Esempio n. 1
void CRegionalSvmModel::SetOptions( const string& strOptions, int id )
	ASSERT( id>=0 && id<GetOutputs() );

	if( m_vcOptions.size()<GetOutputs() )m_vcOptions.resize( GetOutputs() );
	m_vcOptions[id] = strOptions;
Esempio n. 2
CMetaModel* CRegionalSvmModel::CreateMetaModel()
	CSvmModel* pModel = new CSvmModel();
	pModel->SetInputs( GetInputs() );
	pModel->SetOutputs( GetOutputs() );

	for( int i=0; i<GetOutputs(); i++ )pModel->SetOptions( m_vcOptions[i], i );
	return pModel;
Esempio n. 3
REAL CMetaModel::Test( const REAL* prInputs, const REAL* prOutputs, int count )
	vector<REAL> vcOutputs( GetOutputs() );

	//calculate the error function under the current weight
	REAL rError = 0;
	for( int i=0; i<count; i++ ){
		Predict( prInputs + i*GetInputs(), &vcOutputs[0] );
		rError += inner_product( vcOutputs.begin(), vcOutputs.end(), prOutputs, 0.0,
			plus<REAL>(), minus_pow<REAL>(2.0) ) / GetOutputs();
	return rError/count;
Esempio n. 4
void CSvmModel::Train( const string& strTrainData, const string& strValidData )

	for( int i=0; i<GetOutputs(); i++ ){
		TransformToSvmData( strTrainData, GetInputs(), GetOutputs(), i, SVM_TRAIN_FILE );
		string strModelFile = CreateUniqueModelName();
		RunSvmTrain( SVM_TRAIN_FILE, /*parameters*/GetOptions(i), strModelFile );
		m_vcModelFiles.push_back( strModelFile );

		SVM_MODEL* model=svm_load_model( strModelFile.c_str() );
		m_vcModels.push_back( model );
Esempio n. 5
void CSvmModel::Predict( const REAL* prInputs, REAL* prOutputs )
	//write the inputs into a temporary test file
/*	{
		ofstream ofg(TEST_FILE);
		vector<REAL> vcInputs( prInputs, prInputs+GetInputs() );
		vector<REAL> vcOutputs;
		TransformSvmLine( ofg, vcInputs, vcOutputs, 0 );

	//predict for each model and put each output into prOutputs[i]
	for( int i=0; i<GetOutputs(); i++ ){
		svm_predict( m_vcModels[i], prInputs, GetInputs(), &prOutputs[i] );
//		RunSvmPredict( TEST_FILE, m_vcModelFiles[i], prOutputs[i] );
Esempio n. 6
void CRegionalMetaModel::Train( const string& strTrainData, const string& strValidData )
	int nInputs = GetInputs();
	int nOutputs = GetOutputs();

	vector< vector<REAL> > vcInputs;
	vector< vector<REAL> > vcOutputs;
	vector< REAL > vcPtCen = m_vcPtCen;
	dist_pair_vector vcDists;
	vector< vector<int> > vcIdSet;


	//read all the data into vcInputs and vcOutputs.
	ReadTrainingData( strTrainData, nInputs, nOutputs, vcInputs, vcOutputs );

	//compute the distance to the center point.
	ComputeDistance( vcInputs, vcPtCen, vcDists );

	//subdivid the training data into clusters.
	SubdividTrainingData( vcDists, vcIdSet, m_nMinCutPts );

	//create the training set for each hierarch.
	for( int i=0; i<vcIdSet.size(); i++ ){
		sort( vcIdSet[i].begin(), vcIdSet[i].end() );
		//write a training set to files and run the matlab trainer
		WriteTrainingFile( REG_TRAIN_FILE, REG_VALID_FILE, vcInputs, vcOutputs, vcIdSet[i] );
		CMetaModel* pModel = CreateMetaModel();

		CTrustRegion* pRegion = new CTrustRegion();
		ComputeTrustRegion( pRegion, vcInputs, vcIdSet[i] );

		m_vcMetaModels.push_back( pModel );
		pRegion->SetModelId( m_vcMetaModels.size()-1 );
		m_vcRegions.push_back( pRegion );

	cdump<<"training finsihed:"<<vcIdSet.size()<<" nets were trained!"<<endl;
	// Process the configuration settings.  This will set up the recordCopier.
	// Note: Check HaveConfigurationError() for the result.
	void GeoLoadCombineAddressRange::ProcessConfiguration()
		if (!configChanged) {

		// Output record starts out empty
		outputRecord = new Record;

		// Make a new record copier
		recordCopier = new RecordCopier;

		// Must have an output
		DataSourceList outputs = GetOutputs();
		if (outputs.size() == 0) {
			ConfigError("Must have at least one output attached");

		// Get references to all inputs.
		DataSourceRef input = GetFirstInput();
		if (input == 0) {
			ConfigError("Must have at least one input attached");

		// Output is always copy of input record schema
		outputRecord = new Record(*input->GetRecord());

		// Copy entire record; this is only very slightly wasteful of CPU.

		// Configuration processing.  Walk the DataItem hierarchy and
		// transform that into the data-file, file format, and record layout.

		DataItemRef tmp;

		// Specified fields

		postcodeFieldName = "";
		tlidFieldName = "";
		leftRightFieldName = "";
		fraddrFieldName = "";
		toaddrFieldName = "";

		tmp = config["ZIP"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			postcodeFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(postcodeFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("ZIP field '" + postcodeFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["TLID"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			tlidFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(tlidFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("TLID field '" + tlidFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["LEFTRIGHT"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			leftRightFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(leftRightFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("LEFTRIGHT field '" + leftRightFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["FRADDR"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			fraddrFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(fraddrFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("FRADDR field '" + fraddrFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["TOADDR"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			toaddrFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(toaddrFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("TOADDR field '" + toaddrFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");
Esempio n. 8
void NewMode(int selectedmode) {
  struct UnitNode *unit = NULL;
  struct ModeNode *mode = NULL;
  Fixed MinOutVol = 0, MaxOutVol = 0, MinMonVol = 0, MaxMonVol = 0;
  Fixed MinGain = 0, MaxGain = 0;
  double Min, Max, Current;
  int offset;

  state.ModeSelected = selectedmode;

  unit = (struct UnitNode *) GetNode(state.UnitSelected, UnitList);

  if( selectedmode != ~0 )
    mode = (struct ModeNode *) GetNode(selectedmode, ModeList);

  if( mode != NULL )
    id = mode->ID;
    AHI_GetAudioAttrs(id, NULL,
		      AHIDB_IndexArg,         unit->prefs.ahiup_Frequency,
		      AHIDB_Index,            (ULONG) &state.FreqSelected,
		      AHIDB_Frequencies,      (ULONG) &state.Frequencies,
		      AHIDB_MaxChannels,      (ULONG) &state.Channels,
		      AHIDB_Inputs,           (ULONG) &state.Inputs,
		      AHIDB_Outputs,          (ULONG) &state.Outputs,
		      AHIDB_MinOutputVolume,  (ULONG) &MinOutVol,
		      AHIDB_MaxOutputVolume,  (ULONG) &MaxOutVol,
		      AHIDB_MinMonitorVolume, (ULONG) &MinMonVol,
		      AHIDB_MaxMonitorVolume, (ULONG) &MaxMonVol,
		      AHIDB_MinInputGain,     (ULONG) &MinGain,
		      AHIDB_MaxInputGain,     (ULONG) &MaxGain,

		      AHIDB_BufferLen,        128,
		      AHIDB_Author,           (ULONG) authorBuffer,
		      AHIDB_Copyright,        (ULONG) copyrightBuffer,
		      AHIDB_Driver,           (ULONG) driverBuffer,
		      AHIDB_Version,          (ULONG) versionBuffer,
		      AHIDB_Annotation,       (ULONG) annotationBuffer,

  state.ChannelsSelected = unit->prefs.ahiup_Channels;
  state.ScaleModeSelected = unit->prefs.ahiup_ScaleMode;
  state.InputSelected    = unit->prefs.ahiup_Input;
  state.OutputSelected   = unit->prefs.ahiup_Output;

  // Limit channels
  state.Channels = min(state.Channels, 32);

  if(unit->prefs.ahiup_Unit == AHI_NO_UNIT) {
    state.ChannelsDisabled = TRUE;
  else {
    state.ChannelsDisabled = FALSE;

  if(MinOutVol == 0) {
    MinOutVol = 1;
    state.OutVolMute = TRUE;
    state.OutVols    = 1;
  else {
    state.OutVolMute = FALSE;
    state.OutVols    = 0;

  if(MinMonVol == 0) {
    MinMonVol = 1;
    state.MonVolMute = TRUE;
    state.MonVols    = 1;
  else {
    state.MonVolMute = FALSE;
    state.MonVols    = 0;

  if(MinGain == 0) {
    MinGain = 1;
    state.GainMute = TRUE;
    state.Gains    = 1;
  else {
    state.GainMute = FALSE;
    state.Gains    = 0;

  if(MaxOutVol == 0) {
    state.OutVolSelected = 0;
    state.OutVolOffset   = 0;
  else {
    Current = 20 * log10( unit->prefs.ahiup_OutputVolume / 65536.0 );
    Min = floor(20 * log10( MinOutVol / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    Max = floor(20 * log10( MaxOutVol / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    state.OutVolSelected = (Current - Min) / DBSTEP + 0.5 + state.OutVols;
    state.OutVols += ((Max - Min) / DBSTEP) + 1;
    state.OutVolOffset = Min;

  if(MaxMonVol == 0) {
    state.MonVolSelected = 0;
    state.MonVolOffset   = 0;
  else {
    Current = 20 * log10( unit->prefs.ahiup_MonitorVolume / 65536.0 );
    Min = floor(20 * log10( MinMonVol / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    Max = floor(20 * log10( MaxMonVol / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    state.MonVolSelected = (Current - Min) / DBSTEP + 0.5 + state.MonVols;
    state.MonVols += ((Max - Min) / DBSTEP) + 1;
    state.MonVolOffset = Min;

  if(MaxGain == 0) {
    state.GainSelected = 0;
    state.GainOffset   = 0;
  else {
    Current = 20 * log10( unit->prefs.ahiup_InputGain / 65536.0 );
    Min = floor(20 * log10( MinGain / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    Max = floor(20 * log10( MaxGain / 65536.0 ) / DBSTEP + 0.5) * DBSTEP;
    state.GainSelected = (Current - Min) / DBSTEP + 0.5 + state.Gains;
    state.Gains += ((Max - Min) / DBSTEP) + 1;
    state.GainOffset = Min;

  // Make sure everything is within bounds!

  state.FreqSelected = max(state.FreqSelected, 0);  
  state.FreqSelected = min(state.FreqSelected, state.Frequencies);

  state.ChannelsSelected = max(state.ChannelsSelected, 1);
  state.ChannelsSelected = min(state.ChannelsSelected, state.Channels);
  state.ScaleModeSelected = max(state.ScaleModeSelected, 0);
  state.ScaleModeSelected = min(state.ScaleModeSelected, AHI_SCALE_FIXED_6_DB);
  state.OutVolSelected = max(state.OutVolSelected, 0);
  state.OutVolSelected = min(state.OutVolSelected, state.OutVols);
  state.MonVolSelected = max(state.MonVolSelected, 0);
  state.MonVolSelected = min(state.MonVolSelected, state.MonVols);
  state.GainSelected = max(state.GainSelected, 0);
  state.GainSelected = min(state.GainSelected, state.Gains);

  state.InputSelected = max(state.InputSelected, 0);
  state.InputSelected = min(state.InputSelected, state.Inputs);

  state.OutputSelected = max(state.OutputSelected, 0);
  state.OutputSelected = min(state.OutputSelected, state.Outputs);

  // Remove any \r's or \n's from version string

  offset = strlen(versionBuffer);
  while((offset > 0) &&
        ((versionBuffer[offset-1] == '\r') ||
         (versionBuffer[offset-1] == '\n'))) {
    versionBuffer[offset-1] = '\0';

  Inputs   = GetInputs(id);
  Outputs  = GetOutputs(id);
Esempio n. 9
void CLevel::SaveToFile()
	if (!m_sFile.length())
		TError("Can't find level file \'" + m_sFile + "\' to save.\n");

	std::basic_ofstream<tchar> f(m_sFile.c_str());

	tstring sMessage = "// Generated by the Tinker Engine\n// Feel free to modify\n\n";
	f.write(, sMessage.length());

	tstring sName = "Name: " + m_sName + "\n";
	f.write(, sName.length());

	tstring sGameMode = "GameMode: " + m_sGameMode + "\n\n";
	f.write(, sGameMode.length());

	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_aLevelEntities.size(); i++)
		auto pEntity = &m_aLevelEntities[i];

		tstring sEntity = "Entity: " + pEntity->GetClass() + "\n{\n";
		f.write(, sEntity.length());

		if (pEntity->GetName().length())
			tstring sName = "\tName: " + pEntity->GetName() + "\n";
			f.write(, sName.length());

		for (auto it = pEntity->GetParameters().begin(); it != pEntity->GetParameters().end(); it++)
			if (it->first == "Name")

			tstring sName = "\t" + it->first + ": " + it->second + "\n";
			f.write(, sName.length());

		for (size_t j = 0; j < pEntity->GetOutputs().size(); j++)
			auto pOutput = &pEntity->GetOutputs()[j];
			tstring sOutput = "\n\tOutput: " + pOutput->m_sOutput + "\n\t{\n";
			f.write(, sOutput.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sTargetName.length())
				tstring sTarget = "\t\tTarget: " + pOutput->m_sTargetName + "\n";
				f.write(, sTarget.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sInput.length())
				tstring sInput = "\t\tInput: " + pOutput->m_sInput + "\n";
				f.write(, sInput.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sArgs.length())
				tstring sArgs = "\t\tArgs: " + pOutput->m_sArgs + "\n";
				f.write(, sArgs.length());

			if (pOutput->m_bKill)
				tstring sKill = "\t\tKill: yes\n";
				f.write(, sKill.length());

			tstring sClose = "\t}\n";
			f.write(, sClose.length());

		tstring sClose = "}\n\n";
		f.write(, sClose.length());

	TMsg("Wrote level file '" + m_sFile + "'\n");
Esempio n. 10
void CRegionalNeuralModel::SetTrainBias( REAL* prTrainBias )
	ASSERT( m_vcLayerNodes.size() >=3 );
	m_vcTrainBias.assign( prTrainBias, prTrainBias+GetOutputs()+1 );
Esempio n. 11
void CNeuralModel::SetTrainBias( REAL* prTrainBias )
	ASSERT( m_vcLayerNodes.size() >=3 );
	//the last element is the weight coefficient
	m_vcTrainBias.assign( prTrainBias, prTrainBias+GetOutputs()+1 );
Esempio n. 12
void CRegionalMetaModel::Predict( const REAL* prInputs, REAL* prOutputs )
	vector< CTrustRegion* >hitRegions;

	//best region or multiple region?
	FindTrustRegions( prInputs, hitRegions );
//	FindBestRegion( prInputs, hitRegions );

	int nOutputs = GetOutputs();
	int nHitRegions = hitRegions.size();
	//for each trusted regional model, predict the result to vcOutputs[i][1...nOutputs]
	vector< vector<REAL> > vcOutputs(nHitRegions);
	for( int i=0; i<nHitRegions; i++ ){
		vcOutputs[i].resize( nOutputs );
		CMetaModel* pModel = m_vcMetaModels[ hitRegions[i]->GetModelId() ];
		pModel->Predict( prInputs, &vcOutputs[i][0] );

	int nInputs = GetInputs();
	REAL rSumWeights = 0;
	vector< REAL > vcSum( nOutputs, 0.0 );
	//modified on 02/012/05 using trust probability
	for( i=0; i<nHitRegions; i++ ){
		ASSERT( nInputs==hitRegions[i]->m_ptCen.size() );
		vector<REAL> vcDistSqr(nInputs, 0.0);
		vector<REAL> vcRadSqr(nInputs, 0.0);
		vector<REAL> vcProbs(nInputs,0.0);
		transform( prInputs, prInputs+nInputs, hitRegions[i]->m_ptCen.begin(), vcDistSqr.begin(), diff_sqr<REAL>() );
//		cout<<"dist sqr:";
//		copy( vcDistSqr.begin(), vcDistSqr.end(), ostream_iterator<REAL>(cout, " ") ); cout<<endl;
		transform( hitRegions[i]->m_vcRadius.begin(), hitRegions[i]->m_vcRadius.end(), hitRegions[i]->m_vcRadius.begin(), vcRadSqr.begin(), multiplies<REAL>() );
//		cout<<"radius sqr:";
//		copy( vcRadSqr.begin(), vcRadSqr.end(), ostream_iterator<REAL>(cout, " ") ); cout<<endl;
		transform( vcDistSqr.begin(), vcDistSqr.end(), vcRadSqr.begin(), vcProbs.begin(), divides<REAL>() );
//		cout<<"probs :";
//		copy( vcProbs.begin(), vcProbs.end(), ostream_iterator<REAL>(cout, " ") ); cout<<endl;
		REAL rProb = accumulate( vcProbs.begin(), vcProbs.end(), 0.0) / nInputs;
		rProb = max( 1-rProb, 0.0 );

		//the first global model is always trusted.
		if( i==0 && rProb<=0 )rProb = max( rProb, 1e-3 );

		cdump<<"prob "<<i<<" "<<rProb<<"\t";

//		REAL rWeight = rProb / hitRegions[i]->GetSphereRadius();
		REAL rWeight = rProb;
		for( int j=0; j<nOutputs; j++ ){
			vcSum[j] += vcOutputs[i][j]*rWeight;
		rSumWeights += rWeight;
	if( rSumWeights > 0 ){
		transform( vcSum.begin(), vcSum.end(), vcSum.begin(), bind2nd(divides<REAL>(), rSumWeights) );
		copy( vcSum.begin(), vcSum.end(), prOutputs );
		copy( vcOutputs[0].begin(), vcOutputs[0].end(), prOutputs );

	//compute the average outputs according to inverse sphere radius
/*	vector< REAL > vcSum( nOutputs, 0.0 );
	REAL rSumInvRadius = 0;
	for( i=0; i<nHitRegions; i++ ){
		REAL rInvRadius = 1.0 / hitRegions[i]->GetSphereRadius();
		for( int j=0; j<nOutputs; j++ ){
			vcSum[j] += vcOutputs[i][j]*rInvRadius;
		rSumInvRadius += rInvRadius;
	transform( vcSum.begin(), vcSum.end(), vcSum.begin(), bind2nd(divides<REAL>(), rSumInvRadius) );
	copy( vcSum.begin(), vcSum.end(), prOutputs );
	cdump<<"pred..."<<nHitRegions<<" nets"<<endl;
Esempio n. 13
string CSvmModel::GetOptions( int id)
	ASSERT( id>=0 && id<GetOutputs() );
	return m_vcOptions[id];
//	return m_strOptions;
Esempio n. 14
// This is top-level function which generates the PIC code for pages of 
// the algorithm. 
void DrawPic(CSV_INPUT *csv_input, int nLn)

	char pages[MAXPAGES][32];	// array for the list of UNIQE album page IDs	
	int nUniq = 1;
	bool foundPage = false;

	static BOX box[MAXBOX];

	CSV_INPUT thisPage[MAXCOMPPPAGE]; // buffer for parsed initial data portion for this specific album page
	memset((char*)pages, '\x0', sizeof(pages));
	memset(thisPage, '\x0', sizeof(thisPage));
	memset(box, '\x0', sizeof(box));

	// Since we're trying to restore box-and-arrows view of the initial data on page basis
	// the 1st thing we need is a list of uniq pages IDs present in the album
	// The Following code makes uniq list of album pages.
	// Fill the 1st element skipping the header (start at 1)
	strcpy(pages[0], (csv_input + 1)->page_alg);

	for (int i = 1; i < nLn; i++)	// Start at 1 to skip the header
		foundPage = false;
		for (int j = 0; j < nUniq; j++)
			if ( !strcmp( (csv_input + i)->page_alg, pages[j]) )
				foundPage = true;

		if (!foundPage)
			strcpy(pages[nUniq], (csv_input + i)->page_alg);

	fprintf(stderr, "DrawPic: nUniq = %d\n", nUniq);
	for (int i = 0; i < nUniq; i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", i, pages[i]);

	// OK. We have a list of uniq page IDs. 
	// Now: 
	// 1. Go page by page. Select rows from csv_input for each page ID
	// 2. Build connection table for all components (aka boxes) sitting on the page 
	int nCmp = 0;

	FILE *flp;
	char fname[1024] = "";
	for (int i = 0; i < nUniq; i++) // go page by page on the uniq page names list

		// Open PIC file in the directory defined in configuration
		memset(fname, '\x0', sizeof(fname));
		sprintf(fname, "%s/%s.pic", conf.picdir, pages[i]); 
		flp = fopen(fname, "w");

		memset(box, '\x0', sizeof(box));

		if (!flp)
			fprintf(stderr, "DrawPic Error: Can not open file %s\n", fname);

		nCmp = 0;
		int n1 = 0;

		// We're looking for boxes on the page pages[i], we'll go through the whole data set and pick up
		// all matching records, storing them into thisPage buffer (restricted by MAXCOMPPPAGE = 128 boxes per page)
		// thisPage is CSV_INPUT buffer, that is we just store parsed CSV data into it for further analysis

		for (int j = 0; j < nLn; j++) // Go through the whole PTC and pick components for the specific page
			if ( !strcmp( (csv_input + j)->page_alg, pages[i]) )
				memcpy((char*)&thisPage[nCmp], (char*)(csv_input + j), sizeof(CSV_INPUT));

				// OK. Let's start filling BOX structures with the data we can immediately get from CSV
				// Fill box structire with CSV_INPUT data
				// actually collected earlier by the parser
				box[nCmp].n = thisPage[nCmp].nom_row; 			// Row number (aka box number)
				strcpy( box[nCmp].type, thisPage[nCmp].run_compon);	// Component type

                        	n1 = 0;
                        	while (strlen(thisPage[nCmp].inputs[n1]))		// Input names
					strcpy( box[nCmp].inputs[n1].name, thisPage[nCmp].inputs[n1]);

				box[nCmp].nInp = n1;					// This is how we know how many inputs the has

                        	n1 = 0;
                        	while (strlen(thisPage[nCmp].outputs[n1]))		// Output names (same way as for inputs)
					strcpy( box[nCmp].outputs[n1].name, thisPage[nCmp].outputs[n1]);

				box[nCmp].nOut = n1;					// Number of outputs



		fprintf(stderr, "Page %s: %d components\n", pages[i], nCmp);

		// Done. We have here complete box[] structure array + number of components on this specific 
		// album page known as nCmp
		// Now we need to fill in to/from data
		// Logic: 
		// Input is some boxe's output or direct page input 
		// We go box by box, checking each input against outputs of other boxes 
		// If it's found then we put boxe's number to 'from' structire member 
		// Otherwise we put _PAGE_INPUT instead. 
		// Collect inputs and outputs, set cross-references
		for (int i = 0; i < nCmp; i++)	 // box by box loop
				GetInputs(box, i, nCmp);
				GetOutputs(box, i, nCmp);

		// Print out thisPage and box arrays to stderr 
		// normally redirected to a log file
		LogDwgData(thisPage, box, nCmp);

		// Now try to generate PIC code for the page
		fprintf(flp, ".PS %g\n", conf.scale); // Scale 

		// This is where the PIC code is actually made up and written to a file
		GeneratePICsrc(flp, box, nCmp);

		fprintf(flp, ".PE\n");
		if (flp)
			flp = NULL;
