static BOOL OccupyStructureControl (HWND hwnd) /* Function: Fills the structure drop down box with the structure names. Parameters: hwnd - Handle to the dialog window. Returns: TRUE if successful. */ { int i = 0; BOOL bRetVal = TRUE; HWND hwndCtl = GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_STRUCTURE); HLOCAL hmem; LPSTRUCTINFO lpinfo; if (!IsWindow(hwndCtl)) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } hmem = GetProp(hwnd, SZINFODEF); lpinfo = LocalLock(hmem); while (lpinfo[i].nStructName != -1) { char szStructName[50]; int nIdx; if (LoadString(hResource, lpinfo[i].nStructName, szStructName, sizeof(szStructName)) == 0) bRetVal = FALSE; nIdx = ComboBox_AddString(hwndCtl, szStructName); if (nIdx == CB_ERR) bRetVal = FALSE; else ComboBox_SetItemData(hwndCtl, nIdx, (LPARAM)i); if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_20) lpinfo[i].nIngresVersion = GetOIVers(); i++; } // Set the first string in the list as the default if (bRetVal) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCtl, 0); LocalUnlock(hmem); return bRetVal; }
static BOOL OccupyPageSizeControl (HWND hwnd) /* Function: Ingres version == 1.x : Hide combobox and static name. Ingres version == 2.x : Fills the Page_size drop down box with the page size. Parameters: hwnd - Handle to the dialog window. Returns: TRUE if successful. */ { BOOL bRetVal = TRUE; DWORD dwi; int nIdx; char szpagesize[20]; HWND hwndCtl = GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_PAGESIZE); int ishowstate = GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_26 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_FRAME_PAGEORINDEX),ishowstate); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_TYPE_TABLE),ishowstate); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_TYPE_INDEX),ishowstate); if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_20) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_STATIC_PAGESIZE),SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_PAGESIZE),SW_SHOW); for (dwi=2048;dwi<65537;dwi=dwi*2) { wsprintf(szpagesize,"%5ld",dwi); nIdx = ComboBox_AddString(hwndCtl,szpagesize ); if (nIdx == CB_ERR) { bRetVal = FALSE; break; } else ComboBox_SetItemData(hwndCtl, nIdx, dwi); } // Set the first string in the list as the default if (bRetVal) ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCtl, 0); } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_STATIC_PAGESIZE),SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_PAGESIZE),SW_HIDE); } return bRetVal; }
static int RetrieveTupLen4PageSize( void ) { int iret, SessType, ilocsession,dwRange; char connectname[MAXOBJECTNAME]; char szValue[40]; char szConst[MAX_ENUMTUPLEN][14] = {"tup_len_2k", "tup_len_4k", "tup_len_8k", "tup_len_16k", "tup_len_32k", "tup_len_64k" }; if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_30) { SessType=SESSION_TYPE_CACHENOREADLOCK; wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",GetVirtNodeName(GetCurMdiNodeHandle ())); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, &ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; for (dwRange=0;dwRange<MAX_ENUMTUPLEN;dwRange++) { INGRESII_llDBMSInfo(szConst[dwRange],szValue); if (szValue[0] != '0') iTabRowsSpanPages[dwRange] = my_atoi(szValue); } if (iret==RES_SUCCESS) iret=ReleaseSession(ilocsession, RELEASE_COMMIT); else ReleaseSession(ilocsession, RELEASE_ROLLBACK); } return RES_SUCCESS; }
static void Adjust4FillFactors(HWND hwnd) /* Function: Adjusts the maximum values of limits that are affected by the changes in fill factors. Parameters: hwnd - Handle of dialog window Returns: None. */ { INFOOFFSET infoIdx = GetSelectedStructure(hwnd); STRUCTINFO info; HLOCAL hmem = GetProp(hwnd, SZINFODEF); LPSTRUCTINFO lpinfo = LocalLock(hmem); info.nIngresVersion= GetOIVers(); GetDialogInfo(hwnd, &info); /* ** BUG #112863 : in r3 the row width can be 256K and row can span page! */ if (info.nIngresVersion < OIVERS_30) { if (info.dwPageSize == 65536L) lpinfo[infoIdx].nRowWidth = 32767L; else lpinfo[infoIdx].nRowWidth = info.dwPageSize - GetPageOverHead(info.iPageType) - GetRowOverHead(info.iPageType); } LocalUnlock(hmem); }
BOOL CuDlgDomPropRoleXGrantedDb::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // subclass list control and connect image list VERIFY (m_cListCtrl.SubclassDlgItem (IDC_MFC_LIST1, this)); m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 1, 1); m_ImageList.AddIcon(IDI_TREE_STATIC_DATABASE); m_cListCtrl.SetImageList (&m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL); m_ImageCheck.Create (IDB_CHECK_NOFRAME, 16, 1, RGB (255, 0, 0)); m_cListCtrl.SetCheckImageList(&m_ImageCheck); CHECKMARK_COL_DESCRIBE aColumns[LAYOUT_NUMBER] = { { _T(""), FALSE, 80 + 16+4 }, // 16+4 for image { _T("access"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_ACCESY_USER, { _T("no access"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_ACCESN_USER, { _T("crepr"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CREPRY_USER, { _T("no crepr"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CREPRN_USER, { _T("cretb"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CRETBY_USER, { _T("no cretb"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CRETBN_USER, { _T("dbadm"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_DBADMY_USER, { _T("no dbadm"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_DBADMN_USER, { _T("lkmod"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_LKMODY_USER, { _T("no lkmod"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_LKMODN_USER, { _T("qryio"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYIOY_USER, { _T("no qryio"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYION_USER, { _T("qryrw"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYRWY_USER, { _T("no qryrw"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYRWN_USER, { _T("updsc"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_UPDSCY_USER, { _T("no updsc"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_UPDSCN_USER, { _T("selsc"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_SELSCY_USER, { _T("no selsc"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_SELSCN_USER, { _T("cnctl"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CNCTLY_USER, { _T("no cnctl"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_CNCTLN_USER, { _T("idltl"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_IDLTLY_USER, { _T("no idltl"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_IDLTLN_USER, { _T("sespr"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_SESPRY_USER, { _T("no sespr"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_SESPRN_USER, { _T("tblst"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_TBLSTY_USER, { _T("no tblst"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_TBLSTN_USER, { _T("qrycpu"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYCPY_USER, { _T("no qrycpu"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYCPN_USER, { _T("qrypage"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYPGY_USER, { _T("no qrypage"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYPGN_USER, { _T("qrycost"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYCOY_USER, { _T("no qrycost"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_QRYCON_USER, { _T("sequence"), TRUE, -1 }, // OT_DBGRANT_SEQCRY_USER, { _T("no sequence"), TRUE, -1 } // OT_DBGRANT_SEQCRN_USER, }; lstrcpy(aColumns[0].szCaption, VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_TC_NAME));// _T("Name") InitializeColumns(m_cListCtrl, aColumns, GetOIVers()>=OIVERS_30? LAYOUT_NUMBER: LAYOUT_NUMBER-2); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
static void DoCalculation (HWND hwnd) { INFOOFFSET infoIdx = GetSelectedStructure(hwnd); STRUCTINFO info; DWORD dwTotalPages = 0; char szNumber[50]; // Verify all controls are within their limits. if (!VerifyAllNumericEditControls(hwnd, TRUE, TRUE)) return; info.nIngresVersion= GetOIVers(); GetDialogInfo (hwnd, &info); switch (infoIdx) { case STRUCT_HASH: dwTotalPages = CalculateHash(hwnd, &info); break; case STRUCT_ISAM: dwTotalPages = CalculateIsam(hwnd, &info); break; case STRUCT_HEAP: dwTotalPages = CalculateHeap(hwnd, &info); break; case STRUCT_BTREE: dwTotalPages = CalculateBtree(hwnd, &info); break; default: ASSERT(NULL); } if (dwTotalPages != (DWORD)-1) { // Update the results display double dBytes; my_dwtoa(dwTotalPages, szNumber, 10); Static_SetText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_INGRESPAGES), szNumber); dBytes = (double)dwTotalPages * (double)info.dwPageSize; // PS sprintf (szNumber, "%.0f", dBytes); Static_SetText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BYTES), szNumber); } else { SetCalcError(hwnd); } }
void CuDlgDomPropRole::OnInitialUpdate() { CFormView::OnInitialUpdate(); SubclassControls(); if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_30) { m_edLimSecureLabel.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_MFC_STATIC1); if (pWnd && pWnd->m_hWnd) pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } }
BOOL CxDlgRoleSec::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CxDlgRole *m_pParent; m_pParent = (CxDlgRole *)GetParent()->GetParent(); m_pParam = m_pParent->m_pParam; InitClassMembers(); ASSERT (m_pParam && m_pParam->m_nNodeHandle != -1); if (!m_pParam || m_pParam->m_nNodeHandle == -1) { EndDialog (IDCANCEL); return FALSE; } if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_30) { CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_MFC_STATIC1); if (pWnd && pWnd->m_hWnd) pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_MFC_EDIT3); if (pWnd && pWnd->m_hWnd) pWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } if (m_pParam->m_bCreate) { VERIFY (m_cCheckListBoxDatabase.SubclassDlgItem (IDC_MFC_LIST2, this)); HFONT hFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (hFont == NULL) hFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT); } else { GetDlgItem(IDC_MFC_LIST2)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); GetDlgItem(IDC_MFC_STATIC_ACCESSDB)->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } FillDatabases(); OnCheckExternalPassword(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
static BOOL OnInitDialog(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwndTempDoc; HLOCAL hmem = LocalAlloc(LHND, sizeof(infoDefaults)); LPSTRUCTINFO lpinfo = hmem ? LocalLock(hmem) : NULL; if (!lpinfo) { if (hmem) LocalFree(hmem); EndDialog(hwnd, -1); return TRUE; } // Since we modify infoDefaults, make a copy of it for each instance // of the dialog oldIngresVer = GetOIVers(); SetProp(hwnd, SZINFODEF, hmem); _fmemcpy(lpinfo, infoDefaults, sizeof(infoDefaults)); if (oldIngresVer >= OIVERS_30) { int i =0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { lpinfo[i].nRowWidth = MAX_ROW_WIDTH_R3; } } LocalUnlock(hmem); hwndTempDoc = GetWindow(hwndMDIClient, GW_CHILD); if (hwndTempDoc) { if (GetOIVers()>=OIVERS_26) { BOOL bResult = SQLGetPageTypesPerTableTypes(GetVirtNodeName(GetCurMdiNodeHandle ()), pagetypespertabletypes); if (!bResult) { MessageWithHistoryButton(GetFocus(), ResourceString(IDS_E_CONNECTION_FAILED)); EndDialog(hwnd, -1); return TRUE; } if (PAGE_TYPE_V1 != 1 || PAGE_TYPE_V2 != 2 || PAGE_TYPE_V3 != 3 || PAGE_TYPE_V4 !=4 || PAGE_TYPE_V6 != 6 || PAGE_TYPE_V7 != 7) { myerror(ERR_INGRESPAGES); /* the parsing of dm34 trace output (in parse.cpp) assumes V1 == 1 V2 == 2 etc... */ EndDialog(hwnd, -1); return TRUE; } Button_SetCheck (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_TYPE_TABLE), TRUE); } if (GetOIVers()>=OIVERS_30) RetrieveTupLen4PageSize(); } else { oldIngresVer = SetOIVers(OIVERS_90); // Simulate the current Ingres version 9.0 Button_SetCheck (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_TYPE_TABLE), TRUE); pagetypespertabletypes [0] = PAGE_TYPE_V1; pagetypespertabletypes [1] = PAGE_TYPE_V3; pagetypespertabletypes [2] = PAGE_TYPE_V3; pagetypespertabletypes [3] = PAGE_TYPE_V3; pagetypespertabletypes [4] = PAGE_TYPE_V3; pagetypespertabletypes [5] = PAGE_TYPE_V3; pagetypespertabletypes [6] = PAGE_TYPE_V1; pagetypespertabletypes [7] = PAGE_TYPE_V4; pagetypespertabletypes [8] = PAGE_TYPE_V4; pagetypespertabletypes [9] = PAGE_TYPE_V4; pagetypespertabletypes [10] = PAGE_TYPE_V4; pagetypespertabletypes [11] = PAGE_TYPE_V4; if (bContinueShowMessage) { if (MSGContinueBox (ResourceString(IDS_W_CALCULATION_WITH_DEFAULT))) bContinueShowMessage = FALSE; } } // Force the catospin.dll to load SpinGetVersion(); if (!OccupyStructureControl(hwnd) || !OccupyPageSizeControl(hwnd)) { EndDialog(hwnd, -1); return TRUE; } if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_20) lpHelpStack = StackObject_PUSH (lpHelpStack, StackObject_INIT ((UINT)IDD_OIV2_SPACECALC)); else lpHelpStack = StackObject_PUSH (lpHelpStack, StackObject_INIT ((UINT)IDD_SPACECALC)); SubclassAllNumericEditControls(hwnd, EC_SUBCLASS); InitialiseSpinControls(hwnd); InitialiseEditControls(hwnd); UpdateControls(hwnd,TRUE); DoCalculation(hwnd); richCenterDialog(hwnd); return TRUE; }
BOOL CxDlgTablePrimaryKey::OnInitDialog() { ASSERT (m_pKeyParam); if (!m_pKeyParam) return FALSE; CDialog::OnInitDialog(); VERIFY(m_cButtonUp.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_MFC_BUTTON6, this)); VERIFY(m_cButtonDown.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_MFC_BUTTON7, this)); VERIFY (m_cListCtrl.SubclassDlgItem (IDC_MFC_LIST1, this)); m_ImageCheck.Create (IDB_CHECK_NOFRAME, 16, 1, RGB (255, 0, 0)); m_cListCtrl.SetCheckImageList(&m_ImageCheck); LV_COLUMN lvcolumn; TCHAR szColHeader [2][16]; lstrcpy(szColHeader [0],VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_TC_COLUMN)); // _T("Column") lstrcpy(szColHeader [1],VDBA_MfcResourceString(IDS_TC_NULLABLE)); // _T("Nullable") int i; int hWidth [2] = {130, 80}; // // Set the number of columns: 2 // List of columns of Base Table: memset (&lvcolumn, 0, sizeof (LV_COLUMN)); lvcolumn.mask = LVCF_FMT|LVCF_SUBITEM|LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_WIDTH; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { lvcolumn.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvcolumn.pszText = szColHeader[i]; lvcolumn.iSubItem = i; = hWidth[i]; if (i==0) m_cListCtrl.InsertColumn (i, &lvcolumn); else { lvcolumn.fmt = LVCFMT_CENTER; m_cListCtrl.InsertColumn (i, &lvcolumn, TRUE); } } m_cEditKeyName.LimitText (33); LPSTRINGLIST ls = m_pKeyParam->pListTableColumn; while (ls != NULL) { AddTableColumn (ls->lpszString, (ls->extraInfo1==0)? TRUE: FALSE); ls = ls->next; } ls = m_pKeyParam->pListKey; while (ls != NULL) { m_cListKey.AddString (ls->lpszString); ls = ls->next; } m_nDelMode = m_pKeyParam->nMode; m_bAlter = m_pKeyParam->bAlter; SetDisplayMode(); m_cButtonDeleteCascade.ShowWindow (m_bAlter? SW_SHOW: SW_HIDE); EnableControls(); // // Hide the button index enhancement if not Ingres >= 2.5 if ( GetOIVers() < OIVERS_25 || (IsVW() && m_pTable && ((LPTABLEPARAMS)m_pTable)->bCreateVectorWise)) //disable for Ingres VW { m_cButtonIndex.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE); } PushHelpId(m_bAlter? HELPID_IDD_PRIMARYKEY_ALTER: HELPID_IDD_PRIMARYKEY_ADD); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
int GetDetailInfoLL(LPUCHAR lpVirtNode,int iobjecttype, void *lpparameters, BOOL bRetainSessForLock, int *ilocsession) { int iret, SessType; char connectname[MAXOBJECTNAME]; if (!lpparameters) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (bRetainSessForLock) SessType=SESSION_TYPE_CACHEREADLOCK; else SessType=SESSION_TYPE_CACHENOREADLOCK; switch (iobjecttype) { case OT_SEQUENCE: { LPSEQUENCEPARAMS pseqprm=(LPSEQUENCEPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pseqprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(pseqprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pseqprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfSequence(pseqprm); } break; case OT_REPLIC_CONNECTION_V11: { LPREPLCONNECTPARAMS lpaddrepl= (LPREPLCONNECTPARAMS)lpparameters; ; wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode,lpaddrepl->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret = ReplicConnectV11(lpaddrepl); } break; case OT_REPLIC_CONNECTION: { LPREPLCONNECTPARAMS lpaddrepl= (LPREPLCONNECTPARAMS)lpparameters; ; wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode,lpaddrepl->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret = ReplicConnect(lpaddrepl); } break; case OT_DBEVENT: iret =RES_SUCCESS; // no displayable property // TO BE FINISHED session not opened. break; case OT_ROLE: { LPROLEPARAMS proleprm=(LPROLEPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(proleprm->ObjectName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfRole(proleprm); } break; //JFS Begin case OT_REPLIC_CDDS : case OT_REPLIC_CDDS_V11 : { LPREPCDDS lpcdds = (LPREPCDDS)lpparameters; wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode,lpcdds->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SESSION_TYPE_INDEPENDENT, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret = CDDSLoadAll(lpcdds,lpVirtNode); } break; //JFS End case OT_GROUP : { LPGROUPPARAMS pgrpprm=(LPGROUPPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pgrpprm->ObjectName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfGrp(pgrpprm); } break; case OT_INTEGRITY: { LPINTEGRITYPARAMS pintegrityprm=(LPINTEGRITYPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pintegrityprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pintegrityprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfIntegrity(pintegrityprm); } break; case OT_LOCATION: { LPLOCATIONPARAMS plocprm=(LPLOCATIONPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(plocprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfLoc(plocprm); } break; case OT_PROCEDURE: { LPPROCEDUREPARAMS pprocprm=(LPPROCEDUREPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pprocprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(pprocprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pprocprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfProcedure(pprocprm); } break; case OT_RULE: { LPRULEPARAMS pruleprm=(LPRULEPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pruleprm->RuleName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(pruleprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pruleprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfRule(pruleprm); } break; case OT_USER : { LPUSERPARAMS pusrprm=(LPUSERPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pusrprm->ObjectName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfUsr(pusrprm); } break; case OT_PROFILE : { LPPROFILEPARAMS pprofprm=(LPPROFILEPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pprofprm->ObjectName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfProf(pprofprm); } break; case OT_VIEW: { LPVIEWPARAMS pviewprm=(LPVIEWPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pviewprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(pviewprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pviewprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfView(pviewprm); } break; case OT_INDEX: { LPINDEXPARAMS pindexprm=(LPINDEXPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(pindexprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(pindexprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, pindexprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; x_strcpy(pindexprm->szNodeName, lpVirtNode); iret=GetInfIndex(pindexprm); } break; case OT_TABLE: { LPTABLEPARAMS ptableprm=(LPTABLEPARAMS) lpparameters; if (!*(ptableprm->objectname)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } if (!*(ptableprm->DBName)) { myerror(ERR_INVPARAMS); return RES_ERR; } FreeAttachedPointers(lpparameters, iobjecttype); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode, ptableprm->DBName); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; x_strcpy(ptableprm->szNodeName, lpVirtNode); iret=GetInfTable(ptableprm); } break; case OT_DATABASE: { LPDATABASEPARAMS pbaseprm=(LPDATABASEPARAMS) lpparameters; wsprintf(connectname,"%s::%s",lpVirtNode,pbaseprm->objectname); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfBaseExtend(pbaseprm); // retrieve UNICODE information pbaseprm->bUnicodeDBNFD = 0; pbaseprm->bUnicodeDBNFC = 0; if (iret==RES_SUCCESS && GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_26) { TCHAR tcVersion[40]; TCHAR tcNormalization[40]; INGRESII_llDBMSInfo(_T("unicode_level"),tcVersion); INGRESII_llDBMSInfo(_T("unicode_normalization"), tcNormalization); if (tcVersion[0] != '0' && (x_strcmp(tcNormalization, "NFD")==0)) pbaseprm->bUnicodeDBNFD = 1; if (tcVersion[0]!='0' && (x_strcmp(tcNormalization, "NFC")==0)) pbaseprm->bUnicodeDBNFC = 1; } // Retrieve the current Catalog Page Size if (iret==RES_SUCCESS && GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_30) iret = GetCatalogPageSize(pbaseprm); if (iret==RES_SUCCESS) iret=ReleaseSession(*ilocsession, RELEASE_COMMIT); else ReleaseSession(*ilocsession, RELEASE_ROLLBACK); wsprintf(connectname,"%s::iidbdb",lpVirtNode); iret = Getsession(connectname, SessType, ilocsession); if (iret !=RES_SUCCESS) return RES_ERR; iret=GetInfBase(pbaseprm); } break; default : iret=RES_ERR; } if (bRetainSessForLock) // The session was asked to be retained for... return iret; // ... locking purposes, return without releasing. if (iret==RES_SUCCESS) iret=ReleaseSession(*ilocsession, RELEASE_COMMIT); else ReleaseSession(*ilocsession, RELEASE_ROLLBACK); return iret; }
static BOOL OnInitDialog(HWND hwnd, HWND hwndFocus, LPARAM lParam) { LPTABLEPARAMS lptbl = (LPTABLEPARAMS)lParam; if (!AllocDlgProp(hwnd, lptbl)) return FALSE; // // OpenIngres Version 2.0 only // Initialize the Combobox of page_size. ComboBox_InitPageSize (hwnd, lptbl->uPage_size); if (GetOIVers() == OIVERS_12) { ShowWindow (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_STATIC_PS), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_COMBOPAGESIZE), SW_HIDE); } else { ShowWindow (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_STATIC_PS), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow (GetDlgItem (hwnd, IDC_COMBOPAGESIZE), SW_SHOW); } if (GetOIVers() >= OIVERS_30) { HWND hwndC = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_STATIC1); if (hwndC) ShowWindow (hwndC, SW_HIDE); hwndC = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_LABEL_GRAN); if (hwndC) ShowWindow (hwndC, SW_HIDE); } if (!OccupyLabelControl(hwnd) || !OccupyAuditOptionControl(hwnd) || !OccupyAuditKeyControl(hwnd) || !OccupyLocationControl(hwnd)) { ASSERT(NULL); return FALSE; } CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_JOURNALING, lptbl->bJournaling); CheckDlgButton(hwnd, IDC_DUPLICATES, lptbl->bDuplicates); if (lptbl->nSecAudit != USE_DEFAULT) { SelectComboBoxItem(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEC_AUDIT_OPTION), auditTypes, lptbl->nSecAudit); } if (lptbl->nLabelGran != USE_DEFAULT) { SelectComboBoxItem(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_LABEL_GRAN), labelTypes, lptbl->nLabelGran); } if (*lptbl->szSecAuditKey) { ComboBox_SelectString(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_SEC_AUDIT_KEY), -1, lptbl->szSecAuditKey); } if (lptbl->lpLocations) { LPOBJECTLIST lplist = lptbl->lpLocations; while (lplist) { LPCHECKEDOBJECTS lpObj = (LPCHECKEDOBJECTS)lplist->lpObject; CAListBox_SelectString(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_LOCATIONS), -1, lpObj->dbname); lplist = lplist->lpNext; } } if (GetOIVers() != OIVERS_12) lpHelpStack = StackObject_PUSH (lpHelpStack, StackObject_INIT ((UINT)IDD_OIV2_TABLESTRUCT)); else lpHelpStack = StackObject_PUSH (lpHelpStack, StackObject_INIT ((UINT)IDD_TABLESTRUCT)); richCenterDialog(hwnd); return TRUE; }