bool hgeGUIListbox::KeyClick(int key, int chr) { switch(key) { case HGEK_DOWN: if(nSelectedItem < nItems-1) { nSelectedItem++; if(nSelectedItem > nTopItem+GetNumRows()-1) { nTopItem=nSelectedItem-GetNumRows()+1; } return true; } break; case HGEK_UP: if(nSelectedItem > 0) { nSelectedItem--; if(nSelectedItem < nTopItem) { nTopItem=nSelectedItem; } return true; } break; } return false; }
void WidgetTableWidget::RemoveColumns( int column, int num_columns ) { int columns = GetNumColumns(); { DirtyLock guard_dirty(this); { for( int j=column; j < column+num_columns; ++j ) { for( int i=0; i < GetNumRows(); ++i ) { if( Settled( j,i ) ) Retrieve( j,i ); } } } { for( int j=column; j < columns - num_columns; ++j ) { for( int i=0; i < GetNumRows(); ++i ) { if( Settled( j+num_columns, i ) ) { Cell *pcell = _settlers.Find( Pos( j+num_columns, i ) ); Widget *client = pcell->_settler; Rect::Alignment align = pcell->_alignment; Retrieve( pcell->_settler ); Insert( j,i,client,align ); } } } } } TableWidget::RemoveColumns( column,num_columns ); }
bool CPattern::operator== (const CPattern &other) const //----------------------------------------------------- { if(GetNumRows() != other.GetNumRows() || GetNumChannels() != other.GetNumChannels() || GetOverrideSignature() != other.GetOverrideSignature() || GetRowsPerBeat() != other.GetRowsPerBeat() || GetRowsPerMeasure() != other.GetRowsPerMeasure()) return false; if(m_ModCommands == nullptr || other.m_ModCommands == nullptr) return m_ModCommands == other.m_ModCommands; auto i = GetNumRows() * GetNumChannels(); auto m1 = m_ModCommands, m2 = other.m_ModCommands; while(i--) { if(*m1 != *m2) { return false; } m1++; m2++; } return true; }
void NDMask::MaskSection(const std::vector<size_t>& sectionOffset, const NDShape& sectionShape) { // TODO: Implement batching of masking operation for masks residing on GPUs to avoid making // GPU invocations for each MaskSection call. if (sectionOffset.size() > m_maskShape.NumAxes()) LogicError("NDMask::MaskSection: The sectionOffset cannot have dimensionality higher than the number of axes of 'this' mask"); if (sectionShape.NumAxes() > m_maskShape.NumAxes()) LogicError("NDMask::MaskSection: The section shape cannot have an axes count higher than the number of axes of 'this' mask"); std::vector<size_t> offset(m_maskShape.NumAxes(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < sectionOffset.size(); ++i) offset[i] = sectionOffset[i]; NDShape shape = sectionShape.AppendShape(NDShape(m_maskShape.NumAxes() - sectionShape.NumAxes(), NDShape::InferredDimension)); auto maskMatrix = GetMatrix(); size_t rowOffset = offset[0]; size_t colOffset = offset[1]; size_t sliceRowLength = (shape[0] != NDShape::InferredDimension) ? shape[0] : (maskMatrix->GetNumRows() - rowOffset); size_t sliceColLength = (shape[1] != NDShape::InferredDimension) ? shape[1] : (maskMatrix->GetNumCols() - colOffset); if ((rowOffset == 0) && (sliceRowLength == maskMatrix->GetNumRows())) maskMatrix->ColumnSlice(colOffset, sliceColLength).SetValue(0); else { // Since Matrix does not support strides in the row dimension, we will need to create separate slices for each column for (size_t i = colOffset; i < (colOffset + sliceColLength); ++i) { auto column = maskMatrix->ColumnSlice(i, 1); column.Reshape(1, maskMatrix->GetNumRows()); column.ColumnSlice(rowOffset, sliceRowLength).SetValue(0); } } }
bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseWheel(int nNotches) { nTopItem-=nNotches; if(nTopItem<0) nTopItem=0; if(nTopItem>GetNumItems()-GetNumRows()) nTopItem=GetNumItems()-GetNumRows(); return true; }
bool hgeGUIListbox::MouseWheel(const int n_notches) { top_item_ -= n_notches; if (top_item_ < 0) { top_item_ = 0; } if (top_item_ > GetNumItems() - GetNumRows()) { top_item_ = GetNumItems() - GetNumRows(); } return true; }
bool NoteData::IsRangeEmpty( int track, int iIndexBegin, int iIndexEnd ) const { ASSERT( track<m_iNumTracks ); CLAMP( iIndexBegin, 0, GetNumRows()-1 ); CLAMP( iIndexEnd, 0, GetNumRows()-1 ); for( int i=iIndexBegin; i<=iIndexEnd; i++ ) if( GetTapNoteX(track,i).type != TapNote::empty ) return false; return true; }
bool MatrixMarketReader<FloatType>::MMReadHeader( const std::string &filename ) { FILE *mm_file = ::fopen( filename.c_str( ), "r" ); if( mm_file == NULL ) { printf( "Cannot Open Matrix-Market File !\n" ); return 1; } if ( MMReadHeader( mm_file ) ) { printf ("Matrix not supported !\n"); return 2; } // If symmetric MM stored file, double the reported size if( mm_is_symmetric( Typecode ) ) nNZ <<= 1; ::fclose( mm_file ); std::clog << "Matrix: " << filename << " [nRow: " << GetNumRows( ) << "] [nCol: " << GetNumCols( ) << "] [nNZ: " << GetNumNonZeroes( ) << "]" << std::endl; return 0; }
//d= max(log(s))- log(s) void DMAlignedOptimalScore::convertScoreToDistance() { /* ReplaceZeroWithTinyValue(); for (int i=1; i<GetNumRows(); ++i) { for (int j=0; j<i; ++j) { m_Array[i][j] = log(m_Array[i][j]); m_Array[j][i] = m_Array[i][j]; } }*/ double max = GetMaxEntry(); if (FRACTIONAL_EXTRA_OFFSET > 0) { max += (FRACTIONAL_EXTRA_OFFSET*max > 1) ? FRACTIONAL_EXTRA_OFFSET*max : 1; } for (int i=1; i<GetNumRows(); ++i) { for (int j=0; j<i; ++j) { m_Array[i][j] = (max - m_Array[i][j]); m_Array[j][i] = m_Array[i][j]; } } }
void NoteData::PruneUnusedAttacksFromMap() { // Add all used AttackNote index values to a map. set<unsigned> setUsedIndices; int num_rows = GetNumRows(); for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) { for( int r=0; r<num_rows; r++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNote(t, r); if( tn.type == TapNote::attack ) setUsedIndices.insert( tn.attackIndex ); } } // Remove all items from m_AttackMap that don't have corresponding // TapNotes in use. for( unsigned i=0; i<MAX_NUM_ATTACKS; i++ ) { bool bInAttackMap = m_AttackMap.find(i) != m_AttackMap.end(); bool bActuallyUsed = setUsedIndices.find(i) != setUsedIndices.end(); if( bActuallyUsed && !bInAttackMap ) ASSERT(0); // something earlier than us didn't enforce consistency if( bInAttackMap && !bActuallyUsed ) m_AttackMap.erase( i ); } }
int NoteDataWithScoring::GetNumNWithScore( TapNoteScore tns, int MinTaps, const float fStartBeat, float fEndBeat ) const { if( fEndBeat == -1 ) fEndBeat = GetNumBeats(); int iStartIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fStartBeat ); int iEndIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fEndBeat ); iStartIndex = max( iStartIndex, 0 ); iEndIndex = min( iEndIndex, GetNumRows()-1 ); int iNumSuccessfulDoubles = 0; for( int i=iStartIndex; i<=iEndIndex; i++ ) { int iNumNotesThisIndex = 0; TapNoteScore minTapNoteScore = TNS_MARVELOUS; for( int t=0; t<GetNumTracks(); t++ ) { switch( GetTapNote(t, i).type ) { case TapNote::tap: case TapNote::hold_head: iNumNotesThisIndex++; minTapNoteScore = min( minTapNoteScore, GetTapNoteScore(t, i) ); } } if( iNumNotesThisIndex >= MinTaps && minTapNoteScore >= tns ) iNumSuccessfulDoubles++; } return iNumSuccessfulDoubles; }
int NoteData::GetNumN( int MinTaps, float fStartBeat, float fEndBeat ) const { if( fEndBeat == -1 ) fEndBeat = GetNumBeats(); int iStartIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fStartBeat ); int iEndIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fEndBeat ); /* Clamp to known-good ranges. */ iStartIndex = max( iStartIndex, 0 ); iEndIndex = min( iEndIndex, GetNumRows()-1 ); int iNum = 0; for( int i=iStartIndex; i<=iEndIndex; i++ ) { int iNumNotesThisIndex = 0; for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNoteX(t, i); if( tn.type != TapNote::mine && tn.type != TapNote::empty ) // mines don't count iNumNotesThisIndex++; } if( iNumNotesThisIndex >= MinTaps ) iNum++; } return iNum; }
int NoteData::GetNumTapNotes( float fStartBeat, float fEndBeat ) const { int iNumNotes = 0; if( fEndBeat == -1 ) fEndBeat = GetNumBeats(); int iStartIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fStartBeat ); int iEndIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fEndBeat ); /* Clamp to known-good ranges. */ iStartIndex = max( iStartIndex, 0 ); iEndIndex = min( iEndIndex, GetNumRows()-1 ); for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) { for( int i=iStartIndex; i<=iEndIndex; i++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNoteX(t, i); if( tn.type != TapNote::empty && tn.type != TapNote::mine ) iNumNotes++; } } return iNumNotes; }
int NoteData::GetNumHands( float fStartBeat, float fEndBeat ) const { /* Count the number of times you have to use your hands. This includes * three taps at the same time, a tap while two hold notes are being held, * etc. Only count rows that have at least one tap note (hold heads count). * Otherwise, every row of hold notes counts, so three simultaneous hold * notes will count as hundreds of "hands". */ if( fEndBeat == -1 ) fEndBeat = GetNumBeats(); int iStartIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fStartBeat ); int iEndIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fEndBeat ); /* Clamp to known-good ranges. */ iStartIndex = max( iStartIndex, 0 ); iEndIndex = min( iEndIndex, GetNumRows()-1 ); int iNum = 0; for( int i=iStartIndex; i<=iEndIndex; i++ ) { if( !RowNeedsHands(i) ) continue; iNum++; } return iNum; }
int* ChCOOMatrix::GetCOO_ColIndexArray() const { auto der_ptr = const_cast<ChCOOMatrix*>(this); auto base_ptr = static_cast<ChCSMatrix*>(der_ptr); auto array_length = GetTrailingIndexLength(); der_ptr->colIndex.resize(array_length); auto one_index_offset = one_indexed ? 1 : 0; if (base_ptr->IsRowMajor()) { // in this case, the underlaying CSR3 matrix has a full-length col index array // that has just to be eventually adapted to comply with the one-indexed array format auto col_array = base_ptr->GetCS_TrailingIndexArray(); if (!one_indexed) return col_array; for (auto el_sel = 0; el_sel < array_length; ++el_sel) { der_ptr->colIndex[el_sel] = col_array[el_sel] + one_index_offset; } } else { // in this case, the underlaying CSR3 matrix has a compressed col index array // so a full-length array has to be created, expanding the CSR one auto col_array = base_ptr->GetCS_LeadingIndexArray(); for (auto col_sel = 0; col_sel < GetNumRows(); ++col_sel) { for (auto el_sel = col_array[col_sel]; el_sel < col_array[col_sel + 1]; ++el_sel) { der_ptr->colIndex[el_sel] = col_sel + one_index_offset; } } } return const_cast<int*>(; }
void DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix::Solve(const Eigen::MatrixXd& rhs, Eigen::MatrixXd& sol) { int numRows = GetNumRows(); int numCols = GetNumCols(); LOG_IF(FATAL, numRows != numCols) << "DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix is not a square matrix and noninvertible."; int rhsCols = rhs.cols(); int rhsRows = rhs.rows(); LOG_IF(FATAL, numCols != rhsRows) << "DiagonalBlockSparseMatrix and right hand side matrix are of different dimensions."; sol.resize(rhsRows, rhsCols); int numUntilLast = 0; int numDiagElements = static_cast<int>(mDiagElements.size()); for (int i = 0; i < numDiagElements; ++i) { int numColsElement = mDiagElements[i].GetNumCols(); Eigen::MatrixXd partSol(numColsElement, rhsCols); Eigen::MatrixXd partRhs = rhs.block(numUntilLast, 0, numColsElement, rhsCols); #if LLT_SOLVE mDiagElements[i].LltSolve(partRhs, partSol); #else mDiagElements[i].ConjugateGradientSolve(partRhs, partSol); #endif sol.block(numUntilLast, 0, numColsElement, rhsCols) = partSol; numUntilLast += numColsElement; } }
// Returns the control's inherent size, based on the length of the input field and the current font size. bool ElementFormControlTextArea::GetIntrinsicDimensions(Rocket::Core::Vector2f& dimensions) { dimensions.x = (float) (GetNumColumns() * Core::ElementUtilities::GetStringWidth(this, "m")); dimensions.y = (float) (GetNumRows() * Core::ElementUtilities::GetLineHeight(this)); return true; }
/* See NoteData::GetNumHands(). */ int NoteDataWithScoring::GetSuccessfulHands( float fStartBeat, float fEndBeat ) const { if( fEndBeat == -1 ) fEndBeat = GetNumBeats(); int iStartIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fStartBeat ); int iEndIndex = BeatToNoteRow( fEndBeat ); /* Clamp to known-good ranges. */ iStartIndex = max( iStartIndex, 0 ); iEndIndex = min( iEndIndex, GetNumRows()-1 ); int iNum = 0; for( int i=iStartIndex; i<=iEndIndex; i++ ) { if( !RowNeedsHands(i) ) continue; bool Missed = false; for( int t=0; t<GetNumTracks(); t++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNoteX(t, i); if( tn.type == TapNote::empty ) continue; if( tn.type == TapNote::mine ) // mines don't count continue; if( GetTapNoteScore(t, i) <= TNS_BOO ) Missed = true; } if( Missed ) continue; /* Check hold scores. */ for( int j=0; j<GetNumHoldNotes(); j++ ) { const HoldNote &hn = GetHoldNote(j); HoldNoteResult hnr = GetHoldNoteResult( hn ); /* Check if the row we're checking is in range. */ if( !hn.RowIsInRange(i) ) continue; /* If a hold is released *after* a hands containing it, the hands is * still good. So, ignore the judgement and only examine iLastHeldRow * to be sure that the hold was still held at the point of this row. * (Note that if the hold head tap was missed, then iLastHeldRow == i * and this won't fail--but the tap check above will have already failed.) */ if( hnr.iLastHeldRow < i ) Missed = true; } if( !Missed ) iNum++; } return iNum; }
Rect TableWidget::ColumnRect( int column ) const { int last_row = GetNumRows() -1; Rect R = CellRect( column, 0) | CellRect( column, last_row); Rect r = ClientRect( column, 0) | ClientRect( column, last_row); return Rect( r.GetX1(), R.GetY1(), r.GetW(), R.GetH() ); }
int NoteData::GetFirstNonEmptyTrack( int index ) const { /* If this is out of range, we don't have any notes there, so all tracks are empty. */ if( index < 0 || index >= GetNumRows() ) return 0; for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) if( GetTapNoteX( t, index ).type != TapNote::empty ) return t; return -1; }
bool NoteData::IsRowEmpty( int index ) const { /* If this is out of range, we don't have any notes there, so all tracks are empty. */ if( index < 0 || index >= GetNumRows() ) return true; for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) if( GetTapNoteX(t, index).type != TapNote::empty ) return false; return true; }
void AMatrix_base::LinearTransform(double b, double m, bool ignoreDiagonal) { int n = GetNumRows(); for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) { if (ignoreDiagonal && i == j) { continue; } else { m_Array[i][j] = m*m_Array[i][j] + b; } } } }
int NoteData::GetFirstTrackWithTapOrHoldHead( int index ) const { /* If this is out of range, we don't have any notes there, so all tracks are empty. */ if( index < 0 || index >= GetNumRows() ) return -1; for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNoteX( t, index ); if( tn.type == TapNote::tap || tn.type == TapNote::hold_head ) return t; } return -1; }
bool hgeGUIListbox::KeyClick(const int key, int chr) { switch (key) { case HGEK_DOWN: if (selected_item_ < items_ - 1) { selected_item_++; if (selected_item_ > top_item_ + GetNumRows() - 1) { top_item_ = selected_item_ - GetNumRows() + 1; } return true; } break; case HGEK_UP: if (selected_item_ > 0) { selected_item_--; if (selected_item_ < top_item_) { top_item_ = selected_item_; } return true; } break; } return false; }
int NoteData::GetNumTracksWithTap( int index ) const { /* If this is out of range, we don't have any notes there, so all tracks are empty. */ if( index < 0 || index >= GetNumRows() ) return 0; int iNum = 0; for( int t=0; t<m_iNumTracks; t++ ) { TapNote tn = GetTapNoteX( t, index ); if( tn.type == TapNote::tap ) iNum++; } return iNum; }
bool WidgetTableWidget::Insert( int column, int row, Widget *client, int align_flg ) { Rect::Alignment align = Rect::Alignment(align_flg); if ( column < GetNumColumns() && row < GetNumRows() && !Settled( column, row) ) { Rect area = client->GetBoundingRect().Align( ClientRect( column, row), align ) ; Cell cell; cell._alignment = align; cell._settler = client; _settlers.Insert( Pos(column,row), cell); _placement.Insert( client, Pos(column,row) ); HubWidget::Insert( client, area.GetX(), area.GetY() ); return true; } else { assert(!"No such column or row"); return false; } }
void delete_row(pattern_editor &editor) { auto pattern = editor.active_pattern(); auto &pos = editor.pos(); auto numrows = pattern->GetNumRows(); if (numrows > 2) { for (size_t row = pos.row; row <= numrows - 2; ++row) { auto evt = pattern->GetpModCommand(row, pos.column); auto nextevt = pattern->GetpModCommand(row + 1, pos.column); } } if (numrows > 1) { pattern->GetpModCommand(numrows - 1, pos.column)->Clear(); } editor.update(); }
void HighScores::SaveScores() { FILE* scores_file = fopen("scores.txt", "wt"); if (scores_file) { for (int i = 0; i < GetNumRows("scores"); i++) { Rocket::Core::String colour_string; Rocket::Core::TypeConverter< Rocket::Core::Colourb, Rocket::Core::String >::Convert(scores[i].colour, colour_string); Rocket::Core::String score(1024, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", scores[i].name.CString(), colour_string.CString(), scores[i].wave, scores[i].score); fputs(score.CString(), scores_file); } fclose(scores_file); } }
void hgeGUIListbox::Render() { int i; hgeGUIListboxItem *pItem=pItems; for(i=0;i<nTopItem;i++) pItem=pItem->next; for(i=0;i<GetNumRows();i++) { if(nTopItem+i == nSelectedItem) { sprHighlight->Render(rect.x1,rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight()); font->SetColor(texthilColor); } else font->SetColor(textColor); font->Render(rect.x1+3, rect.y1+i*font->GetHeight(), HGETEXT_LEFT, pItem->text); if(i>=nItems) return; pItem=pItem->next; } }
// Does not assume a symmetric matrix. void AMatrix_base::GetExtremalEntries(double& max, double& min, bool ignoreDiagonal) { int i, j; int n = GetNumRows(); double maxEntry=kMin_Double; double minEntry=kMax_Double; for (i=0; i<n; ++i) { for (j=0; j<n; ++j) { if (ignoreDiagonal && i == j) { continue; } if (m_Array[i][j] > maxEntry) { maxEntry = m_Array[i][j]; } if (m_Array[i][j] < minEntry) { minEntry = m_Array[i][j]; } } } max = maxEntry; min = minEntry; }