllowChildren = SinglePropertyName == NAME_None;
					InitParams.bForceHiddenPropertyVisibility = bShouldShowHiddenProperties;
					InitParams.bCreateDisableEditOnInstanceNodes = bShouldShowDisableEditOnInstance;

					NewItemNode->InitNode( InitParams );


					if( SinglePropertyName != NAME_None )
						// Generate no other children
