Esempio n. 1
void UObjectProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, int32 MaxReadBytes, void const* Defaults ) const
	UObject* ObjectValue = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	Ar << ObjectValue;

	UObject* CurrentValue = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	if (ObjectValue != CurrentValue)
		if (ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject* PlaceholderVal = Cast<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>(ObjectValue))
		// NOTE: we don't remove this from CurrentValue if it is a 
		//       ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject; this is because this property 
		//       could be an array inner, and another member of that array (also 
		//       referenced through this property)... if this becomes a problem,
		//       then we could inc/decrement a ref count per referencing property 
		// @TODO: if this becomes problematic (because ObjectValue doesn't match 
		//        this property's PropertyClass), then we could spawn another
		//        placeholder object (of PropertyClass's type), or use null; but
		//        we'd have to modify ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject::ReplaceReferencingObjectValues()
		//        to accommodate this (as it depends on finding itself as the set value)

		SetObjectPropertyValue(Value, ObjectValue);
void UWeakObjectProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, int32 MaxReadBytes, void const* Defaults ) const
	UObject* ObjectValue = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	Ar << *(FWeakObjectPtr*)Value;
	if ((Ar.IsLoading() || Ar.IsModifyingWeakAndStrongReferences()) && ObjectValue != GetObjectPropertyValue(Value))
Esempio n. 3
void UClassProperty::CheckValidObject(void* Value) const
	// Ugly hack to replace Blueprint references with Class references.

	struct FReplaceBlueprintWithClassHelper
		bool bShouldReplace;
		UClass* BlueprintClass;
		UClassProperty* BPGeneratedClassProp;

		FReplaceBlueprintWithClassHelper() : bShouldReplace(false), BlueprintClass(NULL), BPGeneratedClassProp(NULL)
			GConfig->GetBool(TEXT("EditoronlyBP"), TEXT("bReplaceBlueprintWithClass"), bShouldReplace, GEditorIni);
			if (bShouldReplace)
				BlueprintClass = FindObject<UClass>(NULL, TEXT("/Script/Engine.Blueprint"));
				BPGeneratedClassProp = BlueprintClass ? FindField<UClassProperty>(BlueprintClass, TEXT("GeneratedClass")) : NULL;

		bool CanReplace() const
			return bShouldReplace && BlueprintClass && BPGeneratedClassProp;
	static FReplaceBlueprintWithClassHelper Helper;

	const UObject* Object = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	const UObject* CurrentObject = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);

	if (Helper.CanReplace()
		&& !CurrentObject
		&& Object 
		&& Object->IsA(Helper.BlueprintClass)
		&& (UObject::StaticClass() == MetaClass))
		UObject* RecoveredObject = Helper.BPGeneratedClassProp->GetPropertyValue_InContainer(Object);
		SetObjectPropertyValue(Value, RecoveredObject);
		UE_LOG(LogProperty, Log,
			TEXT("Blueprint '%s' is replaced with class '%s' in property '%s'"),
#else	// WITH_EDITOR
#endif	// WITH_EDITOR
void UObjectPropertyBase::InstanceSubobjects(void* Data, void const* DefaultData, UObject* Owner, FObjectInstancingGraph* InstanceGraph )
	for ( int32 ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex < ArrayDim; ArrayIndex++ )
		UObject* CurrentValue = GetObjectPropertyValue((uint8*)Data + ArrayIndex * ElementSize);
		if ( CurrentValue )
			UObject *SubobjectTemplate = DefaultData ? GetObjectPropertyValue((uint8*)DefaultData + ArrayIndex * ElementSize): NULL;
			UObject* NewValue = InstanceGraph->InstancePropertyValue(SubobjectTemplate, CurrentValue, Owner, HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Transient), HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference));
			SetObjectPropertyValue((uint8*)Data + ArrayIndex * ElementSize, NewValue);
bool UObjectPropertyBase::NetSerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, UPackageMap* Map, void* Data, TArray<uint8> * MetaData ) const
	UObject* Object = GetObjectPropertyValue(Data);
	bool Result = Map->SerializeObject( Ar, PropertyClass, Object );
	SetObjectPropertyValue(Data, Object);
	return Result;
const TCHAR* UClassProperty::ImportText_Internal( const TCHAR* Buffer, void* Data, int32 PortFlags, UObject* Parent, FOutputDevice* ErrorText ) const
	const TCHAR* Result = UObjectProperty::ImportText_Internal( Buffer, Data, PortFlags, Parent, ErrorText );
	if( Result )
		if (UClass* AssignedPropertyClass = dynamic_cast<UClass*>(GetObjectPropertyValue(Data)))
			FLinkerLoad* PropertyLinker = GetLinker();
			bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = ((PropertyLinker == nullptr) || (PropertyLinker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads)) &&

			check(bIsDeferringValueLoad || !Cast<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>(MetaClass));

			bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = false;

			// Validate metaclass.
			if ((!AssignedPropertyClass->IsChildOf(MetaClass)) && !bIsDeferringValueLoad)
				// the object we imported doesn't implement our interface class
				ErrorText->Logf(TEXT("Invalid object '%s' specified for property '%s'"), *AssignedPropertyClass->GetFullName(), *GetName());
				SetObjectPropertyValue(Data, NULL);
				Result = NULL;
	return Result;
void UObjectPropertyBase::ExportTextItem( FString& ValueStr, const void* PropertyValue, const void* DefaultValue, UObject* Parent, int32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) const
	UObject* Temp = GetObjectPropertyValue(PropertyValue);
	if( Temp != NULL )
		if (PortFlags & PPF_DebugDump)
			ValueStr += Temp->GetFullName();
		else if (Parent && !Parent->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) && Temp->IsDefaultSubobject())
			if ((PortFlags & PPF_Delimited) && (!Temp->GetFName().IsValidXName(INVALID_OBJECTNAME_CHARACTERS)))
				ValueStr += FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\""), *Temp->GetName().ReplaceQuotesWithEscapedQuotes());
				ValueStr += Temp->GetName();
			ValueStr += GetExportPath(Temp, Parent, ExportRootScope, PortFlags);
		ValueStr += TEXT("None");
void ULazyObjectProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, void const* Defaults ) const
	// We never serialize our reference while the garbage collector is harvesting references
	// to objects, because we don't want lazy pointers to keep objects from being garbage collected

	if( !Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector() || Ar.IsModifyingWeakAndStrongReferences() )
		UObject* ObjectValue = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);

		Ar << *(FLazyObjectPtr*)Value;

		if ((Ar.IsLoading() || Ar.IsModifyingWeakAndStrongReferences()) && ObjectValue != GetObjectPropertyValue(Value))
bool UObjectPropertyBase::Identical( const void* A, const void* B, uint32 PortFlags ) const
	UObject* ObjectA = A ? GetObjectPropertyValue(A) : NULL;
	UObject* ObjectB = B ? GetObjectPropertyValue(B) : NULL;
	if (!ObjectA && !ObjectB)
		return true;
	if (!ObjectA || !ObjectB)
		return false;
	// Compare actual pointers. We don't do this during PIE because we want to be sure to serialize everything. An example is the LevelScriptActor being serialized against its CDO,
	// which contains actor references. We want to serialize those references so they are fixed up.
	const bool bDuplicatingForPIE = (PortFlags&PPF_DuplicateForPIE) != 0;
	bool bResult = !bDuplicatingForPIE ? (ObjectA == ObjectB) : false;
	// always serialize the cross level references, because they could be NULL
	// @todo: okay, this is pretty hacky overall - we should have a PortFlag or something
	// that is set during SavePackage. Other times, we don't want to immediately return false
	// (instead of just this ExportDefProps case)
	// instance testing
	if (!bResult && ObjectA->GetClass() == ObjectB->GetClass())
		bool bPerformDeepComparison = (PortFlags&PPF_DeepComparison) != 0;
		if ((PortFlags&PPF_DeepCompareInstances) && !bPerformDeepComparison)
			bPerformDeepComparison = ObjectA->IsTemplate() != ObjectB->IsTemplate();

		if (!bResult && bPerformDeepComparison)
			// In order for deep comparison to be match they both need to have the same name and that name needs to be included in the instancing table for the class
			if (ObjectA->GetFName() == ObjectB->GetFName() && ObjectA->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectA->GetFName()))
				checkSlow(ObjectA->IsDefaultSubobject() && ObjectB->IsDefaultSubobject() && ObjectA->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectA->GetFName()) == ObjectB->GetClass()->GetDefaultSubobjectByName(ObjectB->GetFName())); // equivalent
				bResult = AreInstancedObjectsIdentical(ObjectA,ObjectB,PortFlags);
	return bResult;
Esempio n. 10
const TCHAR* UClassProperty::ImportText_Internal( const TCHAR* Buffer, void* Data, int32 PortFlags, UObject* Parent, FOutputDevice* ErrorText ) const
	const TCHAR* Result = UObjectProperty::ImportText_Internal( Buffer, Data, PortFlags, Parent, ErrorText );
	if( Result )
		// Validate metaclass.
		UClass* C = (UClass*)GetObjectPropertyValue(Data);
		if (C && (!dynamic_cast<UClass*>(C) || !C->IsChildOf(MetaClass)))
			// the object we imported doesn't implement our interface class
			ErrorText->Logf(TEXT("Invalid object '%s' specified for property '%s'"), *C->GetFullName(), *GetName());
			SetObjectPropertyValue(Data, NULL);
			Result = NULL;
	return Result;
void UObjectPropertyBase::CheckValidObject(void* Value) const
	UObject *Object = GetObjectPropertyValue(Value);
	if (Object)
		// here we want to make sure the the object value still matches the 
		// object type expected by the property...

		UClass* ObjectClass = Object->GetClass();
		// we could be in the middle of replacing references to the 
		// PropertyClass itself (in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef 
		// pass)... if this is the case, then we might have already replaced 
		// the object's class, but not the PropertyClass yet (or vise-versa)... 
		// so we use this to ensure, in that situation, that we don't clear the 
		// object value (if CLASS_NewerVersionExists is set, then we are likely 
		// in the middle of an FArchiveReplaceObjectRef pass)
		bool bIsReplacingClassRefs = PropertyClass && PropertyClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists) != ObjectClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_NewerVersionExists);
		FLinkerLoad* PropertyLinker = GetLinker();
		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = ((PropertyLinker == nullptr) || (PropertyLinker->LoadFlags & LOAD_DeferDependencyLoads)) &&
			(Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() || Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>());

		check( bIsDeferringValueLoad || (!Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderExportObject>() && !Object->IsA<ULinkerPlaceholderClass>()) );

		bool const bIsDeferringValueLoad = false;

		if ((PropertyClass != nullptr) && !ObjectClass->IsChildOf(PropertyClass) && !bIsReplacingClassRefs && !bIsDeferringValueLoad)
			UE_LOG(LogProperty, Warning,
				TEXT("Serialized %s for a property of %s. Reference will be NULLed.\n    Property = %s\n    Item = %s"),
			SetObjectPropertyValue(Value, NULL);
void UObjectPropertyBase::ExportTextItem( FString& ValueStr, const void* PropertyValue, const void* DefaultValue, UObject* Parent, int32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) const
	UObject* Temp = GetObjectPropertyValue(PropertyValue);

	if (0 != (PortFlags & PPF_ExportCpp))
		FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%s*"), PropertyClass->GetPrefixCPP(), *PropertyClass->GetName());

		ValueStr += Temp
			? FString::Printf(TEXT("LoadObject<%s%s>(nullptr, TEXT(\"%s\"))")
				, PropertyClass->GetPrefixCPP()
				, *PropertyClass->GetName()
				, *(Temp->GetPathName().ReplaceCharWithEscapedChar()))
			: TEXT("nullptr");

	if( Temp != NULL )
		if (PortFlags & PPF_DebugDump)
			ValueStr += Temp->GetFullName();
		else if (Parent && !Parent->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) && Temp->IsDefaultSubobject())
			if ((PortFlags & PPF_Delimited) && (!Temp->GetFName().IsValidXName(INVALID_OBJECTNAME_CHARACTERS)))
				ValueStr += FString::Printf(TEXT("\"%s\""), *Temp->GetName().ReplaceQuotesWithEscapedQuotes());
				ValueStr += Temp->GetName();
			ValueStr += GetExportPath(Temp, Parent, ExportRootScope, PortFlags);
		ValueStr += TEXT("None");